View Full Version : Viewing films

17-03-2009, 12:42 PM
For info ..
The DM8000 will display mkv, avi, mpg(DivX), mp4 , but not wmv or iso.
Films which are 1080p will run, but not if they have a DTS soundtrack. So you have to change the sound to AC3. Applies to 720p as well.
Working through list to find out what runs & what doesn't .. long process.

If anyone knows good piece of software which converts wmv to mkv AND converts DTS to AC3, please let us know.

17-03-2009, 01:32 PM
For info ..
The DM8000 will display mkv, avi, mpg(DivX), mp4 , but not wmv or iso.
Films which are 1080p will run, but not if they have a DTS soundtrack. So you have to change the sound to AC3. Applies to 720p as well.
Working through list to find out what runs & what doesn't .. long process.

If anyone knows good piece of software which converts wmv to mkv AND converts DTS to AC3, please let us know.

ah this mite explain the problems ive been having then , most of my 720p mkv files have played no probs apart from a few which looked like they wouldnt play but i never tried changing the audio, will give this a go when i get home !!


18-03-2009, 07:41 PM
For info ..
The DM8000 will display mkv, avi, mpg(DivX), mp4 , but not wmv or iso.
Films which are 1080p will run, but not if they have a DTS soundtrack. So you have to change the sound to AC3. Applies to 720p as well.
Working through list to find out what runs & what doesn't .. long process.

If anyone knows good piece of software which converts wmv to mkv AND converts DTS to AC3, please let us know.

Are you sure oldfart ,I have played iso files and img.files "filter off" and without checking I also think I have played wmv files but I will check on that and let you know.
I only have **** wmv files so I will check when the kids are in bed.
fATS :respect-050:

18-03-2009, 07:53 PM
I am following this thread. Will be glad to read about your observations.

18-03-2009, 08:25 PM
Depends how you are playing them .. just using the dreambox to play, not the PC. Over the network, the Media Player (DM) won't see wmv files or iso.

18-03-2009, 09:06 PM
Ok m8 I thought you was on about streaming them from your PC.
My mistake. :bowing-036:

18-03-2009, 09:09 PM
I have a brilliant Media Centre PC for playing my files including Blu-ray rips that i rip myself to .mkv, full bitrate 1080 24p files.

I can't really see myself using the 8000 to play these files tbh but I thought I'd test one out on the 8000 anyway. First over the network from the PC I tested my Blu-ray rip mkv of Ratatouille, although I had set it up in autores I was a little suprised to see my TV flip over from 1080i to 1080 24p ! and even more suprised at the outstanding video quality, easily comparable to my HTPC for which you have to jump through hoops to fine tune the video.

It took a few seconds for the video to settle down but then it played quite smoothly although it has to be said there were micro stutters. I thought this might be down to playing the file over the network so I copied the file to the 8k's HDD but the results were identical.

For those who are hoping for true Blu-ray disk playback some time in the future, I doubt this machine will up to the task but who knows what improvements will come especially at the rate DMM are churning them out at the moment.

Incidently downloaded 720p compressed MKVs played without issue although the AR was not correct on one of them I tried.

The other limitations at the moment are of course the audio with only ac3 at this point in time, no DTS and certainly no HD audio.

18-03-2009, 10:20 PM
The specifications don't even mention DTS - so don't think that's on the cards at all!

18-03-2009, 10:39 PM
The specifications don't even mention DTS - so don't think that's on the cards at all!

oldfart, do you ever go on the 8000 VIP board ?

Quoted from "tmbinc"
DTS is not supported at the moment. We will work on providing this feature in the future, but can't give any estimation. There are some technical limitations, but it seems that they can be worked around to provide DTS passthrough

So... :)

18-03-2009, 10:42 PM
I can confirm that iso's do play direct from the dreambox hard drive but you use dvd player instead of media player.
No luck at all with wmv files though.

18-03-2009, 10:57 PM
oldfart, do you ever go on the 8000 VIP board ?

Nope ..........found it .............

18-03-2009, 11:03 PM
I can confirm that iso's do play direct from the dreambox hard drive but you use dvd player instead of media player.

That makes sense.

Btw, if you guys are not already using the media centre on your 8k I recommend you do so, it's quite nice.

It makes all your files and players available from one interface and you can create favourites etc.

You can download it from BH addons and if you already use an HD skin be sure to also download the HD skin for the media centre.

25-05-2009, 10:54 AM
The specifications don't even mention DTS - so don't think that's on the cards at all!

DTS passthrough now implemented, look out for it soon on your favourite image.

The rate of development on the 8k is amazing at the moment (I guess some will say it should be at that price) :)

25-05-2009, 04:24 PM
DTS passthrough now implemented, look out for it soon on your favourite image.
Gimme gimme gimme

25-05-2009, 04:32 PM
the quote is 'As of now we support DTS passthrough on the DM 8000.
It's activated in the experimental Feed.

A common software update with rebooting should be enough.

After this, pure DTS passthrough will work, no decoding, no downmixing.'
Does it matter what image you have in flash ; and
where does the DM go for updates ; (can you change the site??)

25-05-2009, 05:01 PM
Well, anything new is always based on the official experimental DMM CVS feed, others like Oozoon closely mirror the official but offer their own feed.

If you have an image such as BH or Gemini, connecting to these feeds will likely wreck your image.

Official CVS don't support multiboot so it is assumed image will always be on flash.

The 5 .IPKs below is supposed to give you DTS passthrough with older images but if you install them you do so at own risk. :) or wait a while and maybe your image provider will offer an update soon.

25-05-2009, 05:34 PM
thanks @dubious
Using BH (pure) in flash with BH from BA - so it would probably go horribly wrong!