View Full Version : Nagra hd200

17-03-2009, 04:27 PM
I am trying to get Nova sport on Thor working for tonight. I have dl the keys, I have Key1 etc and dec.

On the HD 200 I have cas type which is Nagra provider id, key index, and key data.

Can someone help me please, what do I put where, first time I've done this. Thanks in advance

17-03-2009, 06:03 PM
'Menu/Key Edit/'.....'UCAS = On........UCAS Autoroll = On'.

Then at the top to 'Key Edit'....press 'OK' on remote.

With remote using right arrow to locate 'CAS Type-Nagravision 2'....srcoll down to Provider '2111 1', highlight and press the red button to bring up the 'Key edit' panel.

Input the 16 value keyline, ie: in this instance begins EB.....ends 92. (below attached is the file giving the 16 x keys).

32787 32786 32785

After entering the last pair of keys, ie 92, 'Exit' with the remote, click ok to 'Save'and 'Exit' with the remote 3 times.....done!

19-03-2009, 11:42 AM
Thanks I got as far as the Cas type and selected the Nagravision tab. Thanks for putting me right, I presume, looking at the menu, that I can find other keys and put them insert them in the same way?

Hmm just been back to read my first post, I am really glad you got the jist of it because, I dont know what I was on about!!

ode to myself 'must be more descriptive when posting'

20-04-2009, 01:37 PM
Hi, i have tried those keys in the mvision 200 hd on the 20/4/09 and thay dont work what am i doing wrong please help ,please reply tdunphy@o2.ie

21-04-2009, 08:36 AM
Hi, i have tried those keys in the mvision 200 hd on the 20/4/09 and thay dont work what am i doing wrong please help ,please reply tdunphy@o2.ie

If you are referring to the Digi TV active keys then they have changed since my post above.....the latest active keys, again keyline ' 01 ' can be found here:-


in this instance begins 1C.....ends..... 8F.

Best wishes. 33482