View Full Version : Help. It seems I've bricked my Azbox

19-03-2009, 03:40 PM
Hi everyone,
What a sad thing it is. I just bought 1TB 3.5 internal hard drive and installed it right away without even formatting it to anything. After I turned on the azbox, it says booting, after a few seconds, i smelled a bad odor, i immediately turned off the box, then took out the hard disk. Rebooted again, it says rebooting, then it just says Erro: No disk present. I tried emergency booting as someone suggested by USB with patch.bin but it doesn't work either. The STB just says booting and then after a while, just gives error: no disk present.

What should I do now? Is there anyway i could make it work again. Just feel so bad since it's only 3 days since I received the box. Imported it from Germany, i m in thailand.

Anybody has any tip? Is it possible to claim warranty by sending it back to Germany?

19-03-2009, 07:06 PM
Did you try....

all time on booting phase, reboot it and when saw Checking ... on VFD press
several times the button OK until go to BOOT MENU.

If that still won't allow you to get to the on screen boot menu, then...........

Send it back as being faulty, and hope that the company that sold it to you doesn't read any of the forums

20-03-2009, 09:39 AM
Yes bro. I've already talked to the company and they are ready to replace it, but I'll still have to pay for the shipping charges to send it back to Germany and then them again sending back to me in thailand, Plus having to pay import duty one more time. Geez what a nightmare

20-03-2009, 10:12 AM

You didn't read the Manual and connect the cable on the wrong position!

You blow up your USB support and probably your SSD (solid State Disk) at the same time!

I know another guy who do the same mistake as yours!


20-03-2009, 10:41 AM
Manual was not provided in the box, I downloaded it from this site but even in the manual doesn't show where to connect the cables for an internal hard drive?

So what about the other guy, he also claimed the warranty?

20-03-2009, 12:19 PM
The manual I downloaded shows the connections on P94

However, I didn't look at the manual when I connected my hard drive as it seemed that the leads could only fit one way around.

20-03-2009, 12:43 PM
Yes bro. I've already talked to the company and they are ready to replace it, but I'll still have to pay for the shipping charges to send it back to Germany and then them again sending back to me in thailand, Plus having to pay import duty one more time. Geez what a nightmare

you don't have to pay the import duty twice... Mark the parcel as faulty item and get the company in Germany to send it back to you as a repaired item...

20-03-2009, 12:45 PM
i've seen the connection diagram in the manual. And I connected it CORRECTLY. Why it all still happened though? Maybe because of the hard disk being brand new and never formatted?

20-03-2009, 12:46 PM
For me this is not a warranty problem, this the full responsibility of the end-user!
I am not Azbox so I don't know how they will react but this is due to human error, not hardware malfunction!

20-03-2009, 12:47 PM
The manual I downloaded shows the connections on P94

However, I didn't look at the manual when I connected my hard drive as it seemed that the leads could only fit one way around.

Did you format your hard drive to FAT32 before putting it in the azbox? I didn't, and i guess that's why I paid the penalty

20-03-2009, 12:49 PM
Did you format your hard drive to FAT32 before putting it in the azbox?


20-03-2009, 01:11 PM
Your Bootloader is corrupt.
The problem is opensat known and was fixed with the latest firmware.
Please send the box to your seller.

20-03-2009, 03:42 PM
Thanks for all the replies guy. I've already sent the box to my seller. They'll replace it but I will be bearing the brunt of 2 way international shipment charges and one more time import duty charges.

20-03-2009, 04:35 PM
Your Bootloader is corrupt.
The problem is opensat known and was fixed with the latest firmware.
Please send the box to your seller.

My friends get exactely the same odor and behavior has this one after a bad cable connection on the motherboard.

His bootloader is 100% operationnal because he put an IDE HDD in place of the SSD start the box and Azbox create the 4 partitions and format the HDD in Linux format. He put back the HDD into a Linux based PC and and I give him a tgz of the different partition and he can boot again his Azbox via this external HDD. USB upgrade is not possible since USB ports are dead!

But each time he starts his Azbox now, he get the update menu and need to choose 5 to boot without update. The USB port are dead (no more power), we think that the SSD is dead too since we guess that it takes also its power supply from the same power has the USB which are burned. When he connect the SSD on its PC the SSD is not detected (probably dead too).

So with the USB port dead the Azbox seems to think that there is a USB stick connected and always prompt with the update menu.

Now if you have a clear explanation about the firmware bug you report please share it with us.

Otherwhise what is the right procedure to install an HDD into a premium?
Do we need to have a certain firmware version before connecting a HDD in the Premium?
Does it have a list of non-compatible Sata HDD with Premium?

I will receive my Premium in the coming days and I don't want to blow it out due to a firmware bug... but I must admit that I doubt of this theory!


21-03-2009, 08:41 AM
PR2, after checking with the manual, and the HDD mount diagram, it seems i connected it right. The only problem maybe that the hard drive was brand new, never formatted before. The azbox tried to boot from it, but couldn't find anything, that's why blown away. It's reallly serious because now I am also afraid to connect hard disk in it once I get it repaired back to me.

I'd second that, can someone clearly define the procedure of installing internal hard disk in the box without blowing the box up?

21-03-2009, 10:25 AM
can someone clearly define

All I can say is that...

My hard drive arrived, (Samsung F2 Eco Green 500GB HD502HI)

I fitted it in and switched the box on, went into the menu and formatted it.... all was fine.

Maybe the drive you used is in some way incompatible ?

21-03-2009, 12:24 PM
All I can say is that...

My hard drive arrived, (Samsung F2 Eco Green 500GB HD502HI)

I fitted it in and switched the box on, went into the menu and formatted it.... all was fine.

Maybe the drive you used is in some way incompatible ?

I can also confirm I did exactly the same and all worked fine.

I am guessing that the azbox was switched off and that the power cable was not connected when the HDD was installed.

This could explain the problem if it was still powered.


21-03-2009, 03:17 PM
To s_kates81


On your motherboard, do you connect the power supply of the SATA disk drive on the connector in front of the sata connector (black socket with 4 PINs)?

Or do you connect the power supply in the white socket with 4 PINS? This one is on top of the Solid State Disk (SSD) the kind of cartdridge on the mother board in the same alignement? The connector close to the disk drive.

It is important for me to know to see if you do the same mistake has my friend.

I have a PDF that show this but I cannot attach it to this post.



22-03-2009, 08:00 AM
All I can say is that...

My hard drive arrived, (Samsung F2 Eco Green 500GB HD502HI)

I fitted it in and switched the box on, went into the menu and formatted it.... all was fine.

Maybe the drive you used is in some way incompatible ?

I also did exactly same as you. My hard disk is 3.5 inch Internal Type Western Digital 1.0TB SATA/32MB Cache WD10EADS. I turned off the receiver, connect the hard disk, connected the wires to the sockets in the receiver. The SATA socket and the power socket which are mentioned in the manual. These both sockets are lying together on the receiver. Then i turned on, it said booting, after few seconds, there was a bad odor, i immediately turned off the receiver, took hard disk out, powered it again and then the receiver couldn't boot anymore. Talked with my sellers and they've said it's a known problem and opensat will repair it so I sent them my reciever back.

I don't know if this hard disk is incompatible with the box, can someone clear it? Since I am planning to install it once again in the azbox once my box comes back after repairing. Just don't wanna blow the receiver one more time and paying 120 euros for the shipment charges once again

22-03-2009, 10:05 AM
U should test HDD ; connect it to a desktop and do some tests : write & delete files and linux format .

Cheers ,
Val .

22-03-2009, 10:20 AM
... The SATA socket and the power socket which are mentioned in the manual. These both sockets are lying together on the receiver. Then i turned on, it said booting, after few seconds, there was a bad odor, ...

Now I am 100% sure that you WRONGLY connect you SATA HDD, the 2 connectors are not close to each other!. You connect the power cable to a connector without any keyway! This is not the power supply for the HDD.

You need to use the sata connector and the white power supply on top of the SSD cartridge (both have keyway)!

So be carefull the right way to connect the HDD is:
- Connect the SATA cable to the SATA socket (black one) (it has a keyway)
- Connect the Power Supply cable on the WHITE socket on top of the SSD cartridge! (this one has a keyway)

Please have a look at this post (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=607316#post60731 6)
