View Full Version : A Newbie reporting in, Sir!!! (Bugs and all...)

19-03-2009, 05:56 PM
The Elite model arrived this morning to a very happy me... thanx, Hugo!!!! :king-041:

I will keep a kind of a blog, to report it all, as one uses it, practically, when one unpacks it and onwards... ;)

Looked kinda smallish, ***y, very neat work, it seems on the quick first inspection... I am sure I will admire it much more, later on - on closer inspection...

================================= =========

Connected it, to my toroidal 90cm dish with 8 LNB's and 8in1 switch, to the lower LNB input [the top one is an output], then HDMI cable to my Panasonic AV Home Theatre receiver, then the LAN cable, swiched it on. It went into the setup Menu, where one must sort out the language[s], time-zone and so on.

Then, going quickly through the initial setup Menu I saw a possibility to go to the net [DHCP was on, plus it was all prepared from my DBox2 anyway] and the update was done to the latest FW, no trouble at all [no online settings implemented yet]... It reboots after that.

================================= ======

Now, tuning it... Antena Setup Menu first, of course... Setings are bellow...

Is it the FW/SW that is non-responsive and buggy? For instance, on Astra1, 19'E it finds Viasat channels [Viasat Xtra, SVT TV1000 etc.]... Weird, as Sirius is on LNB position 5... Is it a bug, guys?:willy_nilly:

I couldn't see anything on Eutelsat 16'E at all, from the transponders that it had...

Strong transponders on Astra1 and HotBird were not seen, sadly...:frown: Then the same as for Sirius - can't see HB but Sirius, instead...

On Sirius it finds Sky1, weirdly... Loads, more than on Astra2, it seems...

Thor was not much better - Sirius all over again... I'm stating o despair here...

Atlantic Bird on 8'W command o search found Astra2 again - something very wrong here...

My setup [since not much was given in the Manual v.1.2]:

I have a single 8in1 switch, working great with DBox2, and here are all of my settings... ;)

LNB Frequency: Universal
DiSEqC: 1.1 [LNB 1 - 8]
22KHz Tone: OFF
0/12V Switch: 12V [the same results when 0V is on]
LNB Power: ON
TP Frequency: [find the strongest one and you get the signal quality and strengh!]
Positioner Setup: OFF
Network Search: NIT

Then repeat for each satellite position...

Sometimes it memorises them and sometimes it can't and it even messes it up quite a bit, like on Astra1, LNB2, where all was bonkers... It keeps going back to LNB freq. 22000, DiSEqC OFF, 22KHz Tone ON, 0/12V switch OFF etc. Hmmm... Why?

Any other experiences/words of advice for DiSEqC 1.1 setup, please? And a good settings list would do, please...

================================= =====

After that I went to the GOGO list and tried downloading... Gonna see now what, if anything, was done... [Ermmm, nowt much... sadly...]

================================= =====

OK, I can see a pickie now, hehe... not much, mind - Astra2 only but still - it's a start...

Next stop the list and then the Emulators and CS...

YouTube is cool, plus the browser, plus more...

Very promising MultiMedia Centre!!!

Linux based!!! Yes!!!


19-03-2009, 06:56 PM
Welcome to the Az club goran :D

Sorry I can't help with the DiSEqC 1.1 1-8 set up, but I did get a 1-2 (1W and 28E) working fine... I'm not using that method now as I got DiSEqC 1.2 to work the motor.

19-03-2009, 08:33 PM
Goran : used to troubleshoot USAL mode, it works very well, you do enter the longitude and latitude and choose your satellite, after it when it gives you the position switches to disqc 1.2 and record the position, if the weak signal and you can do left or right to increase the signal.

19-03-2009, 08:51 PM
USAL mode

Hi medmed

Do a google and you may notice a slight problem... :D

'toroidal 90cm dish'

19-03-2009, 10:55 PM
Anyone with a half-decent list, please?

And a way to fix this, maybe?

Ta! :)

20-03-2009, 09:57 AM
Went around, downloaded lots of stuff [Inros, FW, EMUs, Tools, Settings lists etc.] and now gonna learn... ;)

Strategy: settings list first, which presumes Total Commander or some such tool to create an FTP connection to the box, to learn about the "internals" of it all...

[If only I could get my Toroidal with 8 LNBs to work and see all those sats/transponders/channels...]

A suggestion: we need the thorough explanation in the AZbox HD Manual, AZ people, about all the possible settings for all kinds of DiSEqC - ASAP!!!! Thanx! ;)

20-03-2009, 10:02 AM

I cannot help for the DiseqC 1.2 problem you have but for the channel search indeed I point out that some channels are not found even if the TP is known by default by the Azbox.

The problem came from the auto FEC features.

So go to Advanced Search and select the TP where it doesn't find channel and simply set the right FEC, do a search and it will find the missing channels.

Do not use the TP search function because it breaks the DiseqC support. To be clear I have a DiseqC 1.0 - LNB1 Hotbird 13° and 1.0 - LNB2 Astra 19°. If I use the TP Search option on Astra I am no longer able to watch any channels on Hotbird, I need to reboot the Azbox (sometimes twice).

About the Gogo list function I will advice you not to use it when you want to troubleshoot DiseqC problem. Be sure that your DiseqC works fine before trying to download Gogo-list channels list.

Once you have a good setup backup the content of DISK2 (that's where the all_channels.dat, dvbs.dat, ... are stored).

Then you can start playing with Gogo List which is still in early béta stage don't forget!

So if you fell that your DiseqC no longer works after playing with Gogo List... simply restore the DISK2.


20-03-2009, 11:14 AM
I just noticed a bug in the latest FW, I think:

The Antena Settings for my DiSEqC 1.1 is not stored, so when I get out of HB and Sirius - it forgets what I chose [Universal LNB, DiSEqC 1.1, LNB 4 and 5 respectively] and it goes to something crazy [from LNB Frequency, which is wrong, not Universal, everything else is off, then!], instead... :(

No wonder it sees everything wrongly and messes it all up, scans only Astra2 and Sirius and keeps telling me for the most channels it's on Sirius...

For instance, on HB Transponder 12520 [HRT] - it can not see anything at all... But if I try Mini LNB 1 or 2, with 0/12V Switch ON to 12V - there is loads of signal!

Also, if I put it on LNB1, 3, 5 and 7 in DiSEqC 1.1 protocol. Not if I put it on LNB2, 4, 6 or 8 in DiSEqC 1.1.

Oh, give us the committed/uncommitted, A/A, A/B, B/A and B/B, Inputs 1-4 and 16 LNBs standard fully implemented, please...:willy_nilly:

20-03-2009, 12:22 PM
The manual shows on p67 a method that may help.

20-03-2009, 12:24 PM
"..I just noticed a bug in the latest FW, I think:

The Antena Settings for my DiSEqC 1.1 is not stored, so when I get out of HB and Sirius - it forgets what I chose [Universal LNB, DiSEqC 1.1, LNB 4 and 5 respectively] and it goes to something crazy [from LNB Frequency, which is wrong, not Universal, everything else is off, then!], instead... :(

No wonder it sees everything wrongly and messes it all up, scans only Astra2 and Sirius and keeps telling me for the most channels it's on Sirius...

For instance, on HB Transponder 12520 [HRT] - it can not see anything at all... But if I try Mini LNB 1 or 2, with 0/12V Switch ON to 12V - there is loads of signal!

NOP here, with latest fw. I took from NET..AZBox remember to me, all LNB1-LNB6, in DiseQc 1.1 protocol, but I can get only picture on LNB1= Astra...
All other LNB-s are unvisible (AZ not switch on it)..
So, 1.1 protocol is unusible for Uncommited and Commited protocol switchers!!!

How You get Sirius 5E, on LNB5 input??!!
Writte me exactly which trade 8/1 switcher You have.
My is EMP Centauri Profi line 8/1+Terr (red one)!!!


20-03-2009, 01:27 PM
I'm just talking to the guy from Opensat:

My points to him:

So, we need the whole lot of options for different setups, I think.
Comm./Uncomm. and Ports 1 - 4
We must have 4 different options for Comm/uncomm and 4 ports/inputs for all 16 LNBs to work
4 x 4 groups
Each group/input has to have 4 combinations: A/A, A/B, B/A and B/B
That way you covered all possible setups
4 Inputs, each covering 4 possibilities = 16 LNBs
In that case the routing/switching will be fully implemented for all 16 LNBs

His response:

yes we will change this
will be created advanced option
already on test
we are trying to fix it

Well, it seems like a committed team and I say GOOD ON THEM!!!!:respect-048: It's what makes the great project even greater!!!

So, I will be patient a bit longer... ;) :)

================================= ===

In reverse:

Trap, m8, I just chose v. 1.1 and assigned the LNBs from East to West and only the 1 and 5 were "found" when scanned... Weird! Scanning Sirius, it says, it finds Sky package... Ahem...

And then it messes up all the settings for LNB Frequency and so on... Not good right now - but as you can see, it will change soon! ;)

FYI: GOTO nn SWITCH S. 168 is the make of my 8in1 switch.

1 = LNB1, A/A, Input 1 - Astra2 28'E
2 = LNB2, A/B, Input 1 - Astra1 19'E
3 = LNB3, B/A, Input 1 - Eutel 16'E
4 = LNB4, B/B, Input 1 - HotBird 13'E
5 = LNB5, A/A, Input 2 - Sirius
6 = LNB6, A/B, Input 2 - Thor/Intelsat
7 = LNB7, B/A, Input 2- Atl. Bird
8 = LNB8, B/B, Input 2 - Atl. Bird

That is the setting in Enigma1, with PB-Enigma Image in my Philips DBox2, working 100%.

AJR, it says nothing. And I have seen it.

The guy from AZ said that they must make the SW guy write the Manual for it, as I insisted that there is nothing said on it, even though, as he says, "we use different interface than dreambox"...

So, we wait a bit longer... :)

20-03-2009, 01:33 PM
AJR, it says nothing. And I have seen it.

The latest manual shows a nice picture of ...

1 4 way DiSEqC 1.1 switch connected to 2 4 way DiSEqC 1.0 switches, giving a total of 10 inputs..

I know it says nothing, but its alleged that a picture is worth a thousand words

I know that it doesn't help as you want to use your existing switch, but !

20-03-2009, 01:55 PM
It's just one possible setup. As there are many more - we better sort it out for :respect-048:all of them, innit? ;) :)

20-03-2009, 01:56 PM
Ha, if I put it to DiSEqC 1.0 - I can get it to see the sat positions it couldn't so far... At least four...:king-041:

But it is a partial solution, obviously...:o10:

20-03-2009, 04:55 PM
Good quality HW! Starting from the tuner!! Great tuning power, it seems to me. Not sure it can get it all on its own [I had to give the details for some transponders, as it "jumped" over them, for some reason... FEC problems, as pr mentioned?]... It skipped over BBCi [Stream etc.], as well...

With DBox2 I could only barely get some BBC channels, here in Scandinavia.... Clear as clear can be now , with AZboxHD!!!:respect-050::number-one-043::respect-053::cheers2:

So, my advice would be to [B]check the transponders and retune those you notice are absent and you may well get them! :respect-051:

P.S. It seems it adds the new ones to the existing list, which is obviously a good thing, if I am correct in this...

20-03-2009, 06:06 PM
partial solution

Well at this stage of the game, its a good result :D

20-03-2009, 06:22 PM
I am going to buy then a Torodial and set 4KU sats ..... thats all i can use hear in Australia any way ......tried to set it up with my H-H 1.2 motor with no success at all....maybe in the next firmware update we all will have more joy

20-03-2009, 06:55 PM
Indeed, a good initial result, having in mind the incomplete DiSEqC 1.1 protocol.

Scanned them well! Not all at the same time:

4 first ones on DiSEqC 1.0 [LNB's 1-4], then LNB Power to OFF for those LNBs

and then the second four, LNB Power to on and assign the LNB's from 1 - 4 to the other sat positions, no. 5 - 8...

At least I know it can be done. Now the routing/switching has to be sorted in the FW as promised, in an "advanced mode" DiSEqC v. 1.1.

We'll be singing with this all singing and all dancing box, you'll see!!!:respect-050::respect-048::lurk5::respect-047:

20-03-2009, 06:59 PM
Here is my setup on the roof, guys... Beautiful and no waiting for the motor to arrive at a position, no waking up the neighbours or your darlin'... Clean, fast, instantaneous...






20-03-2009, 07:30 PM
Not to forget: to find out about your position, calculate the elevation, the central point etc.

http://www.satlex.de/de/wavefrontier_calc-params.html?satlo_east=28.2&user_satlo_east=&user_satlo_east_dir=E&satlo_west=-4.0&user_satlo_west=&user_satlo_west_dir=W&location=&la=&lo=&country_code=hrSat positions galore...:biggrinjester:


20-03-2009, 07:43 PM
Goran....What a very impressive looking dish/LNB setup!

20-03-2009, 08:06 PM
and here is my setup with T55 and modified lnb holders:



20-03-2009, 08:15 PM
Nice setup, I love the wavefrontier hehe....Very good reception with those. Which sats are you receiving ?


20-03-2009, 08:32 PM
See post 11, m8... ;)

Good to modify the holders, as they are plastic and tend to crack, when screwing them... ahem, as it were... :king-041: [Nothing serious, I hope, just a bit of superfluous plastic... ;)]

Btw, it is nice, innit? :respect-048:

20-03-2009, 08:49 PM
See post 11, m8... ;)

Oooopsss.... hehe missed that. Almost the same here.

The benefit with modifed lnb holder is that you can receive sats outside of the original lnb bar. And if you have a t90 (wish I had hehe...) you can receive sats with 2 degrees difference and adjust the lnb's height to improve the signal even more.

Keep up the great work!

20-03-2009, 10:31 PM
Thanx for the tip, m8!:respect-048: I will surely mention it at the shop where I bought it, when I try to improve on the magic 8... ;)

20-03-2009, 10:47 PM
Duden2002 ... engineering at its finest :D

21-03-2009, 06:08 AM
Hey Gorane ,watch out m8 for the big winds..... is that wooden base stable enough....lol. But i have to admit it looks very impressing with 8 LNBs

21-03-2009, 09:50 AM
I am thinking of replacing my Fibo 120 with the Torodial T90...

The T90 dish has always impressed me...

21-03-2009, 01:56 PM
The two "pals/wooden base" at the bottom are held in place by 2 metal rings and they are nailed into one another, plus it has some weight, too, so no real problem...:respect-050: [I hope... :117:]

Before all else let me tell you: I really ADORE when people like Mower give and give freely!!!!! THAT IS A REAL GEM IN OUR COMMUNITY AND MY HAT DOWN TO THAT!!!!!!!

After that I need to declare that it is no real problem for me in using these lovely programs, editing the cwshare files etc. I have been using them for a while, as you know, so I am not a complete newbie. :respect-048:

However, when I see complex pieces of SW like this and no elementary info... Echhh...:o10: I just want to declare that I will use this ONLY as an example, because no piece of SW is "safe" from these observations of mine, I am sorry to have to say that...

Well, this is the next stage of my personal learning curve and being ambitious - as I am :D - I want to take everybody, especially the newbies, with me to a safe place, where they can always come back when they don' know or are not sure, so "no man would be left behind"... :respect-050:

1) First of all: MBox for AZboxHD is the same as for the others like IPbox? I doesn't make sense to have the same SW for a different processor, from what little I know...

2) Secondly, various versions differ in content. Once they tell us which files are for which box we need the info as to where do specific files go?

3) Thirdly, we need to know which files need specific treatment [CHMOD 755]. Or

3a) what are the different modes of installation, if any [USB stick, maybe, internet, not only from a PC]?

Only then, forthly, can we go in and tinker with editing files and learn about protocols, how best to setup the CS etc.

4) So, another Q I have re. this potentially WONDERFUL DEVELOPMENT is: what does it actually descramble?

5) I mean, MBox as an EMU [where are the key files, please?] and then

6) MBox as a CS SW [for configuration issues we have great help in Mower's introduction, so no real problem there but what does it actually work with, so we are not pulling our hair out, if any, when something isn't funcioning]?

Can anyone come to our assistance, please, with some concise answers to these Q's? Sometimes we are given SOME pieces of info but never the lot. Very clever people write it for us but can not put themselves in our shoes and think like a newbie who is not an expert and doesn't need any help...

So, can we have a last version of a SW, which parts are for AZboxHD, what goes where, plus what do we do with them, how do we install etc.?!? Pretty please!!!


Thank you kindly!

21-03-2009, 02:36 PM

What you are doing. is a fantasic idea, keep up the good work mate.


21-03-2009, 03:22 PM
Thanx, m8! I do try, plus being a teacher and all... ;) Comes naturally... :D

Besides, communities like this one always need a step-by-step approach, as these wonderful pieces of SW:respect-048: are getting more and more complex and there's ever more of them.

Which is great:party: - but leaves one frustrated sometimes... Even if one is fairly experienced, like I am... Just look at my intros in Samsung or DBox2 or Galaxis etc. sections. I do know a few things when it comes to how to use these babies...


This is completely new, so... Why do they fail to include the basic info, I'll never know...?!?

I mean, they want us to use it, report back, as that way they get more and better info and can improve it etc. So...

I'm baffled!!!:toetap05:

22-03-2009, 02:41 PM
OKI dokey, karaoke... Me is back to me blog with some info..

After a few days of not sleeping and learning, trying and testing senslessly - at the cost of alienating my wife, by disrupting my life and not studying for a job competition [such is my hobby passion!!!:respect-050:] - I managed to get all sorts of things into the box...

Stage 1: installing and at Stage 2 we'll be configuring stuff...

In OpenXCAS I now have MultiCAS, gCamd, Mbox, rqcamd, Incubus and CCcam . Also Autostart for Incubus, not that I have seen it work well, as nothing actually works... for me, that is, at this stage of learning... So, we'll see...

Btw, last night I also installed One Step EMU Plugin... But what does one do with it...?

Incubus package to install from the USB stick did not work [I now have 2 Incubus folders in the OpenXCAS folder, together with all the others: one called Incubus and the other IncubusCamd], whatever I did, not just for this one. USB sticks are tested and they are fine, as I can watch movies from them and listen to the music, no probs... But if I wanted to Copy files from them and place them in the /temp folder to install from there - I can't. I can't see the PASTE function...?

Oh, yes: anyone else lost 3 out of four links to install from the net? I mean, no big thing, as they were all the same, if memory serves but still...

FTPing stuff was much more successful! As you've seen elsewhere, like posted here by chevychase [my edit], this is the standard procedure:

1. FTP to your Azbox (username: root/password: azbox)
2. Switch to /EMU -directory
3. Make a directory called OpenXCAS
4. Switch to the previously made directory
5. Transfer unpacked Multicas directory to the current directory
6. CHMOD all files in the Multicas directory to 775

7. After those Press home on your remote and select plugins.
8. Select OpenXCAS
9. You should see Multicas as an option. So enable it and start it.

That's it.

I couldn't get Canal Nordic card to work with Multicas but I tried rqcamd and it worked. To install it just repeat the steps (except 3. of cource).

Also, just to mention: in PB-Enigma 7.02 [for my DBox2] one can D/L the keys [and a lot more] from the net, so it's much easier... I can't wait to 'till that stage of AZboxHD development, with different Images, EMUs, keys, setings - the lot already on the net... Then we'll be talking real competition!!! But for that,[B] various teams must be given the tools [B]to start writing and learning, exchanging...

[I]Meanwhile, on planet Earth: on Mbox forum Bogdanm was kindly guiding me through some jungle of notions, plus some nice people like AJR and Pasa have PM'd me.

AJR says I have too many things installed and that it is confusing the box. He may well be right. But I think at least some the stuff might also not be correctly installed... And some of it certainly isn't correctly configured - but we'll get to it later on... First thing's first!

In the OpenXCAS folder there are various files which may change the way some of these EMUs are working. Some EMUs have the same file which goes there and I am asked if I want to over-write it, so...??? Files like module.seq, also regarding the priority of an EMU, maybe even Autostart [Incubus] etc.

Pasa told me to use MultiCAS, that its keys are AU for DigiTV, to put it top of the list, activate it , restart it [yellow button on the remote], then wait.:drool5: I am - but nothing happening. In the CAS system key editing sub-menu of MultiCAS all I get is endless "Data Loading..." message, stuck on Irdeto and nothing else... So, I can't either see or edit the keys in any way. Any ideas, guys? [It looks good, btw - if only it'd work... Now, what didn't I do right with it?!?:frown:]

In the MultiCAS v. 1.00 there is a Camd Script Editor [the only one that works for me], I go to CAS Control sub-menu and I suppose I need to go to the Nagra sub-menu - or not? Should I switch the AutoRoll ON? I tried but it didn't work. What about the EMMs? Is all that only for a card in the slot, if any - or does it affect the EMU's work? Also, if one gets out and restarts the EMU then the settings I just mentioned are lost. No the only thing that the FW loses, like my Antena Setup settings, sadly, as soon as I get out of a sub-menu for a satellite position.

Then, what does one do with the Key file [I used the Diablo one and an AZbox one but to no avail... yet]? I saw that they are not supposed to be in the /var folder, like some other boxes, at least for one of the EMUs, but in /etc folder... Or was it for something else? Like some Mbox files? Can't remember now. So many files, so little information...

Hence I will re-install it all at some point and do them one by one and test bit by bit and report back! It's a must on this steep learning curve, I think, in order to really know what one is doing and be independent, at the end of the day. [B]It's in the interest of Opensat that we get all the info, so HELP, please!!!

As of now, as you can see, I do not understand exactly what I am doing. Let's say I am piling up the material so far and then I'll have to carefully re-install the lot, I suspect, plus note it down.

Especially after the new FW is out with the fully implemented DiSEqC 1.1 for all the possible 1.1 setups... ;) Now I have to mess with all the Antena Setings to get out of the first four LNBs and into the other 4, where DigiTV is... Tedious and frustrating also!

One more thing, since I D/Led it from the net and installed: what's the mwkeytest for, guys? Just to test the remote key functions or...?

[No DigiTV AutoRoll yet...:toetap05::svengo:]

22-03-2009, 02:52 PM


Use Putty to telnet the box.
Log in with root and azbox
Type Passwd
You will then be prompted to enter a new password and confirm it.
Job done.

Btw, last night I also installed One Step EMU Plugin... But what does one do with it...?

Onestepemu is just a package that installs icubusCamd and sets the files permissions for you (CHMOD).
this probably explains why you have two OpenXCAS folders now.


22-03-2009, 04:59 PM
Thanx, m8!

Tried with PuTTy in my huge Total Commander but no luck. After getting in [username/password] I get "MMS"... Then what?

I know about the One Step Emu - but once it's done - then what does one do with it? Just leave it there? Does it have any function?


22-03-2009, 05:27 PM
Also, I noticed my box is quite hot...


22-03-2009, 05:41 PM
To be honest my box is not hot at all, I can feel a rise in temp over the HDD area but other than that no problem.

With Putty:
Log in with root / azbox
then type cd ..
then type passwd

That may work, all the cd .. is doing is Change Dirctory to the root.


22-03-2009, 05:43 PM
I guess your box is hot because you are using elite version, thus power adapter is inside, unlike premium of which the adaptor is outside thus box is always cooler

22-03-2009, 05:46 PM
goran, can you use Mgcamd on azbox? is it available yet, i saw you have quite a lot of emulators

22-03-2009, 07:15 PM
Yep and none work...

1) They don't work as Emulators

2) They don't work as CS SW...

Grrrrrrr, what frustration...

No, sorry, haven't tried MGcamd yet. Didn't even see it - for AZboxHD, that is. I have it in my DBox2 and it's the best for Emulating, for sure.

Tried most of them so far... in any manner... but not on...

Echhhhhhhhh, I think I must start anew, from scratch...

[Yep, my power supply is inside the box...]

Btw, I wanna change the password properly, I want to learn where it is and change it as one should...

Thanx anyhow!:respect-047:

22-03-2009, 07:20 PM
The PROPER way is to use telnet give passwd command, it's standard way to do it in linux.

: )


System without console window is no system ....

22-03-2009, 07:20 PM
Btw, any indicators on the telly, when watching a channel, which EMU is active, is it FTA or CS etc.? In Enigma there is info...

In these there is very little info at all... I have a feeling we need different Images, really...

22-03-2009, 07:23 PM
The PROPER way is to use telnet give passwd command, it's standard way to do it in linux.

: )


System without console window is no system ....

Eh? If you setup TC you can not get in without username, password, IP address, port... So, what's your point?

22-03-2009, 07:42 PM
So, what's your point?

I think his point was that you wanted to change the AZbox password

I would recommend putty.exe (it's free :D)

And also WinSCP3 as a 'TC' type of proggy (also free)

when watching a channel, which EMU is active

Agreed... $ is annoying.

23-03-2009, 05:23 AM
How putty is different or better than other ftp clients such as cuteftp?

23-03-2009, 07:29 AM
I finished putting up my 1.5m KU dish with 4x LNBs ...its not as good as Goran`s or Duden2002 but does the job....how do you actually attach a photo i dont see that option

23-03-2009, 09:15 AM
How putty is different or better than other ftp clients such as cuteftp?

It's for pro's... So, what they really wanna say is "We know a lot more, ergo we're better...":king-041:

Put it up on Photo Bucket, NS, m8... Then put the [image] link here.

Well done!:respect-048:

23-03-2009, 10:45 AM
How putty is different or better than other ftp clients such as cuteftp?

putty is not really used as a ftp client

"PuTTY.exe is a program that makes Windows users establish a secure connection to Unix (and Linux) terminals" (the AZbox for example)

So if you need to make a connection to the AZbox say for changing your password, (amongst other things) then putty is the ideal tool.

For a ftp client then WinSCP3 has advantages over cute (however I do use both)

We know a lot more, ergo we're better.


More like. We have been at it for quite a while and have found the better methods, ergo the tools are better. :biggrinjester:

23-03-2009, 12:10 PM
dont know if i uploaded the image correctlyhttp://i651.photobucket.com/albums/uu236/noviserbia/IMGA0138.jpg
as you can see on the pictures at the moment my motorised 3m Mesh C-band dish and the white 1.2 m Ku band dish can`t be used with the Azbox at the moment .......lets hope with the next firmware update the team will fix it

23-03-2009, 12:33 PM
I can just imagine the reaction of her indoors if she spotted them on our roof !!!

Nice setup mate.


23-03-2009, 12:44 PM

More like. We have been at it for quite a while and have found the better methods, ergo the tools are better. :biggrinjester:

OKI, Mr Clever Pants:biggrinjester: where the hell is the password stored and how can I edit it properly, without just changing the directory, i.e. no PuTTy?:respect-050:


23-03-2009, 12:46 PM
as you can see on the pictures at the moment my motorised 3m Mesh C-band dish and the white 1.2 m Ku band dish can`t be used with the Azbox at the moment .......lets hope with the next firmware update the team will fix it


23-03-2009, 12:55 PM

The way to change the password is very simple.

Download and install the free tool putty.
Launch putty
Type cd.. ( so that you are in the root ) then press enter.
Now type passwd and press enter
Now type the new password.
Now confirm the new password.
That's it you are done.

I can't think of any reason why you would need to locate the file that holds the password and edit it manually???

In any case I am sure that the file would be encrypted for security.

PS: When we are talking about FTP this is not the same as if someone suggests that you telnet or connect via putty.

You can actually use windows to connect via telnet using the START / RUN / Telnet ( change to your box IP )

When you are installing plugins for example you would typically do the following.

FTP the box using Filezilla / CuteFTP or any FTP client to transfer the files to your Azbox and to CHMOD ( set the permissions ) on the files.


Use Telnet or Putty to log in remotely to your Azbox and from there you would use commands to perform actions.

( Changes to the root folder )

cd EMU/OpenXCAS/incubusCamd
( Changes to the incubusCamd folder )

( Starts the file incubusCamd.sigma )

Hope this helps.


23-03-2009, 01:03 PM
Thanx, m8! I got that from your earlier post, sure. But I wanted to see the "internals" as well and see if I have options, that's all!


23-03-2009, 01:10 PM
Ha, I tried again, with my PuTTy plugin in Total Commander and it wouldn't work.

Once I type the cd and hit Enter, then when I put in the password - it says command not found... And no way out...:frown:

'Think I need the standalone .exe...

23-03-2009, 01:21 PM
Once you have got the feel of using the command window (putty), then there are several useful commands one can use...

An example of this is


this shows the running processes ... to stop it and return to the command prompt just type Ctrl + C

But I wanted to see the "internals"

If you want to edit the command line prompt internally... then that can be found in plain ascii at /DISK2/hostname

edit it.. save it.. reboot

when you next log in using putty you will see ...

However... at this stage of the box development it may not be wise to leave the changes changed, but revert them to the original settings once you have finished playing.

23-03-2009, 01:49 PM
Ha, I tried again, with my PuTTy plugin in Total Commander and it wouldn't work.

Once I type the cd and hit Enter, then when I put in the password - it says command not found... And no way out...:frown:

'Think I need the standalone .exe...


You say that you type cd you must type cd.. then hit enter.

Then type passwd then hit enter.

Try downloading the standalone version of putty.



23-03-2009, 02:04 PM
Heh, silly Billy, me...:bigear:

Yes, I will try again...:respect-048:

AJR, any particular reason why [your last sentence], please?

Cheers, guys!!!:respect-051:

23-03-2009, 02:11 PM
any particular reason


Whilst firmware / software updates are being issued, then there may be some reason for these updates to expect everything to be the defaults for them to install / function 100% (cough)

So it would be prudent to keep to the defaults until we have a stable environment... (however I have never been guilty of being prudent :D)

23-03-2009, 02:54 PM
...that makes three of us, messing with things... you, me and my alter ego...:biggrinjester:

23-03-2009, 11:01 PM
Here's some feedback...

I placed into the CI slot [top one, as it's easier] the following CAMs:

Viaccess [red]
Maschetti 2.018 [x2]
Irdeto Access 1.09
Nagra Vision CI CAM [a rare bird]
CryptoWorks [ex-Aston, flashed]
Conax 4.0e
Aston 1.05

All initialised quickly and easily, albeit one or two [only!] blocked a bit...

Can't find my Magic and Matrix but... overall good, innit?

Good result, having in mind no OSCs.

MulitCAS still doesn't support Viaccess cards? Hopefully it will... eventually. It couldn't read my HRT card...

Cheers and keep up the good work!

24-03-2009, 12:15 AM

Strange that you says that Multicas doesn't support your Viaccess card, do you install in with the chip down?

I test MultiCAS 1.56 with my BIS.TV Viaccess card and it can read it properly.

The only card that I know that MultiCAS cannot read is NDS.


24-03-2009, 12:36 AM
Hehe, maybe it's because it's not active, m8... :)

It says [the new MultiCAS] "card initialising" and then.... nothing... "Unknown card".

Oh, well... Must find a way to activate it, I guess... ;)

24-03-2009, 12:49 AM
I read somewhere there was a problem with the "loopthrough" function...

Well, an old Philips DBox2 connected to the AZboxHD Elite - no probs... AZboxHD is connected to the plasma TV with an HDMI cable, and DBox2, of course, by a SCART cable... ;)

Both EMU and CS are running fine on DBox2, when AZboxHD is in Standby mode.

When I return to AZbox, and DBox2 is in Standby mode, AZboxHD works just fine! If only my GBox client via MGcamd EMU/CS SW would start working, too...:nopity:

Everything is the same, ports forwarded specially for each, as I have two different IP addresses in the modem, a specific one for each box, rebooted each time I change the receiver, the peers can see me "online" but...:redface::banghead:

24-03-2009, 09:30 AM
I read somewhere there was a problem with the "loopthrough" function...

Well, an old Philips DBox2 connected to the AZboxHD Elite - no probs... AZboxHD is connected to the plasma TV with an HDMI cable, and DBox2, of course, by a SCART cable... ;)

Both EMU and CS are running fine on DBox2, when AZboxHD is in Standby mode.

When I return to AZbox, and DBox2 is in Standby mode, AZboxHD works just fine! If only my GBox client via MGcamd EMU/CS SW would start working, too...:nopity:

Everything is the same, ports forwarded specially for each, as I have two different IP addresses in the modem, a specific one for each box, rebooted each time I change the receiver, the peers can see me "online" but...:redface::banghead:

Could you explain a little bit how exactly azbox behave connected on loopthrough.
I have following situation:
Dreambox 500s connected on V-Box III positioner, then on disecq 1.2 - Superjack motor, then in LNB

Azbox HD Elite will arriving today :respect-050:, and i'm planning to connect it via loopthrough on Dreambox.

Could I then move antena with Azbox, or I just can watch channels on current sattelite.

I heard somewhere that i can watch cnannels on current sattelite, and current polarization (H or V). Is that true?
And do the Drembox need to be in standby or I must pull off elecrticity cord?

P.S. Natucam engleski :S nadam se da si me razumeo...

24-03-2009, 11:15 AM
That way you can only watch current satelite, and yes drembox has to be on stand-by.


In plugin menu you can activate/deactivate/start/stop emu's


24-03-2009, 11:18 AM
I have a different setup - a toroidal [static] dish with 8 LNBs and 8in1 switch. AZboxHD was my main receiver, powering the LNBs. DBox2 was connected to the loopthrough of my AZboxHD, of course. Just so all is clear... ;)

But yes, I could watch any channel, provided the other receiver was in Standby. I didn't try having both of them ON at the same time, as I saw no reason to, in my case...

Do tell how you get on, please - it could be interesting to other people...:respect-048:


24-03-2009, 11:25 AM

In plugin menu you can activate/deactivate/start/stop emu's


Thanx, carp, I know all that, that's simple, elementary stuff with the receiver's menu. Alas, it's a bit more complicated than that, as I do have some experience with CS and I did simply copy my cwshare.cfg into the peer.cfg, as instructed.... I carefully sorted out the router, too. The receiver is online, as I said... My peers tell me they see me online [I'm "yellow"] but...:frown:

Later I messed with the config file, too. Tried other EMUs/CS SW but the results are always the same... :nopity:

With one exception: MGcamd actually works as an EMU, opening GloboTV...

And it all works well on DBox2, no probs whatsoever...

24-03-2009, 11:32 AM
A thought goran

Is it working the other way around... that is with the azbox being a peer, instead of being a server ( or a server instead of a peer ) ?

24-03-2009, 11:36 AM
Globe TV works with gCam!

24-03-2009, 11:38 AM
Not sure what you mean, AJR... Elite was always just a client, if that's what you mean, as I have no active original cards at the moment...

Edit: I see you edited your post... All clear now? [!] :D

24-03-2009, 11:39 AM
Globo TV already worked with gCam

And also with MultiCAS as well

But it didn't at gorans house :D

24-03-2009, 11:40 AM
Elite was always just a client,

Ok... then maybe its trying to act as a server only ??

Got to go out and earn a crust.. back later.

24-03-2009, 11:43 AM
And also with MultiCAS as well

But it didn't at gorans house :D

Tested and it's working with the new version!!!!:party: :hurray: :respect-054:

24-03-2009, 05:51 PM

Always test with the latest version available, remember it is still beta so normally the latest the better...

It is always good to mention the version of the emu that you are testing in the post so later on, people can see that all your remarks apply to that specific version.


24-03-2009, 07:06 PM
The latest online...:king-041:

25-03-2009, 08:59 AM
I have a different setup - a toroidal [static] dish with 8 LNBs and 8in1 switch. AZboxHD was my main receiver, powering the LNBs. DBox2 was connected to the loopthrough of my AZboxHD, of course. Just so all is clear... ;)

But yes, I could watch any channel, provided the other receiver was in Standby. I did n't try having both of them ON at the same time, as I saw no reason to, in my case...

Do tell how you get on, please - it could be interesting to other people...:respect-048:


Tested, and everything works fine with loop-through.... Every receiver inedependetly can move dish (if other receiver is on standby)
Let me ilustrate my setup:

25-03-2009, 04:26 PM


First, thanx to Ruspi for reasuring me re. Mbox and for not stopping praising it and hoping, together with me, that I will soon have it working, in my young box, too..... Live long and prosper!:king-041: I was getting a bit frustrated and ever so slightly down about it..... :rolleyes:

Secondly, thanx to TD team, who put all the necessary Mbox files for AZboxHD together properly [which I will upload here]!!! Before that whatever I tried just didn't work. I learnt a few things from this! :)

Last but by no means least, thanx to Mower for a super job, although this is still allegedly but a "beta/test process"... GBox is now officially dead, long live Mbox!!! Our collective hat down, as I know I am speaking for all of us, using your lovely toy!!! :respect-048:


Unpack this file I attached in the FILE SECTION OF THIS FORUM [mbox_azboxhd_tdteam.rar] and find the cwshare to edit just a bit. [Only that one needs messing with - and no other!]

This team very kindly put together and configured everything for AZboxHD. Their cwshare.cfg [included] looks as follows:

# cwshare Azbox HD #
# TD Team #
I: { 3 }
X: { 4 }
O: { 4000 2000 }

M: { server.no-ip.info { AAAAAFAF }}

G: { cliente.dyndns.org { 24000 24000 { AAAAFFFF { A3 A3 }}}}

If you wan a few more pieces of info - which works rather well, actually - using these explanations:

M: line is for your data;
G: line is for people who are using Mbox, whose cards you wanna hook onto as a client;
D: line is for people who are using GBox, whose cards you wanna hook onto as a client;
C: line(s) [as far as I can see] is/are for your card(s), local or from DNS, depending on what [and if] you have [any]. I will learn more about that - and report back - as soon as I get a card or two......

Lines which have # in front of them do not matter - those are explanations only - feel free to leave them there.

################################# #
# Mbox cardsharing config file #
################################# #
# CaID
#H: { xxxxxxxx }
# Send ECM's at maximum 5 cards (please use this as default)
X: { 8 }
# Preffered cards ids (up to 32)
#X+: { 0xxx0000:5 }
#X+: { 0xxx0000:10 }
#X+: { 0xxx0000:5 }
# max card's distance to use for ecm
I: { 2 }
#NDS system ->Resending ECM(s) on timeout interval
#N: { 400 200 }
N: { 01 01 01 00 400 200 }
#NDS system ->Resending ECM(s) on timeout interval
#4000 (4 seconds)-> resend current ecm on boxid if no dcw
#2000 (2 seconds)-> wait 2 more seconds for dcw ,if no dcw on time resend ecm(s) to all boxid's
O: { 4000 2000 }
#Connecting to newcamd server program Newcs
C: { 181xx root box1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 } { 10 } { xxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxx } #Lower Cardreader
#C: { 182xx root box2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 } { 10 } { xxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxx } #Upper Cardreader
#C: { 184xx root box3 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 } #Phoenix Interface
M: { your.dyndns.org { yourpass }}
# Internet Friends port range password cod
D: { hisdyndns.whateverhechose { yourport hisport { hispass { A3 A3 }}}}

[Additional explanations are in the mbox.cfg file and on Mbox forum...]

Now, kindly Save it and then shove it all into your AZboxHD by Telnet/Total Commander/whatever.

Go into the OpenXCAS folder, where you need to grab them [you can do all 5 of them at once] and send them into the OpenXCAS folder of your AZboxHD. If asked to "overwrite" files choose "Yes to all of them".

Once they are in AZboxHD, give all the files CHMOD 755 "treatment" [rights].

Now, go into AZboxHD Menu -> Plugins -> OpenXCAS -> Activation and Priority Setting -> send MboxCAS all the way to the top using the red buton on your remote, if it isn't already there by a miracle, and remove # in front of it, if it still has it, and then start it using the yellow button!!! Get out of it, find a channel you know your colleague's cards will open... and - if you did it all correctly - wait for the colourssssssssssssss...


================================= ===============

Here's another possibility, ta to [B]dosenbrot from Mbox forum:

Get the file attached to my message in File section [mbox_azbox.zip], that NeotionBox published, without the .sh file etc.

Follow the dosenbrot's directions after that:

1) one only needs to make a folder named MboxCAS,

2) put all the necessary files in it: Mbox.cfg,ident.info, ignore.list and mbox_module himself

3) the only one to give the rights [CHMOD 755] is the mbox_module itself

4) in this folder also make an openxcas.conf file and put the following in:

name = MboxCAS
daemon = mbox_module /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/mbox.cfg
version = 0.23 4th

later put: AP= yes or no and Wait= 0 or 10 Seconds and maybe more

5) in OpenXCAS folder rename the module.seq file to MboxCAS and save it

6) configure your mbox.cfg and cwshare and all will work without any .sh File

7) The important parameters in Mbox.cfg are:

- T: { /tmp/ }

- K: { /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/ }

- P: { /tmp/pmt.tmp }

Always good to learn!!

25-03-2009, 05:00 PM
Thanx to Ribolovac from EX-YU forum:

Let me add, re. the C lines:

C lines are, in fact, the connections to the NewCS server, either from your local NewCS (local cards) placed in the AZbox HD or from other boxes.

But what I wanted to mention is: if you want to your peer to see your local card, read by the NewCS, then he C line in cwshare file must start with a local IP, i.e.

In any other case, like DNS or an IP adres, like 192.168.xxx.xxx, the card won't be seen as local, provided that the card is in your box, which has installed both Mbox and NewCS.


27-03-2009, 03:37 AM
Ha, managed to get the Incubus going with the attachment, thanx to Damir's work!!! Occasionally, restarts are necessary but it's workin'!!!!

However, I added a GBox line, so not sure what works with what, what works on either of them - CCcam or GBox... or Gawd forbid both? Ach, Ambassador, you're spoiling us... Thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Btw, how to log it and send it where I want, as I don't have a HDD, please?]

13'E - ART, HRT, EUsport [HD, too!], Sky IT [HD!], Free XTV, SRG [HD], Nova, Private Spice,

but - no go for some Poles etc.

28'E - Sky UK goes but patchily...

19'E - D+ SP as above, C+FR, too -both are heavy... needing the constant restets of Incubus. CW going well.

16'E is also OK...

Scan needs improving... But a bit of patience and all will be well, it seems...

Thanx again, Damir and co.!!!!!!!!!!:bravo-009:

30-03-2009, 09:58 AM
Re. MBox: anyone has good...



Some report "everything working with Mbox" but when you ask them for the files to see, compare and learn - nothing happens... sadly...:banghead:

30-03-2009, 09:55 PM
OK: AZ Elite + Mbox configured by Todo Team + a strong Mbox server

Hot Bird 13'E
AB Moteurs, AB1 [no go: AB3, 4, Cine First, FX, Polar]
ART [Cinema, H. Zamane, Movies 2, Sport1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - only]
C+FR no go,
Polish: C+ Poland, C+ Film, Film HD, Sport, Sport HD but not very good, Cinemax & 2, Discovery & HD, DV all, Filmbox & Extra etc. & HD - OK
ESP Int HD no go, ESP OK [some not good, HR no go!]
Eurosport OK, HD OK!
Dorcel, Free-X, Free-X TV2 - no go!
French Lover - OK
HBO, Comedy, HDHBO2 - OK
HD Suisse - OK
JSC Sport+1, XP5, +2 OK
Nova Cinema1, 2, 3, Sports... - OK
Orange - no go
Polsat Sport, Extra, HD - OK
Private Spice - OK
*** View - no go
*** on TV - no go
Sky Italy [Cinema etc.] - not very good...
Sport Klub - no go...
X Dream - OK
XXL - no go

Astra2, 28'E
Ch. 4 - OK!
Ch. 4 HD - no go!
Five, Five US etc, - no go
SCI FI, Sky1, Action, Arts etc. - no go! [it does, erm... occasionally work with Incubus!}
Setanta Sports - OK
Sony TV Asia - OK

Astra1, 19'E
Cine Cinema 16/9, Classic, Emotion, Famiz, Frisson, Premier etc. - no go [France]
C+ Accion, Comedia, DCine, HD, Deport HD ec. - OK [Spain]
Film + [Central EU] - OK
Film 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 - no go [Dutch]
ORF - OK [no HD!]
Premiere 1 - 4 etc. - OK
Private Spice - no go
XXL, XXX Xtreme - no go

[b]Eutelsat 16'E
+1 & 2, Antena1 - no go
B92 etc. [Total] - OK but badly... [blocky picture]
Ch. X - no go
Cinemania [Albanian] - OK; Digi Film 5, 6, 7, 8, Autor, Klan, Supersport - no go
Cinemax, Diema etc. [Bulgarian] - OK
Pink - OK

We can then compare it with:

GBox in Mbox
GBox in Incubus
Anything else? MGcamd and...?

01-04-2009, 09:52 AM
I have:

Elite model with .1621 FW
Network at home, via a modem
Laptop with Vista Ultimate 64b

Went to AZbox HD FTP, gave the details of my laptop [IP, port, username of my laptop and its password] - even in File Manager. After I press on Connect - "Not Connect" is at the top...

Before that, on the laptop all folders I want to be shared are right clicked on -> Share -> Advanced Sharing [Share this folder, limit the number of simultaneous users to 1 user], then Customize Tab -> choose/tick "Also apply this template to all subfolders" -> Apply -> OK]

So, where is the problem? [Other than not being able to do anything at all in FTP, that is... I mean, for me nothing in that function works!!!]

Just in case, i went to the File Manager function on my AZbox HD and I pressed on the remote button "Menu" and entered the IP address of my laptop, once again.

However, after that, my AZbox HD Elite can see both the network [its name] and the address of my laptop in File Manager, Music, Video, Photo functions of my AZbox HD. If I enter through the network it can also see my laptop's name, then if I go inside it can see all the folders I allowed to be shared.

So, even though it can see all the folders I allowed to be shared, both via the network and directly, by going straight into the laptop - it can enter into them - it can not see any content of those folders!!! Nothing inside those folders can be seen, let alone played...

And that is even though it can play their content if I put a song or a video from those folders on a USB memory stick and then AZbox HD can play if from the USB stick...

I am baffled. Whatever I do - it can not see any content of my shared foilders. Why?

What am I doing wrong? Is there something extra one has to do to be able to play those songs/videos/photos on AZbox HD?

Have I misunderstood what it can do?

01-04-2009, 11:19 AM
It's been a while since i last played with linux but i had similar problem
trying to stream from a vista pc to a ubuntu pc.
First of all, do u have samba installed? I think u need that prog.
I cant recall exactly how i got i working but it wasn't exactly flawless.
The easy way would be to install a linux on ur pc.
Ubuntu is really easy and if u go with kubuntu it's similar to win.

Sorry i cant help u more / p

Ps. i do apreciate ur work in this thread & i really want an Azbox.
When cs, cr and so on are solved i be first in line Ds.

01-04-2009, 12:35 PM
OK, here is the update for my earlier results: AZ Elite + Mbox configured by Todo Team [0.4 BETA build 0022] + a strong Mbox server [ta to Ribi]!!!

I can now see Sly UK package with Mbox [thanx, m8!:king-041:]! Perfectly watchable, minimal blocky/pixilation distortions, today no break-ups, which require restarts!!!:respect-048:

Bloody well done!!!!:respect-061:

Thanx for your great work!!! :respect-047:

01-04-2009, 12:39 PM
It's been a while since i last played with linux but i had similar problem
trying to stream from a vista pc to a ubuntu pc.
First of all, do u have samba installed? I think u need that prog.
I cant recall exactly how i got i working but it wasn't exactly flawless.
The easy way would be to install a linux on ur pc.
Ubuntu is really easy and if u go with kubuntu it's similar to win.

Sorry i cant help u more / p

Ps. i do apreciate ur work in this thread & i really want an Azbox.
When cs, cr and so on are solved i be first in line Ds.


Yeah, someone also told me I need a server installed... :)


Oh, well, when I inform myself and sort it out I'll inform everyone else, too... as per usual, so anyone can easily do it...:respect-050:

01-04-2009, 01:15 PM
I have:

Elite model with .1621 FW
Network at home, via a modem
Laptop with Vista Ultimate 64b

Went to AZbox HD FTP, gave the details of my laptop [IP, port, username of my laptop and its password] - even in File Manager. After I press on Connect - "Not Connect" is at the top...

Before that, on the laptop all folders I want to be shared are right clicked on -> Share -> Advanced Sharing [Share this folder, limit the number of simultaneous users to 1 user], then Customize Tab -> choose/tick "Also apply this template to all subfolders" -> Apply -> OK]

So, where is the problem? [Other than not being able to do anything at all in FTP, that is... I mean, for me nothing in that function works!!!]

Just in case, i went to the File Manager function on my AZbox HD and I pressed on the remote button "Menu" and entered the IP address of my laptop, once again.

However, after that, my AZbox HD Elite can see both the network [its name] and the address of my laptop in File Manager, Music, Video, Photo functions of my AZbox HD. If I enter through the network it can also see my laptop's name, then if I go inside it can see all the folders I allowed to be shared.

So, even though it can see all the folders I allowed to be shared, both via the network and directly, by going straight into the laptop - it can enter into them - it can not see any content of those folders!!! Nothing inside those folders can be seen, let alone played...

And that is even though it can play their content if I put a song or a video from those folders on a USB memory stick and then AZbox HD can play if from the USB stick...

I am baffled. Whatever I do - it can not see any content of my shared foilders. Why?

What am I doing wrong? Is there something extra one has to do to be able to play those songs/videos/photos on AZbox HD?

Have I misunderstood what it can do?

If you want to go on FTP on your laptop you need to run a FTP server on it.

For the share access, you need to allow anonymous (guest)access to the folder where you share files. Or you need to setup the workgroup, login and password in the Internet settings page of your Azbox.

Then browse your network via the file manager of the Azbox, you will see the PC, the folder and the files.

It works fine for me on a Windows XP PC.

May be this can help: h**p://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc755781.aspx


01-04-2009, 03:29 PM
So, even though it can see all the folders I allowed to be shared, both via the network and directly, by going straight into the laptop - it can enter into them - it can not see any content of those folders!!! Nothing inside those folders can be seen, let alone played...

And that is even though it can play their content if I put a song or a video from those folders on a USB memory stick and then AZbox HD can play if from the USB stick...

I am baffled. Whatever I do - it can not see any content of my shared foilders. Why?

After you added your machine in the file manager, go to movies and by default you will be inside the /DATA/movies folder..

Keep pressing backup till you see all the folders and the network icon..

If you are using Vista, enable network discovery, file sharing etc to on and setup a password for your account.

Go to the network and press okay... and it will ask you for the username and password and you should now see the shared folders...

01-04-2009, 03:52 PM

I did try [MS, FileZilla Servers] but with an account. I will try the way you suggested!

Cheers, m8!:respect-048:

01-04-2009, 03:59 PM
After you added your machine in the file manager, go to movies and by default you will be inside the /DATA/movies folder..

Keep pressing backup till you see all the folders and the network icon..

If you are using Vista, enable network discovery, file sharing etc to on and setup a password for your account.

Go to the network and press okay... and it will ask you for the username and password and you should now see the shared folders...

All done but the last thing [username/pass prompt etc.] didn't happen...

01-04-2009, 04:04 PM
All done but the last thing [username/pass prompt etc.] didn't happen...

What happens when you select your machine (IP Address)?

01-04-2009, 08:59 PM
As I said: it can see all the folders I specifically put up for sharing but - can't see any content...:banghead:

Grrrrr... Baffled!:beatdeadhorse5:

Btw, multiple ECM pid streaming is posible now!:respect-059: So, we can expect some good things with Mbox and so on...:respect-050: Faster everything... :willy_nilly:

02-04-2009, 10:27 AM
As I said: it can see all the folders I specifically put up for sharing but - can't see any content...:banghead:

Grrrrr... Baffled!:beatdeadhorse5:

Post a filename which you are trying to play over the network and also are you trying to see the file in the movie or file manager section??

02-04-2009, 01:19 PM
It's all described in detail above, m8. None of the files inside the folders [allowed to be shared] can be seen. No content of those folders can be seen, sadly. Nothing can be seen by AZbox HD inside of those foldes. Not a single mp3 or DivX or avi file, so nothing can be played... :(

Even with the server on. But I have to try to re-do the server to allow for anonymous logon now... ;)


02-04-2009, 03:11 PM
It is not a Azbox problem but a windows problem.

I can confirm, once more, that Azbox is able to browse and play files in a shared Windows server.

I am pretty sure that if you connect another windows machine on your network you will get the same problem.


02-04-2009, 03:42 PM
And you are not the only one to claim it, m8... Seems you are right...


I have seen many people claiming the same thing as me, which means just one thing: it's not straight forward and it ought to be... [if at all possible...]

I mean, they complicate it beyond any real need, the writers of these programs... It ought to be simple and easy!! But the SW writers [sometimes known as "geeks"] sometimes are [just that] - "geeks"! Can't put themselves in the shoes of "ordinary folk", presuming a helluvalot, that anybody and everybody ought to be like them, knowing whatever they know - which is a bit numbnuts, honestly speaking...:smash:

A suggestion: there should be a really simple proggy to share one's files over the home network to which AZboxHD [and other PCs on the home network] should be able to hook onto with no trouble at all, without millions of setttings that have to be done exactly right, without any kind of "in depth understanding of IT" whatsoever. The way it is, obviously, is not exactly simple and straight forward. Needlessly so!:svengo:

Ordinary users should be able to hook onto their machines with ease and simplicity! I am now trying to rectify the problem in the FileZilla and MS server [to allow for anonymous login/guest] and it's... Arggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead:

02-04-2009, 04:37 PM

BPFTP server should do the job

A trial is available at


02-04-2009, 04:58 PM
And you are not the only one to claim it, m8... Seems you are right...


I have seen many people claiming the same thing as me, which means just one thing: it's not straight forward and it ought to be... [if at all possible...]

I mean, they complicate it beyond any real need, the writers of these programs... It ought to be simple and easy!! But the SW writers [sometimes known as "geeks"] sometimes are [just that] - "geeks"! Can't put themselves in the shoes of "ordinary folk", presuming a helluvalot, that anybody and everybody ought to be like them, knowing whatever they know - which is a bit numbnuts, honestly speaking...:smash:

A suggestion: there should be a really simple proggy to share one's files over the home network to which AZboxHD [and other PCs on the home network] should be able to hook onto with no trouble at all, without millions of setttings that have to be done exactly right, without any kind of "in depth understanding of IT" whatsoever. The way it is, obviously, is not exactly simple and straight forward. Needlessly so!:svengo:

Ordinary users should be able to hook onto their machines with ease and simplicity! I am now trying to rectify the problem in the FileZilla and MS server [to allow for anonymous login/guest] and it's... Arggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead:

Most of the time the problem is between the keyboard and the chair...:)

02-04-2009, 06:32 PM
Most of the time the problem is between the keyboard and the chair...:)

Yes.......applicable to most if not all mortals like us!

No inference is made or intended to individual posters in this thread but I think sometimes the infamous 'plug and play' status is taken too literally on too many things.

Whatever, I do not possess an AZBox but the thread is a good read and certainly travels along the similar learning curves of the Dreambox, Technomate etc, all of which became more user friendly after this type of discussion.

Sales competition is a good thing for all of us and forum/user comments are usually what inspires us to choose a particular receiver.

Good input here by the posters.

Best wishes. 33148

02-04-2009, 06:44 PM
I am not exactly what one might call a lazy bugger - spiritually, that is... I love learning, I love challenges... I also love explaining it to all, writing good guides for all to reffer back to, when necessary, as can be seen in Samsung, DBox2, Galaxis receivers and many other sections, from CI cams to cards and so on...

However, certain things are just too silly for words!!!

Setting up a server with various SW is one of them!!

Connecting to them is another of those silly things!

Geeks wrote them for geeks. By that I mean no disrespect for their work or knowledge. However, they do need a lay person to tell them "This is rubbish! Now, put yourselves in the position of a newbie..."

Which, unfortunately, most of them can NOT do, for love or money...:svengo:

And this is, as stated above by dishdad, a road to user-friendliness...:coolgleamA:

Good luck to us all!:rolleyes:

02-04-2009, 08:12 PM
I don't want to hurt you but the problem here is not Azbox but your Windows knowledge. Google is your friend, try to find how to share a folder for anonymous access. I already post you a tip from the Microsoft Technet.

02-04-2009, 08:45 PM
Hahahahaaaa!!! Nice one, m8! At least you're trying to be considerate, pr... ;)

Oh, m8... how can you hurt me - I am obviously sharing my shortcomings in terms of being uniformed or insufficiently informed... :)

It's not exactly the same thing as "stupid", is it? In other words, it can be remedied, i.e. overcome... And that's exactly the whole point of this thread!!!

Besides, I am not exactly a stranger to learning. This very thread is the proof of that, if one thinks a bit...

Have a look at many a thread I wrote on the subjects of CS and so on [Samsung, DBox2, Galaxis] - not exactly the stuff one is borne with. One has to learn it, one has to inform oneself. As I am doing now. And in the process I am trying to inform other newbies like myself... ;)

On top of that, if you look closely to many posts at the search results in Google, many users are saying the same thing as me.... "It doesn't work for me!" For a variety of reasons.

Why? Well, it's not exactly straight forward, as it could and indeed should be... Many settings, a lot of silly things one can make a mistake while deciding whether or not they are important and how exactly to do them......

So, back to basics... :rolleyes: Vista is full of those possibilities...:eek:

02-04-2009, 08:55 PM
Btw, I learned not to pretend [that I know who knows what, if I do not] - a much better solution... Relaxed, m8, relaxed... No testosterone driven posturing needed... Much better life that way... :)

I am from Humanities, not from the IT or tech sciences. This is but a hobby for me, not a profession.

When I can see exactly how things are done - then everyone can, as I will explain it in no uncertain terms, so all can do it simply and easily...

That's me being a teacher, which IS my profession... ;) So, there I can be of service to the community... :respect-051:

02-04-2009, 11:23 PM
I already post you a tip from the Microsoft Technet.

A sharing of knowledge with a short explanation would of been better.

03-04-2009, 12:21 AM
Yes, thanx!


Done that! Stopped the FTP Server in MS features, then restarted it, done all the File Sharing stuff, allowed it all everywhere...

But it still isn't working. :o11:

I even reinstalled the FileZilla Server. Still no juice.:blush5:

Oh, well, must learn more...:king-042:

03-04-2009, 05:09 AM

BPFTP server should do the job

A trial is available at


That did it!:number-one-043: Easy to install, setup an account for AZbox, start the server, get the FTP client on AZbox to get connected, even if in a very limited manner [only saw a small portion of a Music folder for some reason] etc.:woot-035:

I still struggled to get any of the files I previously added/allowed to be shared to make usable, i.e. actually playable by the AZbox.

In the end, only the "Public" folder it saw was usable, i.e. not only visible to AZbox but also its contents are now playable in AZbox HD. So, I started dumping stuff there - but it is a limited space.

Now, all the other folders it can see from before - there's still nothing it can see inside... Why?!? And I can't make any other folders usable for AZbox HD, even if I do add them to the AZbox account in the BP FTP Server.

'Will come back to this, must finally go to sleep now...:ack2:

Cheers, AJR! Sooper-dooper suggestion!!!:king-041:

[Blimey, it takes ages to load a movie to be able to start playing it...]

03-04-2009, 08:31 AM
Most of the time the problem is between the keyboard and the chair...:)

Of course this is my case!:beatdeadhorse5:

03-04-2009, 08:44 AM
Btw, I learned not to pretend [that I know who knows what, if I do not] - a much better solution... Relaxed, m8, relaxed... No testosterone driven posturing needed... Much better life that way... :)

I am from Humanities, not from the IT or tech sciences. This is but a hobby for me, not a profession.

When I can see exactly how things are done - then everyone can, as I will explain it in no uncertain terms, so all can do it simply and easily...

That's me being a teacher, which IS my profession... ;) So, there I can be of service to the community... :respect-051:

I agree with everything you said ...

03-04-2009, 10:28 AM
Maybe it is time to change protocol... I am using NFS to mount my NAS shares and it works great. You can find lots of info and a free NFS Server Truegrid if I recall from Dreambox howtos.

I am using this nfsmount plugin I found... you can edit it to match your needs and when you go to Movies Music it will have your NFS volumes mounted. Works great!

You can find nfsmount here:

Howto and Dreamnfs tool with truegrid:

03-04-2009, 11:17 AM
Thanx! I will certainly try to learn and sort it out...:respect-051:

Btw, just goo-oogle for a Rapid Share Search Engine, then for bp ftp server crack, hehe...:respect-023:

All cool now, just bits and pieces to be sorted and then written about...:cheers2:

03-04-2009, 11:43 AM
Btw, tinos: can you explain a bit more about the difference between CIFS and nfs mounts, please?

One [nfs] is for the AZbox receiver itself to become a server [mount its files for other clients to hook onto over the network?] and the other [cifs] makes your AZbox a client [enables it to hook onto another server, like your PC] or...?

Once you have the nfsmnt in your AZbox you have to have the matching program on your PC for it to work?

In which case the IP address to be edited in NFS .sh file is AZbox IP address, whereas in cifs .sh it's your PC's address to be put in?


03-04-2009, 12:07 PM
It does look like that [this is the cifs .sh file, which would be what I wanted, non?]

# Mount Script für Windoof Freigaben
# in Anlehnung an jokers
# Syntax:
# mount.cifs //<remote pc>/<windows freigabe> <lokales><verzeichnis> <option>
# Login auf PC als Gast: -o guest
# Login auf PC mit Username: -o user=bla,pass=blub
# Viel Spass!!
sleep 10
mount.cifs //192.168.x.x/Photos /DATA/picture -o user=xxxxx,pass=xxx
mount.cifs //192.168.x.x/Movie /DATA/movie -o user=xxxxx,pass=xxx
mount.cifs //192.168.x.x/Music /DATA/music -o user=xxxxx,pass=xxx
#mount.cifs // /DATA/records -o user=bla,pass=blub
My edit... a bit... Is the syntax OK for the user/pass bit? I have no pass, btw, so then ",pass=" ?

This would be to mount/"hook onto" your PC's files, isn't it?

Btw, the last one is for a DVD hooked onto a USB port or should it be /DATA/Download, in which case it's for people with an ex-/internal HDD...?

03-04-2009, 12:15 PM
It does look like that [this is the cifs .sh file, which would be what I wanted, non?]

My edit... a bit... Is the syntax OK for the user/pass bit? I have no pass, btw, so then ",pass=" ?

This would be to mount/"hook onto" your PC's files, isn't it?

Btw, the last one is for a DVD hooked onto a USB port or should it be /DATA/Download, in which case it's for people with an ex-/internal HDD...?

You need to edit IP to match your server (Windows PC) then use user and password if you have set that up without guest access. Otherwise use "-o guest".

Never tried DVD so cannot help you. But I think it is not working yet, but guess it will go to /DATA/usbx (case you are using a USB external unit).
On your script there is a DVD that goes to records... that is a DVD shared on PC so if you want to access DVD with movies put on your PC and mount it.

03-04-2009, 12:21 PM
Btw, tinos: can you explain a bit more about the difference between CIFS and nfs mounts, please?

One [nfs] is for the AZbox receiver itself to become a server [mount its files for other clients to hook onto over the network?] and the other [cifs] makes your AZbox a client [enables it to hook onto another server, like your PC] or...?

Once you have the nfsmnt in your AZbox you have to have the matching program on your PC for it to work?

In which case the IP address to be edited in NFS .sh file is AZbox IP address, whereas in cifs .sh it's your PC's address to be put in?


NFS and CIFS protocols are the same... both can be server or client. I was adding that option as you seemed to have issues with SMB/CIFS and windows (make sure firewall is disabled). So you could try a different protocol that works.
With CIFS your AzBox can be client or server if you have internal HDD to share.
With NFS your AzBox is client to NFS shares on PC or NAS box. And works really nice.

03-04-2009, 01:01 PM
You need to edit IP to match your server (Windows PC) then use user and password if you have set that up without guest access. Otherwise use "-o guest".

That's the easy part, of course, as you can see I got that...

Never tried DVD so cannot help you. But I think it is not working yet, but guess it will go to /DATA/usbx (case you are using a USB external unit).

On your script there is a DVD that goes to records... that is a DVD shared on PC so if you want to access DVD with movies put on your PC and mount it.

Cool, thanx!

NFS and CIFS protocols are the same... both can be server or client. I was adding that option as you seemed to have issues with SMB/CIFS and windows (make sure firewall is disabled).

Firewall wasn't a problem, as I said, my AZ can go into the PC but can't see the contents of the folders I expressly gave the permission to be shared... Until I got onto the "Public" one, that was actually seen and usable...

So you could try a different protocol that works.

With CIFS your AzBox can be client or server if you have internal HDD to share.

With NFS your AzBox is client to NFS shares on PC or NAS box. And works really nice.

Excellent, cheers! So, with both NFS and CIFS I won't have to give the FTP Client on my AZbox the data each time I wanna play something from my lappy but it will be automatically mounted...

But how do I edit the nfs bits to make my AZbox a client to my lappy: what exactly do I have to do, other than give the lappy IP address, 'course, in terms of mounting certain Folders or is it only the whole lappy HDD that can be mounted like that?


03-04-2009, 05:20 PM
You will need to read manuals from Dreambox with NFS to learn how to configure it.

Your problems with files could be Security issues... maybe files are NTFS drive with private security set. You need to edit files or directory and apply security to all files inside. Check on how to do that. You need to share Public folder instead of personal folders. If it is too complex use NFS it will be easier.

If you are running XP Home versus Prof some security stuff is hidden. It is really crappy! Maybe if you could move files to a FAT32 USB drive and share that it will work. Don't know but you need to loose all security from those files. That is probably why you can open folder shared but not files inside.

03-04-2009, 06:12 PM
I was afraid you might say that!

Indeed, I did do it, to all files, individually... But only the "Public" one can be seen with all the content. And I have no space on C drive...

Even the BP FTP doesn't help there, as I have the connection, I added all those files to the profile/username, no password and no-go still...

Bonkers!!! All this "security"... and I can't get in with all the details. How do bloody hackers do it, then?:respect-053::respect-023::respect-051: Now, there's an idea: maybe I need to hack into it? :respect-050::rofl:

03-04-2009, 07:07 PM
;-) Yes... winblows sucks big time if it is called Vista... I guess no matter what you try NTFS security is messing with you. Have you tried adding user Guest to security of those files?
Maybe only way to hack it is to go with NFS somehow with your user rights and so... don't know because I hate Vista. With XP you might get a chance! ;-)

03-04-2009, 07:19 PM
I have an old PC with XP Pro but on NTFS, also. An external HDD is attached to it but also in NTFS, damn!:smash:

This will be a struggle...:blush5:

04-04-2009, 12:42 AM
With XP Professional is super easy to add User Guest to those files that you want to share... just select carpet with files go to Security (not sharing) and add user guest (make sure it is not disabled account). After that apply security to all folders and files inside in advanced menu. You can find examples with google for sure on how to do that. After that you can share folder with Everybody read access and you can playback all files.

04-04-2009, 09:24 AM
Thank you kindly! Will investigate later on - very cool!!!:respect-051:

05-04-2009, 03:40 PM
These are the options we ought to have......

Testbericht vom ASAT DiSEqC 1/10 Switch SW 101D von Anadolu Market


Für alle Freunde des Multi-Satelliten-Empfangs gibt es jetzt einen ganz neuen DiSEqC- Schalter.

Dieser erlaubt es 10 LNB`s zu schalten. Und das Beste der Receiver muß dafür auch nicht DiSEqC 1.1 fähig zu sein. Es reicht wenn er DiSEqC 1.2 kann. DiSEqC 1.2 !!! Richtig bekannt als Motorsteuerung, dieses mal eben ohne Motor. Ich wollte es auch erst nicht glauben. Funktioniert 100%ig. Sogar die Signalqualität ist besser als mit anderen sonst üblichen Schaltern. Genau das Richtige für Leute mit WaveFrontier Antenne (http://www.satellite-heaven.de/testberichte/wavefrontier-t90-multifeed-satelliten-antenne.htm). Schade das nicht schon früher jemand auf die Idee gekommen ist. Dieser Schalter kann verschiedene DiSEqC Versionen Verarbeiten. Die interessanteste ist natürlich der 1.2 Modus 6. Will man auch mal die anderen Modes ausprobieren muß man sich den Programmer dazu kaufen. Der kleine Programmer wird zwischen Schalter und Receiver angeschlossen. Auf diesem befinden sich 6 kleine Schalter mit deren Hilfe der Switch programmiert wird.

Insgesamt gibt es 6 verschiedene Möglichkeiten:

Modus 1: normales DiSEqC 1.0 oder 2.0 (ABCD), max. 4 LNB

Modus 2: normales DiSEqC 1.1 oder 2.1, max. 10 LNB

Modus 3: DiSEqC 1.0 oder 2.0 + Toneburst A/B, max.6 LNB (?)

( LNB Nr. 5 funktioniert aber nicht so kommt man in diesem Mode nur auf 5 LNB`s)

Modus 4: Benutzer definiertes DiSEqC, bis zu 10 LNB(?)

(ich bin nur auf 4 LNB`s gekommen mit einer 4/1 Kaskade an LNB 1 des Schalters)

Modus 5: DiSEqC 1.1 oder 2.1 uncommitted, bis zu 40 LNB`s mit zusätzlich 10 Stück 4/1 DiSEqC 1.0


Modus 6: DiSEqC 1.2 oder 2.2, bis zu 10 LNB


Ich hier besonders auf den Mode 6 eingehen. Für mich auch der wichtigste Modus. Zuerst schließt man die LNB an den Schalter an. Dieser ist gut beschriftet. Dann wird der Programmer zwischen Receiver und Schalter angeschlossen. Nach Einschalten des Receivers geht man am besten zuerst auf einen Programmplatz des 1. LNB. Am Programmer drückt man die Taste für den Modus 6. Damit ist der Switch richtig programmiert. Anschliessend kann der Programmer wieder entfernt werden. Im Menü wählt man den Satelliten aus und stellt diesen auf DiSEqC 1.2 (Motor Steuerung) um.


Veränderungen können erst durchgeführt werden nach 3 maligen drücken von "Store Sat". Anschließend kann durch drücken (bis 10x) von go east oder west der Schalter nach dem richtigen LNB abgesucht werden. In der Regel ist das richige LNB gefunden, wenn ein Signal angezeigt wird. Dann einfach den Sat abspeichern. Dann einfach die gleiche Prozedur bei den anderen Satelliten durchführen. Bis alle 10 LNB Positionen abgespeichert sind. Ist wirklich eine Prima Sache, wenn der Receiver kein DiSEqC1.1 Protokol unterstützt. Und auch so eine Investition wert.

Hier noch Beispiele für die DiSEqC 1.1 Modes (Mode2 und 5):
SW101D ASAT im Mode 2 (10 LNB`s )

10/1 Schalter / LNB









DiSEqC 1.1

















DiSEqC 1.1

(bis 64 LNBs)















LNB 10



SW101D ASAT im Mode 5 (40 LNB`s ) mit zusätzlichen 4/1 DiSEqC 1.0 Kaskaden:

10/1 Schalter LNB /

4/1 Kaskade


(DiSEqC 1.0) 4/1 Switch


(DiSEqC 1.1) 10/1 Switch


LNB 1 / SAT 1





DiSEqC 1.1


LNB 1 / SAT 2



LNB 1 / SAT 3



LNB 1 / SAT 4



LNB 2 / SAT 5



LNB 2 / SAT 6



LNB 2 / SAT 7



LNB 2 / SAT 8



LNB 3 / SAT 9



LNB 3 / SAT 10



LNB 3 / SAT 11



LNB 3 / SAT 12



LNB 4 / SAT 13



LNB 4 / SAT 14



LNB 4 / SAT 15



LNB 4 / SAT 16



LNB 5 / SAT 17






DiSEqC 1.1

(bis 64 LNBs)



LNB 5 / SAT 18



LNB 5 / SAT 19



LNB 5 / SAT 20



LNB 6 / SAT 21



LNB 6 / SAT 22



LNB 6 / SAT 23



LNB 6 / SAT 24



LNB 7 / SAT 25



LNB 7 / SAT 26



LNB 7 / SAT 27



LNB 7 / SAT 28



LNB 8 / SAT 29



LNB 8 / SAT 30



LNB 8 / SAT 31



LNB 8 / SAT 32



LNB 9 / SAT 33



LNB 9 / SAT 34



LNB 9 / SAT 35



LNB 9 / SAT 36



LNB 10 / SAT 37



LNB 10 / SAT 38



LNB 10 / SAT 39



LNB 10 / SAT 40





Der Schalter ist eine echt gute Alternative für alle die keinen DiSEqC1.1 fähigen Receiver besitzen.

Negativ: Signalpegel ist schlechter als bei Spaun Kaskade. Die Bedienungsanleitung ist in englisch und russisch und ist zum Teil schlecht. Diese gibt nicht wirklich Hilfe bei den Einstellungen. Das Wetterschutzgehäuse lässt sich schlecht schließen wenn alle Anschlüsse belegt sind.

Der Programmer, muss leider extra gekauft werden:


Bedienungsanleitung: Vorderseite (http://www.satellite-heaven.de/testberichte/data/wavefrontier/manual.jpg), Rückseite (http://www.satellite-heaven.de/testberichte/data/wavefrontier/manual-p2.jpg)(engl.)

Bedienungsanleitung: deutsch (http://www.satellite-heaven.de/testberichte/data/wavefrontier/BA-deutsch-10in1%20DiseqC.pdf)(.pdf)

Meinen besonderen Dank gilt Anadolu Market (http://www.anasat.de/) für das zur Verfügung stellen des Schalters.



05-04-2009, 03:44 PM
Ach, not possible to see graphically easy and simple, so:


05-04-2009, 05:28 PM
One last ditch effort...


AZbox Menu -> FTP -> put the details in -> connects as a client to the Bullet Proof FTP Server on my laptop:

(000003) 05/04/2009 18:05:55 - (not logged in) (192.168.x.x) > PASS ********
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:05:55 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > logged in.
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:05:55 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > 230 User xxxxx logged in.
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:05:55 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > PWD
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:05:55 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > 257 "/" is current directory.
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:05:55 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > TYPE A
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:05:55 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > 200 Type set to A.
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:05:55 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > PASV
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:05:55 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > 227 Entering Passive Mode (192.168.x.x,159,210)
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:05:55 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > LIST
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:05:55 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > 150 Data connection accepted from 192.168.x.x:39513; transfer starting.
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:05:55 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > 226 Transfer ok
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:05:57 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > PWD
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:05:57 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > 257 "/" is current directory.
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:05:58 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > PWD
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:05:58 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > 257 "/" is current directory.but the "Save" button on the remote doesn't work


as soon as I press on Menu -> something else [say, Movie] -> BP FTP Server tells me that it's disconnected now...

(000003) 05/04/2009 18:06:41 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > PWD
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:06:41 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > 257 "/" is current directory.
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:06:48 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > QUIT
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:06:48 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > 221 Bye bye ...
(000003) 05/04/2009 18:06:48 - xxx (192.168.x.x) > disconnected. (00:00:53)
Then, I go to, say Menu -> Movie and in any File other than "Public", as I said, it can't see anything inside.

In the "Public" file it can see and play those files.

Grrrrr!!!!!!!!! WHY? WTF?!?

05-04-2009, 09:11 PM
With XP Professional is super easy to add User Guest to those files that you want to share... just select carpet with files go to Security (not sharing) and add user guest (make sure it is not disabled account). After that apply security to all folders and files inside in advanced menu. You can find examples with google for sure on how to do that. After that you can share folder with Everybody read access and you can playback all files.


I didn't bother with the User Guest at all!

I simply went to the main folders or even whole partitions, right click on them -> Sharing and Security, then gave the rights, allowed them to be shared, plus also went to Customise and apply the template to all subfolders -> Apply and OK.

Then - just in case - I went a bit "lower" and repeated the whole thing to the Music, Video and Photo folders, one by one, and - lo&behold - NTFS or not, firewall or not, who cares - all the movies are playable!!!:cheers2:

Unlike bloody Vista... Oychhhhh...:ack2: That possibly explains why some people report their external HDDs in NTFS to be playable and some can not...?

But then I lost it all! Damn, what happened? Re-did it all, rebooted and now it's all cool! Hopefully it stays like that, hehe... My wife's laptop was also immeditaely playable, as it is XP and as easy as pie to sort out, just as you said!

THANX, M8!!!:respect-051::king-041:

13-04-2009, 12:13 PM
If in trouble with one's EMUs/CS etc. I think one should update "cleanly", as it were, by deleting it all!


0) Press the HOME button on your remote -> Menu -> Plugins -> OpenXCAS -> delete camd's [for those of you who have installed those earlier; new users will not have these, so this step doesn't apply to them]

1) HOME -> Settings -> Data reset -> Factory reset

2) Put a "patch" [= Image or Firmware or FW, the one you want to programme your AZbox HD with] on your USB memory stick, then put the USB memory stick into your AZbox HD -> Reboot your AZbox HD, using the power button at the back of the receiver

3) When it reboots it should give you various options, one of them is to Format application area [I do not get this option with 1759 FW, so I went back to the previous FW 1621, to be able to do it] -> OK/confirm it [this gives you a definitive clean install now]

4) When the formatting is done you can install any Patch.bin you want - just make sure it is named patch.bin [right click on it and rename it, if necessary, as sometimes it comes as patch.sit file]

4a) When it's finished and AZbox HD is rebooting - be close to the receiver to do this quickly - take the USB stick out or if you feel lazy choose Reboot without update!

5) Menu -> sort out the Settings, as you need them [Net, Audio/Visual, Antena etc.]

6) Put a channel list in at this point, using Telesat's Editor and reboot [you may wanna rescan your fav satellite positions, just in case], make sure you're online for the next step

6) Download and install OpenXCAS
6a) Go to Plugins -> [B]enter OpenXCAS by pressing the OK button on your remote and go to Manual Install option
6b) Install: MultiCAS, MGcamd and NewCS [all three are online to DL and install straight into AZbox HD]
6c) Go to, say TV Globo on Hot Bird and wait for the AU to create a working key, meaning MultiCAS is active and functioning properly with all the valid Master Keys
[activate it via HOME -> Plugins -> OpenXCAS -> Activate -> MultiCAS must NOT have # in front of it, which is done by using the blue button, then restart it by pressing the yellow button -> OK when it restarts, then go out of the Menu using the Back button and into TV part of the Menu to the channel you want to open] and TV Globo should open up very soon and be working fine... Digi TV on 1'W likewise, as they are both encrypted in Nagra2, which is hacked!

7) Install Mbox and add cwshare.cfg and start messing with it... See my thread on the topic.

7a) Also, Incubus CS SW, possibly by Damir's installation proggy... Edit the config file for your GBox [and CCcam, if not installing with Damir's proggy] details.

Good luck! :)

But this time Total Commander couldn't connect [FTP]. FileZilla did and only on port 22. I can't install Incubus using Damir's installer. The same issue. Last night I lost a lot of time re-installing it all a couple of times, different patches, trying to "liberate" the blocked FTP ports [1759 issue?] and so on...

On top of it all, to make it even more frustrating, I found out that my DynDNS account was deleted without a warning. One must go there, to their pages, log in, it seems, regularly, like once a week - or else...

Sometimes it's soooooooooo...:willy_nilly::frown ::nopity::rant:

14-04-2009, 10:34 AM
I had a problem with Total Commander, which couldn't connect with my AZbox HD. In comes Rassha with the solution:

try this... log on via telnet and type this..

mkdir -p /EMU/home/stbuserthen try to connect via ftp

This creates an otherwise non-existing folder in AZbox HD for TC to log into directly. That's what it has been trying to do and couldn't, as it simply was not there. Voila!

You need PuTTy for that. Just install it, then start it, put in the username and password, hit the "Enter" button after each, then this command line above, carefully observing even EMPTY spaces - Linux is case sensitive! Simple.

Thanx, majstore!!! ;) :)

15-04-2009, 01:06 PM
Post #126 updated with yet more details for newbies to grapple with... step-by-step!:respect-050:

:coolgleamA:Good luck to us all!!!

The Doc
16-04-2009, 08:35 PM
I admire your persistence, Goran. I also admire the fact that you still use Vista, despite all of its downfalls :king-041:
It would be rather narrow minded and possibly counter productive to suggest that everyone should use an XP sp2 machine (or linux) as a test rig because doing so would mean we'd never find and overcome such problems as you've been experiencing but on the other hand, it's good to start on a level playing field without the uphill battle that is Vista :9898:

I'm looking forward to a lot of late nights when I get my hands on this box :sifone:

16-04-2009, 09:14 PM
Old XP PC is far away...

Lappy won't take XP 64b and with 32b it's half the lappy it really is.

There should be a way in getting this sorted out... Plugins already exist, so we wait for a good and simple, elegant solution for AZbox HD.

Or maybe Win7?

We shall overcome!:respect-055:

Dig Deep
17-04-2009, 08:24 AM
I agree Mr G.

We must find a way with Vista or even better, win7 as they will rule.
XP is good working but support has finished for it and soon we all have win7.

I am running Vista so I shall start testing as well.

but of course - we shall overwin windows :respect-051:

17-04-2009, 10:31 AM
Old XP PC is far away...

Lappy won't take XP 64b and with 32b it's half the lappy it really is.

There should be a way in getting this sorted out... Plugins already exist, so we wait for a good and simple, elegant solution for AZbox HD.

Or maybe Win7?

We shall overcome!:respect-055:

I am using vista and have never had any problems with it..

I shared a folder and added the users "Guest and Everyone" to the share permissions and it works fine without any issues...

17-04-2009, 10:47 AM
Mine is the Ultimate version. I do***ented in detail what I did and it didn't work, except the "Public" folder, which is simply not good enough. Tinos explained a lot more why that is so. Others have had similar experiences.:banghead:

I did as you did, as I mentioned earlier but...:beatdeadhorse5:

17-04-2009, 12:35 PM
Goran, one thing you can try... maybe slow but usefull and you can try just with 1 file to see if it works is the following:

1) If you have an external USB HDD with FAT instead of NTFS you can copy one file that doesn't share move to FAT to loose NTFS security.

2) Copy back to Public Folder in Vista and it should reset to Public security.

Check if that trick works for you. For sure it will work with FAT16 but probably too on FAT32 don't think it can store NTFS security.

17-04-2009, 01:15 PM
Yeah, unfortunately it doesn't start my USB HDD... The LED is flashing but the HDD is not initiated. FAT formatted.

I'll see what I can come up with. Thanx a lot for the tip!!!

17-04-2009, 01:22 PM
Try with different USB cable... or you need more juice... power... does it do the clicking sound like trying to spinup? You could use a "Y" cable with 2 USBs to add more power to HDD for spinup.

It does work on XP PC?

17-04-2009, 02:17 PM
It does, no problem. When it's connected to lappy with XP.

I have a big external HDD, NTFS formatted and connected to an old PC with XP - also no problem.

But the small one, my wife's, which is FAT formatted can not be properly initiated by AZ.

Strange, because a friend of mine has the same one and is working fine... [Verbatim USB 250GB]

17-04-2009, 05:22 PM
Idea is to connect USB HDD to Vista so you can move files to FAT and lose NTFS security.

17-04-2009, 08:28 PM
I understood it, no probs... ;) :)

18-04-2009, 09:15 PM
From Mbox EX-YU forum, the results of the discussion there, with various files one needs, to compare, configure, setup and learn:

OKI, here is what I did with 0.5_7 for AZbox HD:

Following the info put by mower, dosenbrod, encounter, helder and Tinos, I edited my files for Mbox 0.5-7 a... FW 1621.

So, I deleted all the Plugins/EMUs and checked it's all gone with FilleZilla FTP client. Then, re-downloaded/re-installed the OpenXCAS and rebooted, as pr2 warned, then installed MultiCAS, MGcamd and NewCS - all of them online.

================================= =======================

Then, I installed the Mbox, the best I could. However, some advice was a bit - out of sorts... Linux, I am told, has no "single strictly right or wrong way", as there are always more "correct" or "successful" ways to do the same thing... "0 sec waiting" or "10 or more" one even put 13 secs [which I used], API advice, what exacly to put for which module in/for those "less known/less agreed on" functions etc. You need to play around a bit...

First dosenbrod's advice:

make a Folder named Mboxcas, put all nessesary Files in it like Mbox.cfg,ident.info,ignore.list,o f course mbox_module himself, the only one, who need Rights 755

Then make an openxcas.conf File,also in this Folder

- In openxcas.conf comes the following:

name = MboxCAS
daemon = mbox_module /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/mbox.cfg
version = 0.23 4th

(later there comes AP= yes or no and Wait= 0 or 10 Seconds and maybe more)So, I made the MboxCAS folder via FilleZilla FTP client, as instructed in OpenXCAS folder. I copied mbox_module, mbox.prio, port.list, ident.info and knows.ini [the last two I got from my old GBox] into it. Given the rights [CHMOD to 755] for mbox_module only.

In it I made the openxcas.conf - using my UE32 editor - and in it I put, according to Mower's advice:

name = MboxCAS
daemon = mbox_module
version = 1.00

Save the file and copy to /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/ where is mbox_module is.A bit confusing, as this is 0.5_7 version but hey... he said so!

Dosenbrod also stated:

Now config your mbox.cfg and cwshare and all will work without any .sh File

Important Paramters in Mbox.cfg are:

- T: { /tmp/ }

- K: { /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/ }

- P: { /tmp/pmt.tmp }So, in mbox.cfg (I got the basic file from Mbox v. 0.5_7) I put:

[B]Z: { 13 } { 192.168.x.xxx 8000 } - edited my PC IP address, of course, correctly and added the port, so Black's proggy would work...


B: { 0 0 0 }

//B: { 1 } // for local watching over DVB

//B: { x IP_listen IP_send }
//x=0 -> disable local UDP ports 8004-80xx ,this ports are used with DVB cards and gbox plugin (Windows and Linux)
//x=1 -> enable
//IP_listen -> on what IP to wait for PMT and ECMs
//IP_send -> on what IP to send DCW
//default disabled

K: { /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/ }The rest I left as I found it, since it seemed OK.

Then, dosenbrod said:

next is on Folder up, there is module.seq
- give module.seq a new entry named MboxCAS and save it.So, I did that.

Should there be an openxcas.conf in OpenXCAS folder as well, not just in each EMU folder, guys???

=========================LET'S CHECK IT ALL AGAIN============================ =======

To recapitulate...

My MboxCAS folder contains:

cwshare.cfg which looks like this [please comment, if you know/can...]:
################################# #
# Mbox cardsharing config file #
################################# #
# CaID
#H: { 091F0FF3 }
# Send ECM's at maximum 5 cards (please use this as default)
X: { 8 }
# Preffered cards ids (up to 32)
#X+: { 09610000:5 }
#X+: { 093B0000:10 }
#X+: { 0B000000:5 }
# max card's distance to use for ecm
I: { 3 }
#NDS system ->Resending ECM(s) on timeout interval
#N: { 400 200 }
N: { 400 200 }
#NDS system ->Resending ECM(s) on timeout interval
#4000 (4 seconds)-> resend current ecm on boxid if no dcw
#2000 (2 seconds)-> wait 2 more seconds for dcw ,if no dcw on time resend ecm(s) to all boxid's
O: { 6000 4000 }
#Connecting to newcamd server program Newcs
M: { myown.dyndns.org { mypassword}}
G: { mypeer.dyndns.something { our ports { hispassword { A2 A2 }}}}
G: { mypeer.dyndns.something { our ports { hispassword { A3 A3 }}}}

mbox_module [CHMOD 755] 0.5 v.7

All of them are attached to this message! Some of them you will need to edit, as carefully described above!

My OpenXCAS folder contains:

the 4 modules [MultiCAS, NewCS, MGcamd and Mbox]
sh folder [delete, install, start, stop]
addons.conf [empty]


count = 4
active_auto = true
active_1 = MultiCAS
active_2 = newcs
active_3 = mgcamd
active_4 = MboxCAS

name = MultiCAS
daemon = emu_module
version = 1.57C

name = newcs
daemon = newcs
argument = -nd
version = 1.6
xcasapi = FALSE

name = mgcamd
daemon = mgcamd
version = 1.32
# argument = -a 3

ap= Yes
name = MboxCAS
daemon = mbox_module /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/mbox.cfg
xcasapi = TRUE
wait=13 sec
version = 0.5-7Telnet commands [you can use PuTTy, which is free] to start the Mbox are [thanx to Mower!]:

just ,

cd /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/

chmod 755 mbox_module


that's allSo, start the PuTTy, log in with root as username, azbox as password, then the above 3 commands to kick-start Mbox and you'll see the traffic/log/what's going on...

It is working, if a bit choppy. But I am sure that Mower will get there in the end...

Good luck!!

18-04-2009, 10:29 PM
can anyone get a signal for the canal+ HD channels on thor? work fine on my dm800s but get no signal on the azbox using the same cable. The non HD channels work fine.

18-04-2009, 10:52 PM
ignore, found channel files on another forum and ftp'd them and now they work fine

19-04-2009, 04:34 AM
I just read the whole lot and I am more fused than I was when I started to read it.

So when we want a EMU to work we just comment out the other emu's or do we need more than one ?


Quicker to stick a cam in lol
Only joking I need to get the first part sorted and then move on.
So no need to chmod any files ? the auto update key will auto update files with out the need for 0777 ???

One or two other things the list of stations in the bottom of the screen the frequencies and pid and what not, I wish it had the encryption the channel was using.
I am so used to it being there on the old echostar, especily when you get a lot of the channel names the same on the same satellite, I do not think you will know every channels frequency off the top of your head.

Also when in the satellite chooser it gives the name and not the degrees this some times gets tricky unless you know every satellite but name and number like astra there are 3 of them.
astra 1, astra2, astra 3 but astra 1f does not mean any thing to me.
would be better if it had the degrees orr the name like astra 2 19.2 rather than the long name as there is to much deatil its hard to see which is which some times I couldn't find thor the other day in the list its got to much data there I think.

Not complaining but think some places there is to much data and other not enough.

I will have to read the post by Goran again on the page before, maybe you should have made it a little longer to make it more fusing.

Just a little list of cams that I have laying about that I tested in the slots to see if they worked and all did.

Blue Icecrypt
Reality 1.1
Reality 1.4
Magic clone
Matrix Revolution
Matrix Reborn

Conax cam 1.3 ( found and was initialized but could not get in to the menu )

19-04-2009, 10:51 AM
Just a little list of cams that I have laying about that I tested in the slots to see if they worked and all did.

Blue Icecrypt
Reality 1.1
Reality 1.4
Magic clone
Matrix Revolution
Matrix Reborn

Conax cam 1.3 ( found and was initialized but could not get in to the menu )

Diablo is working? what firmware? All functionality? Some report not working.

19-04-2009, 11:07 AM

CAM support is improving at each firmware release but today, the CAM are detected and you can access the menu and browse them. But, if I am right, with firmware 0.9.1759 you get no picture via the CAM, still work to be done by developpers to get the picture.

But if someone can get picture via a CAM it is interesting to know which one is working with which crypto protocol (CaID) or channel and on which satellite.


19-04-2009, 11:29 AM
Additional info by Mower:

I said dont use script files before you do it manual , copy all files and see if it working ,then you use some script(simple text files with commands) to monitor maybe if mbox is still runing and if not start again etc ....

-Wrong N line in cwshare.cfg

#N: { 400 200 } -> GOOD !!
N: { 01 01 01 00 400 200 } -> WRONG !!!!

Edited the above text accordingly! :respect-051:

19-04-2009, 11:45 AM
Diablo is working?

Its accessible and the diablo menu works... but that's all, there is no decoding.

19-04-2009, 12:05 PM
Its accessible and the diablo menu works... but that's all, there is no decoding.

did you try disabling the internal emu's?

19-04-2009, 12:09 PM
did you try disabling the internal emu's?

I believe so.... but does your question mean that you have diablo working, or was it just a guess ?

19-04-2009, 01:45 PM
Yes, Mower's advice is to initially use only:

1) mbox_module
2) mbox.cfg
3) openxcas.conf
4) plus in /EMU/OpenXCAS/ a file called module.seq to make Mbox the starting module

...and no other "scripts" [files]!

(I am not sure [I forgot to ask Mower] but I suppose the port.list file is also necessary to have in MboxCAS folder, as it is in the main Mbox package. Not sure about mbox.prio and knows.ini. Either way, make sure these files are correct for your setup, before you use them.)

This is just to clarify a bit, as after that - once you check everything is functioning well - one can use, for instance, mbox.sh file to experiment...

How? Thanx to Helder:

Create a file mbox.sh

using Ultra Edit 32 or some such programme and copy and paste this into it:

cd /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS
./mbox_module /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/mbox.cfg &

Save it and put it into the MboxCAS folder via FTP, then reboot your receiver and restart Mbox.

Good luck!:coolgleamA:

19-04-2009, 07:59 PM
Hello, my chummy enthusiasts!http://www.mbox.exyusat.com/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif

Let me start by saying that I am no expert! I come from Humanities and have no IT training whatsoever! Let this be an ecouragement to all of you! If I can - all of you can!!! http://www.mbox.exyusat.com/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif

And here is a step in the right direction! With a little bit of self-belief and patience you will be able to setup your own Mbox/CS! More or less [i.e. almost] all you need to know is here...

A big THANX to Mower and co. writing it and then explaining it all to us... http://www.mbox.exyusat.com/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif

================================= ============


a- download the latest Mbox and unpack it

Note: for AZbox HD you will need only the following files - from the comprehensive package for all kinds of different receivers, PC's and DVB-S cards: mbox_module and mbox.cfg [this one must be edited according to your needs];

b- However, mbox.prio and port.list files in the package are only examples [we shall come back to it]. Find good ones on the net and edit them according to your needs.

There are also similar files like ident.info, ignore.list and knows.ini files [from GBox] which apparently serve the same purpose - but I didn't really spend time studying those yet...]

Apparently, if you have an original card that you want to share with people, but you want it to open the channels to which you subscribe, rather than trying to open them via virtual cards from the net [CS or Card Sharing] or by the Emulator itself [if something is hacked and available for our Emulators] - by using those files you tell the module to go to your local card and not to the Emulator itself or CS etc. There are idents of providers in those file, there are false ID's, ID's you do not want searched from etc. etc.

Comments/info/good files welcome!!! This forum has a thread with a good Prio list, if not really comprehensive! As for the rest, I need to learn together with the rest of you...http://www.mbox.exyusat.com/style_emoticons/default/wink.gifhttp://www.mbox.exyusat.com/style_emoticons/default/smile.gifhttp://www.mbox.exyusat.com/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif

c- install Ultra Edit 32 or some such editor [UEStudio `06 is free]

d- download PuTTy from the net [free]

e- note your PC's and your AZbox HD's IP addresses

f- find good mbox.prio, ident.info and maybe even knows.ini [as I said, I don't know much about the exact workings of it but will I investigate]

=================CREATE OR EDIT YOUR FILES================

1) Using UE32 editor,thembox.cfg file should be edited [for AZbox HD] prior to that as follows [only the important parameters, the rest is not to be touched:

Z: { 13 } { 192.168.x.xxx 8000 } - this line you need to edit with your PC's correct IP address, of course, plus the port, so Black's Mbox plugin Mbox Control Centre would work...

B: { 0 0 0 }

T: { /tmp/ }

K: { /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/ }

P: { /tmp/pmt.tmp } Warning: make sure you get the file from Mbox 0.5 latest package! Then edit that one, don't just copy the old one, as changes might occur in the meantime.

2) Now create your openxcas.conf, which should look like this, as Mower said [you can create a new one or edit an old one, using UE32 editor, as mentioned above]:

name = MboxCAS
daemon = mbox_module
version = 1.00

3) Your cwshare.cfg should look like this [this is but a template but all you need to do is just edit the M and G lines at the bottom]:

################################# #
# Mbox cardsharing config file #
################################# #
# CaID
#H: { 091F0FF3 }
# Send ECM's at maximum 5 cards (please use this as default)
X: { 8 }
# Preffered cards ids (up to 32)
#X+: { 09610000:5 }
#X+: { 093B0000:10 }
#X+: { 0B000000:5 }
# max card's distance to use for ecm
I: { 3 }
#NDS system ->Resending ECM(s) on timeout interval
#N: { 400 200 }
N: { 400 200 }
#NDS system ->Resending ECM(s) on timeout interval
#4000 (4 seconds)-> resend current ecm on boxid if no dcw
#2000 (2 seconds)-> wait 2 more seconds for dcw ,if no dcw on time resend ecm(s) to all boxid's
O: { 6000 4000 }
#Connecting to newcamd server program Newcs
M: { myown.dyndns.org { mypassword}}
G: { mypeer.dyndns.something { our ports { hispassword { A2 A2 }}}}
G: { mypeer.dyndns.something { our ports { hispassword { A3 A3 }}}}

================FTP YOUR FILES TO AZBOX HD================

4) Connect with your AZbox HD via FTP - like FilleZilla client, put your box's IP, use root as username and azbox as password, port 22 [Mbox CC will use port 21] -> connect, then go to EMU folder -> click on OpenXCAS folder

5) In OpenXCAS folder make the MboxCAS folder via FilleZilla FTP client, [Linux is case sensitive, so it's MboxCAS] . Inside the OpenXCAS folder right click on empty space -> Create directory -> name it as described -> OK. It should be given the rights, this folder, so in FilleZilla: right click on MboxCAS folder -> File permissions -> 755 -> OK

6) Copy [drag and drop] into it: mbox_module, mbox.cfg, cwshare.cfg and port.list. Give the rights [right click on it -> File permissions -> 755 -> OK] to mbox_module only.

7) In your AZbox HD, using your FileZilla, find the /EMU/OpenXCAS/ folder [one up from MboxCAS]. In it you should find - and if you haven't got it then create it - a file called module.seq to make Mbox the starting module [right click on it -> File permissions -> 755]. This is what it should look like:

#newcs That's it!!! At this point we need no other "scripts" [files], says Mower!

8) According to Mower's advice all you now need to do is to try to start the Mbox module, using Telnet [PuTTy or some such proggy], to make sure the module will start and there are no errors.

So, start the PuTTy.exe by double clicking on it,
log in with root as username [hit Enter on your keyboard],
azbox as password [Enter],
then the following 3 commands [Copy & Paste and Enter for each] to kick-start Mbox
and you'll see the traffic/log/what's going on:

cd /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/

chmod 755 mbox_module


9) If it isn't working I would advise you to REBOOT, then try the Telnet thing again.

====================THE NEXT STAGE====================

10) If everything is OK and you didn't mess up the editing [and the files are in good working order, of course] you can now try to experiment with other "scripts", like mbox.sh file, which looks like this [use your UE32 to create it - just C&P the following into UE32]:

cd /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS
./mbox_module /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/mbox.cfg &

Save it as mbox.sh and put it into the MboxCAS folder via FTP, give it CHMOD rights to 755, then reboot your receiver and then restart Mbox, if needed.

11) If everything isn't working you can then try to add the following files to AZbox HD's MboxCAS folder and try to start or improve the working of Mbox: mbox.prio [a must!].

11a) Then, allegedly, even ident.info, ignore.list and knows.ini [the last two I got from my old GBox, which need to be edited according to your needs, to your setup, as I mentioned earlier].

12) In my OpenXCAS folder I also have openxcas.conf looking like this [one must edit it according to the plugins one has installed]:

count = 4
active_auto = true
active_1 = MultiCAS
active_2 = newcs
active_3 = mgcamd
active_4 = MboxCAS

name = MultiCAS
daemon = emu_module
version = 1.57C

name = newcs
daemon = newcs
argument = -nd
version = 1.6
xcasapi = FALSE

name = mgcamd
daemon = mgcamd
version = 1.32
# argument = -a 3

ap= Yes
name = MboxCAS
daemon = mbox_module /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/mbox.cfg
xcasapi = TRUE
wait=13 sec
version = 0.5-7

================THE LAST WARNING===============

AZbox HD, its firmware, is still in developmental stage and so are the programs/plugins that go with it. It all keeps changing, evolving! Ergo, KEEP YOUR COOL, BY KEEPING THIS IN MIND!http://www.mbox.exyusat.com/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif Things are not yet perfect but they are improving!!!http://www.mbox.exyusat.com/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif

I have attached some files to this message for all to see, compare, learn - but they may not be what you need - you must learn and edit them according to your setup/needs.

Good luck to us all!!http://www.mbox.exyusat.com/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif

20-04-2009, 01:36 AM
MGcamd is arguably the best Emulator! Works great!!!

But I couldn't get it to work as a CS SW. Because I made a silly mistake: I had the same line in my peer.cfg file and priority.list - X lines clashed. Removed it from my peer file and all works just fine in FW 1759!!!

Now, CS-wise I have:

Mbox for the latest Mbox servers
Incubus for CCcam server with 1 GBox server
MGcamd for 2 GBox servers [if I understood pr2 correctly, I removed a line which had the same IP]

I also added:

api = yes
wait = 15secto openxcas.conf, as suggested by pr2!

I am attaching to this message the full MGcamd from my AZbox HD, with an Autoroll file [thanx to RedBull's MGcamd key files] and all, just edit the details in your peer.cfg file as follows:

M: { myown.dyndns.org { mypassword}}
D: { mypeer's.dyndns.something { myport hisport { hispassword { A2 A2 }}}}
D: { mypeer's.dyndns.something { myport hisport { hispassword { A2 A2 }}}}...then make the mgcamd folder in OpenXCAS folder, give it CHMOD rights to 755 and upload all these files into your AZbox HD and CHMOD 755 all the files -easy-peasy, hehe...

Just in case here is good Duden's intro:

This is how I got it to work with firmware 0.91605

Remember too backup all configs and other stuff before delete openxcas.

1. Delete OpenXCAS in the plugin menu. Reboot.
2. Download OpenXCAS from the plugin menu. Reoot.
4. Disable Multicas in the OpenXCAS "Activation and priority setting" menu.
3. Downloaded Mgcamd within the OpenXCAS plugin menu, "manual install"
4. FTP to the box and in EMU/OpenXCAS/mgcamd edit openxcas.conf and add the folllowing lines:

api = yes
wait = 15sec
(Thanks to pr2)

5. Then edit newcamd.list and enter your server configurations.
6. Activate mgcamd in OpenXCAS "Activation and priority setting" menu.
7. Reboot

Now you should have a running mgcamd. My experience is that every time you enter the plugin menu, you will have to restart mgcamd using yellow button in "Activation and priority setting".

I am runnig it local with Newcs 1.65 on a laptop with Ubuntu.


21-04-2009, 03:32 PM
Mower also said to disable S and similar lines (whatever you do not use!), in case you can't get the COM1 port opened by Mbox. Use the # sign to disable the line!:coolgleamA:

21-04-2009, 04:08 PM
Hi Goran

Diffent board and name same ppl around ;-)

I have a question regarding the prio file.

its says:
//P: { sidpid caidprovid;caidprovid; ... ; }
// max 5 caid_provid in the line !!!

But below that you see lines like:

P: 1762,d05,1801,1702 # ORF


P: 100:5001 # D+ ASTRA

But that doesnt make sense because they are not in the demanded format.

So just because I didnt know anymore what to do I did this:

P: {1801;1702;1722;1830} # PREMIERE

and that worked.

Does that mean I have to redo all the listings in this fromat and in the priority first line is the most important for me?

I am a bit stuck there.

BTW, any idea what happened on exyu?



21-04-2009, 04:16 PM
Server down, will be back soon.

Yep, give priority depending on a card your colleague has, I suppose, is the principle... Not sure about the format, though...

Good luck!:respect-051:

21-04-2009, 04:37 PM
Ok, I understood that
But I know your finetuned yours, in which format did you do that?
or anyone a tip for me?



21-04-2009, 05:36 PM
Here's an example for sky it. , channel next hd :
P: { 2B16 093B0000 }

22-04-2009, 09:15 AM
Hi Valerica

thank you for the reply.What I dont understand just yet, is where did you get that from? Is there a way to find this numbers out?

Goran opened another thread:

Where he he asks everyone for input on that topic, which is I think a very good idea, because like this we will get a full database with all the data for the prio, and any of us can use them.

He also asks for explanation about the format.

because as I understood your way, that would mean you need a line for each and any channel. That would make the prio list huge.

Also the format is pretty weird:

P: { sidpid caidprovid;caidprovid; ... ; }
yours state:
P: { 2B16 093B0000 } that means 2b16 is the sidpid (didnt find any info on this word anywhere) and the caid provid seems also to be an unnatural word.

I checked on the data you gave, but neither 2b16 nor 093b shows when I choose the channel on my box. It says sid 11030 pid 160
also on Lyngsat.

Maybe I get something wrong here, but I try to understand that from the start.

So please if someone could explain this, do so in the above mentioned thread.

Thank you


22-04-2009, 10:00 AM
Its a funny old game.. and very hard for beginners

valerica posted correctly, but in order to understand some answers you have to understand everything.

So unless you can understand everything then the answer is not understandable... which is a catch 22, cos if you can understand everything then the question isn't necessary.

However as valerica said in the example ... caid 093B = skyitnds and sid 2b16 = Next HD

A Google search will help.

22-04-2009, 10:54 AM
It's rather easy :
a)2B16 is obtained from channel's SID available on some sites (like ********* for example) by using window's calculator . Next hd sid 11030 in decimal transformed in hex is 2B16 .
b)093B0000 and all provids are available all over the net .

Cheers ,
Val .

22-04-2009, 12:40 PM
I found this good caid list, with what valerica posted and info inside /tmp/share.info you should be able to do some damage :-)


Dig Deep
22-04-2009, 01:13 PM
That´s a good-to-have list, thank´s.

It will be good to have:respect-applause-00

23-04-2009, 01:25 AM
EMP Centauri 17/1




EMP Centauri - S16/1PCP-W3 (http://www.sat-plus.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fw ww.emp-centauri.cz%2Fproducts.php%3Fid_k ateg%3D5%26id_pkateg%3D45%26id%3D 284)
User manual (http://www.sat-plus.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fw ww.emp-centauri.cz%2Fpdf%2FProfi_line_S1 6-1.pdf)

Instruction manual


Product S 16/1 PCP-W3 is a multi-mode satellite DiSEqC switch, designed for connecting of up to 16 satellite converters (LNBs) and terrestrial antenna to 1 user.
Before installation, remove the product from plastic shield and connect coaxial cables from each LNB into satellite input ports (“SAT1 IN” to “SAT16 IN”).
It is recommended to write down assignment of inputs for receiver's setup and future reference.
If required, connect cable from terrestrial antenna into port “TERR IN” and use appropriate wall socket or frequency splitter to separate satellite and terrestrial bands on user end of coaxial cable.
Note: there is no DC feed provided on terrestrial input.

Modes of operation

Set desired operation mode by means of DIP switch - located on rear side of metal housing.

There are four modes of operation available:

DiSEqC 1.0 (committed switch - position/option A to D, available inputs 1 to 4)
DiSEqC 1.1 (uncommitted switch 1 to 16)
Combined DiSEqC 1.0 & 1.1 (committed switch - position/option A to D, uncommitted switch 1 to 4)
DiSEqC 1.2 (16 motor positions)

Mode selection guide

Use DiSEqC 1.1 mode, if your receiver supports uncommitted switch parameter 1 to 16.
Use DiSEqC 1.0 & 1.1 mode, if your receiver supports uncommitted switch parameter 1 to 4 only.
In this case set committed switch as well. If the receiver doesn't support DiSEqC 1.1 mode at all, use DiSEqC 1.2 mode and carry out configuration procedure for motorized antenna.
See product sticker located on plastic shield for detailed information on DIP switch levers positions (ON position is set when the lever is pressed down) and required DiSEqC parameters.
Note: mode setting change (DIP switch levers positions) will take affect only after reset is performed.



WOW!!!! 16 Twin LNB's + 2 of those - job done! 2 cable to each tuner!

I WANT!!! NOW!!! BADLY!!!:respect-050::king-041::respect-051:

23-04-2009, 01:28 AM
DiseqC-Schalter 16/1 EMP-Centauri (17in/1out) ohne Wetterschutzgehäuse S16/1 PCP W3


Vergrössern Frequency Range TERR 5-862 MHz
SAT 950-2150 MHz
Control DiSEqC 1.1 or 1.2 for all inputs
DiSEqC 1.0 for inputs 1-4 only
Insertion Loss TERR 2 dB avg
SAT 5 dB avg
Input Isolation 25 dB min
Current Consumption 80 mA (18V) + LNB from receiver
Dimensions (w,d,h [cm]) 17.2 x 20 x 6.9
Temperature range -30 °C - +70 °C

59.00 € inkl. MwSt. zzgl.Versand (ab 5.90€)

24-04-2009, 05:06 AM
Thanx to Black_64!!!!

Mbox How To We will try to explain here how to start with Mbox.
You can NOT reply to this topic.
Only the moderators can add or change here.
If there is something wrong or you want to add comments, please contact one of the moderators to do this.
This topic refers always to the latest version of Mbox. (we will try to keep it updated)

Ok, here we go.

To start Mbox you need to configure mbox.cfg first.
These parameters you must set before you can start Mbox:

D: { 0 }
//D: { x }
//x=0 -> disable
//x=1 -> enable dbox2 cw writing
//x=2 -> enable STAPI for IPBOX
//x=3 -> enable STAPI for Kathrein

T: { /tmp/ }
// T option -> where to store temp files ... (share.info,debug.txt ,etc.)
// T: { folder_path_to_files, example: T: { /tmp/ } }

K: { /var/keys/ }
// K option -> where is cwshare.cfg file
// K: { folder_path_to_files, example: K: { /var/keys/ } }

P: { /tmp/pmt.tmp }
// P option -> PMT location (Dont used with linux and windows)
// you must be tuned to channel so image can generate this file
// { /tmp/pmt.tmp } for resivers and images that create this file <- use this if you can
// { 1/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 1
// { 2/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 2

Now for the start of Mbox you need to know where the mbox.cfg path is.
The default path for mbox.cfg is /var/keys/
For other paths you must start mbox with path as argument!!!
For some receivers like Ipbox and Kathrein there is no /var/keys/ so you must start mbox always with arguments.


without arguments
./mbox or ./var/bin/mbox

with arguments
./mbox /data/keys/mbox.cfg or ./var/bin/mbox /data/keys/mbox.cfg

To STOP Mbox you need to create mbox.kill.
Put this mbox.kill in the temp dir of Mbox. T: path (look your settings in mbox.cfg)
Example T: { /tmp/ }: touch /tmp/mbox.kill

Other parameters of mbox.cfg that are interesting:

M: { 1 }
// M option -> Mode option
// M: { x }
// x=0 -> local mode no NET
// x=1 -> NET mode
// default 0

Z: { 12 } { 8000 }
// Z option -> control sending/writing current informations
// Z: { xy } { IP port }
// x=0 -> don't print time stamp (in console screen and in debug file)
// x=1 -> print time stamp ( .... )
// y=0 -> no writing/sending informations to debug file/destination IP
// y=1 -> send informations to destination IP but not in debug file
// y=2 -> write informations to debug file but don't send to destination IP
// y=3 -> write/send informations to debug file/destination IP
// IP port -> destination IP and UDP port where to send informations

Only debug file: Z: { 12 } { 8000 }
only send debug to IP: Z: { 11 } { 8000 }
Both file and IP: Z: { 13 } { 8000 }

L: { 1 }
// L option -> how mbox to menage virtual card(s) with level 0
// ( only for peer(s) who have and can reshare virtual cards but don't want to use LEVEL 0 card(s) for them self)
// L: { x }
// x=0 -> don't load any virtual cards with LEVEL 0, you can't use them for your self
// x=1 -> load all virtual cards with LEVEL 0 ,you will be using them for your self
// default 1

If you run Mbox on a server then you can't use level0 cards so you have to set:
L: { 0 }

About the cwshare.cfg:

If you don't use a brascet and you must set some other options after the brascet then don't leave it empty.
Put a zero in it so Mbox knows it's not used.
Example: C: { 15000 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 } { 0 } { 0 }

When using Mbox and Newcs on the same box/server then Mbox can see those cards as local.
But you must make a connection ( C-line in cwshare.cfg) with IP
Only then you will have these cards as local in your Mbox server.

About D line in cwshare.cfg file ...
Now you can set what provids boxids you want to reshare with another peer(s)

This is standard D line
D: { IP { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level2 }}}}

This is my new upgraded D line
D: { IP { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level2 }}}}
{ 0000 } { 0 } send filter
{ 0000 } { 0 } receive filter

D: { IP { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level2 }}}}
{ xxyy !!in hex!!!} { provid-boxid-boxid;provid;provid-boxid; ...!!in hex!!!} send filter
{ xxyy !!in hex!!!} { provid-boxid-boxid;provid;provid-boxid; ...!!in hex!!!} receive filter

for both brascets

xx -> 00 disabled
xx -> 01 allow only this cards for provid to be reshared received
xx -> 02 denied only this cards for provid to be reshared received

yy -> how much provids is in next brascet dont caculate boxids

1st example:

D: { IP { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level2 }}}}
{ 0102 } { 0001006A;0001006C-0A0A-0B0B; }
{ 0102 } { 00010080;00010081-0A0A-0B0B; }

{ 0102 } { 0001006A;0001006C-0A0A-0B0B; }

xx is 01 ,ALL cards for (0001006A) provid is SENT to peer AND cards with boxid 0A0A,0B0B for provid 0001006C, ALL others provids(cards) will NOT be sent!!

yy is 02 ,there is only 2 provids in next bracket dont caculate boxids

{ 0102 } { 00010080;00010081-0A0A-0B0B; }
xx is 01 ,ALL cards for (00010080) provid is RECEIVED from peer AND cards with boxid 0A0A,0B0B for provid 00010081, ALL others provids will be IGNORED!!

yy is 02 ,there is only 2 provids in next bracket dont caculate boxids

2nd example:

D: { IP { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level2 }}}}
{ 0202 } { 0001006A;0001006C-0A0A-0B0B; }
{ 0202 } { 00010080;00010081-0A0A-0B0B; }

{ 0202 } { 0001006A;0001006C-0A0A-0B0B; }
xx is 02 ,ALL cards for this (0001006A) provid is NOT sent to peer AND cards with boxid 0A0A,0B0B for provid 0001006C, ALL others provids(cards) are !!

yy is 02 ,there is only 2 provids in next bracket dont caculate boxids

{ 0202 } { 00010080;00010081-0A0A-0B0B; }
xx is 02 ,ALL cards for (00010080) provid is NOT RECEIVED from peer AND cards with boxid 0A0A,0B0B for provid 00010081, all others provids will be received!!

yy is 02 ,there is only 2 provids in next bracket dont caculate boxids


Connecting to newcamd server program Newcs
================================= =========

C: { server_ip server_listening_port username password des_key } { x } { xxxxyyyy:xxxxyyyy;......}
C: { 15000 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 } { 10 } { 0100006a:0100006B;}

[second brascet] -> { x } max. number ecms in buffer ,decimal !!!!!

[third brascet] { 0100006a:0100006B;} is used if you want to change caidprovid from what newcs detected to caidprovid to use with gboxx protocol so 0100006A will be 0100006B in gboxx protocol

Resending ECM(s) on timeout interval
================================= ===
O: { xxxx yyyy }

O: { 4000 2000 }

4000 (4 seconds)-> resend current ecm on boxid if no dcw
2000 (2 seconds)-> wait 2 more seconds for dcw ,if no dcw on time resend ecm(s) to all boxid's

NDS system ->Resending ECM(s) on timeout interval
================================= ================
N: { xxxx yyyy }

N: { 400 200 }

default disabled...

Add more cards for CaidProvid
X+: { xxxxyyyy:zz;xxxxyyyy:zz; } // zz -> max. is 30 !!!!!

X+: { 0100006A:15; }

With X+ active, for caidprovid:0100006A max. cards for use is 15.

About the 12000.list or the port.list:
You need the 12000.list file to run Mbox with your local cards!!!
If you are sure that your card can decrypt all Sids then put ONLY this in the port.list file:
SF: { 0000 }

Now you must make file called "port.list" in
K: path (look your settings in mbox.cfg)

"Port" is newcs port, look into the newcs.xml file and search for newcamd_port.
So the file will be called 12000.list.
If you have <newcamd_port>17050</newcamd_port> then the filename will be 17050.list

Pls use SID pids , CHIDs for Irdeto or G line, because now mbox send only one ECM and wait response from newcs before it send new ECM.

//this is for forbiden SID pids or Irdeto chids ..
SF: { 04A0 } -> forbiden SID pid -> your card cant decrypt this channel
SF: { 0220 }
IF: { 0203 } -> forbiden Irdeto ChID -> your card cant decrypt this ChID
IF: { 0302 }
G: { 0100006A } -> dont list and reshare this provid from your card if card cant decrypt that, mbox will just flood newcs with bad ECMs for this provid.

//max forbiden SID pids or ChIDs is 150.
//max G lines is 15.

//OR to enable SID pids or Irdeto chids
SA: { 04A0 } -> enable SID pid -> your card can decrypt this channel
SA: { 0220 }
IA: { 0203 } -> enable Irdeto ChID -> your card can decrypt this ChID
IA: { 0302 }
G: { 0100006A } -> dont list and reshare this provid from your card if card cant decrypt that, mbox will just flood newcs with bad ECMs for this provid.


About the add.data file:

You don't need the add.data file to run Mbox!!!

The add.data file gives you the option to:

- change I,X,O,N line
- to delete running D line
- to add new D line(without filter rules)
- to resend "R" hello msg to all peers while mbox is running.

Write new values in "add.data" file and put it in folder from P: line. (look your settings in mbox.cfg)

NOTE: Max time to wait before changes take affect is 2 minutes, new values for I,X,O,N will NOT be saved in cwshare.cfg but new D or C line will be saved.
"add.data" file will be deleted after reading (read add.data.example) !

#D: { ip { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level 2 }}}} -> remove running D line
D: { ip { port1 port2 { pass { level1 level 2 }}}} -> add new D line without restarting mbox,new D line will be saved in cwshare.cfg
R ->Resend hello msg to all peers
X: { x } -> Change running X value
I: { x } -> Change running I value
O: { xxxx yyyy } -> Change running timeout intervals
N: { xxxx yyyy } -> Change running timeout intervals for NDS system
C: { server_ip server_listening_port username password des_key } { x } { xxxxyyyy:xxxxyyyy;......} -> add new C line:coolgleamA:

03-05-2009, 09:58 PM
What is an Mbox Control Centre?

Mbox Control Centre [MCC] is an Mbox "plugin", i.e. it is written in aid of Mbox Card Sharing Software, which will allow you to control, edit and monitor the work of Mbox, which you installed in your Satellite TV receiver . It is written for Windows Operating System [OS].


The minimal requirement for MCC to work under Windows OS is Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or higher. One can easily download it from:


-> see this link for the latest version:


Then, one can install the latest Mbox Control Centre. One can do it without uninstalling an older version, if one had MCC installed already. In fact, it's better not to uninstall it, as the new installation, done over the old one, will keep the old one's settings! So, the new version will just function, without one having to go through setting it all up, every time from scratch. And this is quite useful, as it takes a bit of time. I am about to describe all of the steps needed...


Start MCC: in Settings tab choose a language and give the profile a name.

Then, write the IP address of your Sat TV box, so your MCC [which you just installed to your PC] can make contact with Mbox installed in your Sat TV!

One can check it in one's sat TV box usually by going to -> Settings -> Internet part, using your remote. In DBox2, for instance, it's the d-box button on your remote -> Setup -> Expert Setup -> Communication setup.

Also, put in the path to your Mbox files, like mbox_module, keys, temporary files and mbox.cfg, as asked to. The path to them will differ from one box to another.

For instance, in AZbox HD most files are in the same folder, so it's easier...Examples are in the MCC Settings and About tabs themselves! Here is what it looks like in AZbox HD setup, so it is easier to understand:

Username: root
Password: azbox [unless you changed it] (or dbox2 for DBox2 or whatever you might have...)
Mbox Filename: Mbox
IP address: 192.168.x.xxx [whatever it is in your setup]
Path-Mbox: /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/
Path-Keys: /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/
Path-Temp: /tmp
Path-Mbox.cfg: /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/mbox.cfg

You will be able to edit mbox.cfg, for instance, from within MCC itself, while Mbox is in operation, once you set it up properly. We shall come to that later.

I have ticked the Passive FTP option. Save!

Edit your mbox.cfg

First, one must edit one's mbox.cfg file! In order to see the traffic between your box and other boxes on the net, as it is happening, one must write the following line in mbox.cfg file:

Z: { 13 } { 192.168.x.xxx 8000 } - where xxx stands for your PC's IP address.

Then, Mbox from your sat TV box will send the data to your PC. In the Trace tab of your MCC you will be able to see what is going on. We shall come back to it.

You can check your PC's IP address in your Sys-Tray or Network -> show all -> etc. to Properties.

Check that in your MCC, under tab "Trace" you have the same port, that is: 8000.

For Mbox [this is only an example for AZbox HD – this will differ in your receiver!]:

K: { /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/ }

For other boxes it's mostly:

K: { /var/keys/ }

Leave the rest be! Make sure you always use the mbox.cfg that comes with the version of Mbox you are using, i.e. the one appropriate for your version of Mbox! Why? Some parameters might change, like B: { 0 0 0 } recently changed...

A few functions explained

Start Mbox on an encrypted channel. Then MCC. In the main Mbox tab click on Refresh. You should see some information regarding the encryption system [CAS], if you have done everything correctly and you have a connection between Mbox and MCC. Then, click on Reload, see if your peers are online. If all is well, you will see some of your peers in green colour [= online]. If it isn't happening and you did everything right – reboot your receiver and restart Mbox.

When you do have the connection, go to the Trace tab, click on a drop-down Menu "Select Peer to Trace", then choose a peer at the bottom. Now, click on Reload in the upper hand corner. You should see the traffic on the screen. Click on Reload again, if necessary, to see something like this:

[13:33:23] Searching CW cache for CaID 0x1702, pid 0x1742...no CW in cache
[13:33:23] ->[DMX - 0] ECM (0x1742) send to xxxxxxxx.blogdns.com ( C444 DC49 5195 3DD8 DF3E EA06 7036 8B02 )
[13:33:23] <-CW (<-0) received from xxxxxxxx.blogdns.com (xxxx NOT in list) (192 ms)
[13:33:23] ===== Network ECM on CaID 0x1702, pid 0x1742 ====
[13:33:23] prov: D57E
[13:33:23] CW0: 29 97 F7 B7 CD 6B 9D D5
[13:33:23] CW1: F6 1F 53 68 E0 A1 B1 32
[13:33:23] ================================= ================
Now you can C&P the log of your troubles to get help or to report back how Mbox is behaving under given conditions.

Ignore/allow/prio files!

Depending on the log one can then see which PID is [un]successful and that gives you a tool to make or edit your preference lists. You have 3 possibilities in the drop-down menu at the bottom of the page, "Select/edit filename": ignore, allow or prio. After you choose it, click on Download. Now, if you had a file in Mbox folder of your receiver, you will be able to play with it and try to make your Mbox function more efficiently.

One can add the data one wants to receive in allow.list.

In the ignore.list it's the opposite - the stuff not to bother with.

Mbox.prio should set priorities in multiple PID streaming cases, so Mbox searches for an answer from virtual cards in a specific order.

That should speed up Mbox, if your box can handle multiple PID streaming.

Other functions in MCC

You can now edit other Mbox files, as mentioned above, like your mbox.cfg or cwshare.cfg from MCC interface. When you're done click on Upload.


04-05-2009, 02:45 AM
The latest on Mbox files, thanx to Playdiune:

you will need.

Normal use of mbox
1- cwshare.cfg
2- mbox.cfg

with local cards
1- port.list ( newcs and mpcs connection )
2-device_number.list ( direct cards )

1- ident.inf - used to know the providers name
2- ignore.list - used to igne some providers and allow all th others
3- allow.list - used to allow some providers and ignore all the others.


04-05-2009, 08:42 AM
Probably the best thread I have seen on any sat forum :respect-046:

Well done goran m8, hugely impressive :respect-048:

BTW: A lot of your issues seem to relate to workarounds to get WinXP to work with the AZBox, have you considered installing Ubuntu, would solve a lot of your problems I think? "Wubi" allows you to install Ubuntu under Windows, without having to repartition your drives...

Dig Deep
04-05-2009, 10:28 AM
Better let Goran do the work for all us Win users :drool5:

I know that Goran is working with Vista, time to test the new / soon:respect-048:

04-05-2009, 12:43 PM
Thank you kindly, guys - appreciated! :) Just trying to be of help, if I can. I find giving hugely liberating and enriching. The opposite of shrivelled up souls who wouldn't ever give anything, in fear of "losing something" and "somebody profiting from their hard work". I find it an abomination of an attitude, which drags us all down.:ack2: Sad sods...:reddevil:


I have installed a variety of Linux distros. But none worked very well on my 64b lappy. But now, as soon as it got out, I tested Ubuntu 9.04 and voila! Almost all cool, minus aa all in one Canon Pixma MP630 64b driver... Must try Wine and I have a good combination...

We keep having fun in good spirit of mutual help!:respect-051:

04-05-2009, 12:45 PM
Yes, thanx Dig, too. :cheers2:

The problems are no problems at all - with XP. It's Vista [security] that is the bitch, grrrrrrr... :9898:

Btw, Tinos explained a few times on the issues... ;)

07-05-2009, 10:58 PM
YES, YES, YES, YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :king-041:

OK, 8in1 older switches [v. 1] are now catered for, too - with FW 0.9.1868!!! Instant switching, no waiting, no noise in the dead of night and your neighbours or/and your darlin' cursing you... Superb!!!

Here is how I did it:

HOME button on your remote -> Settings -> TV Channel -> Antenna Setup -> DiSEqC -> hit the left arrow to get to the option named Combination -> press OK on your remote, then set it all up for your x amount of LNBs...

I have 8 LNBs on a toroidal dish, with an 8in1 switch, so here is how I got them all working [the first time, hehe!!], i.e. the winning combination for AZbox HD is:

Sat postion 1 = [I reversed the Command Order to] Uncommit./Commit. + [Committed DiSEqC] Switch A + [Uncommitted DISEqC] Switch 1

Sat postion 2 = Uncommit./Commit. + Committed DiSEqC Switch B + Uncommitted DISEqC Switch 1

Sat postion 3 = Uncommit./Commit. + Committed DiSEqC Switch C + Uncommitted DISEqC Switch 1

Sat postion 4 = Uncommit./Commit. + Committed DiSEqC Switch D + Uncommitted DISEqC Switch 1

Sat postion 5 = Uncommit./Commit. + Committed DiSEqC Switch A + Uncommitted DISEqC Switch 2

Sat postion 6 = Uncommit./Commit. + Committed DiSEqC Switch B + Uncommitted DISEqC Switch 2

Sat postion 7 = Uncommit./Commit. + Committed DiSEqC Switch C + Uncommitted DISEqC Switch 2

Sat postion 8 = Uncommit./Commit. + Committed DiSEqC Switch D + Uncommitted DISEqC Switch 2

It really seems to be the "intelligent solution", as touted!!!!! I just thought a little bit [and I am NOT an expert!!!], then made a few choices and voila! They were working!!!!;)

And I think we can connect loads more LNB's thanx to this "intelligent solution"!!!

Indeed, I am planning to put up 16 Twin LNBs, each feeding 2 Sat TV tuners with 2 cables going out of each, into various switches, eventually sending only 2 cables down to my AZbox HD, one per sat TV tuner, so I will be able to easily watch something and record something else... Peace!:respect-057:

One great step forward for AZbox HD, as many types of HW are now "covered"!!! BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:respect-013:

Dig Deep
08-05-2009, 08:36 AM
16 lnb´s :respect-053: You must have some square eyes now mate.

I think I will be happy with 6 (not ***).


08-05-2009, 11:57 AM
Well, 8 are working quite happily now...:respect-048: And I can see "room for improvement", as it were...:respect-059: As you have seen it, too, m8... :respect-050:


12-05-2009, 09:21 AM
Confirming the SAB 10/1 switch working a 100% with latest fw

Runs in uncommited mode ( up to 16 lnb positions possible )

Set commited to NONE.
And uncommited to :

Astra1 - 1.1-lnb1
Astra3 - 1.1-lnb2
Hotbird- 1.1-lnb3
Astra2 - 1.1-lnb4

etc,etc.......................... ...

13-05-2009, 03:37 AM
Dig, m8, the new FW 2032 reads my Via2 card [dead] using MutliCAS, but also Mbox!

It's all working a lot better now, I would say!:respect-013:

No more bug on Premiere 3 -> 4!


Getting there!!!:coolgleamA:

Dig Deep
13-05-2009, 08:23 AM
Yes it´s going in the right way Goran :respect-001:

Think it will be fine and running like **** from a shiny showel before we hit midsummer.

I lift my hat for the developers team. Working hard :bravo-009:

13-05-2009, 10:55 AM
Hmmm, after Standby over night - Mbox wouldn't start, so had to reboot it [press the remote POWER button for about 5 secs continuously]... Then, restart Mbox via remote. It used to happen before. Must report it and ask for similar experiences...

13-05-2009, 12:20 PM
As I said beofre,I cannot make any emu to start reliably and consistently.
Sometimes reboot doesn';t work,plus,I have to make symlinks every time,before starting the emu.
Haven't tried Mbox yet,can be used as newcamd client?
I won;t if it can't.

13-05-2009, 01:45 PM
Yes it can use NewCS. But now, it reads more and more cards on its own.

14-05-2009, 04:06 AM
Find a key on the net, for educational purposes only, of course... :gnorsi:[:king-041:]

Press the HOME button on your remote controller -> Plugins -> OpenXCAS -> Activation & Priority Settings -> put the # in front of all Plugins, except MultiCAS.

Get out of the Menu, using the Exit button on your remote -> Camd Setup -> OK -> MultiCAS -> Edit And Convert Keys, then go into the sub-menu Nagravision -> right arrow on your remote, "down" arrow on your remote, in order to find the Digi TV section -> Ident [2011 - warning: for Dream, Humax etc. receivers the Ident is 2111 but don't let that worry you!] -> put the key in now...

Right now, key 00 is active. One must edit it in 2 parts, as the Nagra keys are "broken" in two parts: the first part is Index 00 and the other one is 10, for key 00; and 01 & 11 for key 01.

So, choose a relevant part of the key [in this case it's 00 20 11 00] by pressing the OK button on your remote controller and then one gets a new little window to edit the old key. Put the first part in, then hit the Save button on your TV screen, then the other part [in this case it's 00 20 11 01], then Save.

Get out of that sub-Menu, using the Exit button, then go to Activation & Priority Settings, restart MultiCAM, using the yellow button on your remote -> OK -> then get out of it all by pressing the Home button on your remote -> TV -> OK aaaaaaaannnddddd.... [if the key is correct and you put it in precisely] - colooooooooouuuuuuuuuurrrssssss.. .:respect-applause-00

And we keep doing it for as long as possible........:respect-050:

Cheers and good luck to us all! :respect-051:

14-05-2009, 02:35 PM
h**p://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMuF-xKrWlI&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.exyusat.com %2FKako-promijeniti-kljuc-r-t56852.html%26pid%3D176569&feature=player_embedded

:coolgleamA: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMuF-xKrWlI&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.exyusat.com %2FKako-promijeniti-kljuc-r-t56852.html%26pid%3D176569&feature=player_embedded:coolgleam A:)

14-05-2009, 07:09 PM
Hi, goran

I've seen the video you've posted and I can see a "CCCamCAS" plugin installed. Is that your Azbox? I asume that it's the Incubus plugin or maybe is it the CCC plugin that is being tested?

Thanks mate. Good tutorial to update the keys manually.

14-05-2009, 07:15 PM
Guys, CCcam is coming. Testing, bugs, ironing them out - it all takes time if you do it in your spare time...:coolgleamA:

It will come, give it the time it needs, to be better and less buggy...:)

Cheerio and thanx!! ;) :)

17-05-2009, 03:13 PM
How to redo everything from scratch

[revised, updated, corrected and connected to the rest of the relevant threads]

Here's my updated "How to", thanx to Tinos and pr2 for pointing out to timely reset to Factory settings and reboots after some plugin installations!

0) The minimal necessary requirements!

Before all else, a simple but effective warning: please do it carefully and without cutting any corners!!! It might save you time and a lot of frustration. The devil lies in the detail. So, pay attention and concentrate!!!

I will only presume that you have connected your AZbox HD properly to your:

-satellite dish [the lower LNB port, as the upper one is a loopthrough to another Sat TV receiver/Multimedia Centre]
-TV [SCART or HDMI cable] or Home Theatre system [many possibilities there]
-PC directly or indirectly [via a Modem/Router]

For newbies, who just got their AZbox HD:
-on your PC, one needs to install a necessary editor for various files, like UE Studio '06 [freeware!] or Ultra Edit 32; as well as
-FileZilla [freeware] to connect with your AZbox HD; but also
-7zip [freeware] or WinRar application to deal with compressed files from the net, in order to be able to "unpack" or "extract" them to your PC
-for basic functions explanations, get the AZbox HD Manual from here: https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=100871

If one already has AZbox HD:
-backup your channel list, if you already had your AZbox HD installed and sorted in this regard
-backup your AZbox HD's EMU folder, just in case...

========[B]DOING IT=========

1) Press the Home button on your remote and use your left and/or right arrows to go to -> Settings -> Data Reset -> PIN number is 0000 -> Delete all plugins, then Delete all channels [or one can do it via [I]FileZilla or...]

2) Download and put a "patch" [= Image or Firmware or FW, the one you want to programme your AZbox HD with] on your USB memory stick, then put the USB memory stick into your AZbox HD -> Reboot your AZbox HD, either using the power button at the backof the receiver or press the red Power/Standby button on your remote for about 5 seconds

A note: a "patch" [= Image or Firmware or FW] usually comes compressed, i.e. as patch.rar -> unpack it, using 7zip [freeware!] or rar programmes [right click on it -> extract here]

Now, once decompressed/unpacked, sometimes one must also rename it, as it comes as patch.sit file, in which case -> right click on it -> rename it -> patch.bin -> Enter [on your keyboard]

Warning: USB memory stick should be formatted in FAT, FAT32 or ext3 format, NOT NTFS [do not reboot from a USB memory stick or an HDD formatted in NTFS!!!]!!!

Thanx to Tinos:

You need to remove all partitions [from the USB stick - my edit]. Format with fdisk or macosx to leave only 1 partition. Also make sure there is not special U3 soft in it.3) When AZbox HD reboots it will give you a number of options: firstly, Format the application area

4) Install the FW

4a) When it's finished and AZbox HD is rebooting - be close to the receiver to do this quickly - take the USB stick out or - if you feel lazy - just choose Reboot without update!

5) Now, go to Settings -> Data Reset -> and reset to Factory setting [thanx to Tinos for warning me!]

6) Menu -> sort out the Settings, as you need them, depending on your equipment:
-System Information, check if you're "connected" etc.; -Language/Time -> choose your preferred Menu Language, Subtitle language etc. + time format [like European or US], time zone etc.;
-Internet settings, according to your equipment and needs;
-Audio/Video -> choose your Video Format, Resolution, Screen etc.;
-TV Channel -> DVB-S -> Antenna etc. or go to IP Channel etc.

For specific setups, like multi LNB toroidal dishes one may use DiSEqC 1.1 with advanced options menu. One can edit it to one's own needs as follows:


OK, 8in1 older switches [v. 1] are now catered for, too - with FW 0.9.1868 and newer!!! Instant switching, no waiting, no noise in the dead of night and your neighbours or/and your darlin' cursing you... Superb!!!

Here is how I did it:

HOME button on your remote -> Settings -> TV Channel -> Antenna Setup -> DiSEqC -> hit the left arrow to get to the option named Combination -> press OK on your remote, then set it all up for your xyz amount of LNBs...

I have 8 LNBs on a toroidal dish, with an 8in1 switch, so here is how I got them all working, i.e. the winning combination for AZbox HD is:

Sat postion 1 = [I reversed Command Order to] Uncommit./Commit. + [Committed DiSEqC] Switch A + [Uncommitted DISEqC] Switch 1

Sat postion 2 = Uncommit./Commit. + Committed DiSEqC Switch B + Uncommitted DISEqC Switch 1

Sat postion 3 = Uncommit./Commit. + Committed DiSEqC Switch C + Uncommitted DISEqC Switch 1

Sat postion 4 = Uncommit./Commit. + Committed DiSEqC Switch D + Uncommitted DISEqC Switch 1

Sat postion 5 = Uncommit./Commit. + Committed DiSEqC Switch A + Uncommitted DISEqC Switch 2

Sat postion 6 = Uncommit./Commit. + Committed DiSEqC Switch B + Uncommitted DISEqC Switch 2

Sat postion 7 = Uncommit./Commit. + Committed DiSEqC Switch C + Uncommitted DISEqC Switch 2

Sat postion 8 = Uncommit./Commit. + Committed DiSEqC Switch D + Uncommitted DISEqC Switch 2

It really seems to be the "intelligent solution", as touted!!!!! I just thought a little bit [and I am NOT an expert!!!], then made a few choices and voila! They were working!!!!

And I think we can connect loads more LNB's thanx to this "intelligent solution"!!!

Indeed, I am planning to put up 16 Twin LNBs, each feeding 2 Sat TV tuners with 2 cables going out of each, into various switches, eventually sending only 2 cables down to my AZbox HD, one per sat TV tuner, so I will be able to easily watch something and record something else... Peace!Or, for newer switches, for instance, thanx to carp95:

Confirming the SAB 10/1 switch working a 100% with latest fw

Runs in uncommitted mode ( up to 16 lnb positions possible )

Set committed to NONE.
And uncommitted to :

Astra1 - 1.1-lnb1
Astra3 - 1.1-lnb2
Hotbird- 1.1-lnb3
Astra2 - 1.1-lnb4

etc,etc...............Then, when you have signal on all satellites you need, you can scan satellites individually or all together or maybe transponder by transponder, according to your needs. Those "antenna" settings have many options.

7) Put a channel list in at this point, using Telesat's Editor and reboot, if you do not want to make your own list, with your own groups like "favourites" etc.

Then check your satellite positions, for different types of more complex equipment: DiSEqC 1.0 or 1.1 [as described above] or for motorised ones, DiSEqC 1.2 or USALS. Or maybe for a polarmount motorised setup via Vbox etc. etc.

You may wanna rescan at least your favourite satellite positions, just in case!

8) Make sure you're online ["connected"] for the next step -> see Settings -> System Information. If not, the first thing you can do is to reboot. Then, if you're still not online, check the LAN cable or your wireless settings, your modem/router etc.

9) Download and install OpenXCAS HOME -> Plugin -> Add plugin via red button] -> and when done reboot [thanx to pr2 for warning us about it]!!!

This will allow you to add EMU's [Emulators], which will either read or emulate original smartcards, connect to your peers/servers in terms of Card Sharing [CS] etc.

10) Home -> Plugins -> enter OpenXCAS by pressing the OK button on your remote and go to Manual Install option to install MultiCAS and then press OK on your remote, to see whatever's at the link provided -> choose the latest MultiCAS version -> when done reboot

10a) Checking if it works: go to, say, TV Globo on Hot Bird and wait for the AU to create a working key, meaning MultiCAS is active and functioning properly with all the valid Master Keys.

Here is exactly how to do it: Activate MultiCAS via HOME -> Plugins -> OpenXCAS -> Activate -> MultiCAS must NOT have # in front of it, which is done by using the blue button, then restart it by pressing the yellow button.

Press OK when it restarts, then go out of the Menu using the Home button and -> into TV part of the Menu to TV Globo, which should open up very soon...

Digi TV on 1'W might not be AU but it is still watchable with our EMu's. So, you might need to put in the relevant active, working key, as they are both encrypted in Nagra2, which is hacked! You can do it via your remote.

10b) Find a key on the net, for educational purposes only, of course...:respect-050:

Press the HOME button on your remote controller -> Plugins -> OpenXCAS -> Activation & Priority Settings -> put the # in front of all Plugins, except MultiCAS, by using the blue button on your remote.

Get out of the Menu, using the Exit button on your remote -> Camd Setup -> OK -> MultiCAS -> Edit And Convert Keys, then go into the sub-menu Nagravision -> right arrow on your remote, "down" arrow on your remote, in order to find the Digi TV section -> Ident [2011 - warning: for Dream, Humax etc. receivers the Ident is 2111 but don't let that worry you!] -> put the key in now...

Right now, key 00 is active. One must edit it in 2 parts, as the Nagra keys are "broken" in two parts: the first part is Index 00 and the other one is 10, for key 00; and 01 & 11 for key 01.

So, choose a relevant part of the key [in this case it's 00 20 11 00] by pressing the OK button on your remote and then one gets a new little window to edit the old key. Put the first part in, then hit the Save button on your TV screen, then the other part [in this case it's 00 20 11 01], then Save.

Get out of that sub-Menu, using the Exit button, then go to Activation & Priority Settings, restart MultiCAM, using the yellow button on your remote -> OK -> then get out of it all by pressing the Home button on your remote -> TV -> OK aaaaaaaannnddddd.... [if the key is correct and you put it in precisely] - colooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrsss sssss...:respect-051:

Thanx to Ribolovac from Ex-Yu sat forum - "how to" visually:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMuF-xKrWlI&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.exyusat.com %2FKako-promijeniti-kljuc-r-t56852.html%26pid%3D176569&feature=player_embeddedIn addition: MultiCAS should read many, many original "subscription" cards. Plus the programmers/SW/plugins writers are always working on its development. If not, try with NewCS or Mbox plugins [more about those later].

11) Home -> Plugins -> enter OpenXCAS by pressing the OK button on your remote and go to Manual Install option to install MGcamd -> OK on a link -> choose MGcamd and when it's done reboot.

The relevant additional files for "manual installation" [say, by using FileZilla, which is freeware] and advanced info is here:


https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=107119 (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=10711912)

12) Home -> Plugins -> enter OpenXCAS by pressing the OK button on your remote and go to Manual Install option to install NewCS as described above -> reboot.

This will work really well in conjunction with MGcamd as its card reader, as well as Mbox CS SW. It reads various original and "other" cards.:king-041: One must set it up and activate it by removing the # sign in front of it, as described above, if one is to use it.




All three of the above plugins are available online to D/L and install straight into your AZbox HD. Now, we'll consider those that aren't, so you have to install them "manually".

13) We can easily install the Incubus CS SW by using Damir's installer. After that we need to reboot AZbox HD.

All the relevant info and files are in my thread here:


And here: https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=108914

For CCcam simply fill correctly the empty boxes, during the installation, then reboot AZbox HD.

For GBox you will need to edit a file inside. See the above links, please.

14) Now we could install Mbox CS SW and then reboot AZbox HD.

All the relevant info and files are in my thread here:


One can control it from one's PC by using Mbox Control Centre. All the info and files are here:


Good luck!!!:respect-051:

18-05-2009, 02:30 AM
I nearly forgot LordShoa's video tutorials:

OK here is another little video for newbies how to use SFTP to upload your mgcamd keys to the Azbox with FlashFXP.




OK I wanted to show you how to change the password on your AzBox with PuTTy.

I thought of using pictures but it was a little long winded so went with video.

I done it a few times till I got a quick reasonable result.




18-05-2009, 05:28 AM
You mentioned Mbox is also a stand alone emulator?
If so,what systems it open and how is the layout of the softcam.key file?

18-05-2009, 12:46 PM
Misunderstanding. MultiCAS and MGcamd.

But not Mbox and Incubus. CS SW.

There are other Emus...:respect-051:

11-06-2009, 08:55 AM
Someone has beaten me to it... :D :D :D

Even from 28'E to 30'W!!!!!:sifone:

Must do this!:o16:

11-06-2009, 09:04 AM
One more 28'E - 30'W!:respect-023::king-041::respect-051:

17-LNB 28E-30W

1) 30° West
2) 24.5° West
3) 22° West
4) 18° West
5) 15° West
6) 12.5° West
7) 8°+7° West
8) 5°+4° West
9) 1° West
10) 4°+5° East
11) 7° East
12) 9°+10° East
13) 13° East
14) 16° East
15) 19.2° East
16) 23.5° East
17) 28.2°+28.5° East

A few that get the signal for 2 sat positions, 1° difference between them... I hope I can pull it off in Scandinavia with a few of those...

Have a look at his little custom made switch housing, hehe... :)

12-06-2009, 11:51 AM
Anyone knows about Sharp narrow head twin LNB's, please? Supposed to be very good. Where to buy and how much, if the have the twin ones, 0.2 dB?

Thanx to Njezic for this picture of the corrected line of the LNB holder for a "normal" dish and some words of explanation [my translation]:


P.S. One may use the wide-head LNB's, too - but not for the closer, central satellites [positions], i.e. 19.2E - 16E - 13E - 9/10E.

Sharp narrow LNB's have excellent signal, one must set them up properly, though.

I already wrote this: one must pull their heads towards the dish and rotate around the axis, so one gets some 30% stronger signal that way [on central LNB's].

Some try to put the wide head LNB's at 16E for reasons of getting a better signal, like on this image of a multi holder



but that is not necessary, if one sets up properly the narrow Sharp LNB...

18-06-2009, 02:01 PM
Now, thanx to the efforts of enthusiasts, the really good guys in the hobby, one can install things easily and much faster, by directly downloading and installing it all - by simply pressing the OK button on your remote - straight into your AZbox HD, exacly where they are supposed to go and exactly how they are supposed to be.

One must be connected to the net, of course!!

Some of these plug-ins/addons, on the servers here mentioned, have additional files which are already configured etc.

Many, many thanx to the master enthusiasts who spent a lot of their time doing this [studying it, testing, experimenting, debating, then packaging and setting it all up for the rest of us], out of their good will and willingness to give and share!! To my mind, these are the really rich people, all these guys ready and willing to give and give freely!!!

Of course, not everything can be present in every single of of those. For instance, the private details for some of them concerning the CS [= Card Sharing], like peers or cwshare files, have to be added by each of us individually. More on the topic, in detail, can be found in various threads on many forums...

RISPEKT!!! :respect-051:

================================= ======

Here is the "How to" by me... :D

There are two places where one can add/edit the links from which one can download and install stuff for AZbox HD:

1) Press the HOME button on your remote and go to -> Plug-ins -> RED BUTTON ON YOUR REMOTE [= "add plug-in"] -> edit the links by pressing the blue button on your remote.

2) Press the HOME button on your remote and go to Plug-ins -> OpenXCAS -> Manual install -> edit the links.

One can edit them by pressing the blue button. Leave one of the links in each of the two parts as azboxworld.com - the "semi-official" one, as it were....

A note: one gets the sign " / " by pressing the CAPS/NUM on your remote a couple of times, then 1 = / etc. etc. Also, use that button to change between the caps, numbers etc.

Now, you're gonna get a whole new world of support for AZbox HD, which will, no doubt, grow and grow...:number-one-043:

================================= =========

An example:

If you install, for instance, SCDXCas, you get an automatic updating of keys for MGcamd: all one needs to do is to find it on the list [SCDXCas.tgz] -> press OK to install......

When it's done activate [only!] your MGcamd and SCDXCas [they must not have # in front of them, which is changed by pressing the blue button on your remote], then reboot, just in case...

Now, try going to, say, DigiTV [Film 1 or 2 on 1'W, Thor/Intelsat satellite position], which package of channels is encrypted in Nagra2 CAS, which CAS is hacked - and wait a bit to see the colooooouuuursssssssss... :D

================================= =========

Thanx to the good guys at AZboxHD.es!!!!

http://www.islaremota.com/azp - I added this one under HOME -> Plug-ins -> RED BUTTON ON YOUR REMOTE -> edit one of them, using the blue button, with this info...

http://www.islaremota.com/aza - I added this one, plus all the rest of them links below, under HOME -> Plug-ins -> OpenXCAS -> Manual Install -> edit a link...

Here is what they offer, as of today, 18th June 2009, more to follow, no doubt [thanx to terrorman!!]!!!

* OpenXCAS
* OpenXCAS2
* OneStep_EMU
* MultiCAS
* IncubusCamD
* gCam
* LiveScores
* SudoQ
* TuxChess
* WeatherForecast

* MultiCAS_v157D-4T11-2_2k90613.tar.gz
* MultiCAS_v157D-4T10.tgz
* MultiCAS_v157D-4T7_2k90514.tgz
* MultiCAS_v157C_2k90325.tgz
* NewCS_Full.tgz
* CCcam_v0.3b_FULL.tgz
* CCcam_v0.3b_UPD.tgz
* CCcam_v0.1b_FULL.tgz
* CCcam_v0.1b_UPD.tgz
* IncubusCamd_v0.55.tgz
* Mbox_v0.5b_build.v0024_FULL.tgz
* Mbox_v0.5b_build.v0024_UPD.tgz
* Mbox_v0.4b_build.v0023_FULL.tgz
* Mbox_v0.4b_build.v0023_UPD.tgz
* NewCS_IncubusCamd.tgz
* NewCS_IncubusCamd_Mbox.tgz
* NewCS_Mbox.tgz
* MGCamD_Full.tgz

================================= =====

www.satelites.info/azbox/ - thanx to BE-COOL!!!

www.azboxhd.no-ip.org - thanx to DJBlu!!!

www.azboxworld.com - the semi-official server!!!



18-06-2009, 03:22 PM
This is the third thread you have posted the same info... :respect-050:

18-06-2009, 03:24 PM
Of course. In the relevant threads only. This is one of those repositories, a newbie can get to and find loads of info... ;) :)

22-06-2009, 05:18 PM
opensat should fix slow browser. I have 10/2 VDSL low ping connection but browsing via azbox browser is super slow. WTF

22-06-2009, 05:29 PM
opensat should fix slow browser. I have 10/2 VDSL low ping connection but browsing via azbox browser is super slow. WTF

For me it doesn't make sense to use the AzBox for browsing the web considering it is offering a lot already...

22-06-2009, 06:36 PM
It should be possible to go to, say, Google Video, and be able to watch those films, videos etc. etc.

Or add, for instance, Justin.tv and alike, then be able to see whatever one wants to see.

How? Well, adding plugins to have the capacity to watch the streaming content...

AZbox HD is a PC, anyhow... Linux + Firefox - should be possible... ;) :)

01-07-2009, 08:12 PM
I'm interested in one thing yet:

Can I mount the internal HDD of Azbox HD through network and map it as a local drive in the windows explorer so I can access the files on the HDD? :confused:

I guess that would need samba for Azbox.

01-07-2009, 09:18 PM

Go to 11. Configuration -> Network Service -> File server?

With this option you can turn your Azbox into a file server but the Azbox get stuck in this menu so the time you do transfert.

I personnaly not already play with this feature but it is the goal of it, turn Azbox has a file server.


02-07-2009, 06:47 AM
i found out something that needs to be fixed.

When i press button for teletext, I get teletext BUT when i want to exit from teletext, I need to press "back" button.
It should be better that TEXT (I think it is yellow) button is for EXIT too, not just for opening teletext.

Firmware is latest one.