View Full Version : Euro 1080 on TF7710HDPVR with Diablo?

20-03-2009, 05:13 PM
If this is working for anyone I'd be interested to find out what I'm doing wrong!

I know there are a few versions of this box, I've just updated the firmware. Mine now says System ID 23031, Loader Ver L1.02, Device Ver v2.0.14, Application vers TF-HSCE 7.00.33.

If it's working please let me know whether your firmware/ box version details are the same for your box as mine above and what settings are on the cam.

I've tried with and without latest Data.bin U/W 165 and nothing. I've got Caids file -CAIDS, Auto Pmt - OFF, Emulators - ON, N2AU - OFF, Emulators Priority - 1 Emu 2 Cards, Fixed CW - ON.


20-03-2009, 05:21 PM
turn off fixed cw
and turn on Auto Pmt

and load yesterday data.bin to Diablo.... without this not working

20-03-2009, 08:31 PM
Thanks for fast reply. Still not working here!

Reloaded U/W 165 then data.bin 19/03 changed config still blank. Got 66% signal 70% quality is that normally enough? Is your receiver system/firmware the same as mine?

20-03-2009, 09:38 PM
i have Topfield 7700 HSCI

20-03-2009, 10:28 PM
Thanks for your help I'm not sure whether I've got something wrong or it's a quirk of this box. Let's see if anyone with a 7710hdpvr gets 1080

22-03-2009, 03:11 PM
Cracked it!

I needed to load the MAIN caids file and select it then all clears fine.

Thanks for interest