View Full Version : Premiere N3 Hacked?

21-03-2009, 02:39 AM
These are the rumors in all serious german forums the last hours.
They're saying it's for real and it will be pretty soon out for a card-emu.

I don't wanna spread bulls... but this time it looks for real!

21-03-2009, 05:39 AM
About time. But aren't they moving to NDS soon?

21-03-2009, 07:57 AM
Don't get 2 excited folks, found this eaxct post on another forum, posted november last year.


My moto as far as this goes is live in hope and believe it when you see it:respect-050:

21-03-2009, 08:32 AM
It seems to me that encryption only gets cracked towards the end of its life cycle. Maybe a ploy by the satellite company to briefly show what you are missing to hopefully get you to subscribe. Pr*m*e** re is dual N3/N*s. Think they are tied to N3 for at least another year or so.

21-03-2009, 08:36 AM
This comes from a trustful Dutch Satellite Forum


Probably you are wondering why the statuslamp is yellow, well it's simple. It's hacked again, using an CI cam with a nameless blue smartcard its open again. BlueMovie and all the PPV channels work.
We hope it will work soon with EMU's and keys.

Lets hope and cross fingers

21-03-2009, 10:06 AM
This comes from a trustful Dutch Satellite Forum


Probably you are wondering why the statuslamp is yellow, well it's simple. It's hacked again, using an CI cam with a nameless blue smartcard its open again. BlueMovie and all the PPV channels work.
We hope it will work soon with EMU's and keys.

Lets hope and cross fingers

Lets hope this gives us hope eh -what with all the doom & gloom surrounding C+ Nordic's longer term future on 1W etc?:respect-050:

21-03-2009, 01:06 PM
That's the first buit of good news I've heard in a while!

If the Nordic channels went now, I'd be f****d! In theory everything encrypted in Irdeto2 and Seca2 should be publicly available but it obviously isn't.

N3 hack would be awesome as it wouldn't just be Premiere but also Digital Plus and Polsat. Oh, and we wouldn't have to worry about DigiTV.

21-03-2009, 01:16 PM
N3 hack would be awesome as it wouldn't just be Premiere but also Digital Plus and Polsat. Oh, and we wouldn't have to worry about DigiTV.
drumcode you left out the channels on 30w

21-03-2009, 01:36 PM
it would be nice to have them all back. we shall have to wait and see what will be open//when 1 door closed another always open//

21-03-2009, 07:58 PM
Well it wont be cheap when and if happens thats for certain.

21-03-2009, 08:46 PM
Well it wont be cheap when and if happens thats for certain.
it'd be a licence to print money,if a card or cam hacked it:respect-057:

21-03-2009, 09:19 PM
a hear abot n3 real hack , prepare your dragon/t-rex cams:respect-048:

21-03-2009, 09:27 PM
would you not have to hack nds as well as n3 in order to open prem?

21-03-2009, 09:31 PM
every year around 1. april many providers is hacked....

21-03-2009, 09:33 PM
every year around 1. april many providers is hacked....

:respect-048: :iagree:

21-03-2009, 09:38 PM
April fools day I suspect;;;;;;;;;;

I hope that im wrong,,,, all hacked providers welcome here!!


21-03-2009, 09:58 PM
dxdy simply the best:king-041:

22-03-2009, 12:05 AM
i am am vip member of a german forum and this is email i recieved from them yesterday i have translated it from german with a well known translator

QUOTE from a BIG Satboard

Published by a premium user with 3237 contributions

I wanted out of this report is not denied, courses almost anywhere around

Therefore eats me is not being just a rumor, it is probably also one remain

Dear community,

ye sure you ever wondered why the status in our Lamp for Premiere is set to yellow?

The answer is simple: premiere is hacked and openly via CI module with an unnamed blue card.
Our previous knowledge: Premiere Direkt and Blue Movie 1A run with the above Combination!

I myself had the privilege of it with your own eyes and now circulate more and more reports about the network. We've decided that our "traffic light" on to yellow (it is not "all" to open) because we have this information, you obviously do not want to hide! Once we know more (and this knowledge is confirmed), we will inform you immediately! Because for us, the user sits in the "first series".
Please do not use this thread to a thousand times to ask: How does that work because - as I come to such materials - that would be illegal and we can and will give no support.
There are enough opportunities in the network - so get yourself the trouble! We provide information only - and this is FIRST!

i shall keep you posted if i hear anything else

22-03-2009, 12:19 AM
premiere is hacked and openly via CI module with an unnamed blue card

2 little questions?:toetap05:

What kind of CI modul?

I think is a dragon/t-rex

Unnamed Blue card?

penta? or maybe titanium?:bigear:

Some ideas?:respect-057:

22-03-2009, 12:45 AM
Its one way for a forum to get 265,917 hits for 1 topic ... pity my German isn't very good :drool5:

22-03-2009, 12:45 AM
penta and titanium?
i hope so i have 2 each of them gathering dust :respect-057:

22-03-2009, 04:27 AM
I know there is a Nagra 3 caid for Dragon and TSM so should be possible adding it to the files but until this hack is for real I am still not convinced at this moment in time don't get me wrong guys I too want it hacked since the providers deserve what they get for being greedy.;)

22-03-2009, 08:23 AM
You will find this an interesting read.

Credit goes to Packin18 & Edmonton Guy for original concepts and n3 roms and eeproms
dumps from dish and bell providers currently making way around irc and private
underground forums around the net. Thank Packin18 for your N3 fix and no other.

A virgin non sub card was inserted into a modified blue T911 mod loader with 4053 muxs.
The virgin non sub card was reset and the atr was sent as usual.
A packet containing nops with a bclr instruction at the end was sent to the n3 cam.
When the last bit of the checksum was sent to the cam 16 additional clocks followed.
The cam was soft reset by sending the RST cam pin low from high.
As the cam rst pin swung low a bunch of glitching followed.
This glitching carried on until the RST cam pin came high again.
This glitching carried on for the first clock.
200+ additional clocks were sent to the card.
The cam i/o line was monitored for a full cycle low i/o pin result of the bclr instruction.
The cam was quickly reset, glitched, & clocked a few hundred times again. repeatidly.
When the full cycle low i/o pin signal was seen N3 cams were hacked.
The bclr instructions were removed and replaced with more bsets and bclr instructions
that ROR'd rom and eeprom a bit at a time out of the cam i/o pin without need for the
rom routines that usually handle I/O output.

TO BE CONTINUE...:respect-057:

22-03-2009, 09:44 AM
I think that is old news planetx, and doesn't apply to Europe.

It has been long reported that N3 packages in North America have been hacked. I did a search on the text you posted, and it had been picked up by a number of forums in October and November 2008, and was rubbished by members as old news.

22-03-2009, 10:48 AM
God another pig just flown over my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no its a Squadron!!!!!

22-03-2009, 11:23 AM
The german news boards talk about a N*S hack and not about N3. A popular member of a german forum claims that he has information about a blue card which will be offered next week by their board sponsor.

22-03-2009, 11:26 AM
On the basis of that, we will know by next weekend - I think I can wait :)

22-03-2009, 11:38 AM
On the basis of that, we will know by next weekend - I think I can wait :)
the questions is !!! how long you gonna wait, just dot hold your breath ehh doc.
could be just more rubbish spewed in these forums,,,,,,why cant people just post facts and not hearsay or rumours.
if i needed help with something i would expect someone with knowledge to help me using facts, not rumours or guess work.
ahhh well, bet the ones spreading rumours also watch soap operas..

22-03-2009, 11:54 AM
Or perhaps we should just wait until 1st April:king-041:

22-03-2009, 12:20 PM
Hi weavo,

The post said this card will be available next week, so by next weekend, if it is not, we will know it was a fake.

22-03-2009, 12:33 PM
Hi weavo,

The post said this card will be available next week, so by next weekend, if it is not, we will know it was a fake.

hi doc
I know it said next week lol, just saying dont hold yer breath !!! otherwise you may need a doc ! learning fast here to take everyting with a pinch of salt.

keith mawer
22-03-2009, 03:36 PM
ok ,, having read many threads re this subject,, i think you may as well forget it!!!!!! as far as i am concerned.. its not clear and wont be !! for some time!! unless one has a sub

22-03-2009, 03:57 PM
ok ,, having read many threads re this subject,, i think you may as well forget it!!!!!! as far as i am concerned.. its not clear and wont be !! for some time!! unless one has a sub

OK that definately means there is a hack. :respect-059:

22-03-2009, 04:07 PM
to ALL

Ive been sitting in the background for a while now, since Phoenix went to the wall

But i cant understand why people believe this, your suppliers/cards ect/satboxes dont know anything, (they have to make a living)

so why would someone say its working on a card/ect
I think this should be A REDcard

its 99.9% false
sorry that my opinion


22-03-2009, 05:12 PM
The old saying about one door closing and another opening doesn´t seem to hold true any more. Recently some doors closed but no door opened. So not many doors remained to get closed.

As for possible new hackings - they are probably still going to happen, but we will not get them for free. I´m afraid the golden era of the real hobby is irrevocably over. No more keys to put in softcamkey, emulators will not decrypt new hackings. They will be available on either new cards or cams or even new receivers. Even new programmers to program it might be needed. And then it will be supported and the updates will be coming regularly for some time. Then, when cards or cams business slows down or they think they sold enough and it´s time for new business, the support will stop and new cards will be on sale for the same thing.

The hobby is getting commercialized and everybody wants to get his share of money. No more enthusiasts here...

22-03-2009, 06:37 PM
There are enthusiasts luis but with NO MONEY in pocket:respect-050:

22-03-2009, 07:01 PM
The old saying about one door closing and another opening doesn´t seem to hold true any more. Recently some doors closed but no door opened. So not many doors remained to get closed.

As for possible new hackings - they are probably still going to happen, but we will not get them for free. I´m afraid the golden era of the real hobby is irrevocably over. No more keys to put in softcamkey, emulators will not decrypt new hackings. They will be available on either new cards or cams or even new receivers. Even new programmers to program it might be needed. And then it will be supported and the updates will be coming regularly for some time. Then, when cards or cams business slows down or they think they sold enough and it´s time for new business, the support will stop and new cards will be on sale for the same thing.

The hobby is getting commercialized and everybody wants to get his share of money. No more enthusiasts here...

That's too pessimistic.

If you have been around a bit you might recall previous periods when things looked bad. When seca 2 was first introduced for example. Then everyone was expecting a hack 'round the corner' but nothing came for a longwhile. So I would say that in terms of measures and counter measures 'it's same old same old'. With all of today's technology available there's bound to be more hacks. The only question is when.

As far as commercialism is concerned that's been with us for years. Those who bought the original 1 degree west conax pirate card will know that. The good thing is that card prices have been quite low, in the main, in recent months. Stands to reason that someone wants to get something out of it as the technology involved these days will be well beyond the reaches of yesterday's hobbyists.

22-03-2009, 07:07 PM
:mad: APRIL FOOL ,,,,,,,,,, hope not

22-03-2009, 07:12 PM
Well MY opinion - as I've said before on numerous occasions - is that we rarely get 'true' hacks, as most newly opened packages have only been via the providers either leaking or selling them to 'end' providers, e.g. C+ Nordic to M2+ & Diablo - but this didnt mean Conax was HACKED, otherwise all the OTHER channels in Conax would also be open to us all - so its only really a 'release' for whatever COMMERCIAL reasons by the source provider and NOT true hacks!
Hope that makes sense?:frown:

22-03-2009, 07:16 PM
You might be right holmy, but the question is, what is in it for providers to sell hacks for their packages?

22-03-2009, 07:27 PM
:mad: APRIL FOOL ,,,,,,,,,, hope not
3 to go m8, hope all your posts not that futile !!

22-03-2009, 11:08 PM
You might be right holmy, but the question is, what is in it for providers to sell hacks for their packages?

Lots of people have had a pretty good preview at C+ for example. If you have something all the time you really miss it when its gone, like the naked feeling when you realise you have forgotten your phone. So how many people will miss C+ enough to buy a subscription ?

That would be the providers line of reasoning for doing so if that it true.

As far as all conax being open, think about it, no 2 providers are going to be using exactly the same version on encryption, like not all v-bulliten forums are the same. There are always going to be differances between what provider A uses and provider B uses even though it says conax or nagra or whatever on the box.

Nothing is impossible, i'll live in hope and believe it when I can watch it on my own TV.

23-03-2009, 12:53 AM
You might be right holmy, but the question is, what is in it for providers to sell hacks for their packages?

Advertising is whats in it for the providers, in MY opinion M8 - just like a 'lost leader', where your appetite gets whetted and when the service goes off you are by now so hooked you decide to pay the sub instead of getting it free - so that method of selling really CAN then pay off!:respect-050:

23-03-2009, 03:29 AM
Advertising is whats in it for the providers, in MY opinion M8 - just like a 'lost leader', where your appetite gets whetted and when the service goes off you are by now so hooked you decide to pay the sub instead of getting it free - so that method of selling really CAN then pay off!:respect-050:

Who really knows? Just possible but I doubt it as in the case of Canal + on Thor for example they will have been missing subscriptions from customers in scandinavia for up to a year.

Personally I suspect encryption information is being bought somehow but not directly from the broadcaster. That information is then being sold on to one or more 'team' who have the equipment to programme the cards or cams, and provide regular updates on codes.

Just my own theory of course. I don't profess to have any special insider knowledge on this but it is fun to speculate.

23-03-2009, 10:08 AM
Who really knows? Just possible but I doubt it as in the case of Canal + on Thor for example they will have been missing subscriptions from customers in scandinavia for up to a year.

Personally I suspect encryption information is being bought somehow but not directly from the broadcaster. That information is then being sold on to one or more 'team' who have the equipment to programme the cards or cams, and provide regular updates on codes.

Just my own theory of course. I don't profess to have any special insider knowledge on this but it is fun to speculate.

Fair comment M8 - but all I was originally trying to clarify was that MOST 'hacks' are no longer TRUE hacks but freed up packages - for WHATEVER reasons! :cup-006:

23-03-2009, 04:09 PM
next week its april 1 .........coincidence ????? think not.

i dont care anyway tho.....i never bought any card and wll not start buying one now.

23-03-2009, 07:03 PM
holmroad and opus ,can-t agree with the n3 hack?:bigear:

23-03-2009, 09:40 PM
holmroad and opus ,can-t agree with the n3 hack?:bigear:

In MY opinion M8, it WONT be a hack if anthing actually materialises with these N3 rumours, but only a 'release' at the discretion of the Premier owners for whatever THEIR reasons are for it!:respect-050:

23-03-2009, 10:05 PM
Card is reported to go under the name of Canguro.There is quite a lot of talk on the german forums.But aparantly its supposed to open Sky It so its a NDS hack not nagra.
Could be true cause there is also repots that Sky It are going to exchange their smartcards to a new revision of NDS.

23-03-2009, 10:22 PM
Hmmm - these rumours are normally used to increase the visitors to cr*p sites like s*tscr**n forum where they email everyone saying so and so is hacked. Been regular rumours of N*S hack for a few years and nothing ever happened possibly because hackers too scared of murdochs lawyers.

Bring it on I say if its true, it would be the most interesting stage in digital sat hacking for years (commercial hack or not) but I wouldn't get too excited till you see the card for sale, files out on an upload site and a few people saying its verified and working!

23-03-2009, 10:28 PM

I have heard that it is a real hack of everything that is scrambled.

It will be out on the 1st of April and is called the aprilfools card.



23-03-2009, 10:33 PM
my view about all these premiere rumours or april fool jokes etc:
is to sit back and see if they can back there hacked statements up
that premiere is hacked and that there will be a card will be in the shops
soon and the files on there forum, even if a card does appears, [i will believe it when i see it on sale],next what price will it cost be and just how long do you really think. it will be before n*s change everything and kill any hack off and everyone has anouther useless bit of plastic i have always found most cards very short lived and never value for money,the exception has been the ***** card that has had support for a couple of years. most are just a total waste of space and a scam to make money for a limited working life i think if and when anything is a genuine crack for these updated encryptions it will as always appears on the dreambox first and once it's tested working it will then appear on the other platforms

23-03-2009, 10:40 PM
well the big **** never happened so I don't hold any hope of this.....until it actually comes on.:redface:

24-03-2009, 12:22 AM
my view about all these premiere rumours or april fool jokes etc:
is to sit back and see if they can back there hacked statements up
that premiere is hacked and that there will be a card will be in the shops
soon and the files on there forum, even if a card does appears, [i will believe it when i see it on sale],next what price will it cost be and just how long do you really think. it will be before n*s change everything and kill any hack off and everyone has anouther useless bit of plastic i have always found most cards very short lived and never value for money,the exception has been the ***** card that has had support for a couple of years. most are just a total waste of space and a scam to make money for a limited working life i think if and when anything is a genuine crack for these updated encryptions it will as always appears on the dreambox first and once it's tested working it will then appear on the other platforms

I don't see how anyone could complain about the M2+ and Vista cards not representing excellent value for money, and the M2 card before that?

The worst thing I have bought in the last couple of years was a t-rex cam, which never lived up to its promises over the dragon cam.

But you 'pays your money and takes yer chances' in this business with nothing gauranteed. :respect-048:

24-03-2009, 12:54 AM
I don't see how anyone could complain about the M2+ and Vista cards not representing excellent value for money, and the M2 card before that?

The worst thing I have bought in the last couple of years was a t-rex cam, which never lived up to its promises over the dragon cam.

But you 'pays your money and takes yer chances' in this business with nothing gauranteed. :respect-048:

Spot on M8 - I too bought a T-Rex to replace my old faithfull Dragon as it had Premier 'release' on it - always had to carry out the 'special' update every time you programmed it - but YES, unlike that, the M2+ has been a BRILLIANT buy - must be a year old now having again had the two 'releases' on it (C+ Nordic 1W & Digitalb on 16E) - so as you say NO-ONE can complain about their ROI for the M2+ eh?
But as for an N3 'hack' we shall no doubt see! :number-one-043:

simon 2003
24-03-2009, 01:43 AM
if it is an n*s h*ck sly ,premiere or whoever murdoch now owns n*s and any forum who talks about it or dealer who sells cards to open it will be crushed like beetles that man has the power (money)to do it

24-03-2009, 02:17 AM
if it is an n*s h*ck sly ,premiere or whoever murdoch now owns n*s and any forum who talks about it or dealer who sells cards to open it will be crushed like beetles that man has the power (money)to do it

I would agree with you on that M8, but you know how long these things take to get to court, maybe someone is going to be foolhardy enough to test old Ruppies resolve, and they could be outside of the UK and in a place where RM will have to go through many legal procedures before he can stop the production of the cards, and in the mean time those responsible could actually make a killing before they are actually caught, and even then it will probably only be the vendors who will get caught.

24-03-2009, 02:25 AM
In case it's really so, it's gonna be a real rip off as always: they're gonna sell that card till they get stuffed and then pop champagne like they won a championship and after that they will public the files.
we've seen that before with many cards(tita, anaconda, and so on...)

24-03-2009, 08:05 AM
Stick "N3 hacked" into google and this thread is near the top of the page...?

Q: Why is google's spider not blocked from this forum?

24-03-2009, 11:42 AM

i got the same email too:respect-048: the forum you are talking about send very nice emails :biggrinjester:

24-03-2009, 02:11 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8wgG2umyBM this might be a rummor more or a fact.
ps: If you know german please do translate :).

24-03-2009, 02:57 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8wgG2umyBM this might be a rummor more or a fact.
ps: If you know german please do translate :).

This has april fools written all over it.

All it proves is that there is a stupid german man who cant find a hat that fits his head.

If he wants to hide his identity why does he lift his hat at the end to show his face in full view of the camera.

Also, would you really post a hack on youtube!!!

Me thinks it stinks.



24-03-2009, 05:10 PM

i got the same email too:respect-048: the forum you are talking about send very nice emails :biggrinjester:

And got it too, but that does not make it real, the hack that is. I will believe it when I see it and I will not be running all over the place to buy a card, I have 2 Dreamboxes and will wait till it is on an EMU. I have cards that are good for nothing other than scraping ice from my old motor, and this will be another one, if the rumors are correct.

Regards Wez

24-03-2009, 05:32 PM
Yep he's such a smart card hacker that he does not know how to use edit software to hide his identity.:dupe:


24-03-2009, 05:58 PM
it ll never be hacked n3

Dark Cloud
24-03-2009, 06:06 PM
Gearing myself up for April 1st.
Best one will be "S£Y open on a Tesco Club Card" !.

24-03-2009, 06:12 PM
ive lost track. i always thought that april fool was only an april fool on 1st (all fools day). not really funny if we are gonna use it for a month or two. why dont we have a xmas hack in may or june as a pressie.

24-03-2009, 10:21 PM
How to hack a smartcard

25-03-2009, 12:04 AM
Stick "N3 hacked" into google and this thread is near the top of the page...?

-http://tinyurl.com/cmqhlk :respect-051:

25-03-2009, 01:11 AM
Hi Guys and Gals,

Well heres my first post in your neat board..

To the N*S hack.. ( the proper one that everyones talking about) it is supposed to be true, i´ve heard from very believable connections, that they have managed to produce and programme a card that will be able to unscramble Pre*iere and also Sly IT at their present scrambling standards.

If the card will still work by the time it hits the market, is another question to be answered.
Then N*S being the most powerful and also most expensive scrambling system, they will be able to take measures alot quicker than the friends from Nagra.

The only thing that i have my doubts about is, why wasn´t it hacked before?
Now that Pre*iere is using N*S, its all of a sudden hackable?? hmm..

To Nagra;
N2 was never really "hacked"
It just had a massive bug that was found by hackers, before it could be fixed.. :respect-050:

N3 at the moment seems to be water proof, but we´ll see what happens.

Last thing about the N*S cards that/if appear.. Its always the same..
1. come the RSA Cards for a couple of months
2. comes the Emu for the Ci s (diablo etc)
3. then after about 6 months come the Emus for the Receivers
its all about making enough money at each stop, before its free as software.

The you-tube clip: This prat is an absolute loser..
he calls himself "PayTV" and used to hang around my old Sat-Forum where i was Super-Moderator, until he got banned.
He chats so much s**t its unbelievable.

In his vid he explains that the card he is holding is a programmable Hack-card for N*S, etc, he says it will cost 50 Euros und be released to buy December 24 :rofl:

The Forum i used to work 4 is Nachtfalke, but i let myself get banned from there... long story, but it was the best for me ;-)
Had the same nick there too, if you want to check up then look in the DSR 5001 section.

So if you guys need any help in german translation then just give us a shout.

Greetz Menace

25-03-2009, 08:26 AM
It makes a bit of sense though these hackers stating that the blue card will work in a well known cam? Well N*S cards are married to receivers and we know that cams can have serial numbers entered into them? Perhaps a little truth is out there?

Also the youtube vid is a scream....I reckon your man has got muddled up and he has just discovered the VIDEOCRYPT hack from the late 80's early 90's on those home made cards we all started with!!!!!

25-03-2009, 09:31 PM
Yep he's such a smart card hacker that he does not know how to use edit software to hide his identity.:dupe:

although we all know that posting a vid of a hack on you tube would be stupid, look at that geezer filming himself racing at 170mph and posting on you tube !!! tell you theres some real loonies out there:respect-050:

26-03-2009, 09:08 PM
I think here is talking about N*s then Nagra 3 !

But the question is wich N*S !?

they are two visions cards .

Vession 2 UK
Version 3 Italy - Germany

without forgeting Viasat,...

maybe by N3 some one mean N*S 3 to live caps out !?..

thats will be intersting....actually Dancing on the fire:respect-059:

29-03-2009, 07:01 PM
premiere is hacked and openly via CI module with an unnamed blue card

2 little questions?:toetap05:

What kind of CI modul?

I think is a dragon/t-rex

Unnamed Blue card?

penta? or maybe titanium?:bigear:

Some ideas?:respect-057:

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ssssssssshhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

29-03-2009, 07:08 PM
A week has gone by since members quoted German boards saying that a new card would be in the shops in the week (from last weekend).

So, a full week has gone by - did they make the shops, or was this an April Fool joke as a lot of us suspected?

29-03-2009, 07:10 PM

Blue Card. :biggrinjester: :biggrinjester:

29-03-2009, 08:17 PM
it ll never be hacked n3

LOL - I remember reading the same thing (something a bit more constructive than your one liner: it was quite a long white paper) on how Irdeto 2 couldn't be hacked once...

29-03-2009, 08:22 PM
Cheers for showing us your card. I think I'll order a new Sat receiver, and maybe a new car. (any chance of the PIN number?)

29-03-2009, 09:13 PM
That YouTube video is talking about releasing a prirate card for Christmas 2008 that can do NDS. Ha! :biggrinjester:

29-03-2009, 10:31 PM
That YouTube video is talking about releasing a prirate card for Christmas 2008 that can do NDS. Ha! :biggrinjester:

christmas 2008?

30-03-2009, 02:41 AM
I think NDS has been hacked long ago, but the people who hacked it will not release it as Mr. M....... of S.. empire ++ Is a powerful piece of S...?? Sly Ita, Sly uk And others. Talk about someone taking over the ????. It reminds me of the movie Oooops forgot the name, but I think it was a James bond or something similar. So it only remains for someone willing to put up with the powers to be to but themselves out and in danger of been locked up. I know if I had the Intelligence to hack I would but that's me.
To all those hackers out there giving us what we have at the moment, Cheeerrs keep up the good work.

30-03-2009, 06:24 PM
blue card look like credit card if premier and sly hacked it will be goo news for everyone

30-03-2009, 06:55 PM
blue card look like credit card if premier and sly hacked it will be goo news for everyone

It's actually an American Express Card, maybe you should look again.

31-03-2009, 12:29 PM
Tomorow is the great day the blue card will be out and it will open all NDS packages like Premiere an Sky Italy. :respect-057:
April 1st the great day :respect-013:

Do you realy think that thers a card that is able to open NDS ... or Nagra 3 for that matter, even if there was one it wouldnt be worth buying like many other cards in the past ex. Knotcard 1 & 2 Opos Card titanium ellite etc etc etc and it would be better to wait for those emus to come to cams that we already have like Dragon and Diablo or by receiver firmware update .

Its funny thers a video on youtube where a guy shows a blue card if you pay attention to the video you can see the the card is painted with a marker :congratulations-008 you can see the blue lines, you almost cant understand the guy :svengo: and im not talking about the language :party: he appears to be under the effect of something strong, what credibility can he have really people.

If you dont have nothing to post please dont come with LIES to the net dont give false hopes to persons that like this hobby because thats a very STUPID thing to do :banghead: .

A year ago there was a guy in Brazil that put a video on the net explaining how the Playstation 3 iso loader he created worked there were hundreds of posts and false hopes about this subject because it would be a great thing to be able to boot ps3 backups from the HDD. The guy almost got arrested by a thing that he didnt realy created :respect-046: . Why there are people doing things like this :banghead:

31-03-2009, 01:06 PM
How many hacks have actually turned up on april the 1st ? I cant think of one.

Some april the 1st's are more hysterical than others, I wouldn't hold your breath or get up early tommorrow over the speculation I've seen so far.

31-03-2009, 01:07 PM
Do you realy think that thers a card that is able to open NDS ... or Nagra 3 for that matter, even if there was one it wouldnt be worth buying like many other cards in the past ex. Knotcard 1 & 2 Opos Card titanium ellite etc etc etc and it would be better to wait for those emus to come to cams that we already have like Dragon and Diablo or by receiver firmware update

You may be right about this particular story.

Slightly off-topic, I do however strongly disagree with your comments on cards. OK like a lot of people on this board, I now have a large collection of ice scrapers but most of them served their purpose and there aren't many of them that I regretted buying. The only big mistake I made was buying the t-rex cam, already having a dragon cam, which ultimately didn't live up to its promises.

Lot's of people have had M2+ cards (and M2 before that), as well as Vista, G***a, K3 and Knott cards that provided excellent value for money. The trick is to buy early,

I don't believe everything will eventually be open through public emus although many people say that. It's a commercial business and you don't get much in life for free. In that respect I don't think cams are much different to cams, and in the case of the diablo you have to buy the programmer as well as the cam.

31-03-2009, 04:41 PM
Please beware of viruses in these bogus diablo files on 1st April you may get a big supprise.

31-03-2009, 05:06 PM
The rumour mill certainly seems to be cranked up for this one. Who knows, maybe there will be something tomorrow - If I had a hack for N3/NDS (which I don`t) I`d release it on April 1st for a laugh, and see how long it took people to realise it actually worked - maybe that`s just my warped sense of humour though. Not holding my breath though, and NDS hack would be stamped on pretty quick and probably do the hobby a lot of damage with all the fallout, and it just seems like early days for an N3 hack.

31-03-2009, 07:15 PM
The trick is to buy early,

i wouldn't always agree with this. i'd say it was more of a gamble. if you do buy early then you are more than likely in for a nasty surprise when support stops 2 or 3 months down the line. look at how many cards and cams have been released in comparison to how many have actually 'survived', i.e. diablo, dragon (lasted a long time), titanium (again had seca2 for a long time), matrix also went for a while. most others lasted for just a few months before support for them stopped.

my personal opinion on this is that there are a few people out there that are watching certain packages such as sly without a sub or CS. as soon as this sort of thing would go public (especially with ND5), it wouldnt last long and boards would be shut down immediately. so i cant realy see a hack like this being made public in any form whether new card or cam any time soon. so me thinks a ND5 hack tomorrow is an april fools.

.......would love to be proven wrong though:biggrinjester:

31-03-2009, 11:00 PM
I almost forgot in other you tube video on this post, that guy is holding a Sat Army Funcard SMC very usefull in the Nagra 1 days for autoroll with jumper but it certainely has no power to open/descramble NDS it even isnt a OS card. That was a christmas LIE .

01-04-2009, 02:27 AM
[QUOTE=gman;610309]i wouldn't always agree with this. i'd say it was more of a gamble. if you do buy early then you are more than likely in for a nasty surprise when support stops 2 or 3 months down the line. /QUOTE]

I don't know what cards you are referring to but I've listed quite a few that have lasted a lot, lot longer than 2 or 3 months. G***a cards for example have been working for nearly 2 years! M2+ has been working for nearly a year. M2 before that had a long life, as had the original 1 degree west dream card. Ditto, but not quite so long, for the K3 and Vista cards for the French canal plus and TPS channels respectively.

2 or 3 months if you buy late. Hence my advice to buy early.

Not sure therefore on what basis you are making those statements?

Agree with you however regarding an N*S or at this point in time an N3 hack. For the moment we are likely to be limited to further conax and iredeto 2 hacks.

01-04-2009, 08:06 AM
Posted today on a now famous(infamous?)German board.
A raugh translation.

It is done, the cards are finished and delivered.
The dealers will in the next few days
get info,how to purchase..
Furthermore, we would like to tidy up the rumors:

Our card is white, its not Bluestarcrypt1 or the like,
it doesnt decode Nagravision, the software uses a gap
in the Videoguard encoding wich it simply bypasses.
The files will be released 06.04.2009 to some of the popular boards.
Due to some incidents in recent times some boards will be exluded.
To begin with the cards will only be sold by our two board sponsers later also bu others.
We will be in close contact with the developers to be able to supply information.
Moore i´nfo to come on 03.04.2009.

01-04-2009, 11:19 AM
Today is the 1st of april, what or where is this big B*O*M*B* shell release ?

01-04-2009, 03:07 PM
If it's done and finished why not be more specific where to buy the cards. And if it is a N/S hack it can't be coincidence that s/y are swapping there cards soon.

01-04-2009, 06:34 PM
Plus if they really ARE already saying that only certain boards will be 'allowed' to release the files or sell the cards - doesnt all THAT sound a bit hairy fairy - ANYONE?:biggrinjester:

simon 2003
01-04-2009, 06:38 PM
mmm maybe holmroad you would think they would want to shift as many as possible in a short time,if there posting that on a forum its in the public domain so does'nt matter who knows

01-04-2009, 09:48 PM
I don't trust fixed release dates :) No harm in speculating though, it's free.

01-04-2009, 10:59 PM
I don't trust hairy fairys. :001_302: All sounds a bit suspect to me.

01-04-2009, 11:05 PM
only 1 hour to go and all the bu//5h1t will be over i hope:respect-048:

01-04-2009, 11:16 PM

I was allways told that the fairy stories stopped at midday in 1st April


22-05-2009, 09:36 PM
I've been sitting here .. waiting.... holding my breath .... where is my card/cam/key that unlocks nds ???
Oh - there isn't one??
What a surprise :sifone: