View Full Version : DM8000 web control - stream error??

23-03-2009, 12:21 AM
Running BH 0.9 (& BA)
attach to DM with browser (from PC)
click on stream (a channel which is showing on the DM)
get a dialog "You have chosen to open sream3.m3u"
open with WInamp
get an error

[error syncing to stream]

Any Ideas??

Now resolved..
You have to be on the channel you want to stream.
Open the m3u file with vlc
There are reports that you have to run vlc from command line with "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --m3u-extvlcopt but that didn't help
there are also reports that vlc version 0.9x ignores EXTVLCOPT for security reasons - didn't try that, I used vlc v0.8.6c