View Full Version : Clarke tech 500 combo softcam - keys updating?

23-03-2009, 09:37 PM

I'm interested in buying a Clarke tech 500 combo box but I would like to know form those of you that have the box:

Can you update the box using a softcam?
Can the keys be updated using a usb key or via a PC or do they have to be updated manually?


23-03-2009, 10:45 PM
i have the clarke-tech 5000 hdcplus receiver
it's exactly the same spec as the tm 6900_super model
and you can load patches/softcams/chn lists with a
usb memory stick you can also use the tm softcams
and channel lists on the clarke-tech and the ct patches
open the same chns as the tm patch does
i find the receiver very good quality and more stylish
and smaller than the tm 6000 models. the menu's are
more or less the same the card reader is'nt a multi card
reader like the tm it's conax . the receiver works first class
with the diablo cam with the patch on no clashing etc
my overall view is it's a very good receiver

23-03-2009, 11:33 PM
my 5000 combo smartcard reader read an irdeto card and my sly card, so with the patch i think it is a multi cam

25-03-2009, 11:02 PM
doesn`t read nagra cards.