View Full Version : small dish ?

24-03-2009, 02:10 PM
what's the smallest dish,with the highest gain upto 80cm,ive seen these squish dishes and tweeters are they any good,does it work well or is it usless, if youve got 1 can you coment please,thanks in advance:king-041:

24-03-2009, 11:54 PM
I've no experience with squish or similar but the Triax TD78, and the Penta 65 are both very good dishes. I would suggest the Invertro Silvertech Lnb with either as a good match.

25-03-2009, 09:12 AM
thanks rick1980,thought i wasent going to get a reply,ile have a search on em:king-041:

25-03-2009, 11:14 AM
small gimmiky dishes are expensive, a 38cm conventional dish is about as small as you can use usefully.

25-03-2009, 12:12 PM
Small dishes with very high gain are the Arcon dishes. These dishes come in two sizes, 43cm and 57cm. They use cassegrain dual reflector tecnique which is why they can produce such good results.

The manufacturers claim that the 57cm model gives the general performance of a regular 80cm offset dish...and it seems they are not full of hot air...for exampel, the Arcon 57cm declares the same gain as the Triax TD 78cm dish (37.1dBi).
Userreports are positive, however I´ve not had the pleasure of trying them myself. The downside is...they are expensive, the 57cm version costs €159. That however includes the lnb. These dishes are singlefocus ONLY and can not be used as multifeed units.