View Full Version : Disqec - multi lnb help required.

24-03-2009, 03:13 PM
Hi Guys,

I have a T90 at present and I am trying to add to it.

My current setup is

LNB 1 - 28.E
LNB 2 - 19E
LNB 3 - 16E
LNB 4 - 13E
LNB 5 - 9E

I want to add a further three lnbs to the setup, my location is London UK and would love help on 2 matters.

Issue 1

My 8 way disqec switch has a faulty port and needs to be replaced. The stb im using will be either the Azbox HD or Dreambox 7000s

Can I buy two 4 way disqec switches and a 2 way disqec and cascade them, giving me an 8 lnb to 1 stb setup?

Question: I am planning to add 3 more sats, 1 West, 5 East and im not sure on the last.

Any suggestions that I can pick up from the UK on a T90 as the third sat?

Thanks in advance.


24-03-2009, 03:21 PM

Have a look at the latest Azbox HD manual page 67, that example will give you 10 ways.

2 x 4 way 1.0 switches
1 x 4 way 1.1 switch

24-03-2009, 03:23 PM
Thanks mate ill do just that.


24-03-2009, 03:27 PM
Any ideas where I can get the latest updated manual?
Cant seem to find one with a pic on page 68.


24-03-2009, 03:31 PM

http://www.azboxworld.com/index.php?page=Attachment&attachmentID=1681&h=1fcfbef28f0ed96b93ee2c252363950 adb9af8ee

24-03-2009, 06:09 PM
Can I buy two 4 way disqec switches and a 2 way disqec and cascade them, giving me an 8 lnb to 1 stb setup?

Kind of. You would need an uncomitted switch to cascade 2x 4way, and your reciever has to be capable of handling it.

Question: I am planning to add 3 more sats, 1 West, 5 East and im not sure on the last.

I had my TD110 on multi lnb before I motorised. I got 28e, 23.5e, 19e, 13e, 5e and 1w (not nordic beam). Because of the large offset the signal was unwatchabe on the nordic beam of 1w, now motorised I get around 80% quality. I don't think you will get the same 30 degree spread on a 90cm dish. You are probably looking at a 20 degree spread.

24-03-2009, 06:34 PM
[QUOTE=Yoda;607927]Hi Guys,

I have a T90 at present and I am trying to add to it.

My current setup is

LNB 1 - 28.E
LNB 2 - 19E
LNB 3 - 16E
LNB 4 - 13E
LNB 5 - 9E

I want to add a further three lnbs to the setup, my location is London UK and would love help on 2 matters.

Can I buy two 4 way disqec switches and a 2 way disqec and cascade them, giving me an 8 lnb to 1 stb setup?

I imagine you could as i have the Force Frontier T50 dish and the manual reckons i can have upto 8 lnb,s on it and on the T90 you can have upto 16 lnb,s i have lnb,s at 19e 13e 5e and my 28e is on a sly dish but fed through the 4 way disqec ...i think you can get an 8 way disqec though..if they still available..

24-03-2009, 06:44 PM
Sorry, hadn't realised you had a toridoidal, didn't link it to T90 when I read the post.

24-03-2009, 11:44 PM
From experience, it's difficult to find a true 1.0 and 1.1 Diseqc switch. The 1.1 tends to get confused when offered a legasy 1.0 signal as it's first signal and requires a power down to reset to 1.1.
I'd be tempted to replace with an EMP 8 way (or 9 if you include the terrestrial).

25-03-2009, 11:09 AM
Thanks guys, I may well just replace the 8 way with a new EMP 8 way as suggested.

Thanks for all your help.


30-03-2009, 05:41 PM
Get yourself a 10 x 1 and save yourself a lot of Problems.
Get 2 4 x1 and a 0/12v switch to put between them.

The 10 is the Better way.

Dig Deep
20-04-2009, 02:03 PM
Yes, a 10*1 looks good for me. I will re-set up my T90 this summer after adding a few LNBīs so I think I will go for the 10*1.

29-04-2009, 11:14 AM
You can also buy an Emp 17 in 1 out, priced 55-60€ online.
