View Full Version : echostar question

24-03-2009, 07:55 PM
hi, i'm posting this on here as all the posts in echostar are all old. i have the latest firmware on my desk top for my 3600ip, can anyone tell me what need to do with it? i'm sorry, i haven't a clue!!! i was thinking this could help solve my prob. with echostar & the diablo i am having!!
thanks maggie

24-03-2009, 08:03 PM
I think you have to upload to your unit with a null modem cable.go to the link below downlaod the file and the instructions are in pdf format

More info here:

_http://www.echostareurope.com/support_stb_software_features.asp ?FLDRECEIVER=ad3600ipvcs&FLDVERSIONCODE=ad3600ipvcs_800

24-03-2009, 09:46 PM
cheers for that, i see what to do now. thanks again

24-03-2009, 09:56 PM
Not sure if you have 2 cam slots on that model but my Diablo prefers to work in the bottom slot of a 3000ip and indeed works very well. Older Matrix type cams preferred the top slot, (and for the record my Dragon would not upload in the receiver at all).

24-03-2009, 10:57 PM
Not sure if you have 2 cam slots on that model but my Diablo prefers to work in the bottom slot of a 3000ip and indeed works very well. Older Matrix type cams preferred the top slot, (and for the record my Dragon would not upload in the receiver at all).
thanks, i have tried both slots & still have probs. all listed on the diablo thread, incidentally, my dragon works well on both slots, also worked ok with the 3000ip, funny isn't it,some will some wont. i've found the loader & the file for updating the firmware so i will have ago 2moro,
by the way do you know the baud rate for the echostar? ir if not, how to find it?!

cheers maggie

25-03-2009, 01:55 AM
Just another thought Maggie. Do you really need to update the software? From memory going from (3000ip) 900 software to 1100 software screwed the receiver and cost me £90 for a new chip. I would not mess with my ancient 3000ip again. I'm watching it now. Far better picture than my Technomate or Clarke Tech! Incidentally my Dragon works fine in 3000ip but would not update. That's why I have a TM too!

25-03-2009, 09:10 AM
ime with you captainglassback,ive had two echostars and 1 manhattan in 4 yrs never going back to em, ,ime using a technomate now and it's the best all round box for me:respect-048:

25-03-2009, 11:28 AM
Just another thought Maggie. Do you really need to update the software? From memory going from (3000ip) 900 software to 1100 software screwed the receiver and cost me £90 for a new chip. I would not mess with my ancient 3000ip again. I'm watching it now. Far better picture than my Technomate or Clarke Tech! Incidentally my Dragon works fine in 3000ip but would not update. That's why I have a TM too!

you got me thinking now, wonder if its worth it if you end up paying out more!!!!!
it works fine except for the diablo prob. i'll have to give this some thought.
thanks for the advise

25-03-2009, 12:17 PM
tecnomate it mite be a better receiver for sensitivity but echostar i find it has a better picture quality,i had so many echostar starting with the 3000ip /3600 via and 7000/via and yes there is in some cases issue with the cam's but i was very happy with the performance,just recently i went for tecnomate because it is the more affordable receiver for HD but im not very happy with the picture quality.
In same cases the 3600/ip it has issue with the diablo,the 3000ip it is ok and so it is the 7000/via,the only thing that i notest some echostar have some sound issue,where there is a dual sound transmission,but it is always better to upgrade to the latest firmware if you know what you doing of course.
But because echostar do not upgrade the firmware anymore there is still some bugs on the firmware,plus echostar only upgrade firmware for original cams and not pirate cams,so a multy cam like dragon and diablo and others there will be alway issue for that reason.
regards dxman

25-03-2009, 12:53 PM
Never had a problem with my Echostar 3600, loaded with the 1000 firmware, all my Dragon Cams, and my Diablo Cam, work perfectly.
All I had to do for the Diablo Cam was raise the Echostar off the shelf, using blocks at each corner, to stop the Diablo Cam over heating and causing freezing problems.

25-03-2009, 03:01 PM
Hi maggie
baud rate for the echostar is 9600
you should not have any problem if
you use the correct file


25-03-2009, 06:27 PM
hi, been looking on the echostar site, got the loader & another type of loader, can't tell you which as its on the other pc & its off at the mo, when you load up the file which i got from the thread on here, nothing is happening, do i need another file as well, it says it should happen automatically. but nothing happens

28-03-2009, 06:34 PM
Hi Maggie
Down load software from Echostar site
latest for 3600IP is 1000
you need the correct loader for your receiver
one for std receiver
or one with Eckko-Nav. installed


29-03-2009, 03:13 PM
last update file i had on my 3600 via ip is here - v1100

30-03-2009, 02:02 PM
V1100 was beta
discontinued by Echostar
