View Full Version : what phone shall I get ?

we are borg
27-03-2009, 09:29 AM
I am due an upgrade form my current Nokia N95 to another phone.

I can not decide what to get and lookiong for some reccomendations.

any suggestion welcome and why I should go for that phone.


we are borg

27-03-2009, 09:35 AM
i have just the blackberry 8900 and very impressed with it so my my bro inlaw,i get my emails and every thing,best thing i like about it is the built in msn works great,phone is nice to hold and very easy to text and send emails with the keyboard on the front,battery life lasts around 2-3 days i have turned the wifi off to help with the battery,im on o2 i get 600mins a month,1000 texts and unlimited internet useage.does have built in satnav but i beleave you get charged for using it

we are borg
27-03-2009, 10:40 AM
Hi Paul01609

How much are you paying for that a month m8 as I am on o2 and may go for it.

We are borg

27-03-2009, 10:42 AM
it should of been £35 amonth on a 18 month contract but i know the lad who works in there and hes got me %30 off my bill each month

we are borg
27-03-2009, 12:01 PM
@Paul 01609

Thanks for the info I will put that on the list to look at


we are borg

27-03-2009, 03:25 PM

Check out the Samsung Omnia, very nice phone and highly customisable as it runs on windows 6.5


27-03-2009, 03:40 PM
@Paul 01609

Thanks for the info I will put that on the list to look at


we are borg

np m8 msn is great for chatting on it ,was tempted for all of 2seconds on the iphone but you still have to pay £100 even on contract,but the key pad on the blackberry makes it so easy to text not having to pess the keys 2-3 times toget the correct letter

27-03-2009, 04:37 PM
i dont know much about the blackberry but i would recomend a htc phone with a pull out qwerty keypad.... had my tynt 2 for about a year now + does so much more than just a phone

here is one on o2 called the xda serrahttp://shop.o2.co.uk/images/consumer/handsets/O2/O2_xda_serra_main.png