View Full Version : enhanced lnb

29-03-2009, 11:16 PM
hi can anyone help i used to b able to get hispasat 30 west till my lnb broke it was an enhanced lnb i got a bloke out to fit a new one now i cant get it is it mayb because the new ones not enhanced and does an enhanced lnb mean a stronger signal??

30-03-2009, 07:30 AM
A quick history lesson about LNB's

The earliest type of LNB in use for reception of the Astra 1 satellites was the "Standard" type. These used an internal Local Oscillator frequency of 10,000MHz, and were in use until Astra 1D was launched in 1994.

Astra 1D used lower frequencies than the earlier spacecraft, and so the "Enhanced" LNB was developed. These use a LO of 9750 MHz.

Universal LNB's have two LO frequencies - 9750 & 10600MHz, switched by a 22KHz tone generated within the receiver.

As long as a universal lnb has been used you should be ok for everything you could get before. Have you checked the dish allignment since the lnb was changed ?

30-03-2009, 07:48 AM
make sure lnb settings are correct in menu should now be universal assuming universal lnb has been fitted

30-03-2009, 10:08 PM
think i maybe need to explain things a little better i can still get hotbird astra and 0.8 west canal nordic and syrius 2-3 but used to be able to get hispasat as well now i cant also cant get digi tv

30-03-2009, 11:21 PM
Most of the digitv frequencies are in the higher band, most of C+ on 1w are in the lower band.

Check your lnb settings are set to universal or 09750-10600.

05-04-2009, 10:20 AM
To clarify this thread:
1. Check on a strong satellite like Hotbird if you can receive lower frequencies in V & H, then higher frequencies > 12Ghz in V & H.
2. Your receiver would most probably have been set to universal lnb before, so that shouldn't change. Worth checking though (especially if "the bloke" was changing menu settings). Ensure the LO are set as above.
3. The skew of the lnb (rotation in its fixing) may be incorrect reducing signal strength.
4. Front/back movement of the lnb to focus it may be required if the lnb has a long neck (Will also reduce signal strength if incorrectly set).
5. He may have knocked your dish out of alignment (Try gently pulling the dish face in all directions when its on Hispasat and see if it reappears).
6. When you say "used to be able to get 30W", does that mean recently ? Are there any obstructions in the signal path such as fast growing trees ?

Basically you need to run through the list of possible problems, but you will need to be able to access the dish, and try small tweaks to see if the picture reappears.

Good luck :-)