View Full Version : Channel editor problem

30-03-2009, 06:21 AM
After testing conn. & user/pass - all OK , the programm gives this error :
Run-time error '9':
Subscript out of range
Does anyone know how to fix this macro error , pls ?

30-03-2009, 07:44 AM
i have a same problem

30-03-2009, 08:07 AM
Works for me, no problem, not even bad for a beta! Nice program THX!

30-03-2009, 09:18 AM
Feedback: using the latest FW, i.e. 1621 and Vista Ultimate 64b:

Good stuff, as per usual, when it comes to editors. However a few things do not function...

1) It should be "Profile", not "prifile" [misspelling]
2) When one changed the IP address and tries to connect - the same old IP address is at the bottom, i.e. ...36, instead of the new one one gives, even if one "updates/saves the profile" with the new data
3) When I restarted the editor it did remember the address I gave it - good!
4) Can not enlarge the editor to 100% screen size
5) Letters are too light in colour, difficult to read - they should be darker [only the first channel in a FAVs list, for instance, is darker colour]
6) We're missing the "Organise by alphabet" function, in order to find a channel easier [maybe also a Search function, while you're at it?]
7) Right click on a channel, with various functions added, would be good [edit, add to, order by alphabet/transponder frequency etc.]
8) When added and then moving a channel for the second time, in a Fav list, I lost everything I worked on, as I got a message "Runtime error 921" or some such number... [grrr...]
9) After sending an edited version of the list to the box I can't either change a channel or access the channel list via remote - Standby button got it to Reboot, so it finally worked.

Btw, if one renames a Fav group one must also click on Rename or it is not saved.

Now Sofrenic can knock himself out creating lists like Sport, EX-YU, Films, ****, Erotic, HD, News, Children and whatnot...http://www.azbox4yu.com/images/smilies/tongue.gifhttp://www.azbox4yu.com/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

Good work!!http://www.azbox4yu.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

30-03-2009, 09:42 AM
Run-time error '9':
Subscript out of range

I managed to create this error.....

It was caused by trying to move a channel from the left over to the right without first having set up a Bouquet name.

So download list and before doing anything else, add a Bouquet ( bottom right of the screen)

30-03-2009, 10:34 AM
it doesn't work : either open file from tmp folder created during install or connect to receiver / "Receive Files from AZBox" gives the same runtime error . Using XP SP3 march updates incl. Maybe macros created under diferent Op.Syst. - not XP .

30-03-2009, 10:41 AM
XP is working ok for me.

30-03-2009, 10:51 AM
can someone give me a link to download the channel editor?

30-03-2009, 11:38 AM
Click this internal link..


30-03-2009, 02:21 PM
Thanks ARJ, always helpful :)

30-03-2009, 02:27 PM
Surprisingly I found the channel editor to be actually usable even if it's a first public release...

Of course there are some bugs which I am sure will be ironed out quickly.

30-03-2009, 02:58 PM
Hi Dear
I've just got a Cube revo mini HD. I am a newbie to this type of linux receiver.

This reciver was working properly until by a mistake I reset the receiver to the factory defult. All setting and favorite files gone. When I tried to restor my box from back up file (saved on my laptop) through pc editor(1.2.49), error 79 happened.

Now I solved the error by reinstalling new image from sifteam (r9047).

My question: Now regarding the above is it possible to restore my ipbox to previous setting by using back up files that I saved on my laptop through pceditor. If yes, what is the procedure for this action and since in back up folder I saw several different files, exactly, which files should I use. Please advise.
Thank you.

30-03-2009, 03:22 PM
Hi Dear
I've just got a Cube revo mini HD. I am a newbie to this type of linux receiver.

This reciver was working properly until by a mistake I reset the receiver to the factory defult. All setting and favorite files gone. When I tried to restor my box from back up file (saved on my laptop) through pc editor(1.2.49), error 79 happened.

Now I solved the error by reinstalling new image from sifteam (r9047).

My question: Now regarding the above is it possible to restore my ipbox to previous setting by using back up files that I saved on my laptop through pceditor. If yes, what is the procedure for this action and since in back up folder I saw several different files, exactly, which files should I use. Please advise.
Thank you.


You are here in the Azbox section, Cube Revo Mini HD has nothing to do with Azbox. You should post your question in the right section it is just below the one of Azbox. :-)


30-03-2009, 06:14 PM
Indeed, it's a very good start!!!:respect-048:

30-03-2009, 06:31 PM
Under "Organize list" there is a Search function. I didn't see it straight away, Telesat explained later... Write in the empty field and it will search!

Also, organise by alphabet or transponder frequency is there, again Telesat expained: click on Service and it will change... alphabet-wise or by frequency!

Good first effort!!:cheers2:

30-03-2009, 07:59 PM

I would appreciate to group the services by provider name so that I can quickly create my favorites.

Thanks for the good job, channel editor was really a feature requested by many users.


30-03-2009, 09:51 PM
Check it....:king-041:

13-04-2009, 11:28 PM
Thanks Goran

Needed a good channel list the rest i downloaded kept giving me a error with the editor.

But now have them loaded on the box :respect-055:

Just need to figure out where to put the keys and if the plugins are actualy doing what they are supposed to.

Because I have a black screen at the mo.

Been easter weekend so will be going to the shop to get some more cable for the motor tomorrow and get it moving again.

It is always very annoying till you get the first channel open then you know your on your way.

14-04-2009, 09:51 AM
1) What can we watch? For instance, Nagra 2, still...

There is a thread on this forum which tells you exactly what we can watch these days, with our EMUs... ;) TV Globo on HB, 13'E and Digi TV on Thor, 1'W in Nagra 2.

2) AZbox HD comes with an internal EMU which is AU. Just wait on a channel.

3) Must install the OpenXCAS first [be connected to the net!]:

hit the HOME button on your remote -> Plugin -> Add Plugin [red buton], if memory serves... ;)

Then, after you install OpenXCAS, go to add plugin and -> Manual -> and first install MultiCAS 1.57c

then MGcamd

then NewCS

MGcamd is an excellent emu, too.

Minicat's forum has RedBull's keys for it, see attached. AU.

Put all in MGcamd folder. Use FileZilla FTP client, for instance.

Apparently, this MGcamd will work for CS, as well - as a GBox client. Must add the details from GBox cwshare.cfg.

Here's another list, just in case. Could be better for your needs. 0.9.7b editor is out, too!

Info on this forum!!! Load of, actually!

Good luck! :)

P.S. Sorry, this is a backup forum and can't upload anything here... Find Minicat's forum and AZbox4YU.

14-04-2009, 11:17 AM
If in trouble with one's EMUs/CS etc. I think one should update "cleanly", as it were, by deleting it all!


First: HOME button on your remote -> Menu -> Plugins -> OpenXCAS -> delete camd's [for those of you who have installed those earlier; new users will not have these, so this step doesn't apply to them]

Second: HOME -> Settings -> Data reset -> Factory reset

Third: put a "patch" [= Firmware or FW, the one you want to programme your AZbox HD with] on your USB memory stick, then put the USB memory stick into your AZbox HD - Reboot

Fourth: Format application area -> OK/confirm it

Fifth: Install Patch.bin [when it's done and AZbox HD is rebooting take the USB stick out]

Sixth: Menu -> sort out the Settings, as you need them [Net, Audio/Visual, Antena etc.] - put a channel list in at this point, using Telesat's Editor and reboot [you may wanna rescan your fav satellite positions, just in case], make sure you're online for the next step

Seventh: download and install OpenXCAS [Add plugin] -> then enter OpenXCAS by pressing the OK button on your remote and go to Manual Install option -> install: MultiCAS, MGcamd and NewCS [all three are online to DL and install straight into AZbox HD] -> go to, say TV Globo on Hot Bird and wait for the AU to create a working key, meaning MultiCAS is active [activate via HOME -> Plugins -> OpenXCAS -> Activate -> MultiCAS must NOT have # in front of it, by using the blue button, then restart it by pressing the yellow buton] and working fine...

Eight: Install Mbox and add cwshare.cfg and start messing with it... ;)

Also, Incubus CS SW, possibly by Damir's installation proggy... Edit the config file for your GBox [and CCcam, if not installing with Damir's proggy] details.

Good luck! :)

15-04-2009, 12:56 AM
Will give it a try and see what happens.
I was outside today fixing my dish alignment, waiting for a few bits to come in the post then should be good to go.

Hopefully by the end of the week will be ready with the setup properly again its been a while as its quicker to download than to use the sat now a days sorry to say, and no hassles with the screen cutting in and out or going black on you mid viewing.

15-04-2009, 02:29 AM
And where's the foon in tha'?!?:respect-050::sifone::king-041::respect-039:
