View Full Version : IPBox-RSP Enigma 2 in USB-installation guide

30-03-2009, 07:54 AM
This is how you do it right!!! Took it from Minicat's forum, btw...

IPBox-RSP Enigma 2 in USB-installation guide

At this system version the procedure works only for IPBox 900, 910 9000 and not for 91 (...) mainly due to VFD differences.
All software components referred in this text are part of the “KIT_RSP_E2_Install” archive on your PC Windows. To begin you must extract the KIT on your PC hard disk !

http://www.minicat.tv/board/style_images/ulc/img-resized.png Reduced: 80% of original size [ 798 x 475 ] - Click to view full image

1) 1 USB stick (2Gb or higher)
2) 1 null modem Rs-232 cable
3) 1 patch cable ( Box to Router)

1) KCC ( Kathrein Control Center ) Vers. 3.1 !!!
2) Windows Hyperterminal
3) Any actual standard IPBox image ( AB, NLB, SIF e.g. 9057 )
4) AB U-boot loader vers. 1.3.1 or higher
5) Config-Welcome image ( boot menu environment )
6) RSP e2 image based on SIF 020
Step 1
a) We need to change the U-boot loader to a multiboot loader (1.3.1 or higher). To do that, your receiver must be flashed first with a Sifteam, NLB or ***** IPBox standard image (not Enigma2 image !!! ) so fetch the image from “Step1-SIF-Clasic” folder and copy it on a memory stick renaming it “usb_update.img” , insert the stick , press power button and switch on the power ...

b) Fetch the U-boot image (vers 1.3.1 or higher) from the “Step2-AB-uboot” folder and copy it on the memory stick renaming it “usb_update.img” , insert the stick , press power button and switch on the power ...

c) Fetch the Config image (according to your STB model 900/910 ) from the “Step3-AB-config” folder and copy it on the memory stick renaming it “usb_update.img” , insert the stick , press power button and switch on the power ... This start config allow you to start the STB by pressing 1,2,3 or 4 on the RCU and set the appropriate environment variables for the following cases:

Press Button 1: start your image using NFS-server
Press Button 2: start your image using USB pendrive don't have a SATA hdd
Press Button 3: start your image using USB pendrive if you have a SATA hdd
Press Button 4: start your original flash image in the decoder (DGStation's original firmwares or images based on them)

This config image set the STB IP to but ... can be changed !

d) Connect the RS-232 cable from your receiver to your PC and patch cable from the receiver to router .
e) Now switch off your receiver (always from the main power switch!! ) press at remote control 2 and switch on your receiver keep pressing 2 for about 5 to 10 sec. Ok now your receiver booting from the standard image. (if you switch off and switch on again your receiver will be booting from the standard image does’nt need to press again 2.)
Step 2
a) As your receiver is turned on and working with a standard image,dont work on it ! just let it stay at “Language” dialog ... plug in the USB stick.
b) Run KCC 3.1 , type the STB ipaddress witch was assigned dynamically by the DHCP! (find out your PC IP address... right click on your local area connection at your PC, choose status then click support), the user name and the password on Telnet and FTP fields.

http://www.minicat.tv/board/style_images/ulc/img-resized.png Reduced: 84% of original size [ 760 x 569 ] - Click to view full image

c) Click on Test to be sure that everything is ok.
d) Now click at the Experts button. If you can see the sda (if you don't have a HDD) or sdb (if you have connected a HDD ) icon in the panel you are on the right way! If not switch off your receiver and make the step 2 from the beginning.

http://www.minicat.tv/board/style_images/ulc/img-resized.png Reduced: 84% of original size [ 759 x 570 ] - Click to view full image

e) Right click to the sda and make a new partition table with Ext2 file system type and you must make more than one partition ( 4 on a 2Gb memory stick automatically sized... but ~500Mb is a good size )

http://www.minicat.tv/board/style_images/ulc/img-resized.png Reduced: 84% of original size [ 758 x 571 ] - Click to view full image

For performance reasons it is advisable to perform formatting under a Linux OS where Fdisk utility allows to choose the cluster (block) size... Windows assumes the default 2 (2 sectors of 512 bytes per block) since the optimal value is 8 !!!

f) As you finish with the partition, switch off the receiver and plug out the USB stick then switch on the receiver wait until the standard image loads and then plug in the USB stick again (this will mount the USB stick with the new volume structure).
g) restart KCC 3.1, click on FTP button, locate the RSP_e2.tar.gz file into “Step4-RSP-e2” folder,navigate and transfer it to mnt/usb/usb0 path.

Part II to follow...

30-03-2009, 07:55 AM

Step 3
a) Click on Telnet button and logging in telnet mode , at this point you must provide user and password according to image used root/ipbox, root/relook or root/sifteam .


b) now you are logged as a Linux console and you must type the following

cd /mnt/usb/usb0 <enter> - change location to image repository

tar xzf rsp_e2.tar.gz <enter> - create the e2 memory stick from the image

sync <enter > - wait till all write operations are finished

You must take a long coffee break ! Wait until finished... takes about 30-45 minutes depending on the speed of the stick !
c) switch off your receiver.

Step 4
a) Press 4 on your remote control and then switch on your receiver.
b) Wait about 10 minutes for the first boot from the USB memory stick
c) Check at the receiver LCD panel , you will see “RSP e2” and “Tideglo” and finally you must choose with the RCU, using V/A and OK buttons , the STB’s output : Scart, PC HDMI, HDMI or component ... the rest of start ****** dialog goes to the specified output.

ATTENTION: If you want to boot from flash the standard image, before you do it ... always remove the USB stick from your receiver, elsewhere the standard image will use your USB memory stick as scratch !!!

Step 5 (Final step)
If everything works fine go with your FTP at etc/resolve.conf edit and change the to your router IP address. This is important if you want your receiver to have Internet access ... this is possible only if the named file is not read-only. The present version of RSP enigma2 cannot use etc/resolve.conf so the problem must be solved by setting manually at boot time the appropriate values for the ipaddr, serverip and gateway
Start Windows Hyperterminal and set COM 1, speed 115200 baud and flow control to none .


Switch on your receiver and hit CTRL and Z together until you see at the putty screen Cuberevo_mini > (if you fail ... switch off the receiver and retry) .


Copy this string and paste it at command prompt into Hyperterminal window (copy only the string...no extra chars ! )

setenv menu_1 ‘setenv ipaddr;setenv serverip;setenv gateway;setenv netmask;setenv bootargs "console=ttyAS1,115200 panic=3 bigphysarea=10240 root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=/root/Desktop/root rw rootpath=/root/Desktop/root ip=$ipaddr:$serverip:$gateway:$ne tmask mem=128m coprocessor_mem=4m@0x10000000,4m@ 0x10400000 init=/bin/devinit";setenv bootcmd "nfs a5ff0000;bootm a5ff0000";saveenv;boot ‘

then hit <enter> and copy/paste next string :

setenv menu_2 ‘setenv ipaddr;setenv serverip;setenv gateway;setenv netmask;setenv bootusb "run bootargsusb;usb reset;ext2load usb 0:1 a5ff0000 boot/uImage;bootm a5ff0000";setenv bootargsusb "setenv bootargs console=ttyAS1,115200 panic=3 bigphysarea=10240 root=/dev/sda1 rw rootdelay=10 init=/bin/devinit ip=$ipaddr:$serverip:$gateway:$ne tmask mem=128m coprocessor_mem=4m@0x10000000,4m@ 0x10400000";setenv bootcmd "run bootusb";saveenv;boot ‘

then hit <enter> and copy/paste next string :

setenv menu_3 ‘setenv ipaddr;setenv serverip;setenv gateway;setenv netmask;setenv bootusb "run bootargsusb;usb reset;ext2load usb 0:1 a5ff0000 boot/uImage;bootm a5ff0000";setenv bootargsusb "setenv bootargs console=ttyAS1,115200 panic=3 bigphysarea=10240 root=/dev/sdb1 rw rootdelay=10 init=/bin/devinit ip=$ipaddr:$serverip:$gateway:$ne tmask mem=128m coprocessor_mem=4m@0x10000000,4m@ 0x10400000";setenv bootcmd "run bootusb";saveenv;boot ‘

then hit <enter> and copy/paste next string :

setenv menu_4 ‘setenv ipaddr;setenv serverip;setenv gateway;setenv netmask;setenv bootargs "console=ttyAS1,115200 panic=3 root=/dev/mtdblock3 bigphysarea=1500 ip=$ipaddr:$serverip:$gateway:$ne tmask quiet";setenv bootcmd "bootm a0060000";saveenv;boot’

then hit <enter> and type at the command prompt


and hit <enter> to save your configuration ... this will rewrite the environment variables and will preserve the same button functional allocation for 1,2,3 and 4 plus will update the network parameters to your configuration.

Be sure that you change the ipaddr, serverip, gateway and netmask with your actual LAN settings

ipaddr = the IP address of your receiver
serverip = the ip address of your PC
gateway = the ip address of your router
netmask = netmask!!

To find out your PC's IP address , the gateway and the netmask : right click on your local area connection at your pc, choose status then click support.

That’s all folks ! happy Enigma2 RSP on your IPBOX !

This is how you do it, baby!!!:king-041:

03-04-2009, 12:20 AM

17-04-2009, 12:53 PM