View Full Version : 8 LNB & Azbox Premium - Working :)

01-04-2009, 12:11 AM

I know that a few of you have been in a similar situation as me, I can confirm that the Azbox works 100% perfect with an 8 LNB setup using the following.

EMP 8X P168-W Version 2

DisEqC 1.1 settings in the menu.

Firmware 1605.

I am now getting 28E, 19E, 16E, 13E, 9E, 5E, 1W and still playing with the position of the last lnb.

Satellite change is instant, so no waiting what so ever.

I love my Azbox.

If anyone needs further information please ask.



01-04-2009, 08:00 AM
It is April Fools Day! :D

Next you will be telling us that Diseqc 1.2 works with a Vbox. :D :D

01-04-2009, 09:50 AM

01-04-2009, 09:58 AM
It is April Fools Day! :D

Next you will be telling us that Diseqc 1.2 works with a Vbox. :D :D

No jokes mate.

If anyone is using the older version 1 of the switch, then give up now.

You have two options.

1. Wait for later firmware and hope that this fixes the issues.
2. Spend £29.00 on a version 2 EMP 8/1 P168W and live happy ever after.


01-04-2009, 10:37 AM
Mine is GOTO nn SWITCH S. 168 - ermmmm.... no go?

Btw, I wanna put another 8 LNB's, ergo -> 16 LNBs and have 2 cables out from a switch, for 2 Sat TV tuners.

So, 16LNB's, into 2 x 8in1 switch, then another switch to combine those 2 8in1 ones, sending 2 cables for 2 tuners.

Possible? Which HW?

01-04-2009, 11:23 AM
Are you celebrating april fool or you could really be able to use 8 LNBs together by Azbox? Can you elaborate a bit, you are using a fixed dish right? Using a fixed dish with multiple lnbs better or having a movable dish is better?

01-04-2009, 11:41 AM
Using a fixed dish with multiple lnbs better or having a movable dish is better?

Pros and Cons

Pros Fixed dish
instant channel change using different satellites
no noise

Cons Fixed dish
equipment is expensive if wanting more than (about 3) satellites

Pros Motor
extra satellites for no extra cost

Cons Motor
installing and setting up can be grief

01-04-2009, 11:51 AM
Are you celebrating april fool or you could really be able to use 8 LNBs together by Azbox? Can you elaborate a bit, you are using a fixed dish right? Using a fixed dish with multiple lnbs better or having a movable dish is better?


I can promise that this is not an april fools joke.

I have a T90 dish, do a google for Force Frontier T90 or WaveFrontier T90 and 7 Single and 1 twin LNB's connected all working very well using the Azbox.
As said above the only way to get this to work that I have found is to purchase an EMP 8/1 P168-W Version 2 switch for around £29.00

Hope this helps.

PS: One massive advantage is that I can flick between say BBC 1 on 28E and BBC Prime on 1W instantly.

No waiting for noisy dishes to move.


01-04-2009, 12:45 PM
Two ways of doing it for 2 Sat TV tuners:

twin LNB's into 2 x [2 x 8in1] switches


the above.

But what about the FW?

Ahem... Yodaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....:respect-050::biggrinjester: Gu on, gu on, guuu oooooonnn....:king-041:

01-04-2009, 02:20 PM

I can promise that this is not an april fools joke.

I have a T90 dish, do a google for Force Frontier T90 or WaveFrontier T90 and 7 Single and 1 twin LNB's connected all working very well using the Azbox.
As said above the only way to get this to work that I have found is to purchase an EMP 8/1 P168-W Version 2 switch for around £29.00

Hope this helps.

PS: One massive advantage is that I can flick between say BBC 1 on 28E and BBC Prime on 1W instantly.

No waiting for noisy dishes to move.


Yes wave frontier is the way to go as it can receive sats in a span of 40 degrees. In my old apratment I was receiving 12.5W - 28,5E with a T55. With T90 you can receive sats in 3 degrees spacing with original LNB-holder. Which gives you about 10 lnbs in the span of 12,5W - 28,5E.

Edit: I found this guide on how to modify the lnb-holders, text in swedish only: http://home.swipnet.se/peter_kristiansson/toroidal2.html


01-04-2009, 04:00 PM
Just 1 correction: 45 degrees easily... ;)

01-04-2009, 04:08 PM
It is April Fools Day! :D

Next you will be telling us that Diseqc 1.2 works with a Vbox. :D :D

Diseqc 1.2 does indeed work with the VBox...

I am using the VBox to drive my Fibo 1.2...

01-04-2009, 05:34 PM
Diseqc 1.2 does indeed work with the VBox...

I am using the VBox to drive my Fibo 1.2...

That's good news then m8.

Is it actually saving SAT positions?

I just need Diablo CAM to work if I am going to consider buying this box. :)

01-04-2009, 05:48 PM
That's good news then m8.

Is it actually saving SAT positions?

I just need Diablo CAM to work if I am going to consider buying this box. :)

Yes it does save the sat positions and also sequentially depending on the order you tune the sats...

The only issue is after you have saved a position, it's impossible to fine tune the sat because if you try to move the dish via the AzBox then it brings it back to the saved position of that sat...

So I use the VBox remote to fine tune it and then press save in the AzBox...

01-04-2009, 05:58 PM
Yes it does save the sat positions and also sequentially depending on the order you tune the sats...

The only issue is after you have saved a position, it's impossible to fine tune the sat because if you try to move the dish via the AzBox then it brings it back to the saved position of that sat...

So I use the VBox remote to fine tune it and then press save in the AzBox...

I guess this is something that will be fixed in future, as it's not very satisfactory like that?

02-04-2009, 09:11 AM
That's good news then m8.

Is it actually saving SAT positions?

I just need Diablo CAM to work if I am going to consider buying this box. :)

If this box has the diablo issues fixed and cccam becomes available (not via incubusCamd) its sure to start selling like hot cakes.

Then the support will become greater ( even though its been great so far ) and we will be on to a real winner with this box.


02-04-2009, 10:15 AM
Two ways of doing it for 2 Sat TV tuners:

twin LNB's into 2 x [2 x 8in1] switches


the above.

But what about the FW?

Ahem... Yodaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....:respect-050::biggrinjester: Gu on, gu on, guuu oooooonnn....:king-041:

Goran mate,

This is a very good question mate.

As I understand it then we would as you say need 8 x twin lnbs 2 x EMP 8/1 switches and this would result in two cables to the stb.

Input 1 - would be a mirror of input 2.

How this would be configured in the Azbox is where I am unsure, I think that we would then configure as follows

All lnbs would be set to use Dq version 1.1

1 - 28E
2 - 19E
3 - 16E
4 - 13E
5 - 9E
6 - 5E
7- 1W
8- 8W


9 - 28E
10 - 19E
11 - 16E
12 - 13E
13 - 9E
14 - 5E
15 - 1W
16 - 8W

I am guessing that the firmware when it supports twin tuners will then allow us to select which tuner which lnb is connected to.

This is just guess work.

I think we will only know when the following is available to us.

8 x twin lnbs
2 x EMP 8/1 P168-W Version 2
2 x Coax Runs

Non of this is even possible until we get an update that will support twin tuners.

Seems like expensive but fun times ahead mate.


02-04-2009, 01:23 PM

In theory many more LNBs should be possible to connect... they say...

I am only looking at 16...:smilielol5: But for 2 tuners...:07::svengo::leaving:


06-04-2009, 03:09 AM
Yep, mine is v. 1.

V. 2:


Up to 32 LNB's [possible to connect] using DiSEqC 1.0, they say.

DiSEqC v. 1.1 = 8 straight, as it were, so I can see how it's working in your case...

So, maybe I need:

16 twin LNB's, then
4 of these babies [v. 2], plus
2 switches to combine 2 8in1 switches each
giving a single coax out to each tuner.

But how to sort out those final 2 x [each combining 2x 8in1] switches to get a single cable to each sat TV tuner? That will also depend, I suppose, on what the programmers of AZboxHD are doing for the next issue of our FW... We hope...

Interesting times ahead!:seeya: