View Full Version : Tuner help

01-04-2009, 05:13 PM
Hi all, A little help please, DM8000HD

I am trying to setup my tuners with tuner (A) on a diseqc switch with 2 fixed dishes and a motor and tuner (B) on fixed 28.2

My settings are:
Tuner A = Advanced
LNB 1 Motor diseqc 1.2 committed command AA
LNB 2 28.2e diseqc 1.0 committed command AB
LNB 3 19.2e diseqc 1.0 committed command BA

Tuner B = Simple 28.2

The problem I am having is both tuners work fine on there own but when I record 28.2e (records fine) when I change the channel to another 28.2 channel I get no picture (Still recording) but the EPG still comes through and i can view 19.2e and the motor.

How do I set it up correctly, I have tried 2 strait feeds from the 28.2e LNB and still the same problem (can only view what im recording) I know the LNB is fine as i have my sky box working on it and i have tried all the ports. Any help will be much appreciated.

01-04-2009, 06:05 PM
Hmm, strange one, your tuner configuration looks ok, if you are getting a signal on the black channel it sounds more like a decoding problem to me.

Are we talking encrypted channels or FTA ?

Have you tried 2 FTA channels or 1 encrypted and 1 FTA ?

Does PiP produce the same problem ?

If the channels or encrypted are you using a cam or emu for your card ?

Seem to be asking more questions than you :) but it would help to narrow down the problem.

01-04-2009, 06:33 PM
If i record an encrypted channel on 28.2e the only channel on 28.2e i can view is FTA or the channel im recording and if i record FTA i can only view FTA but none of the channels are blacked out when selecting.

I am using newcs 1.65/cccam 2.05 to make the sky card work.

PIP only works 1 FTA and 1 Encrypted either way round

01-04-2009, 08:55 PM
From what you say I'm almost convinced it's not a tuner problem but CCCam2.05 causing your problem, I don't use cccam myself but I know earlier versions didn't support multiple tuners, on what version this actually changed I've no idea.

If you have installed the latest second stage loader and drivers you can use cccam without newcs, I would try cccam 2.0.11, or if you don't have them installed try cccam2.0.11/newcs1.65 combination.

01-04-2009, 09:00 PM

If you have installed the latest second stage loader and drivers you can use cccam without newcs, I would try cccam 2.0.11, or if you don't have them installed try cccam2.0.11/newcs1.65 combination.

Can you use & share a sky card with this config??
Was a previous post about using CCcam & the updated DVB driver

01-04-2009, 09:38 PM
Can you use & share a sky card with this config??
Was a previous post about using CCcam & the updated DVB driver


01-04-2009, 09:41 PM

Can you record an encrypted channel from 28.2 and at the same time watch an encrypted channel from a different sat ?

If so my theory goes out the window :)

01-04-2009, 11:38 PM

Can you record an encrypted channel from 28.2 and at the same time watch an encrypted channel from a different sat ?

If so my theory goes out the window :)

If I record an encrypted channel, I can only watch a FTA.
It does seem strange because if i was only using a single cable i would understand (one cable record and view channels on the same transponder)
However - I don't have many FTA channels to test the theory - only get BBCi as FTA.
There are 2 cables - one with fixed dish (tuner B) the other with fixed & motor (tuner A). It may well be newcs/cccam problem, but can't test - because I need these for the card to work in the first place!

01-04-2009, 11:43 PM
It may well be newcs/cccam problem, but can't test - because I need these for the card to work in the first place!

It will still work if you change to one of the options I suggested above :)

02-04-2009, 12:05 AM
I can now confirm your problem is cccam2.05 as i thought, I just installed it on my box and I have the exact same problem !

Just tried newcs1.65/cccam2.0.11 and it works perfectly m8.

02-04-2009, 09:51 AM
Correct use cccam the latest version an bootloader #72. It should work that way.

regards Dishnut:patriot::patriot::puke:

02-04-2009, 08:30 PM
Thanks for all your help so far, I have installed newcs1.65/cccam2.0.11 and now my card doesn't work and i can not remember how i set it up in the first place should i edit the config file if so what do i need to add? I have already installed the bootloader #72 and the DVB module.

02-04-2009, 09:25 PM
Seeing as you updated your drivers etc you could just use cccam on it's own with a bog standard cccam.cfg but if you want to persist with cccam/newcs combo then replace your cccam.cfg and newcs.xml with the ones I attatched here.



02-04-2009, 09:30 PM
does cccam function as a server for cs?? thought that was the job of newcs

02-04-2009, 09:40 PM
Yes, ppl only tend to use newcs with cccam when cccam won't work with a particular card, a good example is a Sky card before DMM fixed the drivers.

CCcam seems to be the most popular for CS at this point in time, but newcs has much better card support.

It's really great that we actually have all the different options with these free programs.

Plenty of info on the board about cccam CS.

02-04-2009, 10:04 PM
Thanks for that but it still didnt work. I see you have edited the newcs file (mhz and port) so I have change the port to what my old setting were and it still doesn't work. I wounder if because i am using CCcam switch it could cause problems?

02-04-2009, 10:21 PM
You didn't need to change anything in the files as they matched !

Did you download the cccam2.0.11 and newcs1.65 via the addon menu ?

If so are you sure you started the correct combo from the blue panel ?

02-04-2009, 10:28 PM
yes i downloaded the newcs1.65/cccam2.0.11 combo via the download section and started it (i have renamed the cccam config file to CCcam_5 to be used with the switch and added the original named one)

02-04-2009, 10:37 PM
TBH I have no idea what you mean by 'switch', what image you use ?

by default cccam looks for CCcam.cfg

To make life easier for yourself I dunno why you just don't load the latest cccam 2.1.0 and use it without newcs.

02-04-2009, 10:42 PM
TBH I have no idea what you mean by 'switch', what image you use ?

by default cccam looks for CCcam.cfg

To make life easier for yourself I dunno why you just don't load the latest cccam 2.1.0 and use it without newcs.

There is an application cccam switch that i use for card sharing (quick change server/receiver also allows upto 5 different config files) as i have 2 DM8000 and i want to be able to card share. I am using BH09

02-04-2009, 11:00 PM
Well m8 I dunno whats happening your end, I use BH09 too and i just downloaded cccam211/newcs165 from addons, went to blue panel and started them and works with Sky card without changing anything, same with 2011 and 210 stand alones !

02-04-2009, 11:29 PM
Ok so now i have deleted all the cams and the switch tried the stand alones cccam 2011 and 2010 and still nothing works (strang as it all worked before). I have noticed a file in /usr/bin called CCcam_205 that i cannot delete i wonder if this is causing a problem?

02-04-2009, 11:50 PM
Hmm, various ways to do this, go to blue panel and select common interface, this should stop all running emus, you can then go to addons uninstall panel and remove them all from there. Then check the files don't exist if they do you should be able to delete them.

If not telnet to the box

type ps at the prompt and press enter and see if you see something like this

16931 root 2076 S /usr/bin/CCcam_205
16932 root 2076 S /usr/bin/CCcam_205
16933 root 2076 S /usr/bin/CCcam_205
16934 root 2076 S /usr/bin/CCcam_205
16935 root 2076 S /usr/bin/CCcam_205

If so then CCcam_205 is still running somehow

so then at the prompt type killall -9 CCcam_205 and press enter

You should then be able to delete it.

Can't believe this 3 min job is turning into a nightmare for you.

03-04-2009, 12:53 AM
I have decided to re flash and start again (all part of the fun) i had been installing a lot of things to test them out and have found when deleting things it does not delete everything unless you manually do it so its for the best. I will let you know how i get on thanks for all the help. :cheers2:

03-04-2009, 01:16 PM
So i have done a re flash i tried Latest OoZooN-CVS-dm8000-20090314 and couldnt get the network to work so installed Nabilosat DM8000 Pure Flash 25FEB09, Inc BA 4.6.83 and updated barry allen and loaded BH09 with no issues and updated the bootloader and DVB modules. I then tried the cccam 2.11 that didnt get the card working then newcs 1.65/cccam 2.0.11 that didnt work so i changed the config and newcs file for the ones you gave me and that didnt work. Can you please let me know what flash image you are using as this might contain drivers that im missing.

03-04-2009, 01:33 PM
You need to use updated drivers and second stage loader, x5 posted suitable ones here


Remeber you need to do this whilst booted from flash image if you use BA.

03-04-2009, 01:36 PM
Cheers for that i was installing the bootloader and DVB modules in BH09 not the flash. I will try it later as im in work at the moment. Thanks again.

03-04-2009, 08:02 PM
woo hoo :winner-019: it worked and i can record and watch encrypted channels thanks again for all the help and Patience :respect-053:

03-04-2009, 08:09 PM
Phew, just glad you got it sorted m8 :)

04-04-2009, 09:57 AM
now not using Newcs as server - the N line in cccam.cfg is not needed?
But - how do we share?
server & client cfg files will be different from previous - do we use F line?