View Full Version : new guy needs help!!!!!!!

16-04-2009, 11:16 PM
Hi there people I live in the UK got AZBOX HD PREMIUM but dont know how to use emu feature or which cam opens what package-and how? and how do I set the severs for cs in the box? very in need of help thank you all in advance.


16-04-2009, 11:27 PM
Hi mate and welcome to this great forum.

First of all please tell us your knowledge and information.

1. Are you familiar with FTP, Putty, Telnet, installing firmware and Linux at all.

2. What are you trying to clear, what emu are you looking to install and do you already have access to a CS server, if so which type Gbox, CCCam bla bla.

From there we can start to help you.


PS: A great starting place is this thread where the likes of Goran and myself have tried to do***ent the problems and resolves along our learning path so far.


16-04-2009, 11:40 PM
Hi yoda thanks for the quick reply, yes Iam familiar with linux a little,and know how to ftp the box and update image fw, I do not know which server should I be connecting in order to clear the hd channels ie premiere hd on astra 19.2.
there are all the cams present on the box, but I dont know how to config them to free servers for cs. and I do not have any accsess to cs server and dont know how to access.?????


16-04-2009, 11:59 PM
HI yoda maybe you can help me to setup mbox, apparently it works good with azbox? thank you in advance.


17-04-2009, 10:45 AM
Read in the relevant sub-section of AZbox HD section here, m8. I wrote in detail on the topic... Even I made it work, hehe...:respect-050:

17-04-2009, 11:05 AM
cwshare to edit just a bit (please tell me how to configure ?)


17-04-2009, 12:26 PM
Hi all all I can clear with this box is 1.w thor digi on nagra, as everyone else does in many stb's. I paid £340.00 for a box that wont cant open anything else I wish I got dm 800 at list that box clears many packages, it looks like I have got a box with lots promised but nothing actually works, the only working camd is multiCAS, and nothing else. or I dont know how to setup? I asked for help from several forums no one knows much about this useless box.


17-04-2009, 12:40 PM
Hi all all I can clear with this box is 1.w thor digi on nagra, as everyone else does in many stb's. I paid £340.00 for a box that wont cant open anything else I wish I got dm 800 at list that box clears many packages, it looks like I have got a box with lots promised but nothing actually works, the only working camd is multiCAS, and nothing else. or I dont know how to setup? I asked for help from several forums no one knows much about this useless box.



This statement does not reflect the box, simply your knowledge to use it.

Firstly if you want more help, then you need to be more detailed about what you are trying to achieve.

Example: If you are trying to set-up incubusCamd we need to know how you are looking to connect to the server, is it your own card you are trying to share.

I suspect that you are looking to connect to free servers, this is not something that you will get much help with here, and if you are looking for server addresses to connect to then you are in the wrong place.

As for the dreambox being able to do a better job, again this is not true.
Setting up a linux bos to use cs is not a simple task if you are new to it all, it involves a lot of reading and investigation and also needs the right questions to be asked when you are asking for help.

My advise would be stop moaning about a box that you don't understand and give us a detailed idea of what you are trying to achieve if you would like our help.


17-04-2009, 12:45 PM

I totally agree with Yoda, what you are looking is free peers to connect to.
Sorry you are the wrong place for this.

Use your favorite search engine and you will find other forums specialised in such activities.

The Azbox is great the problem is outside the box.


17-04-2009, 01:03 PM
cwshare to edit just a bit (please tell me how to configure ?)

I did. I told you where to look. All there.

17-04-2009, 01:56 PM

This statement does not reflect the box, simply your knowledge to use it.

Firstly if you want more help, then you need to be more detailed about what you are trying to achieve.

Example: If you are trying to set-up incubusCamd we need to know how you are looking to connect to the server, is it your own card you are trying to share.

I suspect that you are looking to connect to free servers, this is not something that you will get much help with here, and if you are looking for server addresses to connect to then you are in the wrong place.

As for the dreambox being able to do a better job, again this is not true.
Setting up a linux bos to use cs is not a simple task if you are new to it all, it involves a lot of reading and investigation and also needs the right questions to be asked when you are asking for help.

My advise would be stop moaning about a box that you don't understand and give us a detailed idea of what you are trying to achieve if you would like our help.


Ok yoda I am sorry if I sounded a little silly, I do want you guys help of course, yes I do admit that I do not have much linux knowlwedge, but I am not knowledge less, none the less I do have several IP boxes and other stb's such as dbox2 technomate nanoxx and a few others, ok my query is to know how to configure mbox servers dns etc for cs thats all.


Dig Deep
20-04-2009, 01:56 PM
Just click on the link posted by Goran and it will all be clear for You.

22-04-2009, 12:29 AM
I did. I told you where to look. All there.

Hi goran sorry been pain, again I read all of your posts/works and thank you for the effort, because of you Iam more informed about this box, but one thing I dont understand is how di I configure cs cfg files such as my d line my c line g line what are this? regards
