View Full Version : my review for elite

17-04-2009, 01:25 AM
it is now 1 month i got Azbox hd elite receiver.from its features i like this receiver.i like the idea to have youtube,browser,the ability to play mkv files to my tv through network etc.
Well here is my small review.its not complete but i want to give my msg to azbox developers.maybe i am caustic but this is the way to get things done.i am sure that a lot of azbox owners will agree with me
Great picture ( only stb i saw with 1080p)
Stable firmware ,updated frequently
Great chipset for handling multimedia
Great ideas like youtube,rss reader,web browser

CCCam is not working ( even incubus released version 0.55 for sigma chipset and its freezing every minute even on local network,not to mention wan.Newer incubus dont support sigma chipset )
Mbox not stable ( no new mbox version for sigma chipset )
Always fail to install plugins from my usb stick

Ideas for improvement:
Built in panel where we can download emus,plugins,maybe skins.( like other receivers e.g dreambox,ipbox)
Ability to download torrents from rcu

Thats all i have to write now.i didnt want to be boring.i just want to give a msg to anyone who read and is involved in azbox hd development
C/s is selling.Azbox maybe released a brilliant receiver ( its really an outstanding machine ) but it will never sell .To sell you must have c/s working and this has to be done the easy way.Why u think dm sells its receivers like a piece of cake? is it because they have great ideas? or because they are qood quality?
I think not.Its because they have c/s working on every model they release and it can work very easy.
From my side i tested mbox,incubus and mgcam. only mgcam works stable.But there is a lot of work to be done on mbox and cccam.
So i dont know what u will do people.Thats my opinion on this receiver.Maybe i am caustic but this is the way market works.i want to promote this receiver to many friends of me who seen it and were impressed but i cannot really tell them to buy cause of above reasons.

Dig Deep
17-04-2009, 08:13 AM
Yes, there is still some problems:king-041: but I am sure they will be solved soon.

Mbox is about to release a special verson for AZ and I think that mbox will rule for a while now that the rest is slowing down.

CCcam must fix a new version as well, think it will come.

This box looks like a winner as soon as those problems are fixed - it has a great tuner and, as You said, it´s a good multimedia reciever.

Stay tuned for more news :respect-059:

17-04-2009, 11:20 AM
it is now 1 month i got Azbox hd elite receiver.from its features i like this receiver.i like the idea to have youtube,browser,the ability to play mkv files to my tv through network etc.
Well here is my small review.its not complete but i want to give my msg to azbox developers.maybe i am caustic but this is the way to get things done.i am sure that a lot of azbox owners will agree with me
Great picture ( only stb i saw with 1080p)
Stable firmware ,updated frequently
Great chipset for handling multimedia
Great ideas like youtube,rss reader,web browser

CCCam is not working ( even incubus released version 0.55 for sigma chipset and its freezing every minute even on local network,not to mention wan.Newer incubus dont support sigma chipset )
Mbox not stable ( no new mbox version for sigma chipset )
Always fail to install plugins from my usb stick

Ideas for improvement:
Built in panel where we can download emus,plugins,maybe skins.( like other receivers e.g dreambox,ipbox)
Ability to download torrents from rcu

Thats all i have to write now.i didnt want to be boring.i just want to give a msg to anyone who read and is involved in azbox hd development
C/s is selling.Azbox maybe released a brilliant receiver ( its really an outstanding machine ) but it will never sell .To sell you must have c/s working and this has to be done the easy way.Why u think dm sells its receivers like a piece of cake? is it because they have great ideas? or because they are qood quality?
I think not.Its because they have c/s working on every model they release and it can work very easy.
From my side i tested mbox,incubus and mgcam. only mgcam works stable.But there is a lot of work to be done on mbox and cccam.
So i dont know what u will do people.Thats my opinion on this receiver.Maybe i am caustic but this is the way market works.i want to promote this receiver to many friends of me who seen it and were impressed but i cannot really tell them to buy cause of above reasons.

Thanks for the report mate,

I have to say that your main issues with the unit seem to be CS related, maybe its worth remembering that this does not bear any impact on the ability of the machine.
CS is made possible by plugins and is not an original feature of the machine, we have been promised stable releases of the cams and just need to be patient.

CCCam is not working ( even incubus released version 0.55 for sigma chipset and its freezing every minute even on local network,not to mention wan.Newer incubus dont support sigma chipset )
Mbox not stable ( no new mbox version for sigma chipset )
Always fail to install plugins from my usb stick

I have incubusCamd working very well via the LAN, yes it does need to be restarted at some points but not every minute. Maybe you should check your network and configuration.

I have seen your posts on other boards, and they are also related to when will we get cccam and other cs related posts.

I think you will just have to wait like the rest of us, and remember that the box is still in BETA stage.


17-04-2009, 12:59 PM

Incubus is working properly has CCC*m client for around 30 minutes then you need to restart it! So you have a problem elsewhere either on your server, on your network or in your Incubus configuration.

For the ability to download plug-ins you already have it!
Simply use the Red button in the Plug-ins and click on OK on the http site that it propose to install OpenXCAS.

The in OpenXCAS simply go to the Manual Install menu and select the same http site.

(in both case the site should be azboxworld.com)

You are able to download MultiCAS, Mgcam and NewCs that way.

The USB plug-in installation is also working fine, you need to put the uncompressed file at the root of the USB (not in a folder) insert the USB key and wait that there is no more activity on it (If you insert it and test immediately it won't work, Azbox need the time to detect it) So I would advice you to use a USB Stick that with a led indicator. But be carefull that the emu should be package for this some are not and need to be installed manually.

The best running combinaison I find so far on the Azbox is:
mgcamd + newcs

Mbox is also running fine but has problem to open the Sec* channels, and the release 5 beta 6 is not working at all. So please test version 4 b 23.


18-04-2009, 11:48 AM
"Incubus is working properly has CCC*m client for around 30 minutes then you need to restart it!"

mine works much longer than that. maybe it depends on the response times of the server which of course will vary with load etc.

I'll be watching west ham today, so i'll see if it will run the whole game without crashing.

18-04-2009, 11:57 AM
I am still waiting for Diablo CAM to work, and also dish tuning with Vbox using diseqc 1.2 which I was told is not working yet.

These seem quite basic things on a receiver that should be working.

Too much time seems to be spent fixing minor issues.

Goldwafers seem to be out of stock of the Premium, which is the one that I would get eventually.

18-04-2009, 12:14 PM
Diablo CAM only works after hw adjustment.
4 resistors to replace

18-04-2009, 02:04 PM
Diablo CAM only works after hw adjustment.
4 resistors to replace

Can you please provide more information on this ?

My screwdriver and soldering iron are ready :o16:

18-04-2009, 02:13 PM
I totally agree with the comments in the first post about why dreamboxes sell, and indeed have a truly unrealistic price.
I have owned a Kathrein (HD) for a year, lots of work has gone into developing E2 by enthusiastic armatures and it runs incubus as a client from cccam, BUT it wont work with more than one C line and not as a server.
I have just paid 3 times what the Kathy cost for an 8000.
I switched it on, pressed the blue button to automatically download and install cccam, put in one config file and that was all there is to do.
I have been told that Azbox will run cccam 2.10 as a client soon, while this is good news I suspect it will be much longer before it will work as a server. It remains to be seen if Cccam authors bring out other versions that non dreambox receivers will not connect to.

18-04-2009, 02:23 PM
Can you please provide more information on this ?

My screwdriver and soldering iron are ready :o16:

Just this operation may be made only by suppliers receivers. There is a not public, to prevent massive damage to receivers. Your supplier should be able to provide.

18-04-2009, 08:41 PM


If it exists then no doubt then someone will spill the beans soon :puke:

22-04-2009, 04:59 PM
I totally agree with the comments in the first post about why dreamboxes sell, and indeed have a truly unrealistic price.
I have owned a Kathrein (HD) for a year, lots of work has gone into developing E2 by enthusiastic armatures and it runs incubus as a client from cccam, BUT it wont work with more than one C line and not as a server.
I have just paid 3 times what the Kathy cost for an 8000.
I switched it on, pressed the blue button to automatically download and install cccam, put in one config file and that was all there is to do.
I have been told that Azbox will run cccam 2.10 as a client soon, while this is good news I suspect it will be much longer before it will work as a server. It remains to be seen if Cccam authors bring out other versions that non dreambox receivers will not connect to.

hello crabber,
since you have the kathein ufs910 and the azbox,which receiver has better picture quality in sd and hd.(i have the kathrein as well)


22-04-2009, 06:17 PM
I also have both and in HD quality is the same, both are excellent. But AzBox can do 1080p on mkv movie playback, so probably better chipset on AzBox? Sigma chipset on AzBox is same as on some BlueRay players from Sony or Samsung.

On SD quality on Kathrein wins IMHO. But AzBox is working on a new Sigma (chipset) driver that will improve quality also on SD. Firmware is still on beta stage. When you watch avi movies on SD quality is amazing. Also some good SD channels like german Premiere look good. I think there is something with 4:3 and low bitrate feeds where Kathrein applies more filters to improve picture than current AzBox driver.

22-04-2009, 06:28 PM
I also have both and in HD quality is the same, both are excellent. But AzBox can do 1080p on mkv movie playback, so probably better chipset on AzBox? Sigma chipset on AzBox is same as on some BlueRay players from Sony or Samsung.

On SD quality on Kathrein wins IMHO. But AzBox is working on a new Sigma (chipset) driver that will improve quality also on SD. Firmware is still on beta stage. When you watch avi movies on SD quality is amazing. Also some good SD channels like german Premiere look good. I think there is something with 4:3 and low bitrate feeds where Kathrein applies more filters to improve picture than current AzBox driver.

thanks for the quick reply tinos,the only reason i am hanging on to the kathrein is the excellent picture quality otherwise the receiver is such a headache.once i find a receiver with a good pq as the kathrein,i shall make the kathrein redundant.that is the reason i am seriously thinking of the azbox or maybe i should wait for the azbox to be more stable

22-04-2009, 06:54 PM
I already did the switch... Kathrein is in a box right now. Could not handle so many issues with it (green screens for 1 year was enough). Support from manufacturer was a joke... couldn't handle it anymore. When it worked picture quality was amazing but I can get also same amazing quality from AzBox. If you watch movies on AzBox you will be amazed! avis look incredible, even with really low bitrate... check the youtube video on its interface.

So worst case scenario it is a lot better than Kathrein and super stable on beta stage. And you get same emu support, so not loosing anything there (probably a lot better soon).

You get dual tuner support and smartcard reader added to nice hardware (256MB RAM + 256MB Flash really nice compared to Kathrein low memory and space).

23-04-2009, 11:08 AM
I read about CS Problems, dont have that, not really

Mbox 05.0015 is running great, now with S M S support. Only one bad Thing, its no MultiECM anymore, but normaly dont need it.
I use OScam in last Version, a good Cardreader and all tested Cards running smoothly.
Also stability from Mbox is excellent.

So I am happy with my Box, OK RGB is missing, but I can record all Things, Box is running stable.
So the Rest will coming with one of the next firmwares.
The big Things are done for me, but my Firend is very angry about second tuner and will give the Box back, also no Radio and some other Things I dont need.

23-04-2009, 11:44 AM
Well second tuner support comes on Friday... so maybe it is better to wait.

You use OScam with USB Phoenix? or does it support internal cardreader?

23-04-2009, 11:54 AM
with usb2serial Adapter, no Support internal Reader

23-04-2009, 05:27 PM
..., but my Firend is very angry about second tuner and will give the Box back, also no Radio and some other Things I dont need.

Second tuner will only be supported in next firmware this friday so your friend just have to wait...
Radio, Satellite Radio are supported simply press the TV/Radio button on the RCU.
He perhaps think of Internet Radio this will come in a future release, just give developper the time to develop it. :-)

I don't understand how people can complaints about things when we repeat everywhere that the current released firmware are all béta and are improving in terms of functionnalities also at each new release...

I am still more and more suprise by the potential and the features of the Azbox.


24-04-2009, 11:22 AM
Hi all,

I don't understand the anger of some towards this box. Isn't it being sold at the moment as a Beta box?

The company is honest enough to admit that there are problems and you run the risk that all won't work from the start.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

Give it time and you'll have a box that can do more than you need.

Patience is the key guys.

24-04-2009, 05:01 PM
I don't understand the anger of some towards this box. Isn't it being sold at the moment as a Beta box?


Thanks for you comment, I can easily understand that many people which are pro-Dreambox are trying to find problems on the Azbox where there is not. Many are posting comments on a box that they don't own themselve, they just read stupid things and report them on several forums.

They perfectely understand that the Azbox is the greatest competitor for Dreambox and they get frustrated to see that DM has no product at the same quality/price/functionnalities. Or even frustrated by the price they pay to DM for a poor quality box they get.

Today they claims we have CCCam only on DM, tomorrow they will cry because CCC will also be available on the Azbox.


12-05-2009, 02:50 PM
Today they claims we have CCCam only on DM, tomorrow they will cry because CCC will also be available on the Azbox.


Hehe thats wright m8 this week many people will be in "editing" mode.:respect-057:
So far extremely happy with my Azbox:respect-013:

12-05-2009, 06:10 PM
I believe Price will be gone up after CCC available So order one before it's too late ;)

26-06-2009, 04:04 AM
Diablo CAM only works after hw adjustment.
4 resistors to replace

How do you know for sure?

Does this mean a software update will never add Diablo cam support?

How about the Premium HD?

28-06-2009, 03:47 AM
Any idea this box does blind scan?

28-06-2009, 05:28 AM
Any idea this box does blind scan?

No, it does not do that yet. I dont know if ever will do that....

28-06-2009, 11:22 AM

Priority today is to have all the normal functions working properly, then all the "extra" requested by users.

blind scan is for hobbiest looking for satellites feeds, all the normal users don't need this feature so this is not a priority today. It will come later on.


26-06-2010, 03:37 AM
I bought my AZBox thinking of replacing my DM7020.
Everyday I'm thinking to just leave it outside for someone to take it!!! but then I rethink of that pour man who going to take it!!!
But any way... we all agree that some of our electric gadgets are not easy to configure
some are hard to operate
and some don't just work at all...
But all of them have in common that you press one button and they switch off!!! well!!! AZBOX does that different too. I stop here talking bad about this box because I would melt my keyboard!!! I won't even blame the vendor!! I blame my self not for checking reviews before buying it!!!
I cannot wait till payday!!! Vu+Duo it's in my mind!!!
I hope one day enigma2 will be out for this box so that I won't feel that guilty for for ripping off that person who going to buy it on the fle****. And Yes!!! I have feelings..

26-06-2010, 08:28 AM
I bought my AZBox thinking of replacing my DM7020.
Everyday I'm thinking to just leave it outside for someone to take it!!! but then I rethink of that pour man who going to take it!!!
But any way... we all agree that some of our electric gadgets are not easy to configure
some are hard to operate
and some don't just work at all...
But all of them have in common that you press one button and they switch off!!! well!!! AZBOX does that different too. I stop here talking bad about this box because I would melt my keyboard!!! I won't even blame the vendor!! I blame my self not for checking reviews before buying it!!!
I cannot wait till payday!!! Vu+Duo it's in my mind!!!
I hope one day enigma2 will be out for this box so that I won't feel that guilty for for ripping off that person who going to buy it on the fle****. And Yes!!! I have feelings..

Well said :bow-004: The VU+ is the bees nees I have 1 here and it is a real nice and reliable piece of kit.:respect-023:

26-06-2010, 07:44 PM
I bought my AZBox thinking of replacing my DM7020.
Everyday I'm thinking to just leave it outside for someone to take it!!! but then I rethink of that pour man who going to take it!!!
But any way... we all agree that some of our electric gadgets are not easy to configure
some are hard to operate
and some don't just work at all...
But all of them have in common that you press one button and they switch off!!! well!!! AZBOX does that different too. I stop here talking bad about this box because I would melt my keyboard!!! I won't even blame the vendor!! I blame my self not for checking reviews before buying it!!!
I cannot wait till payday!!! Vu+Duo it's in my mind!!!
I hope one day enigma2 will be out for this box so that I won't feel that guilty for for ripping off that person who going to buy it on the fle****. And Yes!!! I have feelings..

@ Digitaly

It's a pity you didn't have the eyesight to realise that you were replying to a post nearly a year old, and a thread that was started in April 2009. Since the post was started most that were unhappy with the box have got rid of it, and the ones that are happy with the box have kept it, the fact is the manufacturer never said the box would do enigma 2, and firmware updates now allows you to press the STB power button on the remote, and then the OK button and the box switches off, if you have only just bought the box then as you said you need to read more because the problems with the box have been known prior to April 2009.

I have the Premium plus but I don't use it as a media centre, but as a 4.2.2 receiver with a twin tuner, and I am quite happy with it, some of it's many problems have been ironed out, some haven't. I hope you don't lose to much money when you sell it, but if you do decided (because you have a feelings) to give it away, I am sure many on here will take it off your hands even with the problems.

Kind regards,