View Full Version : About setting up Mgcamd

17-04-2009, 05:28 PM
Hi Guys,
I'd like to know how to set up mgcamd, me being a client. I am paying a pay server, and currently watching it on my dreambox. In Dreambox, in the var/keys folder, i was given these config files by the server I am connecting, here are these .

1, ignore.list
2, ignoreea.list
3, mg_cfg
4, newcamd.list
5, priority.list
6, replace.list

What do I need to do in order to setup mgcamd in my azbox, do I need to just copy and replace these files to somewhere in azbox?

Please help

17-04-2009, 06:13 PM

I don't know where you are in your Azbox setup, is mgcamd already installed properly on your Azbox? Is OpenXCAS already installed?

- Go to plug-ins Menu - Red Button select the azboxworld.com site and install OpenXCAS - reboot your box afte the installation of OpenXCAS.
- install mgcamd in your Azbox via the OpenXCAS -> Manual install Menu. Select the azboxworld.com site and choose mgcamd (be patient the site seems sometime hard to connect to).

After that you simply need to copy the following files in the folder /EMU/OpenXCAS/mgcamd:

1, ignore.list
2, ignoreea.list

4, newcamd.list
5, priority.list
6, replace.list

So don't copy the mg_cfg files since it can have specific parameters for your Dreambox, keep the one provided by the default package of Azbox since it works properly.



P.S.: I edit this post to add the folder location

17-04-2009, 09:21 PM
I was told that the one on the AZboxWorld webiste is configured already... DL from it and it's installed. Just add your peers, mash it up and it'll work...

Well, as I wrote elsewhere - it doesn't. Well, not like that, anyway, not for me... And I do know how to C&P, FFS. And my cwshare.cfg certainly does work!!! Tested in Samsung, DBox2 and Mbox in AZbox HD.

But now I would like to know more about those other files just mentioned. I haven't all those files in it.

Besides, the _cfg file isn't without faults. Well, it's questionable...

Anyone willing to put those files up with a few words of advice?

17-04-2009, 09:49 PM

It works the way I explain, I install a brand new Premium that way this afternoon.

You need to reboot after the OpenXCAS installation that's the point.

The installation from azboxworld sometimes gets hard to start but when you get the hand it downloads and install properly.

You download the package, copy the content of your cwshare into peer.cfg
Restart the mgcam and it works.

But you only need to use 1 protocol per IP address, I mean that you cannot define the same server in newcamd.list and in a D: line in peer.cfg.

This confuse mgcam and it doesn't work properly.

Moreover I don't know why but mgcam work better when started from OpenXCAS.

Edit also the openxcas.conf file in the /mgcamd folder and add:

api = yes
wait = 15sec

api = yes will force the use of the new OpenXCAS APIs
wait = 15sec will wait 15 seconds before starting mgcamd this can be usefull to let the network and perhaps also newcs starting before starting mgcam.

You can also play with the priority.list file to improve decoding by defining the provider that you want that mgcam use in priority.


17-04-2009, 11:12 PM
Heh, I said I do not have all those files. And I asked for them. You know which ones are in the package and which ones aren't.

I do not have an OSC, hence do not use NewCS. Or Newcamd. Only GBox.

OpenXCAS works, as other CS SW works. MGcamd works, actually. But only as an EMU. One of the best, if not the very best.

So, dunno... Next time I'll reboot after installing OpenXCAS, as well and try installing MGcamd then... 1 protocol per IP address. And prey...


18-04-2009, 05:18 AM

I don't know where you are in your Azbox setup, is mgcamd already installed properly on your Azbox? Is OpenXCAS already installed?

- Go to plug-ins Menu - Red Button select the azboxworld.com site and install OpenXCAS - reboot your box afte the installation of OpenXCAS.
- install mgcamd in your Azbox via the OpenXCAS -> Manual install Menu. Select the azboxworld.com site and choose mgcamd (be patient the site seems sometime hard to connect to).

After that you simply need to copy the following files:

1, ignore.list
2, ignoreea.list

4, newcamd.list
5, priority.list
6, replace.list

So don't copy the mg_cfg files since it can have specific parameters for your Dreambox, keep the one provided by the default package of Azbox since it works properly.



Thanks a million mate for the useful information. In which folder of azbox should I copy and replace these files from my server? In my dreambox, i need to copy and replace these to var/keys folder

18-04-2009, 11:42 AM

Sorry I miss this information in my explanation.

The place where mgcamd is installed is:


All the configuration files must be installed in the same folder.


18-04-2009, 03:09 PM
This is how I got it to work with firmware 0.91605

Remember too backup all configs and other stuff before delete openxcas.

1. Delete OpenXCAS in the plugin menu. Reboot.
2. Download OpenXCAS from the plugin menu. Reoot.
4. Disable Multicas in the OpenXCAS "Activation and priority setting" menu.
3. Downloaded Mgcamd within the OpenXCAS plugin menu, "manual install"
4. FTP to the box and in EMU/OpenXCAS/mgcamd edit openxcas.conf and add the folllowing lines:

api = yes
wait = 15sec

(Thanks to pr2)

5. Then edit newcamd.list and enter your server configurations.
6. Activate mgcamd in OpenXCAS "Activation and priority setting" menu.
7. Reboot

Now you should have a running mgcamd. My experience is that every time you enter the plugin menu, you will have to restart mgcamd using yellow button in "Activation and priority setting".

I am runnig it local with Newcs 1.65 on a laptop with Ubuntu.

20-04-2009, 01:09 AM
Ach, a silly mistake: I had the same line in my peer.cfg file and priority.list - X lines clashed. Removed it from my peer file and all works just fine in FW 1759!!!:cheers2:

Also added

api = yes
wait = 15sec

to openxcas.conf, as suggested by pr2!

Now, CS-wise I have:

Mbox for the latest Mbox servers
Incubus for CCcam server with 1 GBox server
MGcamd for 2 GBox servers [if I understood pr2 correctly, I removed a line which had the same IP]:sifone:


P.S. Attached - the full MGcamd from my AZbox HD, with an Autoroll file and all, just edit the details in your peer.cfg file as follows:

M: { myown.dyndns.org { mypassword}}
D: { mypeer's.dyndns.something { myport hisport { hispassword { A2 A2 }}}}
D: { mypeer's.dyndns.something { myport hisport { hispassword { A2 A2 }}}}

...then make the mgcamd folder in OpenXCAS folder, give it CHMOD rights to 755 and upload all these files into your AZbox HD and CHMOD 755 all the files -easy-peasy, hehe...:cheers2:

08-05-2009, 01:36 PM
1, ignore.list
2, ignoreea.list
3, mg_cfg
4, newcamd.list
5, priority.list
6, replace.list

As for me it works just with No. 3 and No. 4
I really don't see much benefit from having the rest of them (if I don't use gbox as cardserver)
But I am still wondering what would IDEAL mg_cfg for Azbox look like cause I constantly experience freezes :(
Freezes increase in severity & frequency when I do more channel hopping... Looks like mgcamd gets overloaded. What helps is a manual restart with the yellow button but mgcamd should do it automatically !

FW: 1759
EMU: mgcamd only
mg_conf: standard
server: newcs (local)
this added: api = yes / wait = 15sec
attributes of all files 755

10-05-2009, 11:35 AM
Mgcamd is prone to freezes for network card (sitting in my other box / next room).
Freezes are more often & severe with 1759. Better with 1868 but a freeze occurs every hour or so.

Looking at the DEFAULT config file I find some bits quite odd (don't make sense)

# AU
# 01 enable AU
# 02 AU Auto
# 03 network cards update only
A: { 00 }

00 ? No such entry.

# config files folder (softcam, autoroll, ignore/priority)
# 00 files in /var/keys
# 01 files in /tmp
T: { 00 }

00 ? No such folder in Azbox HD.

# network mode, use summ for several clients
# 00 no network (default)
# 01 newcamd netclient
# 02 radegast netclient
# 04 camd3 netclient
G: { 09 }

09 ?! 4+2+1+0=9 ? :)

# newcamd dead routes connect retry, sec
Q: { 300 }

With Dreamboxes/dboxes it was usually 600...

# network shares priority
# 00 newcamd, radegast, camd3 (default)
# 01 camd3, radegast, newcamd
# 02 newcamd, camd3, radegast
P: { 02 }

Why 00 is virtually duplicated with 02 ?

10-05-2009, 11:53 AM
Indeed, some of us have warned and asked questions about it but got no answers...

Pr2 and I certainly went into some detail with the config etc.

Not perfect, non...

Good luck!

10-05-2009, 12:14 PM

Here is the mg_cfg that I use on my Azbox, I am connected only to Seca and Viaccess cards and I have no freeze at all, it runs really very well.
This setup is for connecting to gbox and NewCS (newcamd) servers. If you need pure Gbox simply set G: { 08 }

# EMM messages
# 00 don't show any EMMs (default)
# 01 show only valid EMMs
# 02 show valid and bad EMMs with complete data display
M: { 01 }

# ECM messages
# 00 don't show any ECMs
# 01 show only valid ECMs (default)
# 02 show valid and bad ECMs with complete data display
C: { 01 }

# AU
# 01 enable AU
# 02 AU Auto
# 03 network cards update only
A: { 00 }

# key update (sum 01 or 02 with 04)
# 01 update only new keys, default setting
# 02 update all keys (used for valid PMK checking)
# 04 replace (not add) http-aes keys, only first key replaced !
U: { 01 }

# config files folder (softcam, autoroll, ignore/priority)
# 00 files in /var/keys
# 01 files in /tmp
T: { 00 }

# network mode, use summ for several clients
# 00 no network (default)
# 01 newcamd netclient
# 02 radegast netclient
# 04 camd3 netclient
# 08 gbox netclient
# 01 + 08 = 09
G: { 09 }

# network retry, use summ for several options
# 00 disable
# 01 retry every new ecm
# 02 try to connect to offline shares every Q: seconds
# 04 try to detect and fast reconnect to lost (and not used atm) server
N: { 07 }

# network ecm timeout in seconds
K: { 5 }

# newcamd dead routes connect retry, sec
Q: { 300 }

# network shares priority
# 00 newcamd, radegast, camd3 (default)
# 01 camd3, radegast, newcamd
# 02 newcamd, camd3, radegast
P: { 02 }

# on screen display type
# 00 No OSD (default)
# 01 neutrino
# 02 enigma
# 03 relook
O: { 00 }

# on screen display Options, summ of:
# 01 show emu ecm
# 02 show network shares messages
# 04 show decoding failed / fta
# 08 show emm keys update
S: { 03 }

# Log option, summ of:
# 00 Off
# 01 Network
# 02 console
# 04 file, appended ! delete it by yourself, before it eat all your hdd
L: { 03 } 8028 /DATA/hdb1/mgcamd.log

# keep ecm cache, seconds
E: { 15 }

# cache option, summ of:
# 00 Off (default)
# 01 Ecm pids cache, store pids used to decode in /tmp/ca_cache.list at exit, load at startup, same syntax as restore.list
# 02 Ecm data cache, remember CW for (E:) time
# 04 Emm cache for network cards, do not resend the same emm twice, cache not cleared until restart
H: { 06 }

# reread files, summ of:
# 00 No (default)
# 01 reread config file on channel change (including priority and ignore, but not replace/cache)
# 02 reread SoftCam.Key on channel change
# 04 reread SoftCam.Key if file changed
R: { 04 }

# debug, summ of
# 00 off (default)
# 01 debug ecm
# 02 debug emm
# 04 debug network ecm
# 08 debug network emm
# 16 debug network login
# 32 show mem/cpu stats every 1 min
# 64 add timestamp to log messages
D: { 0 }

# box type
# 00 autodetect, change only if you think wrong type detected.
# 01 dbox2
# 02 dreambox
# 03 triple-dragon
# 04 relook
# 05 openbox
B: { 00 }

# urls for aes keys update, any number or urls allowed,
# url data must contain key in format 0500:007C00:0000000000:00:key1:ke yl
#W: { http://some.host.com/keys.php }


10-05-2009, 12:15 PM
This is how I got it to work with firmware 0.91605

Does it mean mgcamd works best (stable, no freezes) with such "old" FW 1605 ?? Other people confirm this ?

10-05-2009, 12:24 PM

For me (and I think most the Azbox users) stay for the time being in firmware 0.9.1759.

We step backward from 0.9.1868 because it has too many small annoying bugs.


10-05-2009, 01:04 PM
Is mgcamd working as newcamd client at all?
I tried it and it do not seem to work stable.

What would be the most reliable emu as newcamd client?

10-05-2009, 08:20 PM

mgcamd works fine has newcamd client.
But think to configure properly your priority.list file according the card you have. More channels are crypted in several different system (multicrypt) and without priority.list mgcamd often choose the one you cannot open.

With a proper priority.list it will works fine.


Dig Deep
11-05-2009, 07:30 AM
Ah, could this be the reason why my via is not working, not even recognized as a via card ?

Have to give it a test :hurray:

11-05-2009, 11:53 AM

mgcamd works fine as newcamd client.
But think to configure properly your priority.list file according the card you have. More channels are crypted in several different system (multicrypt) and without priority.list mgcamd often choose the one you cannot open.

With a proper priority.list it will works fine.


Could you please share with others how to build a good priority.list ?

Is mine OK for the 2 providers ?

# use this seca prov first
S: { 0068 }

# use this nagra prov first
N: { 0100 }

# use this caid first
X: ( 0100 }
X: ( 1803 }

#CAID: 0100
#ProvID: 0068

#Polsat NAGRA3
#CAID: 1803
#ProvID: 0100

12-05-2009, 02:32 PM
Re. MGcamd's bug:

When I initially tried setting it up, I read carefully all the settings in cfg files. Some are illogical, to say the least.

But I was told not to change anything, as "it works". It does work in AZbox HD, "as is", as it comes from the Azboxworld server. Better than any other Emu/CS SW, in my experience.

Not without flaws but very good!

Here is some insight from Minicat [thanx a bunch for suggestions, from my discussion with her!!!] about some problems with MGcamd, admittedly without her having AZbox HD to check in detail in the AZbox HD itself [which I pointed out to her, of course] but made in good faith and from a lot of experience in working with MGcamd itself, albeit on different platforms:

Firstly, a warning [my small edits/'linguistic corrections but only where really needed, to make it more readable]:

Same entries are needed on ppc-System, mips-Systems, stapi and sh4 and all other existing or future versions. This has only to do with the internal working (and also bugs) from MGcamd

Then, from her experience, studying and testing of MGcamd...

1) This will not work correct for premiere abo cards (lokal) if you priority.list is wrong!

2) RAI don't work with this archive, 'cause a correct replace.list is missing

3) If AzBox HD comes also with a cable box, you also need mappings for german cable and scce-files for swiss cable (AU)

4) peer.cfg missed X, so it will make a lot of useless traffic [I told her that X is in another file -> in the priority.list]

5) Another bug: You can't get all biss-keys to work. Not from redbull, not from me. But different channels open with the SAME Keys inside. If you have two channels with same id, e.g. 0001FFFF (10 times included) only the first entry work, the others not. This is a very old, known problem

Only a new keyfile format for BISS can correct this. In the last time, more and more BISS keys coming out and MGcamd can't handle them correctly.

6) [Now, these are general suggestions, THESE ARE NOT THE VALUES FOR AZBOX HD!!!! As I said, she doesn't have AZbox HD!]

#ignore irdeto chids, (nova example):
#I: { 00 28 }
#I: { 00 15 }
#I: { 00 13 }
#ignore viaccess providers (example):
#V: { 02 0A 10}
#V: { 02 0A 20}
#ignore seca providers (example):
#S: { 00 72 }
#S: { 00 84 }
#ignore caids (example):
#X: { 06 26 }
#fix for some german cable channels
X: { 18 31 }
X: { 17 22 }
X: { 17 02 }
X: { 09 8E }

add you lines if needed but leave these inside


#fix for some german cable channels
#(remove "#" if needed)
X: { 0D 05 }
X: { 18 01 }
#fix for Mct/Redlight
X: { 06 28 }

add you lines if needed but leave these inside


# replace old with new {{ sid } { caid } { provid } { ecmpid } { newcaid } { newprovid } { newecmpid }}
# multivision 1 example
# R: {{ 515 } { 500 } { 7C00 } { A0 } { 500 } { 7800 } { A1 }}
# OR put this ecm on top if new* = 0
# R: {{ 515 } { 500 } { 7800 } { A1 } { 0 } { 0 } { 0 }}
# replace old caid > newcaid example
# X: {{ 624 } { 604 }}
#fix for Rai Tv
R: {{ 213f } { 100 } { 202 } { 6a7 } { 100 } { 30 } { 6a7 }}
R: {{ 2140 } { 100 } { 202 } { 6a8 } { 100 } { 30 } { 6a8 }}
R: {{ 2141 } { 100 } { 202 } { 6a9 } { 100 } { 30 } { 6a9 }}
R: {{ 2142 } { 100 } { 202 } { 6aa } { 100 } { 30 } { 6aa }}
#fix for some german cable channels(ish)
X: {{ 1722 } { 1801 }}

add you lines if needed but leave these inside

You see the problem from RAI?

AND!!!!!! VERY, VERY, VERY IMPORTANT: German cable providers means also KDH (Kabel Digital Home) coming from Astra 23,5, all channels coded in DVB-S2 and AzBox HD is a DVB-S2 box. And the absolutly special clue: KDH working on keys (Nagra2). You can take redbull301 or my [Minicat's] files, both working, tested

Without this changes the german users here can't view these channels (don't work or will be black after some time)

The fix for RaiTV map the keys for all 4 rai channels (Rai 1 to Rai 4 from top to down). To port MGcamd from ppc/mips to other platforms there are three persons needed in the past. I have worked on port to stapi/sh4

the ignore.list is only needed, if a caid from share collide with another

the replace.list is needed to change caids/pids and so on to another!

Without these entries the files from redbull301 don't open RAI (my files same problem). In all other softcams the entry for 0202 is missing. 'Cause a bug in MGcamd this is needed for RAI (all other emus 02E2)

The priority list is for german (and special entry for Mct, thx to the autor of MGcamd). It also works on every other provider but here it could be, that more entries are needed. I can't test, no cards

Without GBox-share (and this must the default) you must change your config
G: { 00 }
P: { 00 }
share is now disabled!

a special entry in my file (not actual for AzBox, you must add the correct line is this:

small part of mg_cfg:
# on screen display type
# 00 No OSD (default)
# 01 neutrino
# 02 enigma
# 03 relook
# + user password for http auth
# Neutrino:
#O: { 01 } root dbox2
# Enigma:
#O: { 02 } root dbox2
# Dreambox:
#O: { 02 } root dreambox
# Kein OSD:
O: { 00 } root dbox2

One of my questions, for instance:

# config files folder (softcam, autoroll, ignore/priority)
# 00 files in /var/keys
# 01 files in /tmp
T: { 00 } - this is wrong for AZbox HD isn't it? But it works! I mean, AZbox HD doesn't have var/keys folder. But it does have /tmp one. However, all the files go to the same folder. All of them. It's just not seen here as /OpenXCAS/mgcamd, that's all...

So, Minicat said:

T: { 00 } is correct.. only if you also have another emu that uses the same keyfilenames you can set here an alternative path for files... if you set 01 you MUST copy the keyfiles to /tmp before starting the emu

As for P line...

# network shares priority
# 00 gbox, newcamd, radegast, camd3 (default)
# 01 camd3, radegast, newcamd, gbox
# 02 newcamd, camd3, gbox, radegast
P: { 00 }

This is her explanation for other platforms:

00 means: Looking for gbox, no success, locking für newcamd, radegast and then camd3
01 check first camd3 and then the others, last checked gbox
02 newcamd first, last radegast
to get it work correctly with gbox (share first, then smartcard), use 00, if you prefer smartcards from NewCS take 02
01 is best for DBox2, to use camd3 or radegast or newcamd for smartcards first, then gbox

Hope it helps! Hope the author of MGcamd reads this...


13-05-2009, 11:58 AM
You can always do symlinks to change paths,but the reality is that sone folders,like /var and /tmp get reloaded and cleaned at bootup.
If you create a folder as in /var/keys or in /tmp/keys,those will only exist until you reboot the box.
You will have to create them over and over.

This has to be addressed by emu developers,as to add options for azbox structure.

13-05-2009, 12:38 PM
Sh*t - it really works like that !!!!
Amazing but these strange configs & all original files actually make difference and MUST be in the mgcamd folder. Also the procedure of re-installing OpenXCAS with reboots and installing mg+newcs with reboots.

Now I don't have any freezes or hangs on Seca4 & N3. Zapping time 2,5-3sec.
Haven't touched the attributes and running on default priority.list
Haven't added the api = yes / wait = 10 sec.

I luv Azbox ! :)
Five friends of mine have just placed orders for Premium HD

13-05-2009, 12:41 PM
Indeed, I let her know that in AZbox HD var/keys doesn't exist and if you do create the folder and direct stuff to it via config files - they are erased at reboot. So, it's there on purpose, consciously.

Even though some things are not completely logical, they are obviously well sorted out/mapped by the developer/MGcamd writer, as Tinos pointed out and I also suspected.

Moreover, it seems not all the bugs she mentioned exist in AZbox HD, so developer[s] have sorted some of them for this baby...

Maybe "they'll take it to the other platforms", as Tinos hopes...:coolgleamA:

13-05-2009, 12:43 PM
Edit also the openxcas.conf file in the /mgcamd folder and add:

api = yes
wait = 15sec

api = yes will force the use of the new OpenXCAS APIs
wait = 15sec will wait 15 seconds before starting mgcamd this can be usefull to let the network and perhaps also newcs starting before starting mgcam.

Can you please explain the pro's & con's of using the new OpenXCAS APIs ? What one gains by inserting this line.
As for "wait" I've read somewhere that the value should be between 0-10sec. So why did you come up with 15 (or even 20 in another thread) ?
What does it mean "let the network start before mgcamd" ?
Is the Ethernet so slow in Azbox ? Does it go idle or sth ?


13-05-2009, 06:20 PM

api = yes

I don't know if it is still usefull to use it, it was just a way to be sure that we use the new OpenXCAS API. I think it is better to use the new API, that's what was advice to me but I don't the bits and bytes details of the difference.

wait = xx

Now it is officially do***ented so I just want to inform everybody that this parameter exist. Why do I sometime write 15 sec and sometimes 20 sec? Because I am doing many test on my Azbox and I sometimes copy paste my configuration so it can change.

When I start both newcs and mgcamd then I set wait = 10 for newcs and wait = 20 for mgcamd, to be sure that newcs start before mgcam start.

I give the parameter up to you also to test and if you find a better value simply propose it. :-)

When the box start,since it is a fast box, the boot script runs and start the network but while the network is starting it can happens that the emu want to start at the same time. If the network is not yet ready (dhcp reply too slow for exemple) then the emu cannot start properly, connect to the peer and start decoding. So the wait parameter allow you to set a pause to wait for the network to be ready, or if you chain several emu.

The network interface is still working even with the box in standby mode, so you can access your box no problem.


13-05-2009, 07:05 PM
Hi teacher, please some info how to setup mgcamd to connect to free servers, if there is anything free??? just an experiment :respect-050::respect-050:

14-05-2009, 03:41 AM
They are mostly CCcam or Newcamd, sorry... Well, that I heard of, anyway...

So, you must use Incubus for CCcam ones [for testing and educational purposes... :D], m8.:respect-051:

28-09-2009, 06:38 AM
api = yes
wait = 15sec

api = yes will force the use of the new OpenXCAS APIs
wait = 15sec will wait 15 seconds before starting mgcamd this can be usefull to let the network and perhaps also newcs starting before starting mgcam.

Does this really work like this? I had problem with internal reader and I tested with different values. I noticed that this worked only with numeric value like this:

api = yes
wait = 10