View Full Version : Digi TV Film: Program TV: 17-04-09.

17-04-2009, 07:13 PM
Digi TV Film: Program TV: 17-04-09.

Intelsat 10-02 - Thor 3/5 @ 1° West

12608.00 H---27500 3/4


Digi Film 1

07:01 Sisterhood of the travelling pants 2
09:00 The dark knight
11:30 The incredible hulk
13:30 Get Smart
15:30 Forgetting Sarah Marshall
17:31 Mamma mia
19:30 *** and the city
22:00 Baby mama
00:01 The bourne identity
02:00 The dark knight
04:31 Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Digi Film 2

06:00 Get Smart
08:00 Forgetting Sarah Marshall
10:00 Death race
12:00 *** and the city
14:31 Hellboy 2: The golden army
16:30 The dark knight
19:00 Sisterhood of the travelling pants 2
21:00 The incredible hulk
23:01 The big Lebowski
01:00 Bird on a whire
03:00 Get Smart
05:00 Sisterhood of the travelling pants 2


07:00 Disparuti
07:55 Zoom
08:00 David Letterman Show
09:00 Foc salbatic
10:00 Stargate SG-1
10:55 Zoom
11:00 Stagiarii
11:30 Stagiarii
12:00 Spitalul All Saints
13:00 Foc salbatic
14:00 Stargate SG-1
15:00 Stagiarii
15:30 Stagiarii
16:00 Disparuti
16:55 Zoom
17:00 Foc salbatic
18:00 Spitalul All Saints
19:00 Stagiarii
19:30 Stagiarii
20:00 Stargate SG-1
20:55 Zoom
21:00 Impotriva destinului
22:00 Cea mai rea saptamana
22:30 Pe jumatate mort
00:25 David Letterman Show
01:25 Impotriva destinului
02:25 Cea mai rea saptamana
02:50 Pe jumatate mort
04:30 Promo


07:00 Orfeu in infern
09:00 Fericire
10:55 Magicianul
13:00 Hollywood Top 10
13:25 Orfeu in infern
15:25 Un barbat si o femeieupa 20 de ani
17:20 Hollywood Top 10
17:45 O femeie indragostita
19:20 Dragoste de dupa-amiaza
21:00 Cu autobuzul
23:00 Epitafuri
23:50 Animalul
01:25 Cinci povesti
02:50 Educatia zanelor
04:30 Dansatoarele zombi


06:00 Uranya
07:40 Maria Antoaneta
09:40 Visand la Beverly Hills
11:35 *** sa mananci viermi prajiti
13:00 Printesa
14:30 Soldatul din Lumea Noua
16:05 Minori fara īnsotitori
17:35 In ritm de step
19:30 Cinema, cinema, cinema
20:00 Regasirea
21:40 Trafic
22:00 True Blood
22:55 Disparuta fara urma
00:50 Confetti
02:30 Rasarit de soare
04:35 Fantomele din Abu Ghraib

Pro Cinema

08:45 Laboratorul lui Dexter
09:15 Suspect de crima 3
11:15 Happy Hour
12:30 Teo
13:45 La Bloc
14:45 Laboratorul lui Dexter
15:15 Fetitele Powerpuff
15:45 Celebritate
16:00 Miss Marple 2: Misterul Sittaford
18:00 La Bloc
19:00 Serii fara limite
20:00 B.D. la munte si la mare
22:15 Fata de 10
22:20 Filmul de 10:Legaturi bolnavicioase
00:15 Prison Break
01:15 South Park
01:45 Se cauta un Rocky
02:30 Fata de 10
02:35 Legaturi bolnavicioase
04:00 Se cauta un Rocky
04:45 Prison Break


09:30 Snooker:
11:00 Fotbal:
12:00 Omnisport:
12:15 Fotbal:
13:15 Fotbal:
13:30 Fotbal:
15:00 Ciclism:
17:00 Snooker:
19:00 Fotbal:
19:30 Tenis: Circuitul feminin WTA
20:00 Tenis: Circuitul feminin WTA
23:30 Skandenberg: PAL/NAL
00:00 Fotbal:
00:30 Sporturi extreme: YOZ
00:45 Fotbal:
01:00 Fotbal: