View Full Version : Still a little miffed why digitv wont open with emu

17-04-2009, 10:36 PM
Digitv did open for me the other morning for 30 mins then went black again just when I thought I had the emu working.

My echostar started working properly now too, so tuned in all the sats again will still get a positioner just incase it decideds its had enough and stops working again.

Well at least I know it opens channels with a cam.

Just tested the cam slot with my old icecrypt cam and a tit card to get digitv 1 west and they open no problem.

17-04-2009, 11:34 PM
Well, I can confirm that TV Globo is working fine. No probs. With MultiCAS. I can't go to Thor with my setup yet, so can't say anything about DigiTV but it should be OK. Mind, it may be some kinda ECM, as today I read that an old AU is working with it, in Sasmung DSR 9500 VIACI [RG v. 8.0 - not the last one!].

But Nagra2 also works with MGcamd. Probably the best EMU out there.

Should be fine. I hope...:respect-051:

18-04-2009, 11:48 AM
Digitv did open for me the other morning for 30 mins then went black again just when I thought I had the emu working.

My echostar started working properly now too, so tuned in all the sats again will still get a positioner just incase it decideds its had enough and stops working again.

Well at least I know it opens channels with a cam.

Just tested the cam slot with my old icecrypt cam and a tit card to get digitv 1 west and they open no problem.


You didn't mention which emu you use in your Azbox to try to open this package, that is important for us to know if you need help.

I can tell you that if you use Incubus, it indeeds crash every 30 minutes and needs to be restarted.


19-04-2009, 05:10 AM
I had alot then goran told me to just use the ones in the download so now I only have :


Do these need chmod to anythign other than what they are when downloaded ?

I added redbulls key files form the 15th and still using a real cam and card to get channels to clear.

Do the keys go in withthe mgcamd ?
or do the go in var/keys ?
if I set it up for var/keys in the cong file ?

No one has said where to put the key files yet, and the files I got that redbull had edited it had auto.key and softcam do there need to be 0777 or how

Does it write to the file to update the key ?
Does user 100 have write permsions for everything ?

Just a few questions I need answering I know the var/keys is probably from the DB soft and its been converted to azbox.

It all seems a little messy to throw the key files in with the cam files because what is part of the cam and what is not ?

Itwould be btter to use a separate folder for keys.

@ Goran with all the money you spent on that dish and all them LNB's you cannot get thor :rofl: buy a :auto:.

19-04-2009, 09:23 AM
@ lordshoa

I'm using MultiCAS and keys, and the internal emu is working ok. (no card required)

The path for the keys is


CHMOD the MultiCAS folder and everything in it to 777, start multicas using the on screen menu, go to a channel and wait.

19-04-2009, 09:27 AM
@ lordshoa

I'm using MultiCAS and keys, and the internal emu is working ok. (no card required)

The path for the keys is


CHMOD the MultiCAS folder and everything in it to 777, start multicas using the on screen menu, go to a channel and wait.

Does AzBox work with images like normal linux SD boxes do? Are you able to multiboot?

19-04-2009, 09:40 AM
Does AzBox work with images like normal linux SD boxes do? Are you able to multiboot?

Hi Dreamlife

The answers are....

No and No in that order.

The linux is normal but thats as far as the normality goes.

In time to come there may be other 3rd party 'images' (I use the word loosely) but to be honest I don't believe that it would be worthwhile any body developing one as once the box is out of beta and all the o/s bugs ironed out... the existing 'image' is just about as good as it gets.

19-04-2009, 10:37 AM

When you download OpenXCAS from the Internet and the available only emu, you don't need to chmod anything, all the access right are correct by default.

You only need to chmod files that you put via FTP, so camd installed manually from a .zip or .rar file.

The right way of using chmod is to chmod 755 the files that need to be executable meaning the main binary file and the *.sh file. It is useless to chmod 755 configuration files.

On Azbox all the configuration files are installed in the camd folder, so you don't have to spread keys files and configuration files everywhere in your Linux system. This help to keep the things clear (I think).
So there is no /var/keys.

But you can create your own /EMU/OpenXCAS/keys if you want and change the configuration on your camd to point to this folder, it is up to you to properly configure the camd configuration files, it will be /EMU/OpenXCAS instead of /var/keys but principle will remain the same.

Alternate image we will see what the teams will do for Azbox, but since the Azbox image is really a very good product I think that may be we won't need alternate image. Since alternate image are often created to add functionnalities not present on the official image. Here you will have it all in the official image.

Remember that the emus are never created by Azbox team but by 3rd party team, so the availability of camd for Azbox depends on the 3rd party team good will.


19-04-2009, 10:49 AM
Does AzBox work with images like normal linux SD boxes do? Are you able to multiboot?

If you talk about Enigma, no there is no enigma yet, we have better interface. But in the future can work with internal flash disk really easy and multiboot if needed. It is Linux (mipsel like DM7025 or Popcorn Hour).

TV is still under heavy development but cs works with certain protocols. Also the best part imho is the youtube interface and multimedia capabilities with mkv/avi. HD quality is excellent on hdmi.

19-04-2009, 11:18 AM
I had alot then goran told me to just use the ones in the download so now I only have :


You can get Incubus and Mbox for sharing, m8.

Mbox needs installing via FP, as I described in detail in another thread [0.5_7 version].

Damir made a good proggy to install Incubus easily. All here to D/L, with info!

Do these need chmod to anythign other than what they are when downloaded ?

Nope, as already answered. All ready to go! Did you wait on HB TV Globo, to check if MultiCAS EMU is working? MGcamd is working with keys, too. Just FTP the 3 keys from RedBull's MGcamd keys file into the MGcamd folder, reboot, then restart the MultiCAS via HOME etc. on your remote, go to the TV Globo and wait.

I added redbulls key files form the 15th and still using a real cam and card to get channels to clear.

Do the keys go in withthe mgcamd ?
or do the go in var/keys ?
if I set it up for var/keys in the cong file ?

No one has said where to put the key files yet, and the files I got that redbull had edited it had auto.key and softcam do there need to be 0777 or how

I did and not just now.:party: You acknowledged it when you said i's a bit messy to put it all in he same folder with the EMU...:001_302:

We have no var/keys, m8. Different configuration/structure in AZbox HD.

They don't need any modifying.

@ Goran with all the money you spent on that dish and all them LNB's you cannot get thor :rofl: buy a :auto:.

Hehe, it's coming, the full DiSEqC 1.1. And if i doesn't all I need is to change the 8in1 switch to v. 2.

Good luck!:coolgleamA:

19-04-2009, 09:33 PM
Right that made a few things more clear I think I have one more question to put to you all .
Which software is for card sharing and which is for cam software?

I think Multicam and mgcamd are these the only 2 that are cams ?
The rest are card sharing programs ?

I think half the problem being confused is no one actualy tells you what each bit of software is for to start with because they already know they expect you to know.

mgcamd and Multicam because they have keys in the folder already or key files should I say to make you know these are cam software.

Because I did not have a dream box or any other linux STB I have alot to learn which is good because I have all the really noob questions to ask but know enough about linux and editing files.

Maybe there should be a little sticky what the differant EMU software is for

the list I am sure goes on.

thanks for everyones help so far.

19-04-2009, 10:49 PM

You didn't mention which emu you use in your Azbox to try to open this package, that is important for us to know if you need help.

I can tell you that if you use Incubus, it indeeds crash every 30 minutes and needs to be restarted.


Well I had gbox multcam and mgcamd but couldn't get anything.
Might have due to not commenting out all but the cam I was using, so Azbox might have had problems with being confused in which one to use.

I open tv globo but when I try thor for digitv or digitalcanal on astra 1 nothing but a black screen.
Put cam and card in they open.(Well it did till it went black a min ago so might be new key for that.)

Didn't notice that TV Globo was encrypted but it opens straight away on hotbird lef tit on that channel for about 30 mins which I am sure 2 mins would be enough.

19-04-2009, 10:58 PM
When I was talking about which files need to be chmodd I think it was the key files mainly becauase the AUTO.key and the KEY.bin, because if they are auto update then these will have to be writable to add the new keys.

Or does the box change the owner and make the files owner the box/nobody 1000 when updating ?

Maybe I should be looking in a different section for answers but If i look in the dreambox section this will have only a little refferance to the azbox and will probably confuse me more.

19-04-2009, 11:14 PM
If you install Incubus onto AzBox can you connect to ccam server? What about ccam 2.1.0?

19-04-2009, 11:59 PM
LS, if you read a bit more on here - some of us have written a lot, as we were learning...

Yes, one can connect to a CCcam server using Incubus [Damir's installer].

No the latest one, though, as I read... Corrections?:respect-051:

20-04-2009, 12:05 AM
This is what I want to know please. Say I have a TM9100 running a 2.0.11 ccam server. If I use my AzBox to connect to it, would I get all the card reshares if some peers on the TM9100 server are using ccam 2.1.0? I hope this makes sense to you.

20-04-2009, 12:15 AM
Sorry, I wouldn't know. Never ran a native CCcam and haven't yet studied it...

Good luck, either way!!!

20-04-2009, 12:24 PM

I am not trying to connect to anything at the moment in the CS side.
I just want to clear the channels with the embedded emu's then move on to the card sharing after.

One step at a time no point trying to run before I can walk, or even crawl at the moment.

20-04-2009, 01:49 PM

I am not trying to connect to anything at the moment in the CS side.
I just want to clear the channels with the embedded emu's then move on to the card sharing after.

One step at a time no point trying to run before I can walk, or even crawl at the moment.

Actually, CS could be easier that trying to get local cards read by EMU/CAMS etc.

20-04-2009, 01:55 PM
Actually, CS could be easier that trying to get local cards read by EMU/CAMS etc.

You have not seen my setup to get out on to the internet I dunno about hackers trying to get in its like hacking to get out of my routers.

Maybe I am clearing the stations but the ones I want to clear are not opening, I thought digitv and digitalcanal was open ? anyone else have these open with the azboz emu ?

I think digitalcanal changed its key last night so might lok at getting new keys and scratching my head a bit more over this, try and figure out if its me or the keys.

20-04-2009, 02:54 PM
Success I think I have just been unlucky that the keys changing and I didn't know about it or the key that I had in the softcam where not right.

I finaly got Digitv to open without a cam or card.


Now I can move on to the Card Sharing which doesn't seem to hard to do I setup the incubus withthe installer withthe dyns address.

Now where to find some one kind enough to allow me to test on there server i only have titainum card with digitv on it I know its not a full package card but I only want to test it out to get things working.

if anyone is willing to help me out or point me in the right direction please let me know.

20-04-2009, 03:51 PM
Yep, good on ya, LS!!! :cheers2:

But you didn't tell us what you did, which EMU etc. It might help others... And like we helped you - please do the same thing, by writing your experiences in more detail, as we may have not seen certain things, so feel free to add to it all...:cool:

20-04-2009, 07:38 PM
What did I do scratching my head.
That is a good question.

This will take a bit of time to do properly so I want to do it with pictures as well so its very easy to understand.

Whill try to do a video capture on the pc screen for the pc stuff I do not have a video camera so only pictures of the tv and box .

Will try and do it in the next few days as I have just been asked to make a new skin for someones website, so in between doing that and my normal life will try and get some sort of tutorial for the real noobs like myself.

20-04-2009, 08:33 PM
Heheeee, you're no nooooobyyy!!! :D

We'll ask you afterwards how to sort out the network sharing between Vista and AZbox etc.


20-04-2009, 08:51 PM
What did I do scratching my head.

Not sure why...

Install MulitCAS, put keys in folder, CHMOD as and if required, restart MulltiCAS and wait.

Maybe only have MultiCAS working and no other emu.

The following old posts in the same thread (by me) refer


20-04-2009, 09:09 PM
Heheeee, you're no nooooobyyy!!! :D

We'll ask you afterwards how to sort out the network sharing between Vista and AZbox etc.


Why not give NFS a try... I found this manual on how to install it some people report it working on Vista via Cygwin:

I am using NFS to mount /DATA/movies and it works great. Try it.

Update: Cygwin NFS server is only v2 so it has a 2GB file limitation. So not good if you use big mkv files. You need a NFSv3 for that.