View Full Version : where do i stand

19-04-2009, 12:24 PM
3 weeks ago my pana 42" plasma broke down (th42-pz-70b) it broke down before my one years guarantee had expired. Also I had purchased two years whatever happens extra cover basically I have had 4 different fitters to my home to try and fix my tv. To no avail. Come monday, I have a choice to write my tv off and curries will give me vouchers to purchase a new tv to the same spec as my own tele Anyone had this scenario before? Im not quite sure where I stand will I get an other panasonic tv? Or will it be a cheap version of the tv I have already got? I paid thirteen hundred pounds for my tv and extra cover. Will my whatever happens cover be used? As my tv still had days four days remaining on its 1 year guarantee.
Best reguards,

19-04-2009, 12:35 PM
Any existing extended warranty would normally continue to be effective until it expires.

You need to ask the shop where you bought the warranty from if the contract needs updating after receiving a different replacement TV.

19-04-2009, 01:53 PM
I have a choice to write my tv off and curries will give me vouchers to purchase a new tv to the same spec as my own tele

Good result.

Will my whatever happens cover be used?

Well.... your rights as a consumer say that the cost of this should be refunded or credited as its due to curries failure that it wasn't used, and should be calculated into you refund..

But .. (there is always a but)

I have no doubt that curries will squeal like pigs that it can't be done and its tough luck....

So go through the motions and present your case to the store manager... ( keep very calm and do it in a very gentle voice) if you don't get what you want in this... then just tell the manager that if its not resolved to your satisfaction then you will take it further in the small claims court and you will be naming him in the action for being unwilling to see the logic and you will look forward to arguing the case in court.

Then go home and write a letter to curries head office and do a copy to the manager, stating that blah, blah, blah and if the matter is not resolved within 14days from receipt then you will submit the completed forms and fees to the small claims court.. and thus you will also be seeking reimbursement for the court costs... send the letters recorded delivery and wait for your cheque.

19-04-2009, 05:59 PM
This could work to your benefit depending on how much they give you in vouchers ?

The new "Panasonic NeoPDP" screens will be ten times better than your current one, if they don't have them in yet I would definitely wait for them to be in stock


20-04-2009, 09:47 AM
I always thought that under the Sale of Goods Act any seller was obliged to totally replace any good 'not fit for purpose' after all other avenues had been pursued to make it good, within its first full year after purchase?
Especially after the extended warranty was purchased too, if the purchased TV is now irrepairable then Curries should replace it either with a new set of the same model, or if that is no longer available with one of a similar make & specification?:respect-055:

20-04-2009, 02:35 PM
Holmroad is quite correct .Sale of goods act 1973. I had a similar case when my 42inch Advent plasma monitor developted a fault. Currys service in my case was excellent. With the vouchers provided I was able to purchase a 42inch Toshiba LCD HD with its own 12 mths guarantee

keith mawer
20-04-2009, 06:13 PM
was going to get a panasonic this week WONT NOW.
its like a minefield , it actually makes me bonkers looking and hearing of good faults and bad!
may be i will just keep to my rear projection of 11 years and no faults..

20-04-2009, 06:19 PM
i just love my hd projector :)

20-04-2009, 06:25 PM
was going to get a panasonic this week WONT NOW.
its like a minefield , it actually makes me bonkers looking and hearing of good faults and bad!
may be i will just keep to my rear projection of 11 years and no faults..

With REAR PROJECTION of 11 years!!!!!!

If you dont have an LCD rear projection, or a DLP rear projection then surely u mean that u have a " CATHODE RAY TUBE " ???? or an old fashioned telly!


20-04-2009, 08:55 PM
thankyou very much guys for all your replys my fate is in the lap of currys as my tv was infact written off today so now for me i have to wait three days to find out how much they say my tv was worth,bloody joke do we not have rights anymore will post again when received infomation best regards to all


keith mawer
23-04-2009, 05:27 PM
ho sko medal .. yes i have a toshiba 48" rear projection tv.. the screen is not lcd or plasma but like kinda of hard plastic screen, the type rear projection tvs have been made of in the past ie with internal mirrors.. and hand on heart 11 years not 1 problem ever,,,
picuture is very good ( not hd though!) wish!

23-04-2009, 05:51 PM
Hi, i had 28" crt from curry a couple of years ago, it went up the spout, i got a choice of a new tv or a refund, but picked a new tv.. (better than the one i had before), . They should go by the price then and not now, unless they have the same model in stock. But i dont know why you have to wait 3 days,? If it were me i would be at the shop picking a new one, also the extended gt should run with the new one. Best of luck and give them some ear ache to get your tv or your refund..

23-04-2009, 07:11 PM
right guys, the situation has gone **** up, totally. today i recieved a phone call from the tech guys asking me could they visit my home on wednesday of next week so that they could finally fix my tv. I told them no you effing can't was my reply, to say the least he was shocked and asked me why i was so abrupt. i told him my tv had been wrote off four days prior to this phonecall, he then replied, no it had not, because it would of been him they would of phoned. i explained my situation, and in the end, this guy was an abseloute gem. he told me he would ring me within 15 minutes which he did with comfirmation that my tv has in fact now been wrote off. he told me to phone whatever happens and play holy **** with them, which i did, and was cut off. (a few choice words) my wife then rang me to tell me that whatever happens, had in fact rung her, complaining about her husbands behavior and his phone manner. and to also confirm that we will be recieving vouchers in five to seven days time. will keep everyone posted, fook me this is better then corrie.
best reguards,

09-06-2009, 04:47 PM
my panny 32" lcd hd etc. went on the blink after 18 months (5 year guarantee from John Lewis) - written off - 'come and get a new tv to same value with new 5 year guarantee said the nice man from JL - so i went & got the newest panny - that was 2 years ago & perfect so far.