View Full Version : AzBox - I need some answers

20-04-2009, 07:48 AM
Guys, I am looking for some straight answers to various questions I have about the AzBox. I have been asking questions over the last few days about this box but to me at the moment, i'm confused. It seems as not alot of people on here knows much about it or are just speculating things. I don't want to pay £260 upwards for one of these boxes, to get it home and find it's useless or does not work properly. I understand that your all trying to help but I am starting to think if i'd be better off sticking to SD. Here are my questions.

One of the important things for me if I bought a linux HD box is being able to CS. Is there anything I could get for the AzBox so that i'm able to share a local card in it? If the answer is yes, then what is the software like? Could I share say a Sly card with the AzBox?

When changing the channels over on the AzBox, does it crash or reboot at all?

What is the box like at using a dish motor with?

Lastly, if I did buy the AzBox, would it be very difficult to setup? Is the CS difficult to setup on it?

20-04-2009, 09:41 AM
I will try and answer the questions that I have the answers too, the others maybe someone else can help on.

When changing the channels over on the AzBox, does it crash or reboot at all?

Simple answer to this - NO, I have not had a single reboot or crash when changing channels.

What is the box like at using a dish motor with?

I am using a multi LNB setup however by reading the forum, I believe it works very well.

Lastly, if I did buy the AzBox, would it be very difficult to setup? Is the CS difficult to setup on it?

This depends on your knowledge of Linux, FTP, Putty, Telnet and editing files using file editors, if you are familiar with say the Dreambox then the Azbox should not pose any problems.

What is worth remembering is that the box is still in BETA stage, the software is not completed and there are features missing, this will only improve over time.

If you are looking for a box that will plug in and go then this is not the box for you.

If you are prepared to accept that the box is in BETA stage and involves a lot of attention and configuration, then at the end you will reap the rewards.

Hope this helps.



20-04-2009, 10:49 AM
What is the box like at using a dish motor with?
I am using a multi LNB setup however by reading the forum, I believe it works very well.

From what I have been told it's not working properly with a Vbox type setup.
It will move the dish to a satellite position, but you can't fine tune it from the Azbox HD.

20-04-2009, 12:50 PM
It will move the dish to a satellite position, but you can't fine tune it from the Azbox HD.

But why would one want to do it that way...

The Vbox has control of the motor and all the AZbox says is go to position, the Vbox then says ok and does it... thus the fine tuning should be adjusted and the final position stored on the Vbox.

20-04-2009, 01:32 PM
When I am on a satellite sometimes I like to fine tune the dish for weak channels.

Anyone using a 36 Volt jack dish system will need to tweak the dish at sometime.

Also when adding a new dish position it's necessary to fine tune the dish with the receivers signal meter and built in dish menu.

It's a basic function of any receiver that should be working.

20-04-2009, 09:07 PM

Today I already test NewCS has card server on the Azbox and it works.

I also view that OSCam (which is another branch of the MPCS project) is available for the Azbox but didn't test it yet.

Mbox is also available for the Azbox and it plans to be able to read the card (not tested yet).

So today, I can confirm that NewCS is working but I don't know if Sly card will works since I don't own one.


20-04-2009, 09:37 PM
Problem with newcs is that it is version 1.20 RC13 instead of 1.65 like posted on some sites. Some of the new cards won't work with old newcs.

Also MultiCAS can be used to read some cards without cs. But using USB Phoenix seems like best option with mpcs or oscam like you said.

I have looked at mbox V: line but not sure if mode 11 for AzBox will work... could be a good option.