View Full Version : autostart incubus ?

20-04-2009, 03:33 PM
i put in theautostart plugin for this but i just cant get it to work properly. it works sometimes, but othertimes, nada.
When i type ps at the command prompt, its shows no incubusCamd.sigma processes.

i tried to add the path /EMU/OpenXCAS/incubusCam/ or EMU/OpenXCAS/incubusCam/incubusCamd.sigma to the existing path by editing /etc/profile but it dont take.

anyone got a way of getting this done reliably?

20-04-2009, 04:38 PM
No. Same here... sometimes I just need to go into plugins... seems incubus is unstable... you could try to add a wait inside openxcas.conf maybe to make it run later during boot. Just in case... but I have not tried yet if it helps or not.

20-04-2009, 09:13 PM

In order to have you favorite emu to start automatically with the Azbox you need to setup a file openxcas.conf in the /EMU/OpenXCAS folder.

count = 6
active_auto = true
active_1 = gCamd
active_2 = incubusCamd
active_3 = MultiCAS
active_4 = MboxCAS
active_5 = mgcamd
active_6 = newcs

name = gCam
path = EMU/OpenXCAS/gCam
daemon = gCam
version = 0.1

name = incubusCamd
path = EMU/OpenXCAS/incubusCamd
daemon = incubusCamd.sh
version = 0.55

name = MultiCAS
path = EMU/OpenXCAS/MultiCAS
daemon = emu_module
version = 0.98

name = mbox
path = EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS
daemon = mbox.sh
version = 1.00

name = mgcamd
path = EMU/OpenXCAS/mgcamd
daemon = mgcamd
version = 1.65

name = newcs
path = EMU/OpenXCAS/newcs
daemon = newcs
version = 1.31c

Don't forget the module.seq


The name you choose for you emu in the module.seq should be the same in the openxcas.conf in order to allow OpenXCAS to start properly the emu at startup.

When you add a new emu simply edit the openxcas.conf and add it (don't forget to increase the count parameter) and edit the module.seq

That's all. ;-)

Indeed if the emu crash for some reasons like Incubus does OpenXCAS doesn't restart it automatically.

So you need to go to OpenXCAS - Activation & Priority settings - Press the Yellow button to restart the emu.


20-04-2009, 09:32 PM
Only problem is still with .sh emus... it won't stop them. With incubus it just keeps adding process to it. The script to stop emus is just a killall name.sh that won't stop mbox.sh or incubuscamd.sh on your list.

Hope they add something to stop nicely... like touch /tmp/mbox.kill or unmount via script when you stop plugin.

20-04-2009, 09:45 PM

You are right the Kill_EMUs.sh script (in the /tmp) use the daemon name defined in openxcas.conf so when it is a .sh file it won't stop it.
