View Full Version : FORTEC INNOVATION HD..CardReaders.

21-04-2009, 03:13 PM

OK Guys..
I first contacted Fortec UK support via phone a few weeks ago they told me a New S/W update was coming for both the Card Readers to make them Multicrypt...!

Today I spoke to the Fortec Guys again and have been assured that the New Software for the ACTIVATION of the On Board Conax and Xcrypt Card Readers into Multicrypt IS COMING....100%.

There are a few Issues concerning the Regional Groups namely the UK and Europe Markets and so they are having Logistical problems getting hold of ALL the Cards and Cams to TEST before releasing this S/W Update for the Multicrypt Card Reader Version.
Seems that a big problem is Activating Original Sub Cards ie.Via,Seca,Irdeto and Conax etc.....!!
They DO NOT really want to release anything that does not work 100%.

I was told that when this Model was released they had to implement some sort of CA for both the Readers and so the choice was made to use Conax and XCrypt....Just to get the Receiver released on time..!

In the mean time the UK Market has changed since its release and the Card Readers are so to speak NOT really needed for the UK Market.
Most people in the UK are watching FTA SD and HD.

So Its a matter of getting the S/W Updated to satisfy both the UK and the European Markets.

I am confident that everything will be resolved and my impression was that they ARE truly trying to sort this out.!

Will keep you Informed when and as things Develop.

Patience is a virtue..now..!


21-04-2009, 04:07 PM
thanks for your post andrew. i think if the card reader is sorted it will be an excedllent box. await further news

28-04-2009, 09:46 AM
hi andrew if his is going happen good news all round,
just woundering if problems with diablo cam ge sorted as well,
got 2 cams here one works no probs other freezing,
many thanks for your time ,

28-04-2009, 09:48 AM
edit last post by the way both cams are diablo and both work in other receivers . thanks.

01-05-2009, 11:03 AM
Just waiting to get my INNOVATION HD delivered..as soon as it arrives I will get cracking and Testing..!


05-05-2009, 11:00 PM
he andrew any news on your new box,
cheers dave

18-05-2009, 03:13 PM

Not yet m8y I am going home to the UK next week and will be picking it up ..it should have arrived by Post by then and it will be another 2 or 3 weeks before I am back in Germany and able to Test.
Will keep you informed OK.


18-05-2009, 03:59 PM
many thanke andrew hope all goes well

19-05-2009, 10:20 AM
hi andrew if his is going happen good news all round,
just woundering if problems with diablo cam ge sorted as well,
got 2 cams here one works no probs other freezing,
many thanks for your time ,


Concerning your Diablo Cams..I have read many reports about freezing it seems a Cam problem and NOT a Receiver problem effecting most of the HD Channels,so I am assuming that it is the Cam.
I for example have problems with the Diablo and the Octagon HD 918 and the Fortec HD Passion on the HD Channels.
Let's wait and see what happens when I get my Box from Fortec for Testing and the new Alternative S/W..OK
There is little working on Diablo for the time being so we are NOT missing much anyway.


30-06-2009, 11:36 PM
OK Guys..
Heres an Update on the situation of my Test Innovation HD Box.
I went to the UK expecting the box to be there for me to pick up..NOT SO.
I rang the Fortec UK Sales and Support Team left a message and asked if there was a problem because the promised Box had NOT arrived.
..NO response.!
After 2 weeks on the day before I had to leave and return Home I contacted them again per eMail and asked what was happening.
I got NO response and only when I returned Home did I find an eMail telling me that the Guy responsible was called away to the Head Office in Canada and thats why the Box was NOT sent.
He said he was sorry and then promised to send it on to me In Germany.
All this happened 6 weeks ago.
I have still NOT received the Box and so I got back to Fortec UK asking if they were serious or whether this was some sort of silly Game.
Since then I have NOT heard anything else from them at all..
So I have to assume that ALL this F**kin about WAS some sort of Stupid Game they were playing with me.:confused:
NOT really a serious bunch of Guys these Fortec UK people.
I have given up and will NOT be contacting them again.

Sorry Guys.
I really would have liked to give you my Help,Support and Comments surrounding the Innovation HD Box
It seems as if it was not to be.


02-07-2009, 04:29 PM
thanks andrew pity and not good for sales

05-10-2009, 11:17 AM
My experience of Fortec Star is that they do not reply to emails at all, whatever country you contact!

05-10-2009, 12:36 PM
andrew, whats ur opinion on the h/d icecrypt box mate please,.

13-10-2009, 10:42 AM
andrew, whats ur opinion on the h/d icecrypt box mate please,.

Can't tell you anything about this one my friend..
never heard of it..its a Linux Box with PVR I think...
But that's about all I can tell you.
If the Support is Good then being a Linux Box it should be OK
Check that the Support is REGULAR and the Bugs are being sorted from one Software Update Version to the other.
