View Full Version : MAC Address of the DM8000

27-04-2009, 10:31 PM
Hi all,

a question about WIFI connection with the DM8000.

In my home wireless network I have a MAC address filter in the access point and WEP (Hex) data encryption, but the only way to get wifi connection to the dm8000 box is when I switch both security settings OFF.

In the access point settings, I enable the MAC address number of the box, which is on the label at the bottom side of it, but I think this is a wrong number, as the box does not connect to the network as soon as I activate this filter setting.

Is there a way of getting the real MAC number of the device? just in case that the number on the lable is wrong.

And the second question, areyou also having problems with the data encryption?

Thank you for you hints.


28-04-2009, 05:59 AM
if you are on a (xp) windows computer in the same netwerk:
open the MS-Dos command prompt c:\ (black screen)
ping you're DM8000 (need to know it's IP-address) with this command followed by enter:
it will ping 4 times this address and show the statistics.
If this command is finished type next command followed by enter:
arp -a
it will now show following:
interface: (your computer ip) 00-00-00-00-00-00 (router mac address) 00-00-00-00-00-00 (DM8000 mac address)

these addresses could be different all depends on what address your router is at and what range it will assign.
linux would have simular instructions
if this was no help, look at your router manual: in most cases you would be able to see who is connected and the mac address.

28-04-2009, 09:11 AM
Thank You GIGA,

your answer brought me to the soluion for the MAC addres issue.
The MAC address on lable on the box is wrong !!!

Now IŽll try to solve the Encryption problem.
Are you having such an encryption setting? and does it work?

Thank you very much.

28-04-2009, 09:37 AM

28-04-2009, 09:38 AM
when connecting the DM8000 wifi the Network W i z a r d would enable you to connect to the wifi and set the encryption key for your network.