View Full Version : Looking to buy meself a DB8000

29-04-2009, 06:10 AM
Got a 'tentative' green light to buy one of these from 'she that knows all and controls the purse' as my existing reciever (Echo AD3000ipva) is playing up. :party:
Still get a good picture with it but the remote control has become a nightmare to use, many of the buttons don't work and i have to use the controls on the front of the box to set up things like time/date etc after power cuts/blips in supply.

So I shall now have to look at getting a Vbox as well i suppose, as the old Echo had built in positioner, looks like I'll be spending around a grand then (yikes!).
Roll on June, coz thats when I get the green light,
gives me time to research on how to set up and what type of positioner to get I suppose. :001_07:

29-04-2009, 08:03 AM
Got green light : :) go for it. You will like ithe box. Have mine since oct 2008 because I was lucky enough to be selected as a betatester. Put Gemini on it right away and you will be dreaming. To bad you will have to buy a positioner. You could still use the echo just for positioning the dish for now and buy a new Vbox later.

Regards dishnut

29-04-2009, 08:24 AM
Thats sad to read i still have one Echostar AD3000 IP Viaccess unemployed with brand new remote controle.

29-04-2009, 12:56 PM
Yeah, the old Echo is getting on a bit now, lol
had great use of it, shame they stopped supporting it, no new firmware for years.
Anyways, looking forward to my db