View Full Version : What about CCC?

01-05-2009, 12:50 PM
Last week NeotionBox and few other guys were mentioning the availability of CCC (ccCam) for azbox. Then the site got hacked and just up now. Don't know what's the status of CCC for azbox at the moment. Has it been released yet or not?

01-05-2009, 08:17 PM

CCC is nearly finished but still need a few days before releasing.
Just be patient it will come...


02-05-2009, 04:52 AM
Thanks PR2, it's good to see you back here mate :)

02-05-2009, 06:38 PM

CCC is nearly finished but still need a few days before releasing.
Just be patient it will come...


That would be nice!


Only thing missing to make my box complete.

02-05-2009, 08:25 PM
I will only be a client, just to mention...

03-05-2009, 04:40 AM
I will only be a client, just to mention...

It doesn't matter. Having something is better than nothing lol

03-05-2009, 07:46 AM
I agree a little is better then nothing.

Do we have a release date yet?

03-05-2009, 09:54 AM
Of course it's better - at least for us clients. Who can argue with that? ;)

But many might will be disappointed with the fact they can't give their cards and hence earn their sharing rights, get included in groups...

I will be pleased to see it, for sure and I welcome any new development, naturally, test and enjoy...

But I am still waiting for the day Mbox is gonna be full and all shiny, working well as a card reader [server] and client, with all the trimmings, as it were, able to connect to other protocols, too... ;) :) And from what I can see The_Ripper is working on it, as much as he can - so, given enough feedback, good will and sharing of the info, plus the ingenouity of others to connect it to all the other CS SW - we hope...:coolgleamA:

03-05-2009, 03:30 PM
Can i use ccc to connect to cccam Servers with cccam version 2.1.0 or 2.1.1?
and another interesting question, has it autoreconnect (to the server if losing connection)?

I am waiting impatiently for it *g*
incubus 0.55 is missing many features ...

03-05-2009, 03:45 PM
But I am still waiting for the day Mbox is gonna be full and all shiny, working well as a card reader [server] and client, with all the trimmings, as it were, able to connect to other protocols, too... ;) :) And from what I can see The_Ripper is working on it, as much as he can - so, given enough feedback, good will and sharing of the info, plus the ingenouity of others to connect it to all the other CS SW - we hope...:coolgleamA:

This is copy paste of post by mower on mbox forum today:

Stop with this Azbox, till they fix stupid API and add multi ecm pid streaming.

Unfortunetely mower is right, he can't do anything for azbox till they release new api and multi ecm.

03-05-2009, 03:56 PM
Indeed, he is in an unenviable position.

But MGcamd works much better and is more stable. Now, I am a lay person and do not know why exactly! It may well be to do with the complexity of re-sharing of Mbox, as opposed to no re-sharing of MGcamd, being only a client. I can't tell.

But it will be such a relief when this saga of API/Sigma driver [and FW in general issue] [or issues rather?] is behind us!!!

We wait a bit longer and then have a lot of fun later...:respect-050::respect-048:

Dig Deep
04-05-2009, 10:34 AM
Of course we can wait !

Summer is here, not a tellie time is it ?

If I remember rightly Dreambox had a "few" problems when they hit the market.

So we can wait (even if we don´t like it;) )

04-05-2009, 09:10 PM
Hello friends can you help ? in order to set up my (m) line when I register with dynds,
1: do I use my computers ip no on the net or,
2: do I use my pc ip no on the network or,
3: do I use azbox hd ip no,
which ip no do I use? thanks in advance.


05-05-2009, 12:04 AM
This is from an old doc by Al Bundy:

3) Create your Dyndns account

Go to _http://www.dyndns.com/

Go to “Account” / “create account”, then create a account

Enter your account, go to “Services”
select Dynamic DNS if your IP changes all the time
select Static DNS if your IP never changes
then select “Add Dynamic DNS / Static DNS”
Just create the name you want and do not use Enable willcard or Mailexchanger.
Click Add host, your finished !

Now in your router, find the Dyndns tab and fill in the address you created, your account username and password.

Don't complicate it at that point. Just do it.:smilielol5:

The point:

You get a way of finding people [and/or them finding you] when your/their IP address changes.:coolgleamA:

If you're interested in your details, the way they are seen on the net, hops between you and your colleague etc.:

http://www.myip.nu/ - your IP

http://www.speedtest.net/index.php - test your speed, on a server closest to you

http://network-tools.com/ - ping/lookup/trace/etc. your colleague

05-05-2009, 11:53 PM
no CCC or CCcamd 06/05/2009 whats new ?

06-05-2009, 12:20 AM
it has been 2 months since I got my shine new (azbox hd) I have improved my understanding of this box and linux in general BUT, I still dont know how to view some tv with emu's. so far all I know is how to setup my (M) line:willy_nilly: I just need some more info about mgcamd and newcamd:respect-061: also I know in order to connect to free servers I need their (G) line?
perhaps Iam confused, but thats what the forums are all about to help people, as we all like this hobby:cheers2:

06-05-2009, 12:27 AM
What does cccam does? :iamwithstupid:is this preconfigured server that all we do is connect with our (m) line, or as complicated as current camd's, such as incubus-mgcamd-mbox-gbox and we have to configure ourselves::iagree:

06-05-2009, 12:32 AM
Heh, you welcome...:rolleyes:

Ever heard of "Search" function?:svengo:

06-05-2009, 12:36 AM
yes i do and did but nothing is clear, all in patches from different forums etc:nopity:

06-05-2009, 12:43 AM
But I thank you for trying to help, and information you give to all of us juniors with limited linux knowledge thanks goran:respect-067:

06-05-2009, 01:09 AM
yes i do and did but nothing is clear, all in patches from different forums etc:nopity:
What's "unclear":beatdeadhorse5: about this:

OK, now the Card Sharing details [here is something I prepared earlier in the Samsung section, slightly edited... :respect-051:]:

Card Sharing is:

connecting your receiver [in this case DBox] with a specific SW in your receiver [PB Enigma plus GBox (installed on your DBox also)

with your friends' receivers or PCs.

They will have Original Smart Cards [OSCs] you do NOT have, in order to watch the programs those OSCs open.

You connect with them via the internet.

With CS you have those cards virtually. But you can still watch the programs those OSCs can open, provided your friends are constantly "online" and you can connect to their receiver or PC.

Your DBox, btw, is connected to the net via your router, i.e. a LAN cable.

And now the "How to" in small steps:

First, create a DynDNS account. It's free.

Go to
w*w.dyndns.org ->
go to “Account”/"create account”.
Once you enter all the details and create an account, get the confirmation email go to ->
There you will select Dynamic DNS [even if your IP doesn't change all the time, but very rarely] ->
then select “Add Dynamic DNS”.
Just create the name you want and do not use Enable wildcard or Mailexchanger.
Click Add host.
It's done!!

After that put the DynDNS details into your Router to enable your DynDNS Service updater in it, so DynDNS Service is updated every time you change your IP address and your friends can find you through the DynDNS address. Namely, in your router's DDNS options [if you have more than one]:
choose DynDNS, then ->
put your newly created DynDNS username, then
password, then
Hostname [like myname.dyndns.org - this is just an example, create your own name!!].

That address you just created is always going to be the same, even though your IP address might change every time you logon/get online/boot your PC.
Now SAVE all that or APPLY or ENABLE, whatever is in your Router's interface.

OK so far? :respect-059:

After that you need to forward some ports in your Router. That allows your GBox to go to the net and connect with other PCs, in this case a Server with your friends' cards, the stuff you want to watch...

In your Router you must do the Port Forwarding. In my modem it's under Applications and Gaming -> Port Range Forwarding.

You name an application [say GBox for your GBox CS SW or maybe name it after your friend, as you may open many ports for GBox and each should be named after your friend].

Put the Port Range as follows:

-your port [the one you have to give to your friend to put into his cwsahre.cfg, together with your DynDNS and Pass] and the same port should be in Start and End little box, then UDP or Both Protocols, and add your IP address, plus tick it at the end, so it is active. {At least that is how it is in my Linksys Router.}

-his port - the one he gave you, where you will be let into his machine, just do the same as above but name it after your friend, so you know which one is which.

-check your address by clicking on the Network Icon in the Systray -> Support and you'll see it. Occasionally it may change, if you get another device connected to the network, so check it, if GBox is not working. It looks normally something like or so.

Now go to the bottom of the page and SAVE SETTINGS! If you did it the right way it should all be saved and you will see it the way you want it to be right in front of you.

================UltraEdit32====== ========

Now, install UltraEdit32 on your PC. Why? Because you need to sort your cwshare.cfg yourself. Here is the template you need to Copy and Paste into UltraEdit 32, NOT Notepad, Wordpad or anything else!!! One can find good, freeware alternatives on the net, like UEStudio `06, for instance.

In cwshare.cfg you will edit the yourdyndns.org and yourfriendsdyndns.whatever with the data you are given from the people you trust, like theirport but also yourport, the one you assign to your GBox, so it can go to the net. Also yourpass and hispass! JUST REPLACE THEM AS INDICATED BELLOW, IT IS EASY!!! Don't give up on me now!!!:respect-048:

That's all you need to do for DBox's GBox to work your CS magic. Nothing else. No other files except cwshare.cfg, if you did exactly as previously described above!!!

===============cwshare.cfg======= ======

Lines with # in front are not taken into account, do not matter, these are explanations. Leave them be.

M: { your.dyndns.org { yourpass }}
# Internet Friends port range password cod
D: { yourfriendsdyndns.whatever { yourport theirport { hispass { A3 A3 }}}}
#================================ ================
# allow maximum 3 share level for received card data
I: { 3 }
# Send ECM's at maximum 7 cards (please use this as default)
X: { 7 }
# 01 repeat EMM's
# 00 consider every EMM only once
# 01 restart pid on overflow
# 1* reset ENX on every channel change
# *1 check/reset ENX freezes on FTA
# *2 check/reset ENX freezes on PayTV
# *3 check/reset ENX freezes on FTA and PayTV
# 00 write nothing in atack.txt
# 01 write into atack.txt: password is wrong
# 02 write into atack.txt: ID unknown
# 04 write into atack.txt: IP is wrong
# 08 write into atack.txt: port is wrong
# 10 write into atack.txt: share.stat
# 20 create online.log for online/offline logging
# 3F write everything. (combine bits for other combinations)
# 5000 send ecm again after 5 Seconds if no reply.
# 7000 resync decode after 7 Seconds if net decode failed
N: { 01 01 03 00 5000 7000 }Your pass will be 8 signs, letters from A - F, if memory serves, numbers from 1-9.

Just Copy and Paste this into your Ultra Edit 32 and edit CAREFULLY, preserving the empty slots [pauses/breaks], then Save.

==============To recapitulate:=================

You have created a DynDNS account and enabled it in your router, forwarded some ports.

You have installed UE32 and created a GBox folder [just unpack your GBox in that folder] on your PC.

In your cwshare.cfg file, that is a part of GBox CS SW, you have put your DynDNS details and the password for your GBox, plus the ports you have opened/forwarded in your Router for it to operate freely.

You have also put your friend's details [their DynDNS address, password and port they opened for you to hook onto their GBox server] into the cwshare.cfg.

Now reboot your DBox.

Start your GBox with the newly edited cwshare.cfg, that you put into the GBox folder, as described above.

You should see some colours on your TV screen - that is, IF you are connected, if everything is properly sorted.

Change the channel to another encrypted channel in the same package, as described above [1 system of encryption].

Hopefully you will see the picture now.

========One more thing:=======

GBox is no perfect and so sometimes you will have to reboot or restart the EMU etc.

Cheers and good luck!!

[I need a drink after all this... After that I need a holiday... FFS...:respect-050::king-041:

06-05-2009, 01:17 AM
That was for DBox2 in Nokia section.

This is for Mbox in this section:

################################# #
# Mbox cardsharing config file #
################################# #
# CaID
#H: { 091F0FF3 }
# Send ECM's at maximum 5 cards (please use this as default)
X: { 8 }
# Preffered cards ids (up to 32)
#X+: { 09610000:5 }
#X+: { 093B0000:10 }
#X+: { 0B000000:5 }
# max card's distance to use for ecm
I: { 3 }
#NDS system ->Resending ECM(s) on timeout interval
#N: { 400 200 }
N: { 400 200 }
#NDS system ->Resending ECM(s) on timeout interval
#4000 (4 seconds)-> resend current ecm on boxid if no dcw
#2000 (2 seconds)-> wait 2 more seconds for dcw ,if no dcw on time resend ecm(s) to all boxid's
O: { 6000 4000 }
#Connecting to newcamd server program Newcs
M: { myown.dyndns.org { mypassword}}
G: { mypeer.dyndns.something { our ports { hispassword { A2 A2 }}}}
G: { mypeer.dyndns.something { our ports { hispassword { A3 A3 }}}}

Or how about this [just how hard is adding a couple of lines into MGcamd peers.cfg file?]:

I am attaching to this message the full MGcamd from my AZbox HD, with an Autoroll file [thanx to RedBull's MGcamd key files] and all, just edit the details in your peer.cfg file as follows:

M: { myown.dyndns.org { mypassword}}
D: { mypeer's.dyndns.something { myport hisport { hispassword { A2 A2 }}}}
D: { mypeer's.dyndns.something { myport hisport { hispassword { A2 A2 }}}}...then make the mgcamd folder in OpenXCAS folder, give it CHMOD rights to 755 and upload all these files into your AZbox HD and CHMOD 755 all the files -easy-peasy, hehe...

So now, CS-wise we have:

Mbox for the latest Mbox servers
Incubus for CCcam server + 1 GBox server
MGcamd for GBox servers

How hard is this - all so plainly written!!!???:beatdeadhorse5:

06-05-2009, 01:19 AM
THANK YOU GORAN YOUR THE MAN :party::respect-013::respect-059::respect-067::respect-058::respect-058::respect-058::respect-058:

06-05-2009, 01:22 AM
:congratulations-008OKI, now go around the corner and slap yourself silly, as you really deserve it... :rolleyes: :001_07::svengo::toetap05:

06-05-2009, 01:33 AM
MMP[~]$ cd /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/
MMP[MboxCAS]$ chmod 755 mbox_module
MMP[MboxCAS]$ ./mbox_module

[00:31:17] Checking for priority file ... MMP[MboxCAS]$
MMP[MboxCAS]$ total priority lines 587
[OPENXCAS_API:Wed May 6 00:31:18.039] load_xcas_control:68 ## loaded controller ID = 0x19760507
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x2FE78453 key_response 0x2FE78454
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x2FE78453 key_response 0x2FE78454
[00:31:18] ExYuSAT Team http://www.exyusat.com , http://mbox.exyusat.com/index.php
[00:31:18] Starting MBOX version 0.5 BETA (build 0016) coded by The_Ripper
[00:31:18] This program is for educational & informational purposes only!!
[00:31:18] Donation to project: http://mbox.exyusat.com/donate.htm
[00:31:18] [ Box ] Azbox Elite/Premium HD Box
[00:31:18] ===> Net Mode <===
[00:31:18] Reading cwshare.cfg ...
[00:31:18] Trying to get online,please wait ...
[00:31:18] My IP ###########################, we are ONLINE
[00:31:18] IP ################################# #######)
[00:31:18] Total 1 UDP port(s) to monitor
[00:31:18] Total 0 TCP port(s) to monitor
[00:31:18] Monitoring port(s): 24000
[00:31:18] Creating ecm parser thread ...OK
[00:31:18] Creating openxcas API receive thread ...OK
[00:31:18] Creating timer thread ...OK
[00:31:18] Creating send thread ...OK
[00:31:18] Creating UDP receive thread ...OK
[00:31:18] ->Hello to peer (#######org:24000)
This is as far asI go?:)

06-05-2009, 01:50 AM
1) Remove your PRIVATE DATA when posting a log [if you haven't]!!!

2) You're not receiving HELLO FROM your peers, so something either you or them haven' done right.

3) They [and you!] should reboot!

4) Moreover, your version is _16. Not all Mbox versions are mutually compatible, as Mower keeps changing the protocol itself, from time to time.

If they have _19 FIX version - you must have the same!!!

If you have GBox peers - try MGcamd! SIMPLE and more stable!!!

Good luck!

06-05-2009, 01:59 AM
Thanks for your help goran, :respect-023: no I do not have any peers at the mo as I am experimenting, but I do know some free servers with newcamd. And how can I putty the mgcamd commands please, in order to see the traffic comm etc?

06-05-2009, 01:31 PM
no peers no connection so there's why traffic stops

06-05-2009, 10:05 PM
talks about everything but talk not CCcam is a section for the CCC and not for the MBOX or something.
I request the admin to clean.
I relaunched the 1st question on the CCC.

06-05-2009, 11:08 PM
Good idea, this is CCC chat not mbox tutorial.

06-05-2009, 11:17 PM
Relax, people.

FFS, CCcam for AZbox doesn't even exist yet...

What we are discussing does exist. It's all CS anyway...


06-05-2009, 11:43 PM
yeah chill,:sifone: life is too short :reddevil:

07-05-2009, 09:24 AM
Mbox in other topic please

07-05-2009, 02:03 PM
CCcam doesn't yet exist for AZbox...:smash::sifone:

07-05-2009, 03:11 PM
CCC exist on Azbox but their are facing the same problem has mbox... multi-ecm support... so they wait for Azbox to improve the API to support multi-ecm before releasing CCC.

07-05-2009, 03:16 PM
Yes, but publicly... So, we can only talk of that which is "out there"...

Otherwise, it's futile, innit...:party:

07-05-2009, 03:19 PM
Yes but we are here in the CCC section and not in the Mbox one. :-)

Messing up the thread will confuse user that try to follow the Azbox evolution.

07-05-2009, 03:29 PM
How so? They won't be able to see that CCcam is not the same as Mbox or MGcamd?:smash:

Btw, I explained it all in detail, so even the uninitiated can get down to it easily...:respect-010:

I have no worries of that sort, non... On the contrary.;)

Info is there, ergo no need to be patronising...:coolgleamA:

07-05-2009, 07:29 PM
blablabla ...this is not Mbox section <<<<< and ********

07-05-2009, 08:15 PM
..this is not a cccam section, either!:p AZbox Newbie Question section, actually.:party:

Get it?:smash::D

07-05-2009, 09:27 PM
Thanks goran well said as our helpfull teacher:bowing-036:, you know I think there are some green eyed monsters about:reddevil: dont you?:rofl: I mean your knowledge linux and all that :respect-040::respect-040:

07-05-2009, 09:33 PM
Well the important thing is that some of us are less informed(:dupe:) than the others, and good people like goran :king-041:are is trying to help regardless of the section, or thread what is wrong with that, this is a hobby not a life or death situation so chillllll:respect-013::respect-059::respect-048::sifone::sifone:

07-05-2009, 11:20 PM
..this is not a cccam section, either!:p AZbox Newbie Question section, actually.:party:

Get it?:smash::D

this thread is totally fooked now, the subject was "what about CCC?" not what about "mbox"

if you want to talk mbox you should start a new thread not ******

wheres the mods ... either tidy this up or close it

07-05-2009, 11:50 PM
OH, FFS, RELAX!!!!!!!

It's coming out in a day or two!!!


08-05-2009, 12:47 AM
nice news goran.hope to see it soon and running well

08-05-2009, 01:26 AM
CCC exist on Azbox but their are facing the same problem has mbox... multi-ecm support... so they wait for Azbox to improve the API to support multi-ecm before releasing CCC.

So how long could something like that take?

08-05-2009, 01:45 AM
Until, say, tomorrow? :p :D And then a few days of testing... Then we see.. :D

But I find all this nonsensical. It still is Beta and all know it or should know it!

The sponsors are selling with a "caveat" at the bottom of specs!

All for a reason!:respect-050:


08-05-2009, 10:56 AM
Dream on you guys.
do you think that Dream Multimedia , will give CCC for other platforms
are you realy thinking they will, this CCC thread here and roumors all over maybe are just plain sale tricks.

and i have to agrea with some other members here, discust CCC here in this thread, and if you like or need help with Mbox or other emu, then make a new thread and discust, as now this is not possible what is being discusted here in this thread.

08-05-2009, 12:27 PM
Dream on you guys.
do you think that Dream Multimedia , will give CCC for other platforms
are you realy thinking they will, this CCC thread here and roumors all over maybe are just plain sale tricks.

We are talking about a CCcam Client, not server. Two types of CCcam clients have already been used on non-DM devices. IncubusCamd for STB and FlyCCAm for DVB cards.

Maybe a full CCCam version will be available for azbox, we dont know, but a client version seems to be close and we have no reasons to doubt them.

08-05-2009, 12:28 PM
Indeed, HH: how presumptuous people frequently, all too frequently are...:woohoo-022:

And presumptions is the mudda of all fookups, they say...:ack2:

How will you want to eat your own words, FF, sir?:number-one-043:

With or without all the "embellishments"?:9898:


08-05-2009, 12:32 PM
i am very anxious to see this happening :) hope our expectations come true

08-05-2009, 12:33 PM
We are talking about a CCcam Client, not server. Two types of CCcam clients have already been used on non-DM devices. IncubusCamd for STB and FlyCCAm for DVB cards.

Maybe a full CCCam version will be available for azbox, we dont know, but a client version seems to be close and we have no reasons to doubt them.

Indeed! But even that will be available. Time, ladies and gents, time... That's all...

And let's NOT forget: this box has only started and is going "against the grain", as it were, since it has a different processor [Sigma, not STi staple diet of Sat TV recs thus far]. That means writing it all from scratch. So, why the impatience? Why the mean-spiritedness?

DMM needed much longer to get it all sorted out nicely. And still - how much will you have to fork out for a similarly capable machine from DMM? And it will still not be able to do all that AZBox HD will be able to do!

And I will not buy DMM for as long as I live. When them destroy other people's HW... weeeelll... that's crossing the line and they have done more than once! Unacceptable, if you ask me!

Really, some people...

09-05-2009, 11:00 AM
yes forgive me to step in the convesation but , from what i'm told (azbox admin) mbox and CCC are working (finalizing coding) in new versions for the new coming firmware, somewhere in next week. maybe allready in monday.

and CCC will be client and server.

not a rumour. information from azbox admin in msn.

09-05-2009, 11:26 AM
I have azbox elite , i like the box very much as i have now even orderd the premium one to.

hardware is very good, but the lack of software , emu support addons , lets me disapointed , realy.

there has been some months now since the first batch of this boxes come out
but not any major thing has happend yet.

I know here is the Opensat fold that does not help developers and release some sourse code. and at the same time the drivers for sigma are not fully working.

Im not a spesialist on the programing feild, but you can eazly see that box lacks some things in the code.

About CCcam, well i am sure that a CCcam client will come eventualy one day
but i do not belive that CCcam will come to azbox both as client and server

Simply, CCcam is made from Dream Multimedia and they will not give the source code or even make a CCcam version for other platforms then their own boxes.

have to agrea with some fellow members here, we all need to wait
we all know that is not an easy job to make all in 1 day.

Lets hope the new CCcam comes not long time form now.

09-05-2009, 11:28 AM
That would be very good and good to be corrected like that, hfmls! ;) I was told that bits would come after, like re-share and server capabilities... In that case better to wait a bit longer... :)

Either way - what's the big deal, a day or 2 longer?:respect-051:

FF, your nick is badly chosen: Foe F., more like. :D

How much money will you bet on that?!?

Some people... Hmmm... :rolleyes:

09-05-2009, 11:42 AM
Edited the few messages above for clarity, so HH doesn't think I "bad mouthed" him... ;):respect-048:

FF is not very friendly to the project, it seems... or at least overly sceptical...

And a bit too... "cautious"...

Did DM treat you badly, sir? Well, no need to make AZbox suffer for it, now is there? :D

09-05-2009, 04:28 PM
Simply, CCcam is made from Dream Multimedia and they will not give the source code or even make a CCcam version for other platforms then their own boxes.


I'm not convinced that this is a fact, what do you have to back that statement up? i'm sure i read a post somewhere that azbox had purchased source code for CCcam, but thats not proof either.
Yes, we have only seen CCcam server on DM or clones so far, but since the DM is the widespread linux box in use, thats not too suprising.

09-05-2009, 06:05 PM
Can't wait for the CCC release anymore. Any body got any news about when the new firmware is coming out?

09-05-2009, 06:37 PM
Supposedly Monday at the earliest, next week the latest.
According to azbox admin via hmfls.

09-05-2009, 09:19 PM
well if cccam gets release think i will be ordering one

09-05-2009, 09:23 PM
I'm not convinced that this is a fact, what do you have to back that statement up? i'm sure i read a post somewhere that azbox had purchased source code for CCcam, but thats not proof either.
Yes, we have only seen CCcam server on DM or clones so far, but since the DM is the widespread linux box in use, thats not too suprising.

i have no more prof that you do, but is is not obviose tyo you that CCcam works only on DMM, and is that not prof inaf to you and me and other s that DMM has got CCcam by the balls ??

there are , Triple Dragon, Technomate, ITGate, IPbox/relook, Dbox, Qbox
Kathrein, and other linix receivers that i do not remmber now that do not have any support from CCcam directly. what more prof you need from me that CCcam is = DMM

if CCcam was not made or controlled from DMM then wy do not this team not support other boxes then, give me a good reason so i can shuttup and croll back to my holl and not coment this anymore.

I am not having any person to person fight here, or commenting only you in this, but more like what i have seen in the past years in the development of CCcam.

CCcam have even made special code to stop CCcam emu from working on other boxes.

what ever suppor we have for CCcam on other boxes is thanks to ppl that have made paches or drivers that can make possible to run CCcam on other boxes.

Anyway, i own Azbox my self , Elite now, and premium on the way
so i realy hope that CCcam will come , as it will make my life easy
but it is not a must for me and my original card, for that i use other emus, cams or even the MCas build on Azbox , and im happy.

10-05-2009, 01:02 AM
I hope that I'll finish cccam client tomorrow (dont know if any other cccam release is comming from another source/programmer(s) ).

Currently I am testing multi ecm pid streaming and it's working (finally :respect-048:).So no more stupid restriction to one ecm pid streaming per channel.

10-05-2009, 06:03 AM
thanks for such great news mates Ripper and NeotionBox. It's already Sunday now, can't wait to lay my hands on CCC anymore

10-05-2009, 09:44 AM
@s_kates81: let's wait till 23.59 :-D

Thx The_Ripper and NeotionBox for that great news!!


10-05-2009, 10:30 AM
FF, I'll be collecting my bet tomorrow, then...:p:smilielol5::respect-039::sifone:

10-05-2009, 10:57 AM
I hope that I'll finish cccam client tomorrow (dont know if any other cccam release is comming from another source/programmer(s) ).

Currently I am testing multi ecm pid streaming and it's working (finally :respect-048:).So no more stupid restriction to one ecm pid streaming per channel.

Thanks for this,

I hope people like you keep up the good work as this box is becoming the bees knees.

10-05-2009, 01:49 PM
hope it blows dreambox out of the water

10-05-2009, 02:12 PM
****Currently I am testing multi ecm pid streaming and it's working (finally ).So no more stupid restriction to one ecm pid streaming per channel.****

Is this a limitation of the api o is a limitation of the emu?
If is from the dvbapi,which firmware version fixed this problem,or which firmware version are you using?

10-05-2009, 02:41 PM
****Currently I am testing multi ecm pid streaming and it's working (finally ).So no more stupid restriction to one ecm pid streaming per channel.****

Is this a limitation of the api o is a limitation of the emu?
If is from the dvbapi,which firmware version fixed this problem,or which firmware version are you using?

Hello everyone!

Its from the API.

The firmware for azbox HD that fixes this problem is not released yet.
For now only beta testers have them.


10-05-2009, 03:23 PM
Tx for the reply

Now,do you happen to know if there are more than one demux delivered by the tuner?
Like for the case when you would want to watch one channel while recording another on the same trasponder,or stream to pc while watching.
Some details are missing in the description.

10-05-2009, 05:42 PM
guys latest public azbopx hd firmware allready has multi ecm. so intsall it.

mbox0021fix allreadu working multiecm in azbox.

AND YES!! cccam will be released for azbox hd. dont suppose, dont try to guess. im saying what i was told. from azbox admin.

so, we just have to wait maybe today or tomorrow.

10-05-2009, 09:32 PM
Which FW is that?

Obviously, The_Ripper disagrees...

Would be good to have this carefully explained, please...

11-05-2009, 03:02 AM
CCcam will be published tomorrow ( sunday ).

Have a nice day :)

No real point in guesswork Neotion.

11-05-2009, 05:47 AM
Waiting impatiently for the CCcam release guys. It's Monday now. Clock is ticking lol

11-05-2009, 06:30 AM
cccam will not quit.This is just a distraction.

11-05-2009, 09:04 AM
cccam will not quit.This is just a distraction.

What does this mean ???

If you mean it will not be available then you will be eating your words mate, be patient like the rest of us and you will reap the rewards.

I have no reason to doubt Neotionbox he always gives us the information then delivers the goods.


Thanks for all your efforts mate.


11-05-2009, 02:04 PM
CCC is so important for the Azbox manufacturer cos I believe there are many people out there holding their Cash until current users give positive feedback for cccam so Be Quick I want to order one Today!!! :D

11-05-2009, 02:59 PM
I guess it should be just a matter of few hours that we'll see the first release of CCC

11-05-2009, 03:16 PM
I guess it should be just a matter of few hours that we'll see the first release of CCC

Earth hours or Jupiter hours? :D

Can't wait!

11-05-2009, 03:39 PM
You're not Alone Dude LOL :D

11-05-2009, 03:44 PM
Few hours!!! Be patient!!!:cheers2:

11-05-2009, 04:07 PM
sometimes being patient is hardest thing a human can do lol

11-05-2009, 04:11 PM
Let's try the beta version of ccc data.

11-05-2009, 04:16 PM
OK, go get a dictionary and look up the word WAIT !!!

I bet you lot were in line at PC world at midnight when they released Windows 95...


11-05-2009, 04:34 PM
OK, go get a dictionary and look up the word WAIT !!!

I bet you lot were in line at PC world at midnight when they released Windows 95...


I travelled down to Croyden just for that special day. Cost me a fortune on the train.

I must remember to use the tags correctly next time.

11-05-2009, 05:20 PM
I think the admin meant next sunday. And neotion misunderstood.

11-05-2009, 05:51 PM
I hope that's not the case. Wait till next Sunday. Geez I m getting impatient

11-05-2009, 05:52 PM
dont for get theese guys might work full time as well

11-05-2009, 06:37 PM
CCC nothing lost saturday, nothing lost sunday nothing today.
Maybe next sunday...
Maybe next year.
Happy new year CCC

11-05-2009, 06:48 PM
It will be CCcam for AZBox HD, or some people just speek about with commercial intence?...to sell as much they can

The release teamer can give for us some infos about?

11-05-2009, 06:48 PM
CCC nothing lost saturday, nothing lost sunday nothing today.
Maybe next sunday...
Maybe next year.
Happy new year CCC

Congratulations on a fantastic first post on the forum...

Did you make your first post a hello to other forum members.

No you chose to bitch and moan about something that others are working hard to create.


Welcome to the forum, I hope your next post is a better one and maybe some proper spelling would help.


11-05-2009, 06:48 PM
CCC is so important for the Azbox manufacturer cos I believe there are many people out there holding their Cash until current users give positive feedback for cccam

Forget CCCam...

If it worked with a Diablo CAM more people would buy an Azbox HD.

That's what's stopping me as I no longer buy boxes based on promised updates.

Am not making same mistakes again, after the Technomate TM9100 proved to be a pile of junk.:banghead:

11-05-2009, 06:51 PM
Why is hard to wait for my cccam client release ?
Only you people go to work ?
Have some free time for family and friends and other thing you must do "today" or maybe I am dreaming?

I can only for shure to tell that it will come out when it is ready.It will not be in mbox code, it will be seperate code/project.

11-05-2009, 06:52 PM
dont for get theese guys might work full time as well

I can happily donate them via paypal. Surely other would follow...
It would be great just to have a reliable mgcamd/newcs. I don't get all that fuss about cccam :)
But obviously more emu's is better then less...

In Germany Opensat/Azbox will soon start loosing customers in favour of this baby (world's first DVB-S2 with Neutrino pre-installed from day one)

11-05-2009, 07:15 PM
I'm sorry but if some people go one this way there never be
another good box like dreambox

keep the faith in azbox hd and if you don't want to waith try to devolp
yourself and see how much time it's cost.

I know it's a lot of work to get things working right < and that's wat we all want> because if it is not working the most of you including me are complaning again !!!!

no i am not a salesman and have nothing to do with azbox ore what ever

but reading some posts here gifs me de shiffers :respect-050:

11-05-2009, 07:28 PM

Read carefully the spec of the Coolstream and you will see that it is not a competitor to the Azbox.

Coolstream can only decode one stream at the time...

CCC exist and will be released soon on Azbox HD, just a be patient...


11-05-2009, 07:43 PM
DreamMultimedia Selling all those Junk Boxes by releasing a Proper Software!!!
It's all about Money, Money Talks Guys I do believe All of those Azbox owners will agree to pay 5-10 pounds or dolars whatever, for a properly working cCcam and thats the way to have a good software&HDBOX ...
We have to feed the Roots ;) $$$$$$$$ is the Key ;)

11-05-2009, 07:57 PM
DreamMultimedia Selling all those Junk Boxes by releasing a Proper Software!!!
It's all about Money, Money Talks Guys I do believe All of those Azbox owners will agree to pay 5-10 pounds or dolars whatever, for a properly working cCcam and thats the way to have a good software&HDBOX ...
We have to feed the Roots ;) $$$$$$$$ is the Key ;)

I don't get you m8.
First off all no manifacturer wants any connection to emu dev-teams.
If a connection between emu-devs and manufacturer is to be proven guys like RM or Kudelski would see the manufacturer in court and we all know what happens then.

@ The Ripper
Keep up the good job all will be alright:applause-003:

11-05-2009, 08:10 PM
I don't get you m8.
First off all no manifacturer wants any connection to emu dev-teams.
If a connection between emu-devs and manufacturer is to be proven guys like RM or Kudelski would see the manufacturer in court and we all know what happens then.

@ The Ripper
Keep up the good job all will be alright:applause-003:

What they don't want is a public connection to EMU developers.
What happens behind the public eyes is alright.

Do you realy think that a FTA box would sell well without the box maker create the firmware with emulator for them?

But lets stay on topic and wait for news about CCC.

11-05-2009, 08:17 PM
If there is no connection between emu dev-teams and manufacturer why the hell cccam is only for Dream MM receivers?
cos Team paid by the Manufacturer and imagine who will buy Dreambox with no CCcam like Azbox or What stops me to buy that lovely AzBox?
Ofcourse Because it's illegal to support illegal activity they will never reveal that to the public :D
But come on It's so obvious LOL
P.s Viewing Pay TV without a valid subscription is illegal :D LOL

11-05-2009, 08:29 PM
Hy The_Ripper

Thanks for your exhousting answer.

It was promised for Sunday and for today, do you have any idea when it will be released?

11-05-2009, 09:13 PM
@The_Ripper and Neotionbox.

Please take note that the only people that are moaning and being rude are the one and two post counts.
Thy are not regular members of the forum, and I think I can speak for the other regulars here when I say, thanks for all the hard work, we are happy waiting as long as you feel we need to as we would not be getting CCC without you.


11-05-2009, 09:30 PM
It may be that they are having a job to get there box to work like me! But might not want to admit they carnt do it...:beatdeadhorse5:

Asking always helps and the guys here will always give answers...:respect-059:

Keep up the good work all....:cup-006:


11-05-2009, 09:42 PM
Why is hard to wait for my cccam client release ?
Only you people go to work ?
Have some free time for family and friends and other thing you must do "today" or maybe I am dreaming?

I can only for shure to tell that it will come out when it is ready.It will not be in mbox code, it will be seperate code/project.

Cool man Also If you are the Developer MAny Thanx for your HArdwork For Azbox community:respect-055::respect-055::respect-055::bravo-009::respect-055:

11-05-2009, 09:49 PM
If you all want REAL working CCcam than buy a DM800 or DM8000.
The future for HD cs is not very bright.

11-05-2009, 09:54 PM
had the 800 no twin tunner thats what made me sell it,8000 is way out of most peeps price range for the price they sell at i would like it to make me coffee

11-05-2009, 10:33 PM
@The_Ripper and Neotionbox.

Please take note that the only people that are moaning and being rude are the one and two post counts.
Thy are not regular members of the forum, and I think I can speak for the other regulars here when I say, thanks for all the hard work, we are happy waiting as long as you feel we need to as we would not be getting CCC without you.


I've been reading since 2004 and haven't made a great deal of posts no but who are you to say who is a regular forum member?.
Don't have to post to be regular here.
I simply pointed out the guesswork Neotion was partaking in by saying Sunday and then it doesn't happen.
It's a shill to get orders in for the boxes. I'm a call him out on that.

11-05-2009, 10:41 PM
I've been reading since 2004 and haven't made a great deal of posts no but who are you to say who is a regular forum member?.
Don't have to post to be regular here.
I simply pointed out the guesswork Neotion was partaking in by saying Sunday and then it doesn't happen.
It's a shill to get orders in for the boxes. I'm a call him out on that.

Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1
11-05-2009, 06:37 PM #91

CCC nothing lost saturday, nothing lost sunday nothing today.
Maybe next sunday...
Maybe next year.
Happy new year CCC

This is the sort of post I was referring to, in no way was it an attack on you, so please dont take it as one.

I just feel for the guys who are trying to make this happen and are getting shot down in flames befor they have released the cam. Thats all.


11-05-2009, 10:47 PM
had the 800 no twin tunner thats what made me sell it,8000 is way out of most peeps price range for the price they sell at i would like it to make me coffee

That's exactly what it is :king-042:
dm800's build quality is rubbish full of trouble overheating ,faulty Tuners, looks 100% Chinese,overpriced[because of Cccam support],no HDMI...
Thats like a joke but we can see many other branded well build boxes are has no emu support...
Let's wait and see Whats Gonna happen On Sunday (although it's almost Tuesday LOL):respect-023::respect-023::respect-023::respect-023:

11-05-2009, 11:24 PM
OMG, whats wrong with you people, just give it some time!!!!! We all know what we bought, when we bought it. We've all been waiting for a long time already for the boxes to come out (although there were doubts about that happening too), why can't we wait a bit longer for something that could be released anytime. We should all leave this topic alone until CCC is out.

11-05-2009, 11:40 PM
I'm off :D
Anything else LOL

12-05-2009, 12:08 AM
Congratulations on a fantastic first post on the forum...

Did you make your first post a hello to other forum members.

No you chose to bitch and moan about something that others are working hard to create.


Welcome to the forum, I hope your next post is a better one and maybe some proper spelling would help.

What are you A Dictator or something?:rant:

12-05-2009, 03:37 AM
dm800's build quality is rubbish full of trouble overheating ,faulty Tuners, looks 100% Chinese,overpriced[because of Cccam support],no HDMI...
Thats like a joke but we can see many other branded well build boxes are has no emu support...

I guess you don't own one,because I still have to see all the problems you mentioned there.mostly inaccurate.
dm800 has HDMI output,just masked in a DVI socket (has video and audio in this same cable)
No overheating here,just normal warm,my dm7000 heats up a lot more and been working non-stop for 5 years now,as a matter of fact.
And cccamd is not even used where I live,kind of a moot point to attribute cccam the reason people buy it.

But this thread is about azbox,which going by the threads and topics,lack a lot of functions and options,while still a great box.
So,why hate dreambox when you can simply ignore it,if you dislike it?
Carry on with azbox subjects,please.

12-05-2009, 07:32 AM
Should come out today together with new fw with much improved multi ecm support:respect-059:

12-05-2009, 07:56 AM
@The_Ripper and Neotionbox.

Please take note that the only people that are moaning and being rude are the one and two post counts.
Thy are not regular members of the forum, and I think I can speak for the other regulars here when I say, thanks for all the hard work, we are happy waiting as long as you feel we need to as we would not be getting CCC without you.


You stole my words away lol

12-05-2009, 08:49 AM
Hi to everybody this is my second post, I had a DM7025 and I´m not happy with DMM cause they always try to harm competition, now I have just bought a HD AZbox and I think this STB is very good for their features.

I understand that ccc developers get angry when people come to pressing, however I think it would be good if there is any problem or delay with the developments, told everyone the reason as this will give confidence to many, I am sure they not claimed.

Regards and sorry for my english.

12-05-2009, 09:27 AM
I too understand these things take time, I bought my AZbox premium as soon as they came back in stock, part of the reason that I bought this was that the developers said that the ccc would be partly ready bu last sunday and probably completed a week or two after this, sunday has now been and gone.
Now before I get screamed at I am not a dreambox fan boy, I have always had at least one but decided recently after price of 8000 that I was not going to buy another, after much consideration about azbox or Cuberevo etc I made my choice. I am always very grateful for the work these guys put into development and my only gripe would be the fact they continually give dates of completion that are never met.
The manufacturers of any box depend on these developers and if they didn't exist the sales of their box's would be much lower so when people buy these boxes they depend on the developers, this may not be fair but this is what causes the frustration of some people.
I personally would even donate to development people to take this monopoly away from dream, which would in turn drive prices down, as this false monopoly is what ruins the free market.
sorry for the rant

12-05-2009, 09:42 AM
hi there i'm very happy with my azbox hd elite (amazing)and i think you must be pacient ,our box works with almost emulators .cam someone tell me why is so important CCC ?give time to the developers of az let them work in peace.
when the firm and CCC comes we all be here to try ,but please don't rush the things if comes out all of this , i hope everythings works well so we need to give sometime to the team to develope the things as it shoud be (all runing nicely) many thanks bye for now

12-05-2009, 10:11 AM
It will take time for OpenSat to start competing with DM.

The trouble with DM is they have insulted their loyal fan base by hiking the prices for HD.

People will only take so much before jumping ship.

I have owned Dreambox's in the past and can understand why people use them. The software is out there to use. What people don't realise is Dreambox's once had no plugins and was full of bugs.

What alot of people forget is that it wasn't the Dreambox that was the first it was the DBox2. 1997, I think is when the project was started, I could be wrong. Thats 12 years ago people. So the Dreambox has a head start.

I currently have Sky working on my AZBox and connected to my peers via IncubusCamd.

Its not a perfect solution but it works. Why not instead of moaning guys, get out there, read a few pages and give it a try.

12-05-2009, 11:08 AM
Have you tried the new Mbox with ****? Given a good connection and not too many people on the server it works great!

My 2 p:

DMM destroys other people's property! Not to be forgotten! Fpor them that's "good business practice". Many of us disagree!!! And many of us will not buy their products, therefore!!!

They would, of course, say that they only killed the "clones", who used their work and broke the Copyright. But, as you heard, they also used other people's work and haven't exactly cared about the Copyright back then.

So, stupidly, that's how they acted, not only bastardly, because many people already had their original products. Some were sold the clones without knowing. Immensely greedy and bastardly and also shooting themselves in the foot, when they kill other people's property!

AZbox HD and the rest should really kick their arse.

I bet my money on AZbox HD and not the overpriced Reelbox!!! Or badly built or badly supported boxes. Why?

Well: The Holly Trinity of the hobby resides with AZbox HD:

1) quality of HW

2) price

3) support

The first two are obvious, so not gonna comment, everybody can see it easily...

As for the support: it is constantly being improved and bugs ironed out, new stuff is coming out and the enthusiasts are already working on new stuff for it. Even how to get into the very core of it and write everything from scratch, with their eye on a completely new Image.

Certain low level drivers will be available for enthusiast developers soon, unless I misunderstood badly. Toolchain for developers is aready out there, as you can see even on this forum and hence various plugins are out there for all to use and more are coming...

So, things are moving along nicely, thank you very much!!!:respect-050:

And good night to DMM - the barstewards...:reddevil:


12-05-2009, 11:22 AM
Undoubtly,this is a good box.
I would just see less talk about dreambox,just because this is not the right section.

I can't start any emu reliably,meaning they work when they want.
The process run,but stays there idling.
But once in a while,it start working.
This happen with rqcamd,mgcamd and others.
I wonder if you guys have the same problem.
Using 1868.

12-05-2009, 11:27 AM
Undoubtly,this is a good box.
I would just see less talk about dreambox,just because this is not the right section.

I can't start any emu reliably,meaning they work when they want.
The process run,but stays there idling.
But once in a while,it start working.
This happen with rqcamd,mgcamd and others.
I wonder if you guys have the same problem.
Using 1868.


Try to add the command:

wait = 20 sec

into the openxcas.conf file in the emu appropriated section, the one in /EMU/OpenXCAS

This will delay slightly the start the of the emu to let the time to the network to be fully ready.


12-05-2009, 11:59 AM
Tx,I will try that right now
I thought the delay was about to let other things to start first,but wasn't considering it need this time to init the network steam server

You mean I have to wait 20 seconds for the video to show up?

It doesn't seem to have any effect.
Emu runs as soon as I press the yellow button on openxcas menu.
And after 20 seconds and beyond,no video.

12-05-2009, 12:13 PM
is it possible to watch hd channels on crt tv with this box by downscaling?

12-05-2009, 12:19 PM
Of course,all channels are available in scart,composite,component output,SD and HD.
It downscale/upscale properly

12-05-2009, 12:49 PM
wow Cheers Dude
How can I stop myself to order one :D
Please God Help Me LOL

12-05-2009, 01:03 PM
Have you tried the new Mbox with ****? Given a good connection and not too many people on the server it works great!

My 2 p:

DMM destroys other people's property! Not to be forgotten! Fpor them that's "good business practice". Many of us disagree!!! And many of us will not buy their products, therefore!!!

They would, of course, say that they only killed the "clones", who used their work and broke the Copyright. But, as you heard, they also used other people's work and haven't exactly cared about the Copyright back then.

So, stupidly, that's how they acted, not only bastardly, because many people already had their original products. Some were sold the clones without knowing. Immensely greedy and bastardly and also shooting themselves in the foot, when they kill other people's property!

AZbox HD and the rest should really kick their arse.

I bet my money on AZbox HD and not the overpriced Reelbox!!! Or badly built or badly supported boxes. Why?

Well: The Holly Trinity of the hobby resides with AZbox HD:

1) quality of HW

2) price

3) support

The first two are obvious, so not gonna comment, everybody can see it easily...

As for the support: it is constantly being improved and bugs ironed out, new stuff is coming out and the enthusiasts are already working on new stuff for it. Even how to get into the very core of it and write everything from scratch, with their eye on a completely new Image.

Certain low level drivers will be available for enthusiast developers soon, unless I misunderstood badly. Toolchain for developers is aready out there, as you can see even on this forum and hence various plugins are out there for all to use and more are coming...

So, things are moving along nicely, thank you very much!!!:respect-050:

And good night to DMM - the barstewards...:reddevil:



12-05-2009, 01:36 PM
I can't start any emu reliably,meaning they work when they want.
The process run,but stays there idling.
But once in a while,it start working.
This happen with rqcamd, mgcamd and others.
I wonder if you guys have the same problem.
Using 1868.

Same story with me - I could live w/o cccam for a few more months but with STEADY mgcamd+newcs. At the moment it give me headache...
With Seca4 works almost OK (half-sec. freezes every hour, channel hopping doesn't make it crash, FW 1759, all files attributes set to 755)
With Nagra3 mgcamd crashes every 20-30 min. with SCRAMBLED pop-out even when watching just 1 channel. Then only reboot helps...

Anyway check this thread on mgcamd...

12-05-2009, 02:33 PM
I guess CCcam has already been released. Go to plugins, Add plugins, then select http://azboxworld.com, there you have CCcam listed as a download. I downloaded and installed it, then activated it. I also uploaded and replaced my cccam.cfg to the box, but i dont' seem to unscramble the channels.

12-05-2009, 02:58 PM
Did you restart emu after that copying finished ?

12-05-2009, 02:58 PM
Working on the bugs, that's what... most likely...

A bit longer and when it's ready we'll play... ;)

12-05-2009, 03:04 PM
I've also restarted the cccam emulator many times, but still can't unscramble the channels. Don't know why. Anybody else tried it also?

12-05-2009, 03:18 PM
I do not see CCcam, only mgcamd, newcs and MultiCAS :(

12-05-2009, 03:21 PM

12-05-2009, 03:31 PM
I guess CCcam has already been released. Go to plugins, Add plugins, then select http://azboxworld.com, there you have CCcam listed as a download. I downloaded and installed it, then activated it. I also uploaded and replaced my cccam.cfg to the box, but i dont' seem to unscramble the channels.

cccam output? Where

12-05-2009, 03:35 PM
Tht's strange. Why can't u guys see it? I am attaching screenshot of my plugin screen here for you guys

12-05-2009, 03:39 PM

12-05-2009, 03:47 PM
Nothing CCcam plugin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-05-2009, 03:51 PM
:smilielol5:hehe...:D no kidding...:sifone:

12-05-2009, 03:51 PM
Tht's strange. Why can't u guys see it? I am attaching screenshot of my plugin screen here for you guys

What firmware are you using?

I have a feeling it is just the Version of incubusCamd that had be labelled "CCCam" that you are seeing.

12-05-2009, 03:51 PM
It's really strange that how come I was able to download and install it. But even though it's there, it's not working. I've tried it. Maybe just an illusion

12-05-2009, 03:58 PM
illusion :)


12-05-2009, 04:23 PM

Comedy LOL :D

12-05-2009, 04:23 PM
Lol. mine is an actual screenshot, not from photoshop.

I guess maybe it's incubuscamd's cccam version, like a poster suggested earlier. i was getting over the moon for nothing lol.

12-05-2009, 04:25 PM
is Original screenshot from Azbox.
(only module.seq is edited)

12-05-2009, 04:31 PM
mine is photochopped screenshot but looks cool isn't it :)
maybe one day LOL

12-05-2009, 04:36 PM
Do not gibe with the nation. Close this subject cccam.

12-05-2009, 04:56 PM
Please Close this thread.

12-05-2009, 05:10 PM
please, enough is enough :D
p.s I've just ordered elite am I mad or what LoL

12-05-2009, 05:50 PM
Tx,I will try that right now
I thought the delay was about to let other things to start first,but wasn't considering it need this time to init the network steam server

You mean I have to wait 20 seconds for the video to show up?

It doesn't seem to have any effect.
Emu runs as soon as I press the yellow button on openxcas menu.
And after 20 seconds and beyond,no video.


Please start a new thread with your problem, this mgcamd stuff has nothing to do in this CCC thread.


P.S.: Admin please close this thread that really turns to nothing.