View Full Version : BA4.8.2/Oozoon/BH.9 - wierd!

01-05-2009, 05:42 PM
OK - so don't 'upgrade' - nothing will ever work again!
Installed OoZooN-CVS-full-dm8000-20090404.nfi to the flash image, then installed Barry Allen 4.8.2 onto the Hard drive. It didn't work (BA that is).
It wouldn't react to the remote control on power-on (but then neither did 4.6.95) and worse - it would boot any other image than 0 (in my case - flash image).
Lots of playing, gave up & contacted the writer - BA is NOT tested (nor supported) to work on the HDD.
So installed it onto a CF and it works fine.
So - now boot Blackhole0.9 and
the network won't work - bugger. Tried at least 5 times, but it will not work. It did yesterday, but then I didn't have Oozoon in.
So no idea - will either stick with the flash image - the network works in that!! or will go back to where I was 2 days ago. :beatdeadhorse5:

01-05-2009, 06:48 PM
don't panic the best nabilo new image coming soon new nabilo 10.00
in one week you will love it .all up to date

01-05-2009, 06:51 PM
when you say the network wont work is that what blackhole setup is reporting or have you rebooted the box after this and it still wont work ?
there's a known bug for blackhole 0.9 reporting this on setup but is usually cured by restarting the box (at least this is true on the 800)

01-05-2009, 06:59 PM
Install Nabilo Pure flash, and on usb stick you can install everithing you want !

I allways install the updates to flash first (BA, Webinf, Drivers, etc) and then to Usb.

01-05-2009, 07:41 PM
when you say the network wont work is that what blackhole setup is reporting or have you rebooted the box after this and it still wont work ?
there's a known bug for blackhole 0.9 reporting this on setup but is usually cured by restarting the box (at least this is true on the 800)

actually - it took 3 power-downs - but yes you are correct (whew!) thanks.

02-05-2009, 07:35 AM
If you installed BA on the HDD wouldn't this make it spin constantly?
I had one (failed) attempt at going multiboot, I use the box as a server so can't be offline too long.
I had no CF at the time and think that BA checks this first then tries to install on the hard drive.
Can you tell me what advantage there is in multiboot, apart from being able to switch images? I have not had my 8000 long and installed Gemini on the flash simply because this is what I have always done with 700/7020.
Gemini has downloadable emu's and software updates so are any of the other images better?

02-05-2009, 09:05 AM
If you installed BA on the HDD wouldn't this make it spin constantly?
Probably - however I can't hear it!! Don't know if the sleep option works or not.

I had one (failed) attempt at going multiboot, I use the box as a server so can't be offline too long.
I had no CF at the time and think that BA checks this first then tries to install on the hard drive.
Correct CF first, then USB then HDD - but as I said HDD is NOT supported - if it works - you are lucky.

Can you tell me what advantage there is in multiboot, apart from being able to switch images? I have not had my 8000 long and installed Gemini on the flash simply because this is what I have always done with 700/7020.
Gemini has downloadable emu's and software updates so are any of the other images better?
Just that - the ability to 'have a look' at different images easily.
I now have Oozoon in flash and load BlackHole0.9 from multiboot.

02-05-2009, 09:39 AM
Thanks for prompt reply, I read that Oozoon is the one to have in the flash as it has downloadable driver updates and the flash drivers are used by Barry Allen running other multiboot images.
I will probably have another go at this as I now have a CF plugged in, I wouldn't want the HDD spinning all the time as despite of it being rubber mounted it can be heard and I am so tight I wouldn't want it to wear out.
Finally I am used to installing BA on a Kathrein with KCC but I think a dreambox does not use the same method.
Do you describe installing BA on your "howto" if not would you please list how you did it. Many thanks.

02-05-2009, 11:21 AM
Hi Crabber,
all you need to do is ftp your Barry Allen .ipk file to /tmp
Telnet your box and change to /tmp directory ( cd /tmp)
then install.
eg: ipkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen_4.8.1_mipsel.ipk (whatever your file is named)

02-05-2009, 11:30 AM
easy way to get filenames correct (rather than typing them in) when in a telnet session (or more correctly - when using either cmd or command):-
go to the directory
cd /tmp
ls (same as dir)
right-click the mouse and select 'mark' (same as copy) press return to copy the filename into the buffer
then type ipgk install
and right-click and select paste - voila copy & paste in cmd

02-05-2009, 11:44 AM
or an even easier way is to just type

ipkg install *.ipk
