View Full Version : 1w Conax card advice

02-05-2009, 12:29 AM
I have read that soon canal+ on 1w will introduce card pairing. Does anyone know anything about this? I am assuming it will stop people from sharing the cards in a linux box??

02-05-2009, 02:22 AM
I have read that soon canal+ on 1w will introduce card pairing. Does anyone know anything about this?

They will do this first for premium channels, subscribers above basic local packages are the ones being migrated to take CD's own receivers to be paired with cards, encouraged by some nice offers in some countries.

I am assuming it will stop people from sharing the cards in a linux box??

You assume correct. There are two types of pairing available in CAS7 system. Both designed to stop users sharing their cards.

Can they be overcome? One - yes, with some difficulty. The other - maybe, with much more difficulty.

As I posted, I think here some months ago to accusations of 'doom and gloom', this first stage for a number of CAS to end days of easy plug'n'play CS. It mean average user who want to CS systems with these style pairing in place must learn to do more than paste few things in a config file.

For easiest of the two types of pairing available - if we assume sometime, someone, will eventually reverse and generous provide emu public that support this CAS7 card pairing algo in some CS software, before he can share his card average user have little more work to do. Why? Cos pairing keys in his CD receiver and card are unique to him. He need to get them to use with our eventual assumed made public pairing algo so he can convert paired encrypted DW to real DW to broadcast to others.

To get his unique keys, he have two choice ... first, he can get them from his card. He should be wished much success in this, cos if he succeed he can publish full hack for CAS7 card for that provider he achieve at same time. :-)

Or second, he can get keys by dumping flash from his receiver and finding his keys in the dump. This one easier ... relatively speaking, of course.

Each person want share his card must do one or other. For harder version of CAS7 style pairing available, best not to worry. Neither talented nor average user will like that one much.

02-05-2009, 05:09 AM
50 % of CD cards are already paired with boxes but work in dreamboxes and other cams.
Each new satellite subscriber is given a free box ( NOT HD ) TO USE WITH CARD HOWEVER these cards work elsewhere too.
The entire DTH conax system in Scandinavia is conax where the terrestrial channels work in a cam in your TV or direct thru your card in any digibox so DONT WORRY FOR NOW.
Worry more about UK new cards FIRST than other cards elsewhere :respect-050:

02-05-2009, 05:39 AM
This is cos card-reciever paired in these packages deals so far pushed by CD, but imperative for pairing itself not activated in ecm. ;-)

These two different things. You can pair a card and box and just encrypt dialogue between the two, so you can't see real DW to share from that box ... but card can still work in and be shared from some other box, cos ecm itself include no nano in it yet that calls for card to be in its own box and send cam-card dialogue encrypted with shared keys. This situation now that you describe.

When change ECM broadcasted to include nano that makes imperative for card only to be used in its own box, then is proper pairing. That's why you can't use a CAS7 Dig Alb HD conax card in dreambox to CS, cos ECM itself dictates it. CD didn't switch that on yet. When they do implement that change to ECM, then will be same situation as Dig Alb HD for the premium channels they want paired. So far, they only pretent to pair. ;-)

Of course, they will only implement nano that mandates pairing when they got all customers for channels they want paired with one of their own receivers. They didn't get there yet, though they make more arm twisting and offers to hurry it along. The local basic channels they might not ever go proper pairing route on.

02-05-2009, 06:16 AM
I understand what you mean but I talk of Scandinavia they wont get there too far for the next few years with chipset paring because they just introduced cards working with TV direct.
They may want to do it IT wont happen in Scandinavia maybe in china or albania or india

02-05-2009, 06:16 AM
The Digitalb HD channels have been paired to a receiver for some time now and are not available on any share.

This doesn't mean the algorithm is uncrackable, it just means it hasn't been done yet, or certain people are waiting until Canal+ 1w change to a paired system before making such a hack public :)

02-05-2009, 06:20 AM
I understand what you mean but I talk of Scandinavia they wont get there too far for the next few years with chipset paring because they just introduced cards working with TV direct.
They may want to do it IT wont happen in Scandinavia maybe in china or albania or india

What is TV direct m8?

02-05-2009, 06:36 AM
I understand what you mean but I talk of Scandinavia they wont get there too far for the next few years with chipset paring because they just introduced cards working with TV direct.
They may want to do it IT wont happen in Scandinavia maybe in china or albania or india

I promise you they will ... but not for all channels. That is why I said originally 'premium channels'. ;-)

There are too many customers for CD to go proper pairing route on all packages right now. And I doubt they will implement proper pairing on basic channels ever.

This is why when new CAS7 cards sent to customers, basic channel customers got just a new card and mention of nothing else. Premium package customers, certainly in onsome countries (don't know about all), got told their new card will need a new box to work properly, but they sweeten the deal by saying you can have box free from us if you take sub for 12 months.

It's those premium channels that they target to go the Dig Alb HD style proper pairing route first. How many customers they have left to shift will determine how quickly they can make the move to proper pairing on those channels only.

02-05-2009, 06:48 AM
The Digitalb HD channels have been paired to a receiver for some time now and are not available on any share.

This doesn't mean the algorithm is uncrackable, it just means it hasn't been done yet, or certain people are waiting until Canal+ 1w change to a paired system before making such a hack public :)

If you read my original answer on this thread, I didn't say it's uncrackable ... it's not meant to be uncrackable. At least not the easier version of CAS7 pairing used by Dig Alb HD that CD will use too. What it's meant to be is lot harder for average user. ;-)

What that means is, even if someone eventually implements the pairing algo for you in a public CS software, you will not just paste something you read in a box menu and away you go and CS. Each user must physically get his own unique pairing keys to use in conjunction with pairing algo to emulate what is happening between his paired card and box, and get a real DW that he can eventually broadcast.

This means even if he is given the pairing algo to use in some public CS software, each and every person wants share his card must either extract his unique pairing keys from his card (same difference as total hacking card) or dump box flash and find keys in his dump. Last one can be done, but loooot harder for average user than he's used to.

02-05-2009, 06:51 AM
I started this thread because I saw this in the news section. I was just a bit worried about the canal+ sports as they are at present 2nd best when it comes to 3pm EPL matches. This may change next season and we may see other providers with 3pm matches, it depends on the TV rights I guess.

Canal Digital begins Conax card pairing

Canal Digital is to introduce card pairing, ensuing that smart cards can only be used with a specific receiver, following pressure from providers of HD content.

The DTH platform is working with its conditional access supplier, sister Telenor company Conax, to ensure that cards will only work with receivers that have been officially authorised. It means that a subscriber will no longer be able to take their smart card to a neighbour’s house to watch a football match that has not been paid for.

Canal Digital says such actions are in contradiction both of subscriber contracts and the arrangement it has with the programme providers.

02-05-2009, 07:26 AM
What is TV direct m8?
CARD WORKS in the CI or card slot of your TV
C+ has 3 main types of packages all have HD cant see anything happening in the next couple of years. People need to buy HD tvs first before watching HD content if thats what u call premium channels:king-041:
Digitalb works under different country rules while C+ under EU.

02-05-2009, 07:28 AM
I started this thread because I saw this in the news section. I was just a bit worried about the canal+ sports as they are at present 2nd best when it comes to 3pm EPL matches. This may change next season and we may see other providers with 3pm matches, it depends on the TV rights I guess.

Canal Digital begins Conax card pairing

Canal Digital is to introduce card pairing, ensuing that smart cards can only be used with a specific receiver, following pressure from providers of HD content.

The DTH platform is working with its conditional access supplier, sister Telenor company Conax, to ensure that cards will only work with receivers that have been officially authorised. It means that a subscriber will no longer be able to take their smart card to a neighbour’s house to watch a football match that has not been paid for.

Canal Digital says such actions are in contradiction both of subscriber contracts and the arrangement it has with the programme providers.

Well, there you go ... you found the official answer before I even said anything. :-)

BTW, the part about 'following pressure from providers of HD content' is a nice excuse for CD to throw up their hands and tell any premium customers unhappy about being force-fed their crappy box that it's not our fault, we have to do it. Of course, it have very little to do with why CAS7 pairing was developed. A first step to reduce CS was always its target. For some other CAS, similar (and some better solutions) are as far as a full card revision away. So the conax guys can at least say they moved quicker than most.

02-05-2009, 08:34 AM
Who knows if cas7 pairing system isn't already cracked, the way things are today the hackers are forbidden from posting files or how too info on forums such as this one for fear of prosecution.

regards painter

02-05-2009, 10:21 AM
Hi Guys I am struggling to get Canal Digital (1 West) keys... I want to watch the football at 3 pm today and I can't seem to get the conax codes anywhere..is it down and finished or am I just being thick and noot looking hard enough...LOL I usually have no trouble getting keys for my Diablo card and Cas 3+ but today ...mucho problemo PLease help if you can ...Cheers All Mike

02-05-2009, 10:24 AM
Who knows if cas7 pairing system isn't already cracked, the way things are today the hackers are forbidden from posting files or how too info on forums such as this one for fear of prosecution.

regards painter

I want make no comment on what's done or not done. But your post miss main point of this exercise from provider side really.

Let's say tomorrow CD implement full CAS7 pairing on their premium channels, let's say some unknown person who have already reversed CAS7 pairing algo and incorporated it in a CS sharing software upload his software for you one hour later ... and with it he include video of most trusted man in world showing him sharing his paired card from another box, cos he have also dumped his unique pairing keys from his CD stb. So all is done. CAS7 pairing is full cracked and public.

All thousands of users who before pairing just popped their card in any receiver, hit on switch and shared with world for free can cheer and have big party cos CAS7 pairing is hacked ... Then when they sober up, they can realise now nice hacker can't do everything for them. They coonect card to CAS7 pairing algo supported new soft released by nice hacker and they still can't share card. Buhhhh, software is a big fake posts come.

No, nice hacker explains, software works fine. It's you who must work now. Each one you wants to use it must go dump your own unique keys from your own unique box to use with it. Maybe, he's really nice and tell you how to dump your flash and where to look for your pairing keys. But you the one who actually got to go and do it.

So even when/if hacker gives you all there is to do, provider already killed big percentage of people who used to share his cards because dumping own box lot different prospect for lot average users than just plug'n'play sharing of before. This what really this first stage in CS countermeasures about. They make it harder only if too many learn to deal with this first step. ;-)

keith mawer
02-05-2009, 11:56 AM
marvo with the greatest of respect mate its all over everyware 1w canal non op!!!!!!

02-05-2009, 01:42 PM
Fair play.... I was hoping that I had missed something....but like you say it is everywhere...so if it looks like it's down and they say it's down.. then I guess it's down...LOL just missinng the football with £1000 satellite system seems a bit ironic...LOL cheers I'll stick the dunces cap on....cheers Keith

02-05-2009, 02:56 PM

You also posted the same request in this thread:


and as I said then you have not given anyone the info required, what receiver, cam you have, so that they maybe able to help you get what it is that you are looking for, and until you do so, you will not get any further info.

05-05-2009, 11:18 PM
50 % of CD cards are already paired with boxes but work in dreamboxes and other cams.
Each new satellite subscriber is given a free box ( NOT HD ) TO USE WITH CARD HOWEVER these cards work elsewhere too.
The entire DTH conax system in Scandinavia is conax where the terrestrial channels work in a cam in your TV or direct thru your card in any digibox so DONT WORRY FOR NOW.
Worry more about UK new cards FIRST than other cards elsewhere :respect-050:

Thats true but not Allways...

Digitalb channels SD and HD paring not working with eny EMU Platform or Cams!!!