View Full Version : Panny PZ81 Tuner problems

02-05-2009, 10:56 AM
I'm aware of the issues with symbol rates of 30,000 but is anyone else having problems with Canaal Digital on 19e? My panny simply will not tune in any of the frequencies either manually or automatically. Which is rather frustrating given I've got a diablo

02-05-2009, 10:11 PM
Working ok earlier today - football on Sport 1.1 Ned on 19°e with UW173.

If still a problem please post more details.

03-05-2009, 09:05 AM
Hi Burnham

I've had no problems tuning in other sats but these frequencies simply arent recognised. In the set up menu i've tried both auto -selecting astra 1 and manual tunes inputting frequency, trying both auto and manual symbol rate with and without the diablo in the slot but no luck. If I do an auto search on astra it picks up aound a thousand channels but not the ones i'm seeking here. I'm beginning to wonder if the tuner is duff. Any ideas m8?

04-05-2009, 01:35 PM
I just searched 12515h 22000 using manual scan and the channels tuned in. Are you sure you get nothing.

04-05-2009, 06:05 PM
I've got it sorted after much further twiddling. I was using a loop through from my motorised receiver and whilst almost all channels tuned in fine doing that for some reason these wouldn't. I then tried it by simply connecting the dish direct to the panny and it worked but peculiarly I had to scan one frequency at a time exit the menu and go back in before it would find the next frequency/bouqet. It's an odd beast but I suppose it's a bonus given that it's only meant for freesat.

Thanks anyway for your replies.