View Full Version : 12GB mkv playback ?

06-05-2009, 11:54 PM
Is it possible to playback mkv files (blu-ray rips) as large as 12GB from an internal HDD in the azbox? I was wondering if there was a file size issue with the type of formatting thats used when fitting in internal HDD to an azbox premium.


07-05-2009, 09:38 AM
Is it possible to playback mkv files (blu-ray rips) as large as 12GB from an internal HDD in the azbox? I was wondering if there was a file size issue with the type of formatting thats used when fitting in internal HDD to an azbox premium.

:)If the bitrate is over 20MBPS it will not playback.

07-05-2009, 10:13 AM
If the bitrate is over 20MBPS it will not playback.

BUT it's worth noting that this is a temporary limitation on bandwidth and will be sorted when we get new Sigma drivers.

07-05-2009, 12:03 PM
BUT it's worth noting that this is a temporary limitation on bandwidth and will be sorted when we get new Sigma drivers.

Nearly had a heart attack then.

What needs to be found out is can the Sigma Chipset process High 10 profile.

If so then the max bitrate will go up to 60Mbps if not then the max will be 25Mbps.

Blu-ray movies have a maximum video bitrate of 40 Mbit/s so if the profile is not High 10 then Blu-ray rips will not be possible.

07-05-2009, 12:11 PM
Sigma chipset can process high bitrates . My Popcorn hour A100 (same Sigma chipset as Azbox) plays without problems bluray streams . Tested up to 38 Mbps .

07-05-2009, 12:15 PM
sorry to ****** the thread, i have a usb stick 16GB which is formatted in fat32, when i try to copy my mkv file which is 8 GB from my pc to the usb, it can't copy because of fat32 limitation on the usb. What should I do in order to be able to copy the 8gb mkv to the usb? Do i need to format the usb to Linux format? If yes, which format?

07-05-2009, 12:16 PM
Thats good news then

I have just looked at the Sigma Design selection guide and what is good on there is the fact the Chipset can do 2 HD.

Twin Tuner = HD PIP?

Now that would be awsome! :D

07-05-2009, 12:18 PM
sorry to ****** the thread, i have a usb stick 16GB which is formatted in fat32, when i try to copy my mkv file which is 8 GB from my pc to the usb, it can't copy because of fat32 limitation on the usb. What should I do in order to be able to copy the 8gb mkv to the usb? Do i need to format the usb to Linux format? If yes, which format?

Have you tried NTFS?


It is possible.

Remember to use "Safely remove Hardware" on the task bar, to avoid corruption.

07-05-2009, 02:09 PM
Didin't the Manual state NOT to boot from NTFS USBs etc.?

When you use USB devices such as USB hard-disk drive (HDD) and USB
memory stick, or internal hard-disk drive (HDD) with this receiver, you
should make sure that the HDD be formatted in FAT file system, not
NTFS. In case you use NTFS formatted HDD,
(a) PVR feature is not supported.
(b) The receiver may not boot-up properly.
(c) Even with FAT formatted USB HDD, please connect it to your
receiver only after the receiver completed booting.
(d) If you power on/off the receiver with the NTFS formatted USB
device connected to the receiver, STB may get damaged or
may not start properly.

Better be careful than sorry...:respect-051:

Ext3 should be OK, non?

07-05-2009, 03:17 PM
sorry to ****** the thread, i have a usb stick 16GB which is formatted in fat32, when i try to copy my mkv file which is 8 GB from my pc to the usb, it can't copy because of fat32 limitation on the usb. What should I do in order to be able to copy the 8gb mkv to the usb? Do i need to format the usb to Linux format? If yes, which format?

If your PC and your Azbox are on the same network you can simply transfer your movie via FTP to the internal HDD of the Azbox Premium.
If you don't have an internal HDD then indeed the FAT32 limitation is 4 GB.

You need to try to format your USB stick to NTFS and place the file on it, or format your USB stick in ext3 (you can do it via the Azbox) then install a ext3 extension on your Windows PC to allow him to support this format.
Or you can also boot your PC with a Linux boot CD and use it to copy the file the USB stick formatted into ext3.

You can also format your USB stick in EXT3 in the Azbox and FTP the file from your PC to the USB stick connected to your Azbox, so no need to install driver on your PC or boot in Linux.

So you have several way to bypass this problem.


07-05-2009, 04:38 PM
To watch mkv files or blueray rips I find easy way is to connect powered external drive via usb, that way you can watch without problems regardless of the frame rate or size, well at list I can with the latest f/w,
example:(mvk 1080p I am legend bd rip).:respect-050:

07-05-2009, 05:05 PM
to which file to transfer the movie files on the directory or rather how do I access my internal hdd via ftp?

07-05-2009, 07:29 PM
i have watched quantum of solace and batman blue ray rips
from my hd with no probs