View Full Version : Barry Allen nightmare

07-05-2009, 08:42 AM
I use my 8000 as a server so I like to be offline for as short a time as possible.
I have not owned it long and started with Gemini 4.1 on flash, this worked well so I naturally upgraded to 4.2 when it was released. This image has HDD configuration changed and I had problems recording so I decided time to go multiboot.
After reading the "howto" in the stickies I thought the easiest image to load was nabilosat pure flash as it automatically installs BA. This worked OK but on re-installing my lamedb file 28E channels were greyed out, giving the error message "check tuner config" (which of course I had many many times)
Two hours and several tempers later I discovered that the nabilosat sat.xml file lists 28.4 and not 28.2 (I think this has been covered on other threads)
Adding images to Barry Allen is where things got really bad:
Why do the .nfi images need to be loaded to the hard drive when I want to install them on CF?
Anyway I managed to get nabilosat 8000 and gemini loaded, only to find that the connection w-i-z-a-r-d gave the error message "your network is not working" yet all the settings are correct.
In desperation I reverted to nabilosat 8000 on the flash, this does work OK so at least I am back online.
Thanks for taking time to read this, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

07-05-2009, 08:55 AM
The network not working message happens on the DM800 also sometimes, reboot your box and it will work.

As for the rest you know how to get hold of me :respect-051:

07-05-2009, 08:57 AM
Hi Grabber,

I feel with you, becasuse I had similar probs with BA and I was close to throw all out of the windows and regret the day I ordered to monster box, but now I am very happy with it.

My first mistake at the beginning was to install the imgs from the HDD, and also BA, so the HDD was continuosly running and I did not like neither the noise nor the heat.

I was not able to get rid ob¡f BA out of the HDD so I decided to format it from the scratch, (initializing they call it). I put the bos to the state where it came out of the box, and then I inserted a CF-Card and installed the BH-with BA from 2may, BA went straight to the CF-Card and then I put all the Imgs there in the CF, therefore I went in the BA menu to a point where your are asked where to put future images, and you select CF and thats it.

By the way, don't worry about the satellites, they are soooo easey to be edited to your ouwn taste.
Just go FTP with DCC and right-click on satellies.xlm in etc/tuxbox and you can edit as you want them to be. Of course you have to keep the editing rules.

Hope this is at least a little help.

07-05-2009, 10:57 AM
Thanks guys yes a great help to know that "800 suffers from network not working message" Is this a bug in BH images? as never seen it with Gemini.
BA installed on my compact flash but it seemed to me that you still have to FTP an image to the hard drive. I even tried adding a folder MB_Images to CF but this wouldn't work either.
I think I may have to revert to using 7020 as server again as this would take pressure off about being offline.

07-05-2009, 03:11 PM
If you follow these simple steps you will be ok, I had problems when I first switched to e2 because of how we think things should work but they don't.

1. Format you HDD as long as you won't be loosing too much.
2.Unplug the HDD.
3.Make sure CF in installed, flash with Nabilo pure flash { latest }all the way until BA is installed.
4.Do a full reboot of your box.
5.Set the MB patch in barry allen to CF
6.ftp BH 0.10 to MB_Images
7. Extract nfi image { box will reboot }
8. Use barry allen to select image for booting.
9.Shut box down and plug HDD back in.
10. Now set up your image with all the goodies.:respect-048: