View Full Version : HDD install

07-05-2009, 03:26 PM
Fitted HDD (correctly!) but I can't get it recognised, it is a Maxtor Quickview 300GB (From a Sky HD box).
Tried formatting it in the PC first as FAT32 and NTFS and with and without partitions, any ideas?

08-05-2009, 08:44 AM
Ok, tried a different HDD, a Seagate one this time (also from a Sky HD box:rolleyes:) and it worked first time, no problems at all.

08-05-2009, 12:07 PM

You can delete all the partitions in your HDD before installing it in the Azbox. The Azbox will create the partition and format the HDD in ext3.
But Azbox is not able to delete the current partition present on a HDD, it can only format the existing one.


08-05-2009, 01:16 PM
You could go to the website of the hard drive. Then download there tools and get it to do a check. If there are bad sectors on the disk the software marks them deletes them and adds in spare ones which are held on the disk. They are there just incase some go bad when the disk is made. Otherwise they would have a lot of bad ones. I did this on a maxtor.:respect-050:


14-05-2009, 03:11 PM
But Azbox is not able to delete the current partition present on a HDD, it can only format the existing one.


What's the exact procedure ? I use the button "FORMAT" from the Settings Menu but it doesn't seem to work... I've seen some telnet commands in other forums but I was wondering if this can be done the "Linux newbie way"

14-05-2009, 06:47 PM

Yes it works with the Format option in the Menu I format all the HDD I install that way.

If you have troubles try to delete all the partition on a PC then install the HDD with the format option it should create the partition and format your HDD.

But during format check the VFD (front panel display) because it is there that the format progression is display.


14-05-2009, 06:47 PM
Hi here is how i did it...

Got my HDD out of a PC 1TB

But it had a partition on it i could not delete in windows.

I disconected the main and secondary drives in the PC

Got the 1TB I wanted to use and stuck it in as the main drive.

Got my windows xp install disk and booted from it.

It goes through the blue screens untill it comes to a install windows screen.

It will give you an option to delete partiotions. Delete them all untill you have one big large one. Do not format in the PC. Just switch off at this point or esc out.

Then stick it in the Azbox and go to format it in there.

It then works fine.

When i first did it i deleted the partitions i could see in windows but it wouldnt let me delete the 48meg ones so i had to do it this way.
Hope this helps...


14-05-2009, 09:29 PM
If a brand new disk then just hook it up and format through the menu. Don't format anywhere else.

15-05-2009, 05:10 PM
I did format it via Azbox Menu and it's now recognised as ext3 partition but how do I copy/paste anything from my PC onto internal hdd ??

15-05-2009, 07:54 PM
I did format it via Azbox Menu and it's now recognised as ext3 partition but how do I copy/paste anything from my PC onto internal hdd ??

The easiest way is to FTP the files from your PC to the internal HDD.
But be patient, you will see that the speed is limited to 2,5 MBytes, so it tooks time to transfert gigabytes.

In this way you will still able to use your Azbox, if you try to FTP from the box to your PC the box will get stuck in the FTP menu.

17-05-2009, 05:01 PM
Is there a compatability issue with Azbox and Maxtor HDDs.I have taken one out of my PC having done a low level format and my Azbox does not recognise it I have tried to format with Azbox no use.I then returned it to my PC formatted to Fat reinstalled into Azbox still not recognised tried to format nothing deleted partion Azbox asked if I want to delete partion.
Has anyone got a Maxtor working or do I have to purchase a different make

cheers kingy

17-05-2009, 08:06 PM
Is there a compatability issue with Azbox and Maxtor HDDs.

I honestly don't know if there is an issue or not, most people seem to be having no problems with brand new unformatted disks.

I tried a few different things (as listed above) with my Maxtor drive but then just fitted a Seagate one I had lying around so wasn't too bothered.

I have heard that 7200 rpm drives are the only ones to work (or recommended), don't know how true that is though.

I'm pretty sure you can delete Partitions in Windows, if you don't know how just right click on 'My Computer' and select 'Manage' then double click on 'Disk Management', you will be able to see all hard drives connected to your PC, right click on the Drive in the bottom right hand window and select 'Delete Partition', that should be it, MAKE sure you delete the correct one!! Then try fitting that in the AZBox and let us know how you get on.

17-05-2009, 10:29 PM
In WIKI (http://www.myazbox.de/Wiki/index.php?title=Interne_Festplatt en) by myazbox.de is a list which HDD run in AZBox HD Premium.

17-05-2009, 10:59 PM
Tried everything I can think off to get the drive recognised but no luck.One thing that does worry me is the drive does not power down when I put the Azbox into standby, I have to turn the power off to stop the HDD. Is this the case with all Azbox`s if so I am inclined to buy a External Drive

18-05-2009, 08:26 AM
After the Azbox is in stand-by mode the internal HDD turn off 1 minute later.

It is possible that this HDD is not recognised properly.


19-12-2009, 06:09 AM
Hi guys!

One important question:

Is there any way to check internal hdd for corrupted files?

Something like e2fsck or e3fsck?

Unfortunately it seems the Azbox HD don't know any of these commands ...


Can anyone help?

19-12-2009, 12:44 PM
Plug in the HDD in a normal PC.

19-12-2009, 03:59 PM
Plug in the HDD in a normal PC.

Haha. I know that possibility too. :D

Just asked cause my Dreambox can do that and I don't have installed Linux on my PC.

So it seems there has to be compiled an e3fsck for Azbox HD first.