View Full Version : Separate Positioner hardware is needed for Azbox to move motor

08-05-2009, 09:40 AM
Hi guys,
I can't find any input for motor wires on azbox for motor wires from my moveable dish. So luckily I had my old positoner which I used with my dreambox. I connected this old positioner to my azbox and I can move motor/dish from it. But If I remember correctly, I ever read in this forum that no extra positioner hardware is needed for azbox since azbox can move the motor by itself, If it's correct, there must be input for motor wires from the dish which I can't find any. Have a look at attached pictures . First picture is the front view of my positioner and azbox and second picture is the rear view of the positioner showing the inputs for motor i.e. the red and black inputs with motor wires green white and black. I can't find direct input for these on the azbox.


08-05-2009, 09:55 AM
AZbox, like all current receivers does not support 36v motors, but moves dish using Diseqc signals. VBox will allow you to move your 36v motor.

08-05-2009, 10:20 AM
What's the difference between 36V actuator motor or a diseqc motor? can i replace the 36v actuator motor with a diseqc motor? And then my azbox won't need the extra positioner hardware?

08-05-2009, 10:38 AM
Diseqc motor is powered via the coax cable, so no separate motor cable required. Yes, of course you can replace your current actuator with a diseqc motor :)

The benefit of a 36v motor is that it is quicker, and can handle larger dish sizes, and coupled with a vbox II, is a good (and cheaper) solution, if you currently have a 36v motor/actuator. Saves rebuilding/realigning your dish too :)

With a vbox II instead of your standard positioner, you control the dish using the AZBox directly, no need to operate the additional hardware, it is transparent to the system.

08-05-2009, 10:54 AM
That's a great explanation. Really appreciate it. Guess I'll be better off with my actuator and positioner since there are diseqc motors are very hardly available here in my country

08-05-2009, 12:19 PM
Polarmounts are more noisy. And that's the only downside.

They are stronger, faster, more durable, can move larger dishes than DiSEqC.

Vbox can "translate" the DiSEqC protocil from your AZbox HD into "polarmount language" and once you memorise it all - no need to move your positioner separately. Vbox will do it automatically when you change a satellite position by simply changing a channel.

Enjoy your equipment! 'Cause it's getting better and better by the week, as it were and now even by the day...

A little birdy told me that new FW is around the corner, maybe a day or three away, after a beta test [the Multiple PID streams bug is fixed] and the CCcam client is coming maybe even today. It will be improved over time [server, re-share...], they say...

Now, exactly when - I do not know but... ;)

Stay tooned!!!:respect-050:

08-05-2009, 12:27 PM
Thanks mate. I am using a C+KU Universal LNB with my moveable dish. The C lnb frequency is 5150 and the KU band frequency is 9750 11600 . In my dreambox, I set them as diseqc 1.2 and set C band as AA switch and KU as AB. Can you tell me how to set them up properly in azbox? Since in settings, TV channel-Antenna Setup- then in LNB frequency, what should I select for the C band and KU band respectively since there are a lot of choices including the universal? and then on Diseqc- what should I choose?

08-05-2009, 12:40 PM
Dunno what you have in terms of the dish itself? And where are you?

As for LNBs: I would use an Universal Twin LNB - it has 1 single "head" but 2 cables going out of it, to feed 2 different tuners, so your rec can then record from a different transponder than the one you're watching telly on!!! - at least 0.2 dB. Buy Sharp or so.

Good cables and connectors!


08-05-2009, 12:42 PM
I am in Thailand.

Allright, but how do I set my existing C+KU LNB in the azbox correctly, any tips?

08-05-2009, 12:45 PM
None, sorry. Always had Universal...