View Full Version : Controlling Premium's LED's and Display

08-05-2009, 02:21 PM
Probably not the most useful bit of info but a bit of fun anyhow! :biggrinjester:
If you have mastered communicating with the AZBox by Telnet (I use Putty) you can control the front display and LED's

To turn LED's off and on just Telnet
vfd_display -td210 -led
(followed by)
bon (Blue LED on)
boff (Blue LED off)
ron (Red LED on)
roff (Red LED off)
gon (Green LED on)
goff (Green LED off)

So to turn the Blue LED off we Telnet
vfd_display -td210 -led boff

Now to change the display we Telnet
vfd_display -td210
(followed by whatever we want in commas)
So for the Display to show AZBox Premium we would Telnet
vfd_display -td210 'AZBox Premium'

I have managed to display messages of about 30 characters long and don't worry once you change the channel it will revert back to normal!

08-05-2009, 08:38 PM

I just try your trick on firmware 0.9.1759 it works to display characters string but not to manage the LED. It display the text instead of turning on or off the LED.


08-05-2009, 08:49 PM
Sorry, I had made a mistake which I have corrected in the original post, please try again.

08-05-2009, 09:07 PM

I just test and everything is working fine now!
Thanks for the commands. That can be usefull in script that start emu, for exemple, to give indications. :-)


08-05-2009, 09:13 PM
Thanks for the commands. That can be usefull in script that start emu, for exemple, to give indications. :-)

No problem, glad to be able to give something back as I am a beginner with Linux boxes!

13-08-2009, 04:51 PM
Very interesting... I've AzBox in my room so is very annoying to have that blue light when I'm sleeping...

So is it possible to totally off the display?
It I write an empty string to it the little network icons remains..

To do this automatically when the box goes to standby there is some script to change?

Thanks for your help...

14-08-2009, 03:42 PM

As far as I know we don't know the command to totally switch off the front panel display. So indeed network icon remains.

The right place to put your own startup script is:



14-08-2009, 11:29 PM
Mmm but how i can "intercept" the standby command?

I want when my box is in standby the vfd is OFF (well the little blu etwork icon is acceptable)...

Obviosly when is on I want see the vfd in tis full glory :drool5: