View Full Version : Getting started???

10-05-2009, 10:25 AM
Hi all,
Apart from having a technomate 1500ci I havnt had one of these typres of boxes before. The Premium should turn up tommorrow. Apart from setting up the WiFi etc.
Is there any video tuts or instruction tuts on how I need to get up and running etc.
I did want to call this thread 'Sods law guides ?' but didnt want to upset the admin so didnt, but I guess thats what I am looking for.....:respect-060:

One thing i have done is regesterd a dyndns account in advance...:woohoo-022:

Any help etc..... thanks in advance. :respect-023:


10-05-2009, 11:00 AM
Search function helps. Stickies in this and other AZbox HD sections, too.

Plus these:





https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=105049 - mine and most stuff you need is here, I dare say... :D :sifone:


10-05-2009, 11:37 AM
Grade A++++ mate. Thanks ill have a go tommorrow...



11-05-2009, 05:16 PM
Hi all,
Apart from having a technomate 1500ci I havnt had one of these typres of boxes before.

Exactly like me, technomate 1500ci really is the easiest/most simple box ever :D So I advice you to be patient, because this box is a lot more complicated. But once you get the hang of it, you got an extreme lot of options. Also keep in mind that the software is still beta, so not everything is working perfect like the 1500ci.

11-05-2009, 05:22 PM
Dunno about Technomate but I can tell you that people coming over from DBox2 or Dream say this [AZbox HD] is soooooooooo simple, as it all goes into EMU folder, all the files for a specific EMU/CS SW go into the same folder...

Soooo easy.... And constantly improving!!!!:respect-applause-00:coolgleamA:

11-05-2009, 05:26 PM
Yes it is very simple, for a linux box, they surely did their best. But compared to the simple technomate 1500ci, it's a complete different world.

11-05-2009, 07:55 PM
You can say that again.

Tiptronic what settings have you got in the antena setup. I am using usals.

Have got a picture on 1.0 west but cant seem to get the other saterlites setup yet.

Am using the scart at the moment and am having a job reading the menu,s i havnt got an HD tele yet.

I upgraded the software to the latest version but i am having a problem reading the setup menu,s....


11-05-2009, 11:30 PM
I also use a normal scart tv. Click on the 'resolution' button a few times to get a better image and maybe also find you rgb scart (every tv has 1 only).

I'm using usals also. You have to turn them on for all sats though and you have to enter your locations Latitude and Longitude.

12-05-2009, 10:16 AM
Wow. Thanks for telling me that. Got it adding channels now. Got a few bits working if you know what i mean. Havnt got an HD channel yet working on that now. Had to restart the plugins a few times but not too bad at the moment

Thanks again.


12-05-2009, 10:47 AM
There are FTA HD channels, too. Astra 1 has some German ones, of instance...

If you look areound there's even free CS servers to test for a day...

12-05-2009, 11:06 AM
Dunno about Technomate but I can tell you that people coming over from DBox2 or Dream say this [AZbox HD] is soooooooooo simple, as it all goes into EMU folder, all the files for a specific EMU/CS SW go into the same folder...

Soooo easy.... And constantly improving!!!!:respect-applause-00:coolgleamA:

Having dreambox for many years,i assume you know you can also put all emu files into the same folder too,right?
simply make the appropriate symlinks.

12-05-2009, 11:14 AM
So, you must know "a few" things... Possibly many more than just "a few" things in order to change the structure of the whole thing like that...

Not so for AZbox HD. Simple! And we shall see to it that all can do it all really easily!!!:respect-051:

12-05-2009, 01:31 PM
Have got the basics running.

Havnt got CS yet dont have a clue how to do it.:smash:
:confused:Gun to head...

I need to go and do some reading......


12-05-2009, 01:39 PM
Finally. Back to my first post to you... :D My thread, m8...:sifone:

12-05-2009, 01:44 PM
Yeah i am going to re read it.....:nopity:

Got the hang of the first few bits. Just need to work out the next stage.:banghead:

Goran thanks for all of your help so far....:auto:


12-05-2009, 11:57 PM
Goran our much respectted teacher, always there to help unlike that dictator called yooo:o16:Da:respect-046: