View Full Version : AZ Box

12-05-2009, 08:16 PM

Dont know if this is true But found this on the AzBox HD Developer site.

Could someone please delete this if there is no truth in it.


We are sorry, but AzBox HD Developer Corner is closed now!

Opensat is unable to give more support, their own firmware has much bugs and they work too often on very insignificant firmware problems!

Also the used chip (smp8634) is unable to handle two tuners coincident!

We think the Azbox HD was and is unfortunately a big wash-out...

'Some people' like Botoxx also know as Audioslyer or EvilAndy faked some GUI screenshots to distinguish hisself as 'the coder wonder' LOL (Laughing Out Loud)...

have a good time.

12-05-2009, 08:20 PM
I assume the site has been hacked.

I came across this myself.


12-05-2009, 08:25 PM
@any mod, delete my other thread about this

doubt it was hacked, the admins in the site never posted on the site in weeks/months. Ng-Box had a request section and i dont think he ever replied. Only person who seemed to post was Knoxx.

Seems like theres only one guy called Hugo who is running opensat by himself!

tuners were meant to be out in March, then April, now May and still no sign of them. Something isnt right with the azbox and seems like people are giving up on it.

12-05-2009, 08:33 PM
I would expect members to get emails if site was closing.

12-05-2009, 08:36 PM

Take a look on there, the chipset can cope with 2 TS Streams at once so I think thats one rumour quashed.

12-05-2009, 08:55 PM
They need to give Azbox time to develop.

Microsoft wasnt built in a day.

What i see so far I like....:respect-053:

They may be holding back for the big push..

To develop a product like this takes time....

There could be a good reason why its taking its time...


12-05-2009, 08:56 PM
Also chip is not 8634 but 8635... they should have known!

SIGMA processor SMP 8634 LF, I think.

The trouble with the Sigma chipset is Sigma Designs themselves. They will not allow development on their chipset without their involvement. This can and does slow down development.

12-05-2009, 09:06 PM
My advice, trust people that post thinks that happens on the Azbox. There many valuable users here.

DM fans are becoming quite nervous last few days and start several attacks against the Azbox... should be a frustration that a box that cost less than the one they have can do much and better that their own box. Even Coolstream developpers start already to say stupid things about the Azbox.

Funny to see how people are hurry to have everything fix and are asking for new feature... just be patient, Azbox releases tested software so far all the firmware are improving things.

So if you trust on the Azbox continue to support it, if you are against the box just ask a friend that own one to make you a demonstration and you will see the differences and all the functionnalities you have for the price.

12-05-2009, 09:09 PM
SIGMA processor SMP 8634 LF, I think.

The trouble with the Sigma chipset is Sigma Designs themselves. They will not allow development on their chipset without their involvement. This can and does slow down development.

Sorry! got mixed up... true... 8634.

12-05-2009, 09:14 PM
tuners were meant to be out in March, then April, now May and still no sign of them. Something isnt right with the azbox and seems like people are giving up on it.

Don't know who gave you that idea.

Opensat told me (december 2008) that twintuner support would be ready before june 2009 and the additional tuners soonest in may 2009.

I never heard another date from them

12-05-2009, 09:27 PM
Azbox HD uses the SMP8634LF (I have pics of the CPU/MPU from a azbox Elite motherboard), the popcorn/egreat uses the SMP8635.
SMP8634 is better than the SMP8635, because the SMP8634 suports macrovision, the SMP8635 doesn't.
You can see what the SMP8634 can do if you download the SMP8630_br.pdf file in the site sigmadesigns.

There are already DVB-T and DVB-C tuners on sale in a Portuguese shop for Azbox Elite/Premium.


12-05-2009, 09:30 PM
Funny to see how people are hurry to have everything fix and are asking for new feature

Why is Diablo cam not working yet?

This is a basic feature that should work from day one.

Too much time spent fixing trivial bugs instead of getting the basics working.

I was hoping to buy one if it worked with CI CAM, but it looks like this box could be dead already if the rumours are true?

12-05-2009, 09:36 PM
Maybe because Duolabs sells Qbox HD and not many interest on making Diablo work on AzBox? Looking at all attacks it might be possible too.

12-05-2009, 09:45 PM
Maybe because Duolabs sells Qbox HD and not many interest on making Diablo work on AzBox? Looking at all attacks it might be possible too.

Qbox HD is no nearer to being released and still in Beta.

It's difficult for the average person to tell what is actually going on with any of these new beta boxes.

We put our trust in the information as provided on these forums.

12-05-2009, 09:53 PM
"dead already"
no way ;)
cccam on the way what the hell we're talking about !

This Firmware is Official, You can load it to Your Box :)

Regarding one " AzBox HD Developer Forum " , they announced that they are stopping support. Just to clear something , that Community didnt developed nothing until now, and that board is closed by Dream Multimedia guy's, as they payed some money to boys which was owner of Board.

AzBox HD have it's own way and it will more and more plugin's and stuff in future, there is no need to worry ;)

as I always say money talks guys there is always developers out there no worries ;)

12-05-2009, 11:46 PM
There is something weird going on.

- AFAIK an site friend of Azbox suffered an DOS attack.
- Why was only Incubus 0.55 compiled for azbox?
- Now the problem with the "AzBox HD Developer Corner" and injurity to OpenSat and Azbox HD

Someone does fear the Azbox HD.

12-05-2009, 11:52 PM
Well begining with myself I call the azbox as dreambox killer on some other forums, imagine a few people like me does the same, it will get dmm panic and worried:auto:

13-05-2009, 01:45 AM
There is something weird going on.

- AFAIK an site friend of Azbox suffered an DOS attack.
- Why was only Incubus 0.55 compiled for azbox?
- Now the problem with the "AzBox HD Developer Corner" and injurity to OpenSat and Azbox HD

Someone does fear the Azbox HD.

All those stuff proved that AzBoX is the Biggest threat For DreamMultimedia so far :biggrinjester::biggrinjester::bi ggrinjester:
I hope DM will not Stop CcCcam Progress for Azbox:king-041:
Keep Up good Work Azbox :nopity:

13-05-2009, 10:50 AM
Another doom and gloom thread.

and another war thread betwen DM/ and other brands.
i do not think ever that Azbox HD will be able to be the competitor for DM
Look around you guys DM is with the best marked here, even that they have bad hardware and high prises ppl stil buy this boxes,

Azbox is good receiver, but it has no support at all , only support is from Opensat and that is like ZERO, if the hobist had some source code or some help from Opensat , then we know that many ppl will had build new images and adosn to their own choise.

I do no care about CCcam at all, as for me i need a box that is stable and able to wach some tv when i like it , and this is the reason i buy Azbox HD Elite, and from yesterday i have also the Premium .

CCcam is for me Made In DMM, and for that reason i do not think we will see CCcam on our Azboxes, we like it or not this is the truth.
If we see around there have been other boxes on the marked , with more support than Azbox, but none has got CCcam, some teams have build CCcam Clients so you can connect to a CCcam server, but that is as far as it goes.

we live in hope, maybe CCcam will be a reality on Azbox , but hours are going
days , weeks , months and at the end will be year and nothing serius from Opensat yet, they need to do something to sell their product.

they must use the same tacticts as DMM, Duolabs, Vantage, Octagon
all this companies make oficial software, but we all know that beside that they release or help the third part software makers to reliase some other unofisial software, and they do well and sell well

13-05-2009, 11:00 AM
Nope, you're deffinitely NOT a "friendly face"!

Yes, they will be a HUGE competitor on all levels to DMM!!!

Yes, we will see CCcam on AZbox HD!!! It's just a matter of ironing out some bugs - in the pipeline and about to come out any day now.

I asked you, guys before, how would you like to eat your own words, with this relish?!?:9898:


13-05-2009, 11:24 AM
The first priorities for the AZBox should be

- dual tuner cards and software support
- stable dual tuner PVR recording
- for us in the UK and Ireland the FTA Freesat EPG is a very high priority.

After that all the EMU/CS stuff comes second place

If AZBox get the first priorities right quickly they will sell thousands of boxes to people who have never heard of CCCAM/MBOX etc because of the extra media jukebox features and low price tag.

13-05-2009, 11:58 AM
So you think people buy dm800 like a mad because of dual tuner?
P.s Which is impossible technicaly...
Dude after cccam release they will double up their sales figures believe me ;)

13-05-2009, 12:07 PM
Nope, you're deffinitely NOT a "friendly face"!

Hahahhaha, common mate , tell me some thing more please.

Yes, they will be a HUGE competitor on all levels to DMM!!!

Well i hope they will be a HUGE competitor , as you say.
but i cannot see that happening, many other companies have try that before, but still DMM has the power now.

Yes, we will see CCcam on AZbox HD!!! It's just a matter of ironing out some bugs - in the pipeline and about to come out any day now.

I have made it clear , to me CCcam mean ****, i do not like it
i use it on other boxes, but it is not the most userfriendly emu, and if it was not for being used massivly from the majority then we will not hear this. I have said before ( not here on this forum) there is none that can hack the **** out of the CCcam, if there was and made it public then we know for sure DMM will not sell anything after that.

This is one reason why the PAY good money to keep CCcam exclusivly to DM boxes.

I asked you, guys before, how would you like to eat your own words, with this relish?!?:9898:


Im a grown man, and do not need to eat any thing that i do not diserve

where on earth did you see me say anything that will make me eat my own words (****)

Im discusting with you andf others based on the knowledge i have
is not much, but i have the right to say what i think, as much as you do.

Fo me personaly , would have been better if the guys that are trying to make CCcam work on Azbox, would have keept it secret until the day it was ready to be made public, instead of comming here 1 week, 1 month before and teasing us.

As you can read, i had Azbox HD Elite as start, i like the box , and i now have buy even the Premium. So if i was not happy with the box why would i buy a second one ??

Azbox HD does what i need to do, reads my cards, i can record , i can surf youtube, i can play files that other boxes do not, so YES IM HAPY that i buy this box, but this does not mean i cannot talk and bring up things i think are not right or better said not there yet.

Have a nice day

13-05-2009, 12:14 PM
@goran, @Friendly-Face

cool it guys ;)

13-05-2009, 12:15 PM
Is not about eating words.

azbox has everything out to start an emu from scratch,a whole new one.
Makes you wonder why the persistent asking for cccam to be ported for sigma boxes.
If you guys think CCcam is that great to cry a river about it and even criticize developers for not having it RIGHT NOW,then you could never spit out bad words against DMM,since they have a GREAT emu.
In other words,not to defend DM,but what if azbox gets cloned and you start getting clone killer images? will you move on to triple dragon or other box?
I think the solution is simple : you need developers that are willing to create a new emu for the box,or take the issue as it is,and use whatever is available,without complaints.

13-05-2009, 01:06 PM
So you think people buy dm800 like a mad because of dual tuner?
P.s Which is impossible technicaly...
Dude after cccam release they will double up their sales figures believe me ;)

Didnt say that at all.

You have to have the basic stuff right first.

Dual tuner impossible? What are you on about?

13-05-2009, 01:19 PM
Didnt say that at all.

You have to have the basic stuff right first.

Dual tuner impossible? What are you on about?

He said that the DM800 won't ever have a dual tuner, because its chip can't support it.
Which is true.

Also an DM800 can't play divx/xvid because its chip can not support MPEG4-ASP.

An DM8000 is a diferent beast.



13-05-2009, 01:21 PM
Dual tuner impossible on dm800 mate...
dm sells their boxes with cccam support ,enigma2 full of bugs...
no1 priority must be cccam support for any company if they want to sell their receivers against dreambox ...
I've bought azbox yesterday it must be on post but I have to carry on using my dreambox until azbox release proper cccam

13-05-2009, 01:44 PM
And what if AZbox HD do have it all to do the CCcam, FF?

Btw, if this is not "unfriendly" - you really are clumsy with words...

Dual tuner, I am told, is perfectly possible in AZbox HD, provided one doesn't power the other.

13-05-2009, 01:50 PM
He said that the DM800 won't ever have a dual tuner, because its chip can't support it.
Which is true.

Also an DM800 can't play divx/xvid because its chip can not support MPEG4-ASP.

An DM8000 is a diferent beast.



I never mentioned DM at any stage...

I said dual tuner needs to work properly on AZBox. When did all this become about DM?

13-05-2009, 01:55 PM
In addition, if you mean the accusation re. a dual tuner with Sigma processor:

Also the used chip (smp8634) is unable to handle two tuners coincident!

Well, check it out, it's quite impressive:


Moreover, the response I got re. the "charge":


Emphatic or what? :party:

Cheerio! :coolgleamA:

13-05-2009, 02:00 PM
I never mentioned DM at any stage...

I said dual tuner needs to work properly on AZBox. When did all this become about DM?

I tried to answer your question:

Dual tuner impossible? What are you on about?

iko said that a dual tuner on a DM800 is impossible and I was justifying it.

An Azbox HD Elite or Premium can have dual tuner working just fine.
Just the firmware that have to be more stable in this regard.

13-05-2009, 02:20 PM
Nope, you're deffinitely NOT a "friendly face"!

Yes, they will be a HUGE competitor on all levels to DMM!!!

Yes, we will see CCcam on AZbox HD!!! It's just a matter of ironing out some bugs - in the pipeline and about to come out any day now.

I asked you, guys before, how would you like to eat your own words, with this relish?!?:9898:


How old are you - 12? If Opensat gave someone like you free box to be one their forum cheerleaders, already make me question their judgment.

To others here, Azbox have decent HW, they can make decent box. I wish them luck with that. But they must know it is not HW that make top selling box, but developers. If they want do all in-house, it will take muuuuch time to get all things they want right. So they need prioritise. They have opportunity to make niche for themselves ... they must know dev at number of CAS will make public CS for lot average users much less easy in next 18month-2 year window. Don't look so much to short-term. Do right first what make your box little different. It mean ... for satisfy short-term CS-interest buyers, get one common enough protocol working well and very stable. Then concentrate on what make your box little different ... for Azbox, this multimedia and dual tuner possibility at reasonable price. These, if you insist do in-house, where you can make long-term survival niche. It is not in trying be instant clone of Dreambox.

13-05-2009, 02:21 PM

M8, I keep telling people until I am blue in the face that the chipset is more than capable.


Clearly states

Supports up to two(thats two) digital tuners

Internal connectors for optional HDD and second(thats second) digital tuner

Whats good about this chipset is it can handle 2 x HD streams at once which means you can have Picture in Picture.

All thats holding this box back is the software at the moment but that can and will change.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

13-05-2009, 02:46 PM
How old are you - 12? If Opensat gave someone like you free box to be one their forum cheerleaders, already make me question their judgment.

Or yours. I am probably old enough to be your dad. However, I am obviously younger than you spiritually. Because this is seriously arrogant and patronising. You know what you can do with that attitude!!!

How insecure are you, ffs? You do know that arrogance and all that **** comes from insecurity and weakness, NOT strength, don't you? :rolleyes:

He can defend himself, last time I checked. He said something that to me looks unfounded. Challenged. Who the fook are you to be his "wooden lawyer" or to judge me?!?

If you have something to say - do so and have the minimal decency not to be obnoxious and dismissive!!!

To others here, Azbox have decent HW, they can make decent box. I wish them luck with that. But they must know it is not HW that make top selling box, but developers. If they want do all in-house, it will take muuuuch time to get all things they want right. So they need prioritise. They have opportunity to make niche for themselves ... they must know dev at number of CAS will make public CS for lot average users much less easy in next 18month-2 year window. Don't look so much to short-term. Do right first what make your box little different. It mean ... for satisfy short-term CS-interest buyers, get one common enough protocol working well and very stable. Then concentrate on what make your box little different ... for Azbox, this multimedia and dual tuner possibility at reasonable price. These, if you insist do in-house, where you can make long-term survival niche. It is not in trying be instant clone of Dreambox.

Ech, where does one start?

From your tone of absolute certainty, I-know-it-all, so let-me-teach-you-poor-sods attitude or imperative-laden post? Edit above is mine, just so you see yourself, as you really are, full of yourself, as if you're the only one here who understands anything... Blimey! English Public School old boy? Spelling gives you away... :rolleyes:

Well, let me teach you some humility, dearie me... :p

Priorities are relative and THEIRS to be made, not yours, as they depend on the goals they set out for themselves!!!

[You know, it would be sooo good of you not to try to think that the world MUST think the same way as yours or else "it's doomed" and "has no idea about anything". Arrogant or what?!?]

It's relative to what THEY want to achieve. And they are not exactly in it since yesterday.

If you have suggestions you should be less aggressive in putting them forward and doing it much more in a "I think" or "it seems to me" manner, not in the absolute certainty manner, as if there is just one possible way and you're the only one "getting it". Now, that's really childish and immature, since you're into throwing insults.

Only, mine seem a bit better founded, it seems to me, on the basis of what you demonstrated here in 2 paragraphs, full of mistakes and all jumbled up, with no articulation of separate thoughts...

No, you really are NOT the calibre of person you think you are...:smash:

13-05-2009, 02:48 PM
sorry for confusion but I was just try to point you guys that ; two tuners is not the answer of success story of DMM their hardware is not even capable to do that people buys Dream product because of perfectly working softcams thats all...

13-05-2009, 02:50 PM
Or yours. I am probably old enough to be your dad. However, I am obviously younger than you spiritually. Because this is seriously arrogant and patronising. You know what you can do with that attitude!!!

How insecure are you, ffs? You do know that arrogance and all that **** comes from insecurity and weakness, NOT strength, don't you? :rolleyes:

He can defend himself, last time I checked. He said something that to me looks unfounded. Challenged. Who the fook are you to be his "wooden lawyer" or to judge me?!?

If you have something to say - do so and have the minimal decency not to be obnoxious and dismissive!!!

Ech, where does one start?

From your tone of absolute certainty, I-know-it-all, so let-me-teach-you-poor-sods attitude or imperative-laden post? Edit above is mine, just so you see yourself, as you really are, full of yourself, as if you're the only one here who understands anything... Blimey! English Public School old boy? Spelling gives you away... :rolleyes:

Well, let me teach you some humility, dearie me... :p

Priorities are relative and THEIRS to be made, not yours, as they depend on the goals they set out for themselves!!!

[You know, it would be sooo good of you not to try to think that the world MUST think the same way as yours or else "it's doomed" and "has no idea about anything". Arrogant or what?!?]

It's relative to what THEY want to achieve. And they are not exactly in it since yesterday.

If you have suggestions you should be less aggressive in putting them forward and doing it much more in a "I think" or "it seems to me" manner, not in the absolute certainty manner, as if there is just one possible way and you're the only one "getting it". Now, that's really childish and immature, since you're into throwing insults.

Only, mine seem a bit better founded, it seems to me, on the basis of what you demonstrated here in 2 paragraphs, full of mistakes and all jumbled up, with no articulation of separate thoughts...

No, you're really are NOT the calibre of person you think you are...:smash:

There is nice phrase in english (not my first language) I think: empty vessels make the most noise. It sum you up well.

Cheerio. :-)

13-05-2009, 02:56 PM
Actually, the most arrogant ones make the loudest noise, as they are yelling at everybody all the time what they [others] MUST do or understand or not do etc. etc. - all the time!!:party:

You know, I think the world has had it with rabbis, priests, mullahs and gurooooosssss... We can do nicely without yous, funk you very much!!!:respect-054:

[**** of, you snide little git...:sifone:]

13-05-2009, 03:16 PM
I tried to answer your question:

iko said that a dual tuner on a DM800 is impossible and I was justifying it.

An Azbox HD Elite or Premium can have dual tuner working just fine.
Just the firmware that have to be more stable in this regard.

OK understood. We had crossed wires...

13-05-2009, 03:21 PM
I have one that spings to mind!!!

He who stops shouting and screaming on an open forum has less chance of being banned when the mods get involved...


13-05-2009, 04:20 PM
I know I haven't started it, m8...

And elementary principles of fairness say the attacked side has the right to defend oneself...

When Mods come in, I hope, there won't be any need to do so.

In the meantime, we have to do what we have to do...

Meanwhile, back on Earth, in our little hobby...

Mbox is stuck... Why? Let's see...

13-05-2009, 04:58 PM
dont own the box but give my best wishes to azbox team,looking to buy one in the up coming months when bugs and stuff are sorted and im not forgetting its still in beta unlike some,many thx

13-05-2009, 05:33 PM

Please be quite and constructive on the forum!

We all know that pro-DM are launching rumors on against the Azbox don't play there games.

There will always have people ready to purchase only one brand for whatever historical reasons. Be more smart and open your mind, look around there is not only one brand of receiver on the world.

Moreover it is a good things to have several brand so we have competition, new idea and new features in the firmware just because the competitor get it. So competition is a good things if the good practice rules are respected.

We all know what the specification of the Azbox are, we know what is announced and so far the firmware are improving.

It was never told that CCCam will be compile on the Azbox, it was say that CCC will be a available on the Azbox and that CCC will in his first release be able to connect to CCCam server and later on CCC will also act has a server.

So please don't get confused between CCCam which is for DM and CCC which is for Azbox.

For the other team, they can start compiling their own Emu on the Azbox if they want to, the SDK is there for this.

About alternate image? What is the interest of an alternate image, provide features that the original feature don't give you.
And what about an official image that will give you all? No need for a full alternate image...

Team that really want to support Azbox, should start developping plug-ins on the official firmware.


13-05-2009, 05:38 PM
Dual tuner impossible on dm800 mate...
dm sells their boxes with cccam support ,enigma2 full of bugs...
no1 priority must be cccam support for any company if they want to sell their receivers against dreambox ...
I've bought azbox yesterday it must be on post but I have to carry on using my dreambox until azbox release proper cccam

True, totally agree!

Played with DM800 for 2 weeks and HATED IT all the way.
To configure newcs&cccam - a nightmare. Strange E2 lives its own life. Web Interface - slow & crappy, etc.
A friend of mine who owns it now seriously considering migrating to Azbox HD

13-05-2009, 05:42 PM
sold my 800hd a few months back dont have any box as yet untill things run well on azbox or qboxhd

13-05-2009, 06:39 PM
Actually, the most arrogant ones make the loudest noise, as they are yelling at everybody all the time what they [others] MUST do or understand or not do etc. etc. - all the time!!:party:

You know, I think the world has had it with rabbis, priests, mullahs and gurooooosssss... We can do nicely without yous, funk you very much!!!:respect-054:

[**** of, you snide little git...:sifone:]

Every machine has its limitations, and nothing lasts forever, azbox today gone tomorrow, we get old but technology dos not:respect-054::respect-051:

14-05-2009, 05:34 AM
Dual tuner impossible on dm800 mate...
dm sells their boxes with cccam support ,enigma2 full of bugs...
no1 priority must be cccam support for any company if they want to sell their receivers against dreambox ...
I've bought azbox yesterday it must be on post but I have to carry on using my dreambox until azbox release proper cccam

You keep posting inaccuracies and misinformation.
We have dual tuner working on DM800 in america,if you want to go to db4na forums.

You must keep this thread in topic,which is not about dreambox at all,
Plus,you must have your facts straight and search before you want to take a shot to other boxes.

Dreambox have been selling boxes many years before CCcamd was released,your idea people buy it because of CCcamd is WRONG.

You shouldn;t have bought a dreambox in the first place.

14-05-2009, 01:39 PM
you are talking rubbish mate...
I'm dreambox user since dm7000s and still got 7000s+7020si...
if you've modified the box etc. And using two tuners well done :)
but if you are telling me dm800 has two tuner capable by factory than I can't help you...sorry :D

14-05-2009, 10:50 PM
Actually,the firmware allows 4 tuners,since it use the same image as dm8000.

I also use dreambox since the 7000,and have 7025 too,plus 800.(and others like TD,reelbox,etc..)
Not new in this.And........
Not talking rubish here,we using a second tuner through usb,drivers are being ironed,but it works so far.
As I told you,if you care to go to db4na,which is an american site,you will see images like DSM that allow you to use a skywlaker 1 tuner,which is a little different than the stock one,because it does 8PSK turbofec.
Just go here to understand a bit about it.

Beside,building images is what allow you to modify the factory image,right?
Are you using a factory image or a modified one?
Surely the second.
This one with two tuners is no different any of the ones you use.

But again,this is azbox section,not sure why we are talking about dreambox,I only know I didn;t start this,just posting to clarify concepts.

I would never not post rubbish to prove a point.
And also,this will lead for others tuners to be used too.

15-05-2009, 12:21 AM
Could you please show me where do you install Second Tuner on that picture...
Any external device done by someone else apart from manufacturer is another story ...

Best Regards ;)

15-05-2009, 01:00 AM
Didn't you read it is a USB tuner?
I bet you missed that part too

15-05-2009, 12:02 PM
can't you read that "any external device" part of my post?
Is that an internal USB :D
dude you are so funny LOL please stop talking about non standard features of the box and that low quality hardware...I do accept that dream software support no1 at the moment ;) but you should accept hardware is I'm sorry but rubbish for the money WE've paid....
p.s you can use laptop cooler to stop overheating and lock ups ;) ( friendly advice)

15-05-2009, 12:21 PM
Not to start a ****ing contest,but you suggestion to fit another tuner was posted AFTER I told you is an USB tuner,you still posted the suggestion regardless,meaning you didn't read it.
In any case,let's get on with azbox and forget dreambox.

15-05-2009, 12:31 PM
we were also talking about the same thing which is; it's not possible to fit another standard tuner to the box and you jumped in and started that USB tuner staff lol ....
anyway next time pay attention please ;)
and have you got another project for dm800? Any cooling device etc.?
best regards

15-05-2009, 12:33 PM
We could also add more tuners via USB on AzBox... but it does include real HDMI HDCP, real AVI hw decoding, real space for a second tuner, real price value for your money.

I think DMM lost sight of users when they started destroying users boxes, making expensive hardware that comes with real hardware issues (no RGB on DM500, no good ethernet on DM7020S... I suffered both and no support to fix it). Now I rather pay less money and if hardware fails I can afford to buy a replacement box easy. When I heard about overheating and dvi cable crap to hdmi decided to look elsewhere...

Sorry but you are on AzBox forum... I don't go to DM800 posting stuff. So all you are getting here is reality for us AzBox users.