View Full Version : Seems to be a lot of negativity surrounding azbox lately

12-05-2009, 08:21 PM
Seems to be a lot of negativity around the azbox lately, too many shills and not enough answers. Only a few people seem to know what is actually happening.

every forum i see has people giving out about it. This is the only forum where i see frequent posts about the azbox, others are going days without new posts. And one I have check reguarly - AzBox HD Developer Corner is now gone with the followed message posted:

"We are sorry, but AzBox HD Developer Corner is closed now!

Opensat is unable to give more support, their own firmware has much bugs and they work too often on very insignificant firmware problems!

Also the used chip (smp8634) is unable to handle two tuners coincident!

We think the Azbox HD was and is unfortunately a big wash-out...

have a good time.. "

Sad to see, hope things change soon.

12-05-2009, 09:28 PM

Azbox developper corner was not an official Azbox board.

They just get frustrated not to get access to the box source code to change it at their own flavour.

For me I am happy with the official image provided by Azbox, if does all we expect why needing and alternate image?

People should better develop plug-ins for the official firmware than try porting other image to the Azbox.

We can already modify plenty of thing easily on the box (for exemple by mounting the /MMP into read-write access).

So the bad things you can read about the Azbox is for me just pure rumours and desesparate tentative by competitor to fear the user to migrate to Azbox HD.

Future will tell who was right... but personally by choising Azbox HD I am sure to make the right choice. When something is not working I am telling it for exemple I return from firmware 0.9.1868 to 0.9.1759 this is not a secret simply because the 0.9.1868 has small bugs that where not in 0.9.1759 so I prefer to stay in 0.9.1759.

Support is improving, the more users will know the box, the better the support will be. If you think that the Azbox is for you, go purchase the box you won't regret it!

If you want a STB that is multifunction: a toaster and a STB in one box, go for the DM 800 HD.
