View Full Version : Premium or Elite?

13-05-2009, 01:03 PM
I'm considering getting an Azbox shortly but I am wondering whether to go for the elite or premium?

I do want the ability to record TV, I have a wired home network so do I need the HDD capability of the premium model? Or will recording and playback work just as well over a network i.e. storing the Azbox data on my PC server hard disc?

13-05-2009, 01:48 PM
The Elite can perfectly record to a USB drive in FAT32 or an linux partition (ext2, ext3).
Or you can mount your network folder in an USB PEN, and this way the box thinks that its recording on the USB drive but in reality it records in the network folder (PC, NAS).

For now the firmware can not directly record in a network folder or NAS.
For that you need to use the trick that I describe.

Playback will work just fine over an network folder, no need for special mount in a USB drive.

An Elite will be enough for you.

13-05-2009, 02:57 PM
Hi I went for the Premium.

Put a 1TB in it. And it takes 3.5 inch drive....

The WIFI works great!

It has an external PSU and there doesnt seem to be any heat problems at the moment

I didnt go for the Elite as the Premium wasnt much more....

Hope this helps


13-05-2009, 03:43 PM
Hi, I have both and have a Wired network so the WiFi on the Premium wasn't a big deal for me, personally I think(if you can afford it) go for the Premium because:
It is better looking and has Menu, Exit and Home buttons on the actual unit.
It has a front USB port.
The Remote is miles better and can control your TV.
The Internal HDD works like a dream.

13-05-2009, 04:21 PM
REcently swapped my Elite for a Premium and I have to say it is worth the extra. While the USB works fine the internal hard drive just gives it that completely integrated feel. Also the external PSU and front USB cant be underestimated. The Premium runs very cool and very quiet - much cooler than the Elite. For me alos WiFI wasnt a big deal as I have Powerline connectors but if you dont have a hard networked house then this would be a must. The AZBox has to be networked to get the most out of it.

13-05-2009, 05:51 PM

Everything has been said, I don't use the Wifi neither but I enjoy the internal HDD.

But I just give you an idea, since IP TV is starting to be implemented on the box, may be having both wired and wireless can be interesting if you want to connect both to the Internet with the Azbox and to the dedicated network of your IPTV provider.... (If you are a TV fan and have both Satellite and dedicated ADSL IPTV).

We can already activate both internal ethernet and WiFi at the same time (the trick exist somewhere on the forum), so by configuring properly the routing, I am pretty sure that it will be possible with a Premium to connect to both...

Just an idea.

Personnally I prefer also Premium to Elite, internal HDD, remote control, external power supply, front USB are advantages for me.


13-05-2009, 06:12 PM
how about 32mb Flash ?
I think Thats the best part of the Premium But I Personally ordered Elite Just to try What it's like ?
Is there any chance to use external Usb HDD with Elite ?
Premium Remote controller looks way better than Elite :(

13-05-2009, 06:54 PM
Both Premium and Elite come with same internal Flash (8MB) and both internal DOM 256MB (nand flash disk).

13-05-2009, 07:11 PM
Both Premium and Elite come with same internal Flash (8MB) and both internal DOM 256MB (nand flash disk).

Can someone clarify this because these types of discrepancies really annoy me

Elite is advertised as having 16 MB Flash Memory, and Premium 32 MB Flash Memory ?


13-05-2009, 07:30 PM
Firmware is exactly the same... hardware inside too... only difference are already stated here:

- Wifi
- Internal HDD
- USB location
- Better remote
- Better looking front with some leds and buttons.
- External PSU

Rest options are the same... (remove space on PREMIUM to use link)
h**p://www.myazbox.de/Wiki/index.php?title=Unterschiede_zwis chen_den_Modellen_ELITE_und_PREMI UM

13-05-2009, 07:43 PM
There are many diferent information in shops and in the web, but tinos is right Azbox HD (Elite and Premium) have an internal flash of 8MB and a DOM with 256MB.

The internal flash is for the boot loader and the mini OS (to install the patch, format the DOM or HDD, etc).
The DOM is for the complete linux firmware, plugins, emu, etc.

The DOM is connected through IDE and its possible to connect a IDE HDD in there and more (this is an Elite):


13-05-2009, 07:55 PM
ok thanks for clearing that up guys :)


13-05-2009, 08:20 PM
If Flash is both 8mb Than There is no point to buy Premium For Me ;)
Many Thanx for the info but I hope Manufacturer Correct that wrong Info...
AlsO Is it possible to use External Usb HDD with Elite? and Is there an Power connector For IDE HDD in Elite? If Not could you please give us some info how you did it :)
Best Regards

13-05-2009, 10:35 PM

As stated flash is not important to take into consideration since it is only use for the boot and the upgrade.

The interesting thing is the DOM memory where we can store lots of plug-ins easily, since some part of the DOM are mounted in read-only but we can remount it in read-write to adapt things.

Don't blame manufacturer (Opensat) if other websites give erroneous information.

If you want a reliable technical specification just go to:


Direct link:


If you want an internal HDD go for the Premium, yes we can play with the DOM IDE socket to install a HDD but this is not the goal of this socket.


14-05-2009, 12:10 AM
Thanx dude
No worries about HDD ,12gb usb stick 23 quid :) more than enough for me or I may try Usb HDD...

14-05-2009, 08:11 AM

Be carefull that if you want to do timeshift I think that the access time of the media you connect is important.

So you need to have a high speed USB stick if you want to do timeshift on it.


14-05-2009, 06:46 PM
you are a star dude
many thanx ;)