View Full Version : OpenXCAS2

14-05-2009, 04:19 PM
Anyone noticed there is a new download for plugins? It is called OpenXCAS2. Originally was posted by someone else and I just tried and found it. So it is there... wonder if the 2 means revision 2 or just that you can install a second plugin maybe to control plugins for second tuner on dual configurations?

14-05-2009, 04:43 PM
I also noticed that today. Don't know the answer though that why it's there

14-05-2009, 11:50 PM

In EMU I now have OpenXCAS and OpenXCAS2.

In OpenXCAS2 I have image [many .png files] and sh [like the other one we have] folders, plus the OpenXCAS2 file itself.

I tried, of course, installing the MultiCAS, MGcamd and NewCS through it [Manual Install].

Obviously, none of them went into the folder. [So, I had to redo my MGcamd peers and openxcas.conf files, as I don't use the NewCS yet.] MultiCAS was a newer version than the old one I saw last time and I tested it on TV Globo [AU is working] and DigiTV [not AU, plus it doesn't have the newest key, so manually put in]...

Then I was told that it's for developers, to improve it. ;)

"The same plugin but in nanox [AZbox HD plugins environement], for users to improve it, plus SDK was released, too."

It's but an an example of a plugin, apparently.

This is from the file attached:

setting your cross-compiler and type

"make install"

then mwkeytest.plugin & plugins.lst files are created.

copy these files to USB or /tmp and install plugin to IRD.

There are "delete.sh install.sh start.sh stop.sh" in mwkeytest/sh directory.

These files necessary to install plugins.

Go, developers, go!!!!:cheers2::sifone:

15-05-2009, 09:00 AM
I have spoken to OpenSat and have promised them the following.

I will let them know how to implement "Series Link", the only box capable of this is the Sky box.

The way Sky Series Link works is when you add a program to the schedule, it will look to see if it is a part of a Schedule. If it is then you have the option to press the Green Button(or any other) and it will add all future Episodes to the Scheduler.

This and the EPG for Sky UK, Italy and Australia.

I can't say when this will be implemented as they are extremely busy with other features.

But when it is included this will be a feature that no other box has.

I would like the developers to implement the Sky numbering system too but I don't think they will. 101-999.

15-05-2009, 09:28 AM
I would like the developers to implement the Sky numbering system too but I don't think they will. 101-999.

Hi DJBlu, thanks for doing this, it is a feature that I really want and will help no end with the WAF :hurray:

Just a quick question, why would you like the Sky numbering system implemented?

15-05-2009, 09:39 AM
Same reason as you m8,

My missus knows the Sky Channels.

101 = Dancing on Ice
103 = Britains Got talent
etc ...

15-05-2009, 12:35 PM
Same reason as you m8,

My missus knows the Sky Channels.

101 = Dancing on Ice
103 = Britains Got talent
etc ...

thats two reasons NOT to do it, right there!

16-05-2009, 12:24 PM
I have spoken to OpenSat and have promised them the following.

I will let them know how to implement "Series Link", the only box capable of this is the Sky box.

The way Sky Series Link works is when you add a program to the schedule, it will look to see if it is a part of a Schedule. If it is then you have the option to press the Green Button(or any other) and it will add all future Episodes to the Scheduler.

This and the EPG for Sky UK, Italy and Australia.

I can't say when this will be implemented as they are extremely busy with other features.

But when it is included this will be a feature that no other box has.

I would like the developers to implement the Sky numbering system too but I don't think they will. 101-999.

DJ, did they mention anything about the Freesat EPG?

16-05-2009, 04:12 PM
Talking about EPG, will them add support for MHW (Mediahighway) EPG?

It will be an interesting option for spanish users to get the full EPG. I know the Dreamboxes have an EPG plugin that supports it.

I think it will be an interesting option.
