View Full Version : NewCS 1.65 doens't init NDS2 card

16-05-2009, 09:39 AM
Hi everybody.

I'm trying to use NewCS and mgcamd to watch Sky Italy with my regular subscription. I have an NDS2 card (serial starting with 0001).

When I launch newcs (on FW 1791, 1868 and 2032) from a telnet session this is what I get:

Reading Config file from /var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml
Reading Config file from /EMU/OpenXCAS/newcs/newcs.xml
****** INTERNAL enabled
TCP-log password is disabled!
level: internal
type: all
output: console, tcp
logger config: level 16777215 type 255 output 5
Console log options: level 16777215 type 255
tcp port: 1001
TCP log options: level 16777215 type 255
[ 11:24:15 ] [ Box detect ] Box type 9
[ 11:24:15 ] [ Config ] hwkey not found !
[ 11:24:15 ] [ Config ] ekpair not found !
[ 11:24:15 ] [ Config ] /dev/scard ECM priority: hard
[ 11:24:15 ] [ Config ] No SIDFILTER is configured, disabling SidOverride for de
vice 0 (upper)!
[ 11:24:15 ] [ Newcamd ] Server name : local
[ 11:24:15 ] [ Newcamd ] Des key : 0102030405060708091011121314
[ 11:24:15 ] [ Newcamd ] User 2: dummy, Pass: dummy, Host, Port: 12000
, Au: Off, Spider allowed: No, Sidoverride: No, reader control: No, level: 0
[ 11:24:15 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising Cache with 10 entries
[ 11:24:15 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
[ NewCS ] Process ID is: 1226
[ 11:24:15 ] Calibrating delay loops
[ 11:24:15 ] usleep(5) takes: 0 s 14 us
[ 11:24:15 ] usleep(10) takes: 0 s 16 us
[ 11:24:15 ] usleep(100) takes: 0 s 108 us
[ 11:24:15 ] usleep(500) takes: 0 s 507 us
[ 11:24:15 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 11 on node /dev/scard
[ 11:24:15 ] [ azbox ] Opening device /dev/scard
[ 11:24:18 ] ATR: 3F FF 13 25 03 10 80 33 B0 0E 69 FF 4A 50 70 00
[ 11:24:18 ] ATR: 00 49 54 02 00 00
[ 11:24:18 ] [ ******* ] Atr header is 3F FF [INVERSE]
[ 11:24:18 ] parseAtr: 3F FF 13 25 03 10 80 33 B0 0E 69 FF 4A 50 70 00
[ 11:24:18 ] parseAtr: 00 49 54 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[ 11:24:18 ] [ ATR ] T=0 1etu=93.00us Guardtime:15etu WWT:38400etu
[ 11:24:18 ] [ ATR ] Historical bytes: 3 [B0] [0E] i [FF] J P p [00] [00] I T [0
2] [00] [00]
[ 11:24:18 ] [ ATR ] freq 1000000.000 sciFreq 5000000.000
[ 11:24:18 ] [ Loader ] Init NDS card
[ 11:24:18 ] [ NDS ] Sending to Card: D074018001
[ 11:24:18 ] [ azbox ] Delay is 18us
[ 11:24:18 ] write: D0 74 01 80 01
[ 11:24:18 ] [ azbox ] Timeout is 714240us

newcs hangs there and then times out after a while without being able to init the card. I've tried changing several parameters in my newcs.xml, including reader frequency to 3.57 Mhz, to no avail.

The newcs.xml I'm using right now is the following:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<readers name="Card Readers">
<rsa>9ED52515321F04BCF7772151149D68951 54B559A8D825A4E7D7
11A9FAFD5C66BF64689501B254DF1832F 754C21095379CF97B4E5BE6E0F1C9CEBF 0A0E91D5ACD</r
<output>console, tcp</output>
<deskey>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</deskey>

which is the standard one coming with AZBox version of NewCS 1.65.

Do you have any idea why NewCS, which is known to read even NDS3 Sky Italy cards which are far more problematic than my NDS2 card, is behaving this way on AZBox? It seems some platform-specific problem.

Any suggestion is much appreciated.

16-05-2009, 10:01 AM
Hi, as discussed in a previous thread https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=106338 it is probably not NewCS 1.65. Maybe that could be the problem with NDS2.

16-05-2009, 11:00 AM
Oh well, if that is the case it would certainly explain a lot. I wonder why it does recognize my card as NDS though, if that system wasn't supportedby NewCS 1.20.

Anyway, if things are as they seem from the ./newcs -ver command, I really hope AZBox will get a "real" port of NewCS soon.

16-05-2009, 11:57 AM
Seems it is a special version of newcs 1.20RC with more cards supported with patches... like mgcamd it is version 1.33 and includes some fixes like no need to do some replace.list that didn't work on other compiles. So good stuff, but real 1.65 could be better.

16-05-2009, 06:28 PM
you can take MPCS 1.05a, this should work with your Card.
But MPCS cant use internal Cardslot, so you must take usb2serial with FTDI or PL2303

18-05-2009, 08:37 AM
you can take MPCS 1.05a, this should work with your Card.
But MPCS cant use internal Cardslot, so you must take usb2serial with FTDI or PL2303

Thanks for your advice.
If I have to go with a more complex layout than just using the internal card reader I might as well buy a phoenix and use NewCS 1.65 (the real one) on my pc and then mgcamd on the AZBox.
I was trying to use what I have but it looks like I either have to wait or switch to plan B.

18-05-2009, 09:08 AM
Works no problem with my Sk*yIt NDS2, NewCS (the latest as well). But on a PC with a serial SM/Phoenix...

18-05-2009, 04:27 PM
Works no problem with my Sk*yIt NDS2, NewCS (the latest as well). But on a PC with a serial SM/Phoenix...

Thanks, nice to know plan B would work. I think I'll just go that route after all.

21-05-2009, 05:02 PM
An update for those who might have my same problem.

Partially following hanswurscht's advice, I connected an Infinity USB Smart in module mode (Phoenix 3.58 Mhx module loaded) to the USB port of the AZBox, and NewCS works perfectly with Sky Italy. The problem it showed in initializing NDS2 cards is somewhat related to the internal reader but totally disappears using the Infinity.

The decoder automatically loaded the correct driver and assigned the ttyUSB0 device to the external reader. All I had to do was to configure NewCS properly and now it works perfectly with mgcamd as a client: no freezes no nothing, it just works.

Thanks all for your contributions.

Here is the updated newcs.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<readers name="Card Readers">
<rsa>9ED52515321F04BCF7772151149D68951 54B559A8D825A4E7D711A9FAFD5C66BF6 4689501B254DF1832F754C21095379CF9 7B4E5BE6E0F1C9CEBF0A0E91D5ACD</rsa>
<output>console, tcp</output>
<deskey>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</deskey>

21-05-2009, 07:18 PM
I think you should edit boxkey and rsa just in case...

21-05-2009, 07:58 PM
I think you should edit boxkey and rsa just in case...

Yeah they are probably ingnored with NDS2 cards, since everything works anyway, but as you say just in case...

I know how to calculate the boxkey, but what about RSA? I don't know its purpose nor how to determine it.

I guess I'll take a look around to see if I find some resource about it.

25-05-2009, 10:31 AM
Just a note to say that the new version of NewCS released yesterday (thanks NeotionBox!) solved the problem. Now it inits NDS2 cards regularly using the internal card reader.

You find it here:


25-05-2009, 10:40 AM
Does this mean that with this version of newcs that Sky UK cards can be read in the internal card reader?

25-05-2009, 10:45 AM
Does this mean that with this version of newcs that Sky UK cards can be read in the internal card reader?

It surely means that you can read Sky Italy NDS2 cards, whereas before you couldn't, so if Sky UK uses NDS I'd certainly give it a try.

If it is an NDS3 card, though, check the working temperature in a few minutes. Some internal readers in other boxes were known to melt NDS3 cards plastic a while ago.

I'm talking old versions on NewCS and different hardware, but as they say, better safe than sorry.

25-05-2009, 08:23 PM
whereas before you couldn't, so if Sky UK uses NDS I'd certainly give it a try.

Has anyone tried this? I don't trust my own findings :banghead:

26-05-2009, 02:13 AM
Not all nds cards are the same regardless the version they have, some use different read/write functions , different data baud rate after atr and some tend to burn when the reader has dirty vcc and not stabilised .
So be really carefull with them.

26-05-2009, 09:45 AM
So be really carefull with them.

Thanks for the heads up, I've a few FTV cards spare so can experiment with them.

If I just have MultiCAS enabled and am on the 'Slot 1 Information' page and enter one of my cards after about 10~15 seconds the card will Initialize and it displays it as NDS but it will not decode any of the channels.

Is there something more I should be doing?

What is your exact setup to get your cards working? Any help would be great, thanks!

26-05-2009, 10:08 AM
Thread is NewCS, not Multicas.
So the Name said it all, what you can do, need NewCS and a Client like Mgcamd or Mbox

26-05-2009, 10:20 AM
Thread is NewCS, not Multicas.
So the Name said it all, what you can do, need NewCS and a Client like Mgcamd or Mbox
Sorry, yes, I have tried those too but without any luck, a little help would be great.

26-05-2009, 12:22 PM
there are some Stickys out, take a look at it please.
If you have running both, all can help for special things

26-05-2009, 04:39 PM
What is your exact setup to get your cards working? Any help would be great, thanks!

Just the standard config files included in the old mgcamd & newcs, with the new binaries and it works.

No freezes at all, except sometimes when you open some menu.
Very stable combination overall, I'm satisfied.

Following PR2's advice, I just added

api = yes
wait = 15

in mgcamd's openxcas.conf

That's the only "non-standard" setting I use.

15-07-2009, 12:20 AM
Could you please be a BIT more specific ?

What do you mean by: "new binaries" ?
What do you mean by "old mgcamd & newcs" ?
Which versions - or better - which release dates/file sizes ?

There are MANY out there (I counted at least 3 versions of mgcamd and 4-5 versions of newcs...)

15-07-2009, 12:48 AM
If you look at the dates you can imagine there were only two versions... so you can remove latest files from your question.

old binaries mean the ones you can download directly from azboxworld site. new means first posted neotionbox files around the date of the post.

15-07-2009, 10:13 AM
What Tinos said :)

15-07-2009, 12:25 PM
Also a last Word to "Infinity Cardreader works"

There are more than one Infinity out, smart,unlimited,serial and maybe more.
Zipperolos Smart is working with FDTI Driver in AZHD, the Unlimited not!
Most serial Readers should work, too, with USB2serial, but only with Chipset PL-2303 and FTDI, no other are build in yet !