View Full Version : Diablo CAM

16-05-2009, 12:03 PM
Hi, anyone had any luck with Diablo CAM UW 1.75 and latest firmware 2032? I read a report on another forum that it was working but followed his steps... just run MultiCAS and insert CAM on slot 1 (upper) after AzBox is running. Also he uses PMT yes and CW yes.

I have a Diablo Light and was not able to make it work. Tried everything... maybe only difference is he uses a Diablo Wireless (but he loads verdes keys). He owns 2 CAMs and both work.

Could somebody else try? I told him to send me a backup to confirm... not heard from him back yet. I could not get it to work. Menus work but nothing else.

Maybe there are new revisions of motherboards with a hardware fix like someone posted in the past?

16-05-2009, 12:45 PM
I had a similar experience with Matrix Reborn.

Another guy on an Italian forum was able to watch Sky Italy no problem with a Matrix cam, whereas mine refuses to read my card. We both have a NDS2 card, same firmware both in the cam and decoder. But his works and mine desn't. It says "please insert your card", even though it is inserted in the right way (chip upward). The CAM Firmware gest recognized immediately by the AZBox and the menus work perfectly. Needless to say my card works perfectly when inserted in the Skybox.

Now that I've read your post I wonder if there actually are different hardware revisions that could explain this behavior, and if this is the case how would one find out which revision his/her box is. Also, if a hardware difference prevents a version of AZBox from correctly interacting with CAMs, OpenSat should replace or fix the older hardware.

16-05-2009, 12:51 PM
Looking from the top you can see motherboard revision, use a flashlight, mine is rev 3.00 and from the white sticker on the box:
S/N: TD0063-08C-001xxx

Maybe you can ask for those numbers from your friend and compare with yours...

Also you can run from telnet this to compare with your friends AzBox, I don't think this will matter as I already have the new PCB, and don't think a small modification will show here... but just to add another check.

MMP[system_info]$ cat /DISK1/system_info/device.conf

Maybe people from Opensat could clear issue if Diablo works or not, because people say it does and others are not able to make it work. So makes you wonder...

16-05-2009, 04:29 PM
A friend of mine has the same external USB HDD as me and mine doesn't run and his was OK, we both have Elite models...

Mysteries... sometimes don't luv 'em... :D

28-07-2009, 10:38 AM
Now that seems there is a hardware issue with some CAMs can anybody check their boxes if they were bought recently? My Elite comes with Rev. 3.00 and info posted in April claims there was a mod needed to change some resistors on mobo to support Diablo CAM.

Could you check if there is any new Rev. 3.01 or up and what changes? We can compare pictures to verify what is needed and if it can be done easy.

Dempsey are you still here?

28-07-2009, 11:32 AM
Ciao Tinos

Come si fa a controllare che tipo di rev. ha il decoder?

Hello Tinos

How do I check what kind of rev. have the decoder?

28-07-2009, 11:43 AM
It is printed on white letters (green pcb). Check the main motherboard if you open case. If not you can probably see it with a flashlight from top grill openings (at least on Elite I can see mine).

Will try to find a good picture with it.

On Elite it is really easy to find revision is on right side before PSU... but on Premium was more complicated (you might need to open case as seems hidden below cardreader and CICAMs).

I don't have Premium so only picture I could find that seems to include revision is here, I have added red sign to mark spot where I think there is the revision label in white characters.

28-07-2009, 12:08 PM
Now that seems there is a hardware issue with some CAMs can anybody check their boxes if they were bought recently? My Elite comes with Rev. 3.00 and info posted in April claims there was a mod needed to change some resistors on mobo to support Diablo CAM.

Could you check if there is any new Rev. 3.01 or up and what changes? We can compare pictures to verify what is needed and if it can be done easy.

Dempsey are you still here?

Find out ... later.
Please wait a moment

28-07-2009, 12:18 PM
Looking from the top you can see motherboard revision, use a flashlight, mine is rev 3.00 and from the white sticker on the box:

cant help with your cam testing, but just for info, my elite box is

S/N: TD0063-08C-000xxx and is also rev 3.00. maybe rev change can be linked to serial numbers, my box must be older than yours.

28-07-2009, 12:23 PM
I'm getting ready for the details :D

28-07-2009, 01:00 PM
Il mio azbox Premium arrivato 08/06/2009 rev.3.00

My Premium azbox arrived 08/06/2009 rev.3.00

28-07-2009, 01:03 PM
My Premium azbox arrived 08/06/2009 rev.3.00

Have you tested Diablo CAM? Can you confirm CAMs not working? Also could you also post info on S/N?

Maybe revision doesn't show or reflect fix and you are Ok. We have to findout if Serial number or Revision is going to show good and bad hardware for CICAMs.

Also, people that really need to post info to find differences are those with working AzBox HD models... I have 1 person with Premium caliming it worked... will try out to findout his Rev and S/N (model was Premium).

PS Also easier way to findout could be if OpenSAT really posted that info... S/N affected or Revisions...

28-07-2009, 01:16 PM
Have you tested Diablo CAM? Can you confirm CAMs not working? Also could you also post info on S/N?

Maybe revision doesn't show or reflect fix and you are Ok. We have to findout if Serial number or Revision is going to show good and bad hardware for CICAMs.


Non ho Diablo cam...s/n TD0064-092--000656


I have Diablo cam ... s / n TD0064-092 - 000656

28-07-2009, 01:32 PM

Non ho Diablo cam...s/n TD0064-092--000656


I have Diablo cam ... s / n TD0064-092 - 000656

But does Diablo CAM work or it doesn't?

28-07-2009, 01:37 PM
Traduzione "Google" male ...non possiedo una cam diablo

Translation "Google" evil ... I do not have a diablo cam

28-07-2009, 01:42 PM
Ok... then we don't know... we need people that own or tested Diablo CAM at some point. Providing S/N won't help until we find:

1) Boxes that work (full info rev s/n)
2) New revision on motherboard.

You can also test with Al Jazzera Nilesat CAM as it is also reported to fail like Diablo CAM.

28-07-2009, 01:42 PM
But does Diablo CAM work or it doesn't?

Hi!, He said that hasn't a diablo cam.


28-07-2009, 01:52 PM
I do have a diablo... it doesn't work

28-07-2009, 03:17 PM
Maybe mistake is to look for Revision on Motherboard and maybe fix is inside CI Module. Picture attached, check if yours is newer or older revision than 1.01 on picture.

Here there is a list of CAMs that don't work:

AlphaCrypt Light FW 1.19 und FW 3.16
AlphaCrypt Classic FW 3.19
Blue ZetaCAM (Joker) 1.17 kamilz
Digitürk Original Cryptoworks Modul
GigaGreen mit FW 1.39 u.jetzt neu 1.40
SCM Cryptoworksmodul
SkyCrypt (Multi CA Module (v0.78)
T-REX 4.6 mit CHC T-Rex V9 und Predator 3.69 (soll nur langsam laufen)
EasyTV Modul FW 3.16
DRE Crypt

Diablo Cam - wird nicht erkannt
Giga Blue Cam Modul mit der V13
Magic Module 1.03 - wird nicht erkannt
MREV CAM mit *****karte getestet- nur eingeschränkt Funktion
SCM Viaccess Modul - HD Swiss funktioniert nicht (nur Ton, kein Bild)
Technisat VA Modul (Viaccess)- SRG Karte(keine Entschlüsselung!)
TVVlaandern CAM - Original
Al jaazera Sports Cam (KeyFly)
X-Cam Orion mit 3200 Soft wird erkannt aber viele Freezer

28-07-2009, 03:26 PM

buenas tardes, sobre lo assunto diablo cam (no sabia nada sobre isso, sorry)
lo que me ha dicho hoje foi o seguinte:

Olá, olha para usar uma diablo cam, é preciso mandar a azbox para a opensat? para mudarem algo?
[15:17:28] Hugo Condessa - OpenSat, Lda.: sim para o distribuidor do pais onde a cam
[15:17:31] Hugo Condessa - OpenSat, Lda.: foi comprada
[15:18:06] helder leite: é só essa cam? ou há mais algum caso onde temos que mandar a box
[15:18:20] Hugo Condessa - OpenSat, Lda.: só essa,
[15:18:33] Hugo Condessa - OpenSat, Lda.: tem um voltagem fora do comum
[15:19:36] helder leite: em relação aos tuners e tal, é só uma questão de firmware
[15:19:37] helder leite: n é
[15:20:47] Hugo Condessa - OpenSat, Lda.: tuners estamos ainda estudar a situação e adesbloquear alguns problemas com a Sigma, eles prmeteram nos uma solução que nunca funcionou
[15:20:56] Hugo Condessa - OpenSat, Lda.: assim que neste momento estámos a colcoar mãos á obra
[15:22:13] helder leite: ok, entao mandar a box, é só na diablo cam. no resto é questão de firmwares.
[15:22:37] Hugo Condessa - OpenSat, Lda.: sim

conclusion: the only situation where u have to send your box, free of charges is if u have a diablo cam, it has a strange voltage, and they have to adapt the azbox.
the rest is just a matter of firmwares. regarding dual tuners,etc

sorry for all the confusion, in some of my posts, but there was some questions i didn't ask. and mixed up tuner problem with diablo cam, all clear now.

28-07-2009, 05:22 PM
Thanks hfmls

As you have the hotline to god, can you please ask where and how to send it free of charge ?

28-07-2009, 05:57 PM
yes i will, when i have the oportunitie :)

28-07-2009, 06:15 PM
yes i will, when i have the oportunitie :)

Can we modify ourselves with a kit of parts and instructions?

When I had DM7000, DMM supplied a free mod kit to upgrade the power supply which I did myself.
(Some people did ruin their receivers though due to lack of soldering skills.)

28-07-2009, 06:29 PM
well, maybe. gonna check that out. this matter is still green, but during this week i will try my best to gather all info

28-07-2009, 06:52 PM
like promised:

http://www.azbox.com/cam.zip make modification at home!!

official announcement!!! end of rumours!!!!!


28-07-2009, 11:08 PM
I'm getting ready for the details :D

Sorry... :9898::respect-061:

he he he