View Full Version : Putty ? and start incubus

16-05-2009, 12:27 PM
Hi all,

I have tryed starting incubus from putty but it says no such file of directory.
But i am in the correct directory...

this is what i type

Now to run incubusCamd manually, You have to type this command: ./incubusCamd and press enter.

Should it tell me its running??



16-05-2009, 12:51 PM

Do you chmod 755 your IncusCamd.sigma file to allow it to become executable?

chmod 755 IncubusCamd.sigma

Then you start it manually via

./IncubusCamd.sigma &


16-05-2009, 01:00 PM
Dont show as acitive in the openxcas screen but have some data about key request on my putty screen...

Take it is running?? Do you have to restart when cahnging a channel?

Can you start it through the activate on the remote?

Thanks PS2


I see data changing but no picture...

16-05-2009, 01:08 PM
Post the message it gives you at start up
Set putty to log all actions,then open the log file paste the log here.

16-05-2009, 01:12 PM
How do i put it in log mode and how do is top the data flying up the screen all the time???

osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(43188232) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
msq_send: id(43221001) nowait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): fail to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cub

MMP[incubusCamd]$ -sh: osdep_msq_server_open:
-sh: -sh:: command not found
MMP[incubusCamd]$ MMP[incubusCamd]$ > -sh: osdep_msq_server_open:
-sh: MMP[incubusCamd]$: command not found
MMP[incubusCamd]$ -sh: osdep_msq_server_
-sh: -sh:: command not found
MMP[incubusCamd]$ MMP[incubusCamd]$ > MMP[incu
-sh: MMP[incubusCamd]$: command not found
MMP[incubusCamd]$ -sh: syntax error near unexpected token `('
> MMP[incubusCamd]$ > -sh: syntax
> > > MMP[incubusCamd]$ key(263cd7b7), msgflg(448)
> > > -sh: syntax error near unexpected token `263cd7b7'
> > -sh: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'
-sh: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
-sh: command substitution: line 5: syntax error: unexpected end of file
-sh: -sh:: command not found
MMP[incubusCamd]$ > -sh: command substitution:
-sh: substitution:: command not found
MMP[incubusCamd]$ > -sh: -sh:: command not found
-sh: -sh::: command not found

16-05-2009, 02:14 PM
I would uninstall incubus and openxcas and do it all over again

Install openxcas then install incubus.

The logs show too many error messages
It tries to open pids that are empty,apprently,make sure you tune a channel that will show as scrambled,and is active.

16-05-2009, 02:17 PM
Thanks mate.

Thought it had all gone a bit wrong.

I,ll delete incubus
move my multicas as that seems to be o.k

Thanks for your help


16-05-2009, 02:39 PM

I also have had problems I've found it easier to test on TV1000 on 16e if that channel is available to you or any none NDS/ conax and also ensure you ports are open in your router.

Using the restart plugin option was enough for me, puttying to to box gave me more freezes while attached also turn off Timeshift if enabled. until you get it runnning.

I'm testing now and since opening my ports so far with very little freezes.

I found it hard trying to setup on a NDS channel it was a pain, I've spent all week. I found it takes longer to clear and kept freezing after 10sec.

It's not perfect but usable will test on a NDS/ conax channel later.

Also to run the script via putty you have to be in the directory of incubusCamd.


16-05-2009, 06:05 PM

If you do multiple test don't forget to kill you process before restarting it.

So please use:

killall IncubusCamd.sigma

To be sure that no other Incubus is running.


16-05-2009, 06:16 PM

If you do multiple test don't forget to kill you process before restarting it.

So please use:

killall IncubusCamd.sigma

To be sure that no other Incubus is running.


Hi pr2, Is CCC ready?

16-05-2009, 06:21 PM
CCC developpers need to change some stuff in the code with the release of the new firmware, so they are still debugging it and improving it.

Be patient, it exists and will be release. CCC is not a rumor.

16-05-2009, 06:25 PM
CCC developpers need to change some stuff in the code with the release of the new firmware, so they are still debugging it and improving it.

Be patient, it exists and will be release. CCC is not a rumor.

But with CCC we will connect to cccam servers, mbox and newcamd servers?? And what about Nagra 3 support?

Thanks crack.

Dig Deep
16-05-2009, 06:27 PM
CCC developpers need to change some stuff in the code with the release of the new firmware, so they are still debugging it and improving it.

Be patient, it exists and will be release. CCC is not a rumor.

Well, I trust that when I see it:respect-054:

Been some talk about the CCC and DMM so, I have to wait.

16-05-2009, 06:52 PM

If you do multiple test don't forget to kill you process before restarting it.

So please use:

killall IncubusCamd.sigma

To be sure that no other Incubus is running.


Given incubus cam is based on rqcamd,you would never be able to start a new incubus emu thread if is already running,should give you a message that it can't start it and the reason why.
To restart,you have no options but to kill it first.
You tell me if you can do this with this emu.