View Full Version : How to connect a HDD in Azbox Premium HD

22-03-2009, 10:27 AM

Be carefull when connecting a HDD into a Azbox Premium HD.

The SATA connector and the power supply are not close to each other.

Please take a look at the attached file for details.



Please read carefully this post BEFORE installing your SATA HDD into a Azbox Premium HD.

- Connect the SATA Cable on the black SATA connector with keyway.
- Connect the Power supply to the white socket with keyway on top of the SSD cartridge.

Connecting the Power supply on the black socket without keyway close to the SATA connector with DAMAGE your Azbox Premium HD. (bad odor, no more SSD, no more power on the USB and on the TUNER so be carefull).


P.S.: This post should be made sticky I think and ideally attach the PDF here.

28-05-2009, 10:34 PM
Thanks pr2 - hopefully this will stop more people (like my m8) blowing up their AZboxes. Still think they should cap off the dodgy connector near the SATA data port if that is not the correct power socket - even if it isn't keyed like the proper power socket :)

Dig Deep
13-11-2011, 02:54 PM
Good to know, I am just on my way to add a hd to my Quantum Premium. New images looks very nice.