View Full Version : CCC ? Any news ?

18-05-2009, 10:00 AM
Hi Guys,

I have not started this thread so that it can be filled with negative posts, I am simply asking the likes of Neotionbox if there is any news on when we might see this cam?


18-05-2009, 10:14 AM

Iīm adding to Yodaīs question, what about CCC?, please give us some information to be calm everybody.


18-05-2009, 10:27 AM
If firmware is still beta why cannot CCC be also beta? considering incubus is kind of beta and CCC doesn't come with server... who cares, anything will be a improvement over 0.55. Strange all things going on arround CCC and new Sigma driver... so obscure all the sudden. Before we had more reliable info. Until they started one month ago with every friday CCC was going to be released... they need some good PR advice!

I gave advice to many people to buy this box and now I feel bad I did... it is me who is behind that advice based on their info posted as semi-oficial. Now no word and I look bad... they will come and say they have other life and work, and support is free, that good testing is needed and found issues... but then why silence all the sudden. Post something if CCC is not coming out we deserve to know. At least we won't look like liars.

We all helped giving free time to help others and got nothing in return... so we can and have the right to ask for the truth with this CCC vaporware...

18-05-2009, 10:51 AM
I am also waiting for news for CCC release

18-05-2009, 11:19 AM
Please, give us a beta so we can help to improve it!

Thanks a lot!

18-05-2009, 11:30 AM

The latest firmware now support the multi-ecm, CCC needs to change some stuff in the source code due to the new firmware API, so they are still busy with debugging stuff. Be patient, it exists and it will be released when it will be enough stable to be used by end-user.

Incubus and CCC are nothing to do with each other it is done by 2 differents teams.

CCC will support multiple clients. It will be first a client and later on a client/server. They really think that they will be able to publish it sooner, but has usual it is done by hobbiest doing this on their free time, and debugging takes more time than expected. There is no point to launch an executable knowing to be buggy just to say here it is and have lot of complaints.

Be patient, Azbox HD is the right choice today for the future!


18-05-2009, 12:19 PM
I don't c any mention of new API in the features of 2032 .

Cheers ,
Val .

18-05-2009, 12:38 PM
Hi Pr2,

Thank you for your answer but you donīt say nothing new, the truth is CCC is not exist until the team give us a proof not screenshots.

18-05-2009, 12:45 PM
Hi Pr2,

Thank you for your answer but you donīt say nothing new, the truth is CCC is not exist until the team give us a proof not screenshots.

This is going to go very wrong very quickly.

18-05-2009, 12:53 PM
If firmware is still beta why cannot CCC be also beta? considering incubus is kind of beta and CCC doesn't come with server... who cares, anything will be a improvement over 0.55. Strange all things going on arround CCC and new Sigma driver... so obscure all the sudden. Before we had more reliable info. Until they started one month ago with every friday CCC was going to be released... they need some good PR advice!

I gave advice to many people to buy this box and now I feel bad I did... it is me who is behind that advice based on their info posted as semi-oficial. Now no word and I look bad... they will come and say they have other life and work, and support is free, that good testing is needed and found issues... but then why silence all the sudden. Post something if CCC is not coming out we deserve to know. At least we won't look like liars.

We all helped giving free time to help others and got nothing in return... so we can and have the right to ask for the truth with this CCC vaporware...


Indeed, this is true, unfortunately... And it does need remedying...

More realism and only promising/announcing the releases, which dates can be reasonably respected...

This is getting a bit too difficult to defend...

18-05-2009, 02:30 PM
it's done! it's being tested.

if u want to know who is doing it, it's mower (yes mbox coder)

stop crying about it. it WILL be released after all tests are done.

18-05-2009, 02:44 PM
Cmon let's lock this thread before it's too late lol :D

18-05-2009, 02:45 PM
We told you that a while back, hfmls...

And it's not done if it's being debugged and redone...

When it's done it'll be out, simple...

But that's not the point.

Tinos made the point loud and clear. And he has a point.

Even I am now having difficulties, with all the good will in the world that I have [just look at my posts here and everywhere on the net], defending such prolonged waiting after many, many "announcements" as of "tomorrow or the day after"...

Ill advised!

18-05-2009, 02:51 PM
Why you suggest to lock this thread?, I tougth we are in a free forum to make normal simple questions or maybe you afraid something?.

Cmon let's lock this thread before it's too late lol :D

18-05-2009, 02:55 PM
hehhee will be released at the end of may, then when that time comes it will be end of june and so on.

I have respect for Mover ( Mbox coder) and i understand that this CCC will take time, as Mover is coding 2 emus at the same time.

as i told before in another post , it would have been better to keep this quite untill there was something to be released.
we all know that as soon as some (roumor) posted on forums about CCC then members will ask for it.

and as long as there is no prof for the general members none will belive that this CCC exist ( even that Mover) him self has announced working on it.

Let,s wait few more weeks and see what will happend, in main time enjoy the Azbox HD the way it is.

18-05-2009, 02:57 PM
Better be patient guys. PR2 has a point too. CCC is being developed by hobbist, so we have to respect their valuable time which they put in for us guys. Instead of ranting the guys who are putting their time and effort for us.

18-05-2009, 02:57 PM
I don't c any mention of new API in the features of 2032 .

Cheers ,
Val .

Yes, there was something strange about that, as some have warned earlier that at least from the previous version of FW [if memory serves] MECMs were not an issue. I.e. it was down to different plugins, not the FW itself.

Anyway, I asked for clarification but it wasn't given [on this forum].


18-05-2009, 03:01 PM

It is a pitty that everybody wants everything immediately. If nobody told you about CCC you will never cry for it. It was announced to be positive and told you that teams are interested in the Azbox and are working on it.

May be next time it will be better to keep the information in a small group of people that can wait. Then having a big unannounced release day so that everybody will be surprised and happy to see the new things coming.

Will you prefer to have a buggy software so that you will have to complain that it doesn't work, but then you will be happy just because you are able to see it by yourself that it exist but didn't work properly? Developpers don't need the whole world to test somethings, they can test by themselve and are at the best position to fix the problem...

Now, you ask for a status, I give you a status, believe or not, it's up to you... and I am not the only one stating that it exists on this forum.

I invite everybody here to download the toolchain 492 MB and start learning and developping their own plugin for Azbox, that will be positive for everybody and contribute to the box success.


18-05-2009, 03:03 PM
it would have been better to keep this quite untill there was something to be released.
we all know that as soon as some (roumor) posted on forums about CCC then members will ask for it.

Yes, that is the difficulty: when one knows how anxious many members are in this respect, should one give promises so easily and with complete disregard to this situation/phenomenon? Should one take reality into consideration or not? If not, is that counter-productive?

Moreover, regarding that many may buy the machine on the basis of that promise, which "deadline/promised release" is not being respected, consistently and for prolonged periods of time, then it does leave some of us in a very uncomfortable position, to say the least...

It should be done in a more professional, careful, thoughful and less "never mind", careless manner...

18-05-2009, 04:48 PM
Why you suggest to lock this thread?, I tougth we are in a free forum to make normal simple questions or maybe you afraid something?.

You're right Dude I was only joking ;):respect-013:
Apart from God No Fear Dude
I may need ccc more than you guys cos Ordered TV With no Scart So I'm in trouble :D

18-05-2009, 04:56 PM
I understand, that the debugging is done by 1 person, but why not make a thread of it ( debugging cccam) so we (if capable) all can help.
It is already a magnificent box, but we all can improve it.
So people who understand the sigma... we call you


18-05-2009, 05:03 PM
if one man try to sort out debugging I think it will take ages :(|

18-05-2009, 07:19 PM

It is a pitty that everybody wants everything immediately. If nobody told you about CCC you will never cry for it. It was announced to be positive and told you that teams are interested in the Azbox and are working on it.

May be next time it will be better to keep the information in a small group of people that can wait. Then having a big unannounced release day so that everybody will be surprised and happy to see the new things coming.

Will you prefer to have a buggy software so that you will have to complain that it doesn't work, but then you will be happy just because you are able to see it by yourself that it exist but didn't work properly? Developpers don't need the whole world to test somethings, they can test by themselve and are at the best position to fix the problem...

Now, you ask for a status, I give you a status, believe or not, it's up to you... and I am not the only one stating that it exists on this forum.

I invite everybody here to download the toolchain 492 MB and start learning and developping their own plugin for Azbox, that will be positive for everybody and contribute to the box success.


I know several people that are developers and can't do anything with provided tools (only complete tools go to selected people)...

I know Mower is not coding CCC from toolchain alone... so if they release code I guess we will see 1,000 versions of CCcam popup on AzBox... give code and people will code for it. So not on same level of help here! You can also get minix kernel and start coding Linux from scratch but wonder if that is the case for any Linux receiver these days... So please stop using excuses like "only free time" and "code your own code" (they are getting old now).

It doesn't help that only good developers forum was shutdown... so not real good way to code now. I know lots of people with issues trying to use plugin SDK and they are programmers. All is to how much help we get from Opensat. If they provide info tools will come out.

Why cannot we just post a message on OSD? On Enigma is so easy to just post emu info and ecms on screen... with AzBox we could only get to VFD right now.

I think everybody here agrees that info on CCC was released to sell more boxes... and it was only that. Other stuff like free time and so is just a excuse to keep giving false expectations to people. It was said to be released and ready 1 month ago. I cannot find any excuse to that. Just give real info to people here and start treating people like loyal users instead of giving us vaporware again.

Sorry if my words offend anybody. But we have the right to say when things are not being dealt correctly. If somebody tells something and it is false I will be the first to react. When things are done right I will also be the first to say thank you. And I really think the AzBox is the best hardware out there... but with current level of support and information (false posts and secret stuff) I cannot stand it for long... as many will findout soon...

18-05-2009, 07:28 PM
Why cannot we just post a message on OSD? On Enigma is so easy to just post emu info and ecms on screen... with AzBox we could only get to VFD right now.

For that I heard it's coming - blue button will go to EMUs/Plugins etc. For that one - I have no reason to doubt it... that it is planned...

As for CCcam - again, it will come but, as you said, not handled the best way, no....

I think I will wait another month or so and then see where we are.

FW 1.00 is eagerly awaited... ;)

18-05-2009, 07:31 PM
I'm not an expert but As Far as I can understand The problem is Azbox is not open Source...
and That slows down process badly...
Is that True?

18-05-2009, 07:32 PM
Back in early March I saw a "breaking news" that source code was bought from dmm . Obvious not true - dmm wouln't dig their own grave ...

Cheers ,
Val .

18-05-2009, 07:49 PM
Obviously not true, because the reality is after one month we donīt have any proof that exist CCC, only rumors.

Back in early March I saw a "breaking news" that source code was bought from dmm . Obvious not true - dmm wouln't dig their own grave ...

Cheers ,
Val .

18-05-2009, 07:52 PM
There I have to disagree: there's nothing "obvious" about any of it...

I would reserve my judgement on this and NOT jump to conclusions!

18-05-2009, 08:22 PM
no CCcam for azboxhd /--------> 100% no exist
CCC no, there are experiances by mini dev, result many bug.
azboxhd does not CCcam except incubusCamd (1 single line connected to a server = or <2.0.11 - no 2.1. 0 or 2.1.1)

18-05-2009, 08:25 PM
Seems that I have opened a can of worms again with this post.

I guess all we want is some answers,

How far is it from being released?

We have seen many rumours turn to dust in the past and therefor understandingly people are being careful.

Is there a reason that we cant see a screenshot or something to give us hope?


18-05-2009, 09:40 PM
release dates or screenshots are just going to be lies aswell

it's becoming a farce at this stage.

next we'll hear that the ccc developer is sick of people asking about it and has given up on the project or else dream multimedia have bought him out.

why even mention any emu if its not ready to be released to the public........apart from helping to sell more receivers.

my outlook on the azbox is very negative atm :(

18-05-2009, 11:48 PM
For my part, I vote what I have before me, I love this demo and it is for me number 1 in the market (even before DM8000).
but it prevents not say he has no CCcam now can be in the future but it must be said.
why is announced that it will release 15/04 or 31/04 or 05/05 if it is not finished, it should be kept silent until the actual release of this product (public).
and if so tomorrow or after tomorrow, so it's good news for us all, but yet nothing.

19-05-2009, 12:02 AM
i to all let's be pacient and play and discover new things on this amazing box
i'll wait for CCcam with no rush after all everything that i need i do with mbox so i'm very happy with this new toy
be for now

19-05-2009, 01:21 AM
When mbox leaves beta stage who cares for cccam?

19-05-2009, 01:35 AM
MGcamd is already very good and stable. Minor issues to be sorted, so we don't have to restart it every hour or so... And maybe a way to make it update an OSC, hehe...

Mbox is getting better!

We'll see...

19-05-2009, 01:58 AM
Why everybody is scared of letting people choose? If you want Mbox great... if you want CCcam also great... whats the deal? People using other receivers can use incubus 0.82 (IPbox, Kathrein), Diablo (Qbox), DMM, SS2, etc... why do we need permision to use something we want?

We will get CCC when CCcam 2.2.0 comes out and we cannot connect anymore?

Let us test CCC and decide if we want that over Incubus or over mbox... but let us users choose. Like we did when we decided to buy AzBox instead of other boxes... now why notŋ?

We were promised something 1 month ago... no appologies, only insults. Well I won't get anymore insults from people that lie. I ask all I want where is CCC? Is it really true or another marketing trick to get our money?

Making our only source of code from the same developer as mbox makes you wonder? Was that the best decision? Will CCC future be tied to mbox? Will server part ever see the light? too many obscure stuff for my taste, who lies once will do it again. So unless we see new faces and open reaction to our request I see no good deal coming out of this...

Having such a good box and wasting people efforts and hopes with lies is not the reward one will expect from a still beta firmware device. Opensat should be really happy to have such devote and loyal user base that is eager to test a receiver that comes without manual. Giving use false info and hopes is not something we could handle, and less insults like build your own code... everybody has a limit.

19-05-2009, 07:13 AM
Biggest fear for this thread was that it would go the same way as all the others:\

Simply because some people have no patience and they accuse Opensat for bad selling practice, I guess those people have made promises themselfs to others about this subject.

All those issues about buying source code from DMM I don't know who came up with it but thats just rubbish.

I can only say C will come when it arrives it will be only client first ( multiple c lines ) and it will be STABLE!!!!!!! ( thats why you people have to be patience ).

One of the biggest problems is the new sigma drivers ( yes they are availble but not yet impleded in de firmware ) by developing the new C it has to run also on the new sigma drivers otherwise the job has to be done again when the new drivers are implemented

19-05-2009, 09:15 AM
That's ok, but the problem is that we don't know anyting about the new firmware.

No firmware, no CCC.

So, Any news about the firmware with the new Sigma driver?


19-05-2009, 10:06 AM
So this is new... now it doesn't come out because it is under heavy beta testing... now it needs the non released Sigma driver, and new firmware...

Wow this gets more interesting... another new excuse... like when multiecm was needed and emus started showing without the need for the new firmware? Is really the emu's API so bad as some people try to make us think?

incubuscamd must do wonders... no need for anything and still does the same cccam protocol.

Now you wonder why we asked? is it so difficult to tell the truth?

Update: now seems wait for CCC is because it needs to run "also" on new driver... ok, as it is not released better fix it later when we get real updated firmware. Right now we only ask for CCC as promised.

19-05-2009, 10:27 AM
So this is new... now it doesn't come out because it is under heavy beta testing... now it needs the non released Sigma driver, and new firmware...

Wow this gets more interesting... another new excuse... like when multiecm was needed and emus started showing without the need for the new firmware? Is really the emu's API so bad as some people try to make us think?

incubuscamd must do wonders... no need for anything and still does the same cccam protocol.

Now you wonder why we asked? is it so difficult to tell the truth?

I think if you read the other thread the new driver is mentioned.

All I know is it is one guy working on the EMU not a team, so this will increase the time taken.

I know that being pressured into work makes the job 10 times harder and to do so without being paid is 10 times less interesting.

Why the urgency guys? I can only think you are all members of CCCam networks and want to migrate. If this is the case then you should have stuck with your CCCam on another box until this was released or sorted.

Lets just all take a :chillpill and relax

19-05-2009, 11:11 AM
I think if you read the other thread the new driver is mentioned.

All I know is it is one guy working on the EMU not a team, so this will increase the time taken.

I know that being pressured into work makes the job 10 times harder and to do so without being paid is 10 times less interesting.

Why the urgency guys? I can only think you are all members of CCCam networks and want to migrate. If this is the case then you should have stuck with your CCCam on another box until this was released or sorted.

Lets just all take a :chillpill and relax

Can't agree with you more mate. You stole my words

19-05-2009, 11:41 AM
Just remmember what was happened with Incubus v0.55 when it come public for AzBox, after few day's everybody started to writting negative post's......

I donīt have to remember, until now use incubus 0.55 because donīt have another option in my network. At least with the last firmware itīs more stable but itīs very frustrating hope all days for CCC and all days the same word "patience"

Itīs more easy and better donīt say anything until CCC itīs tested and working

19-05-2009, 11:50 AM
So this is new... now it doesn't come out because it is under heavy beta testing... now it needs the non released Sigma driver, and new firmware...

That isn't what i wrote tinos you should try to read better

by developing the new C it has to run also on the new sigma drivers

19-05-2009, 11:55 AM
we all got the poin now guys, so stop complaning.

we all know it is frustrating to wait, but then if you cannot wait , do some thing else in main time, go get some sun, or get with friends and enjoy life.

im sure if Mover says it will come , then he means it, it will maybe take some time
but look at the Mbox, no one belived about it in the beggining, but it is a reality now, we all can use Mbox if we like.

I must say Respect to you Mover that try hard to help us, personaly i respect you,r work , time spend in this CCC.

on the other hand , maybe it will be better to give us ( me and others ) a bugy
CCC so we can shutup, but make it very clear that we know it was bugy and must not ask stupid things all the time.

Or do not publish anything untill you are sure it works.

another good poin made here in this thread is , what about making a collection of few members that have some clue , and test/debug the CCC
with some help from others.

maybe this will speed the proccess a bit more and we can have CCC sooner that we can think of.

If some of you here buyed AzBox HD just becouse of CCcam then you have got the wrong box, this box was not slod ( to me at list) with any prommised about CCcam or for that matter any other softcam.

No Linux box on the marked is sold with any Emu support, they all are FTA

Azbox HD has one good thing that others do not, it reads cards from opencas
and is given support from the makers (Opensat)

im hapy with the box, does what i need to do, but will not say i will not be very happy if CCcam was to be supported in this box to.

One thing that i also wonder is what happend to Incubuscamd support, why did it stop sundely ?? Azbox has on Incubuscamd 0.55 , but other boxes have 0.82 now, why dont we see any Incubuscamd anymore for Azbox ??

19-05-2009, 12:03 PM
Excuse my ignorance, but what happens when we get cccam?????:smash::smash:

19-05-2009, 01:12 PM
Excuse my ignorance, but what happens when we get cccam?????:smash::smash:

I have no real interest in CCCam, as i think getting Diablo and other CI CAM to work is far more important if Azbox team want to sell this box. :rant:

19-05-2009, 01:23 PM
Then check other topics on Diablo, there is something weird with it too... this section should be to add and help on what is going on with all CCC stuff posted in the past. Vaporware, real deal? I feel we won't really know for sure... nobody testing CCC gives any real advice here, so it is a one mans job?

19-05-2009, 02:20 PM
How about Incubus Is that Bugfree?
Full of bugs ,not works Properly At all!!!
But all our boxes Loaded and we still Use it until Better release ...

19-05-2009, 03:11 PM

I am going to go and hide in the corner until this thread dies out or CCC is released.

All I wanted to know was if there was any further news.



19-05-2009, 03:48 PM
well i have it working here with Qbox HD and with IP9000
with Qbox i have incubuscamd 0.55 as Azbox HD , but works much more beter under enigma2 on the Qbox HD

with IP9000 i use incubuscamd 0.82 now and i must say that this is very stable. perfect performance on the ipbox 9000

i must addmit that i use a small 128 mb laptop with CCcam and have build me selv a local sharepoint on this PC ,
all my 4 boxes connect to this local server , there i have all my cards and from there i feed my boxes.

Azbox HD does not work well with incubuscamd 0.55 , i do not know why or what is wrong, but i have a feeling that the software on azbox is not well cooperating with incubuscamd.

but when you use newcs in combination with mgcamd then azbox hd is rock solid for me.

i will do the same , i will crawl back and wait til new CCC has come out and enjoy it then, for now i will enjoy reading all the post made from others

Good luck to Mover with his coding on CCC, and i realy hope he does not take any of this posting here personaly, as then we will be left like fish with no watter.

How about Incubus Is that Bugfree?
Full of bugs ,not works Properly At all!!!

19-05-2009, 04:20 PM

DATES? NO DATES where given to me when talking to opensat admin, the only thing said to me was that they will try to NEXT FIRMWARE be integrated with new sigma drivers, if not the next one, it will be the 2nd one. and yes, this is confirmed and 100% true.

all this things will be released, azbox hd coding is going good now.
and yes blue button will be included ;)
like a new menu to select cache for movies too.
like in xbmc ;D so we all can watch 1080p movies via wireless without glitches.

19-05-2009, 05:41 PM
Sorry could not resist to say it is also 100% true that if 2nd one is without sigma driver it will be on 3rd firmware... or 4th... 5th... but confirmed. Just to make this post a little more enjoyable... ;-)

19-05-2009, 08:51 PM
Yes, Selobaba, that is also my question, about what then we will talk :S



20-05-2009, 09:06 AM
I invite everybody here to download the toolchain 492 MB and start learning and developping their own plugin for Azbox, that will be positive for everybody and contribute to the box success.


That is not so hard :D Where can I upload it ? (I can't find a plugin section on this forum ? :001_07: )

The problem is that that only DMM ... *pardon* ... CCcam knows the communication protocol. Without this, even the best developer on the whole wide web can do no more than spreading rumours that it will work soon.

20-05-2009, 11:08 AM

You can find the toolchain here:


And a plug-in SDK file here:



20-05-2009, 11:58 AM
I apologise, my English is not very well, I'm already quite familiar with the toolchain ;) What I meant is that I want to contribute a home-made plugin. But I dont know where to put it on this forum.
It can (re)start incubus/mgcamd and also download a maintainded (dutch) settingslist.

The other thing what I tried to explain is that you can't develop an EMU client for CCcam from scratch. One does need specific CCcam (source) info to build a proper client.
Correct me if I'm wrong but that leaves us with 2 options:
1.Somebody actually has that info.
2.Somebody is maintaining a hoax.

20-05-2009, 12:19 PM
I think it's always possible to spy the comunication between two CCcam, one client, the other server and that way try to copy that to other EMU.
It's also possible to debug CCcam and see how it behaves.

You don't need the CCcam source code to create an EMU Client.

20-05-2009, 12:48 PM
I think it's always possible to spy the comunication between two CCcam, one client, the other server and that way try to copy that to other EMU.
It's also possible to debug CCcam and see how it behaves.

You don't need the CCcam source code to create an EMU Client.
Monitoring the communication is no big deal, just install wireshark (a.k.a. ethereal) on a pc and use an ordinary hub(-> no switch!! ) to connect it to you netwerk where Ccam is running.
There you can see a nicely encrypted flow of messages.
With a simple encryption algorythm it will take a supercomputer a few months to decypher. Therefore a dead end.
Debugging !? a processor nowadays can handle a few milion instructions per second. That is a lot of time pressing the "next step" key in your favorite debugger.

20-05-2009, 01:19 PM
Maybe, but I still think that someone with the right tools and experience in cracking programs can do it.


20-05-2009, 01:44 PM
Actually it took 6 months to a person to reverse the old protocol ( from 1.71 up to 2.0.11 ) and another 1 week to find out how the new protocol ( from 2.1.0 and up ) works.
So yes, it can be done by a 3rd person, but the difficulty is to build the complete emulator to work properly while receiving ecm from pids ( remember the problem with mbox and multiecm ) on azbox and then forward them to correct filters for searching in the shares list for correct distribution.

Azbox company could hire or buy an already ready part of the code and use it, but from what i know is that they refused to give the money :)

And i dont believe that the CCcam boys will do something for free for azbox.

20-05-2009, 02:20 PM
Plug-in contest is also public, all user's can access SDK, ToolChain, and all what is needed to create plugin's and app's for AzBox HD platform :)

3th time ;) in 4 replies, yes I know.

And I finally got an answer to my initial question: where to place this plugin so it can be shared ?

When CCcam for azbox is realeased I can assure you a few hours later an option is added to this plugin to (re)start this EMU as well ;)

20-05-2009, 02:29 PM
If anyone can help me set up the cross compiler on Debien or Ubuntu then please drop me a line on djblu ::at:: djblu.plus.com

Being a windows programmer(c++) I am finding it a little difficult at the moment.

20-05-2009, 02:50 PM

The_Ripper says:
[14:46:12] i am working , just left to extract how dcw is decrypted
[14:46:16] in cccam protocol
[14:46:22] all other stuff is okey

about new sigma drivers, what i meant was that, if not in next firmware, it will be in SECOND. not 3rd not 4th...... next or second.

20-05-2009, 03:26 PM
read snakie post and you will know how much time is needed to someone extract infos from binary code. Everyone who knows ASM lenguange and using Ida Pro debugger can try to extract CCcam protocol.

I dont have any compiler/code for Azbox that isnt public on net for all developers to start making plugins/emu or maybe I am wrong. It's hard to set up all things needed, but hay it's linux not windows stuff next->next->next->finish and Click and you have compiled your code ...

20-05-2009, 04:01 PM

Thanks for all the people willing to develop new plug-ins on the Azbox.
My personal point of view is that since CCCam support is on its way for the Azbox don't waste your time trying to reverse engineering it.

I guess that other plug-ins can be interesting to develop on the Azbox like special EPG support (like the Media High Way ones for exemple) or the one for Freesat is also asked by many people here, or try to implement OpenTV middleware. Or try to port plug-ins that exist on other platform to the Azbox to have it more and more competitive.

So rather spend your energy to create new plug-ins that doesn't exist and are not announced to be, than trying to work on the same project as other teams.

That's just my personal opinion.


20-05-2009, 04:18 PM
OpenTV EPG and Freesat will hopefully be implemented into the firmwire as OpenSAT now have the source code for both.

I think there should be a wishlist thread then any potential plugin creators have some ideas to work with.

20-05-2009, 05:34 PM

Is it a lot of work to do a plugin for Freesat/Open TV? It could take a while for Opensat maybe to inlcude in main firmware codeline?


20-05-2009, 08:53 PM
OpenTV EPG and Freesat will hopefully be implemented into the firmwire as OpenSAT now have the source code for both.

I think there should be a wishlist thread then any potential plugin creators have some ideas to work with.


I have the same idea but I am afraid that this whishlist thread will turn to nothing like some other threads...


20-05-2009, 09:23 PM
MediaHighWay EPG plugin would be great too!! You can add it to this wishlist very near to the awaited CCC. With this two things the AZbox will be perfect for me.


20-05-2009, 10:35 PM

When CCcam go public for AzBox HD, i expect a lot of aplogies for attacking on AzBox :)

Plug-in contest is also public, all user's can access SDK, ToolChain, and all what is needed to create plugin's and app's for AzBox HD platform :)

Dont worry pal we all are ready to apologise for being wrong etc, az long as we get what we need:respect-050::respect-050:


21-05-2009, 07:47 AM
read snakie post and you will know how much time is needed to someone extract infos from binary code. Everyone who knows ASM lenguange and using Ida Pro debugger can try to extract CCcam protocol.

I dont have any compiler/code for Azbox that isnt public on net for all developers to start making plugins/emu or maybe I am wrong. It's hard to set up all things needed, but hay it's linux not windows stuff next->next->next->finish and Click and you have compiled your code ...

Hello mower.

I think you shouldn't waste your time with cccam, let another crew do the job.

If you put mbox a little better none will remember cccam, if mbox gets emms to update the cards, a nice web interface where we can see the entitlements and stats, and if mbox read every card without newcs or mpcs (fake distances), mbox will be the best emu around.


Dig Deep
21-05-2009, 08:01 AM

I have the same idea but I am afraid that this whishlist thread will turn to nothing like some other threads...


Well, all we need is a dedicated moderator to keep such a thread clean.

It would be a nice one to have so why not try it. We could ask for a hard moderation so everything else is moved away :respect-048:

21-05-2009, 08:40 AM
Hello mower.

I think you shouldn't waste your time with cccam, let another crew do the job.

If you put mbox a little better none will remember cccam, if mbox gets emms to update the cards, a nice web interface where we can see the entitlements and stats, and if mbox read every card without newcs or mpcs (fake distances), mbox will be the best emu around.


That is your opinion. CCC is vital for me.
I bought the box on basis that incubus will work good enough for now until CCC is released.

21-05-2009, 09:01 AM
I think its a pitty we are and I say that looking at the amount of people with DB's that are dependant on CCcam, I think we should all move away from this and get to something else that has a more , shall I say open source code !. CCam and the lack of global support to other boxes is not helping. Just boosts sales of DM.

21-05-2009, 10:47 AM
Well, all we need is a dedicated moderator to keep such a thread clean.

It would be a nice one to have so why not try it. We could ask for a hard moderation so everything else is moved away :respect-048:


I totally agree with you such thread must be keep clean with strong moderation.


21-05-2009, 11:43 AM
IncubusCamd 0.83

Available for processor types: sh4 (tested only on Cuberevo family receivers)

Use the e2 version on cuberevo with enigma 2 on board, the other version (*.sh4) on ipbox 9000/900 with dgstation firmwares
Use the sigma version on azbox hd firmwares

21-05-2009, 11:57 AM
IncubusCamd 0.83

Available for processor types: sh4 (tested only on Cuberevo family receivers)

Use the e2 version on cuberevo with enigma 2 on board, the other version (*.sh4) on ipbox 9000/900 with dgstation firmwares
Use the sigma version on azbox hd firmwares

Are you sure that there is a sigma version for the Azbox ?

Where can we download this ?

If your right then this is fantastic news.



21-05-2009, 12:04 PM
From what I see all versions of Incubus says that, but the executable for Azbox HD is nowhere to be found.

21-05-2009, 12:17 PM
Hope it comes with .sigma this time! Where do you have download and changelog? Latest IncubusCamd was 0.82.

IncubusCamd 0.83

Available for processor types: sh4 (tested only on Cuberevo family receivers)

Use the e2 version on cuberevo with enigma 2 on board, the other version (*.sh4) on ipbox 9000/900 with dgstation firmwares
Use the sigma version on azbox hd firmwares

21-05-2009, 12:34 PM
I think he is only joking with us :D

21-05-2009, 12:59 PM
no he is not joking, Incubuscamd 0.83 is now online , for IPboxes
but without Sigma version yet agein.

i wonder why Incubuscamd crew stoped the support for Azbox HD
im very very disapointed here, and only hope for now is if CCC will be a reality in a short time.

21-05-2009, 01:07 PM
does anyone know where the incusbus team hang out , it may be worth asking them

21-05-2009, 01:07 PM
here is the file but without Sigma version


21-05-2009, 01:10 PM
0.83 is available 4 all sh4 proc. based receivers . Don't think we'll ever c any vers. for az 'cos almost all emu developers r diappointed by opensat attitude . By the way , developers corner site wasn't closed by dmm , that's only scam news , like the 1 about next 2-3 days ccc release .

Cheers ,
Val .

21-05-2009, 01:21 PM
you see no azbox support so not really serious news ;)
Also guys opensat may thinks they've got the right crew onboard to release most wanted plugins so keep in mind this box still at beta stage and remember how much you've paid and what you get ;)
opensat will release the ccc if they want to sell more boxes ...
I still remember the very early days with my dreambox and after all those years of experience they still in trouble with e2 ;)

21-05-2009, 01:55 PM
IncubusCamd team is owned by DGStation which is producing IPBox or actually better CubeRevo ( Previous producer of Mutant 200S, Relook 400 etc. ).

im aware of that mate, i know it is made from the DGS crew
but what i am asking is why did the support for Azbox HD stoped since incubuscamd 0.55 , what made them stop the support

i have IPbox 9000 here , and incubuscamd works perfect with my local cards on a realy old PC.

if Azbox will have had the support from Incubuscamd then we will had never seen so many posts here about CCC , and none will have moan about it.

im just trying to understand why the support stoped, is it becouse Opensat did not cooperate with Incubuscamd team ??

21-05-2009, 02:03 PM
money dude
nothing free in this world ;)
it's not easy to develop these things...
p.s can you use more than 1cline on your ipbox with incubus?

21-05-2009, 03:21 PM
well i have no need to test with more that 1 C line as i have local PC feeding my boxes round the house ( 4 boxes that are always connected)

But yes , i have tested the possibility of more then 1 C line with few mates
and yes it does work very well, have tested 5 c-lines at same time and they do realy work. there are few glitches from time to time, that may irritate some, but for being a betarelease it is stable and ok

The problem with Incubucamd is that is not very stable with WAN connection. but with some small modifed scripts on the box it runs pretty well from WAN also.

For my self i use LAN connection as it is very very very stable, both waching tv and recording at same time is simly very good on LAN

Azbox HD works ok to with LAN connection, but still has few bugs on the old Incubuscamd 0.55 , thats is why im trying to ask why did the support for azbox hd stoped since then.
if is was as stable as Incubuscamd 0.82 that i use now, i simply will used only Azbox HD as it gives me more that other boxes do.

Well azbox hd is very good and very reliable box for the family, easy to use, stable , OK picture quality.

p.s can you use more than 1cline on your ipbox with incubus?

21-05-2009, 03:36 PM
yea that would be great but incubus team has an contract with dgstation thats why we got no more update for azbox :(
money money money $$$

21-05-2009, 05:33 PM
Lets kick some DGS ass with CCC!!!! We need it now!

Luke I am your father: _http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwExDG7n7Zg

21-05-2009, 06:00 PM
Lol :d

22-05-2009, 12:08 AM
but incubuscamd is simple a branch of rqcamd renamed.
Developer was in american forums and took the free source code available and adapted to what you guys use in europe.
You can ask if you want,those sources still avaiable too,for those that want to continue developing,also vdr-sc is open source and even some other emus out there.
Why cry when you can make your own?
Why scare developers away by telling them they are all a bunch of gold diggers??
I bet there would be many coders with good intentions that could code for this box,as long as people stop crying and stop criticizing and stop label them as the scam you guys think they are.

22-05-2009, 01:58 AM
If a developer group works under the contract of a certain company you shouldn't blame us for calling them gold Diggers ;) LOL :D
But it's very normal at the same time cos we all work for money ;)
Opensat should contact that type of Developer groups and Sort the things out ...

22-05-2009, 10:07 PM
So what news NeotionBox, is the current CCcam they created in such a bad shape? Because, currently I can't watch at all anymore, with previous firmwares it was about a half minute every 5 minutes that I could watch, with 0.9.16.. and older I was still able to watch reasonably OK..
Is there no way you can convince them to release whatever they got, because there's an important football derby coming and I really don't want to miss that.

22-05-2009, 10:50 PM
Also they could add busybox 1.5 instead of old 1.00 like we currently have... and add cron so we could do some automatic checking of daemons and restart if they go down. Nothing too complex I guess as Popcorn Hour with similar chipset does it. And also PHP could help do some frontend for plugins...

23-05-2009, 01:43 PM
So what news NeotionBox, is the current CCcam they created in such a bad shape? Because, currently I can't watch at all anymore, with previous firmwares it was about a half minute every 5 minutes that I could watch, with 0.9.16.. and older I was still able to watch reasonably OK..
Is there no way you can convince them to release whatever they got, because there's an important football derby coming and I really don't want to miss that.

My incubuscand(0.55) works fairly well, often hours without a problem and thats over a WAN to a cccam server 2.0.11. I think there must be something wrong your end, does it work OK on the LAN?

23-05-2009, 05:02 PM
So 0.55 works with up to 2011 version of cccam? Thats good news.i will tell u about my tests. This is sthng until we have ccc in our hands

23-05-2009, 05:05 PM
I agree with tiptronic.devs must release what they got so we can test and fix problems soon

24-05-2009, 10:17 PM
New newcs and magiccamd released but no CCC yet!
Another Sunday almost over!!!

24-05-2009, 10:25 PM
a new version?, no way m8 is the old version with some modifications, about CCC probably we need to wait seated, hehehe

24-05-2009, 10:35 PM
but they've promised Ccc will be ready before London 2012 games LoL :D

26-05-2009, 01:23 AM
it will be launched when everyone gives up hope, so everybody start giving up :D

26-05-2009, 07:12 AM
LOL, come on mate don't say that, the world is built on hope

29-05-2009, 01:38 AM
Second pre-release is out, plus a better version already in the making... I say, take it easy... 'till the end of July probably and then we'll see what's the next step...

I will post a lot more later, whatever main points came out in chatting with the guys at Anga Cable Multimedia Fair in Cologne... ;)