View Full Version : Playing Audio CDs in DM8000 using Nabilosat BH v0.10

18-05-2009, 01:47 PM
Example 1. Watching a tv channel. Insert cd in player – message play cd – starts music and a message screen without a message and just a 19 second countdown – media player opens with the filelist / playlist view with all the cd information shown.
When you select another track in the playlist and press ok the same message screen appears with the frozen tv image of what you were watching and then changes back to the filelist / playlist view. If you press ok whilst the message screen is showing it closes but sometimes it interferes with the sound.

Example 2. Watching tv with the same cd already loaded in the player – menu – media player – dvd - filelist opens showing no cd information only track numbers – menu gives various options but these vary and when selected don’t always operate.

Is anyone else having similar problems?