View Full Version : DM8000 tuning problem

19-05-2009, 08:00 AM
I have a tuning problem I have struggled with since getting a DM8K a month ago.I'm very new to DMboxes.
I can scan OK with the basic image that came with the machine but if I tried any other image it would not scan any channels that was not DVBS2/8PSK which means 99.95% of the available channels dont scan or tune in with loaded settings.I have other boxes and a motorised dish and they have no tuning problems.
I came to the conclusion this must be a tuner driver problem( please feel free to knock that theory on the head!). My tuners appear to be the broadcom 4501 DVBS2.
The biggest part of the problem is that after a month of poring over the net looking for an answer I have not come accross a single post by a DM8K owner with same problem. They all seem have taken their machines out of the box and away they went with no similar tuner issues.
Is there anyone who has info aout this issue and who could help with getting this frustrating machine going?
Thanks for reading my post

19-05-2009, 09:25 AM
Load you box with one of the latest images from Nabilo or Gemini and load it into the flash.
Then instead of tuning sats yourself load settinsg such as CAJTON on Likra.
Reboot your box after you load them and report back.

19-05-2009, 11:45 AM
Hi canova
You have mail

19-05-2009, 01:33 PM
Thanks Gerry 55. Message sent.
Thanks for suggestion sonic. I have been through your suggestion already. I did try various settings from this site as well as from within the nabilo10.I also used settings from my own scanning with the basic image. I used dreamset and dreamboxedit at various times.
One thing that convinced me this was a driver issue was that I updated the dvb drivers in the original image with the latest from dreamboxupdate.com and that image also stopped scanning and became just like nabilo etc!
However I am stumped to explain why my machine seems to be the only one with the problem. The 'sole distributor' for DM I bought the machine from have been less than helpful.