View Full Version : Entering biss keys

21-05-2009, 11:17 AM
Can someone please explain to me how to add biss keys in Mvision HD200?
CAS type BISS....ok
ECM-PID.........What goes in here??????
Some keys are 16 numbers long, thats oK. but some are 32 numbers long, which need to to done on 2 lines. How??????
Hope someone out there will take pity on me before my head explodes.....

21-05-2009, 12:00 PM

Fox Sports

8ºW - 11069 H 12667

Syntax value as:- ( 1 line ONLY needed)

11069 0000 01 03 XX XX XX B0 78 2A

You obviously know the correct keys involved.......replace the 'X's with the proper values, ie:

keys start '01' and end '2A'

Keys here:- 34097 34098 34099

21-05-2009, 01:40 PM
Thanks Dishdad. Works great, but what would I do if 2 lines of code were required? Also I notice that ECM-PID is 0000 this cant always be the case, can it?
What is ECM-PIC? I don't understand can some nice person please explain to this confused person?

22-05-2009, 08:45 AM
Example: Discovery 4.8E 12303H 25546
00 C6 xx xx xx xx xx xx DF
01 50 xx xx xx xx xx xx F1
How do I enter 2 lines?
It may be obvious but I don't seem able to enter 2 seperate lines with the same frequency and "0000" ECM_PIC on both lines.
Where am I going wrong? Come on guys HELP! (I'm pulling my fur out)

25-05-2009, 02:10 PM
Hello Satcat,

Sorry I missed your later post.

As you can see and have tried, a single line syntax using the correct 16 keys will clear a BISS encrypted channel.

The MVision HD200 needs only the one line to clear it because the actual CAS system is integrated into the receivers firmware and does not use a seperate emu or similar emulation like many other receivers.....this will always be a disadvantage to MVision users because the current firmware config does not seem to allow an entry or edit for repetative values that you mention, ie: transponders with 2 x '00' lines. You may notice that some versions of the GMXax firmware upgrades do show 2 x lines with '00' but does not allow an edit of the initial SID entry which obviously we need to 'open' the correct channel!

A commonly used BISS value is of 16 keys only and you will find, certainly as is the case with a Dreambox, that the second line syntax that is needed by some emu's, is always a repeat of the first line except that the lines are differed by '00' and '01', ie:-

F 006F1FFF 00 0105E1A506F072AA ; Fox Sport (8.0W)
F 006F1FFF 01 0105E1A506F072AA ; Fox Sport (8.0W)

.....keys are purposely ficticious

The example you mention at 4.8ºE is still, as far as I know, still using PowerVu for encryption so I assume the two lines of keys that you quote are in fact temporary DCW or Constant CW ones and not actually BISS. If this is the case your MVision HD200 cannot accept the config needed. Again, DCW or Constant CW keys are normally of 32 values and, as in the Dreambox with some emu's, use the '00' and '01' lines which do differ with the '01' line content unlike the syntax needed for BISS keys, say:-

F 00371389 00 4338F0AE0130B77C ; Hallmark 4.8E
F 00371389 01 3BA74B0C406C36A6 ; Hallmark 4.8E

.....keys are purposely ficticious

In short, as far as I can see, the HD200 is not capable of manually entering a DCW or Constant CW key config, it being dependant on the firmware content.

Think you may agree Satcat that like many other receivers the HD200 is lacking multiple support on upgrade but we should always remember and respect that the support in question is third party.....the actual official upgrades obviously do not and cannot meet our 'extra' needs **!!

Thanks and best wishes to you. 34213

25-05-2009, 05:02 PM
Thanks Dishdad for your very informative reply.
I am still a bit confused, but you have made things a lot more clear, and made me aware of my receivers limitations.

Thanks again for your help Dishdad.

31-05-2009, 04:25 AM
I have problems with BISS too, though not sure if its the same as Satcat. I have a Humax 5400 and have located the 16 letters and numbers as required for Fox Sports, Fox News and Discovery (8W) under BISS-FIXED DCW, line numbered 00 70 and 00 6F. I may have put these in sometime but have never been able to see these channels.

Can anyone help at all plz as know what hair pulling is all about and dont have as much as a Satcat for sure....purrrrrr

31-05-2009, 08:13 AM
I have problems with BISS too, though not sure if its the same as Satcat. I have a Humax 5400.........

Sorry do not have a Humax but, is this file suitable for your model of receiver....you can find it in the last post in this thread:-

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=625417#post62541 7

If not, perhaps starting a new thread in the appropriate Humax section will yield the answers you need.

Best wishes. 34558

02-06-2009, 04:35 AM
Thanks for advice Dishdad. I tried anyway but not sure what went wrong when I added the file. Used DSR 9500 from Humax Toolbox (ages since I added anything via pc actually) but all the letters and codes from the entire Ram Editor have gone.
Also when I try and enter new ones manually for 1w, they wont add. am sure its probably something simple but advice from anyone who can help would be appreciated. Cheers

05-06-2009, 10:27 AM
Can anyone open the MGM channels 10E 12611H?
I have put what I think are upto date keys in, and changed freq to 12611 (it was 12717)
but my Mvision HD200 wont open these channels.
Any ideas guys?????????
Thanks in advance.

31-10-2009, 09:15 PM
Hello Satcat,

Sorry I missed your later post.

As you can see and have tried, a single line syntax using the correct 16 keys will clear a BISS encrypted channel.

The MVision HD200 needs only the one line to clear it because the actual CAS system is integrated into the receivers firmware and does not use a seperate emu or similar emulation like many other receivers.....this will always be a disadvantage to MVision users because the current firmware config does not seem to allow an entry or edit for repetative values that you mention, ie: transponders with 2 x '00' lines. You may notice that some versions of the GMXax firmware upgrades do show 2 x lines with '00' but does not allow an edit of the initial SID entry which obviously we need to 'open' the correct channel!

A commonly used BISS value is of 16 keys only and you will find, certainly as is the case with a Dreambox, that the second line syntax that is needed by some emu's, is always a repeat of the first line except that the lines are differed by '00' and '01', ie:-

F 006F1FFF 00 0105E1A506F072AA ; Fox Sport (8.0W)
F 006F1FFF 01 0105E1A506F072AA ; Fox Sport (8.0W)

.....keys are purposely ficticious

The example you mention at 4.8ºE is still, as far as I know, still using PowerVu for encryption so I assume the two lines of keys that you quote are in fact temporary DCW or Constant CW ones and not actually BISS. If this is the case your MVision HD200 cannot accept the config needed. Again, DCW or Constant CW keys are normally of 32 values and, as in the Dreambox with some emu's, use the '00' and '01' lines which do differ with the '01' line content unlike the syntax needed for BISS keys, say:-

F 00371389 00 4338F0AE0130B77C ; Hallmark 4.8E
F 00371389 01 3BA74B0C406C36A6 ; Hallmark 4.8E

.....keys are purposely ficticious

In short, as far as I can see, the HD200 is not capable of manually entering a DCW or Constant CW key config, it being dependant on the firmware content.

Think you may agree Satcat that like many other receivers the HD200 is lacking multiple support on upgrade but we should always remember and respect that the support in question is third party.....the actual official upgrades obviously do not and cannot meet our 'extra' needs **!!

Thanks and best wishes to you. 34213

F 006F1FFF 01 0105E1A506F072AA ; Fox Sport (8.0W)

.....keys are purposely ficticious

What does that bit in bold mean?

03-11-2009, 09:04 AM
F 006F1FFF 01 0105E1A506F072AA ; Fox Sport (8.0W)

What does that bit in bold mean?

006F being the SID (SERVICE ID) and 1FFF the BISS SID.

Lyngsat etc etc list the SID in DEC format (111) whereas the HD200 requires the syntax input as HEX (006F)..as you know the syntax varies greatly depending on the receiver/firmware/emu being employed.

The other two channels on 11069 at 8ºW have syntax value:

F 00011FFF = Fox News with SID of 0001 in HEX (DEC equiv =1)

F 00701FFF = Discovery Channel with SID of 0070 in HEX (DEC equiv =112)

Harshy...best wishes. 38276

06-11-2009, 10:12 PM
Thank you dishdad for the information :)

23-11-2009, 01:21 AM
is it possible to put 12 digit B1ss-1 key in a dreambox dm800?

06-02-2010, 10:13 PM
I got info for a BLISS KEY CODE to a channel here in the US,
but have no idea how to enter it in to an AZBOX

Any FAQ's available ?


21-06-2010, 01:52 PM
Hi to everyone..I'm a newbie.

Can anyone help me how to enter a 32 digit key into ARISAT AR600 receiver. Thanks..